Stones and Minerals

All about Euclase stone

All about Euclase stone

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  1. Origin
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Chemical and physical characteristics
  4. Magical properties
  5. What zodiac signs fit?
  6. Product care

Euclase is one of the rarest minerals on earth. The name consists of two ancient Greek words - “good” and “break”. That is, the stone breaks easily. Therefore, in Russia it is called fragile. Because of this feature, working with him is hard, only the most experienced jewelers take on the order. As a result, the decoration is very expensive, which does not reduce the demand for this rare stone. Raw stone is also highly valued by collectors.


The history of the discovery begins in 1785. According to the most common version, euclases were brought to Europe from South America. At first, he was researched by a scientist from France, Gauy R. Zh. Then in 1858, when a sample of this mineral was found in Russia, the Russian scientist NI Koksharov studied it. Afterwards, genuine interest from collectors flared up to the euclase. However, this stone is so rare that until 1914 it was found only 25 pieces.

To date, the absolute majority of the crystals found are from private individuals or in the collections of the museum.

Place of Birth

Usually, this rare stone is found in acid intrusions pegmatites (granitic pegmatites), which contain deposits of quartz and beryllium. The mined samples are small in size - from 3 mm to 1.5 cm. Despite the small number of deposits, they are scattered around the world. This includes African countries (Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Mozambique), some European countries (Italy, Germany, Finland, Austria, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom).

Also mining is carried out in China, USA, Colombia, Sri Lanka. In Brazil, find the highest quality samples. As for our country, mineral is mined in Russia in the south of the Ural Mountains and in Yakutia.

Chemical and physical characteristics

Euclase is a compound based on beryl and aluminum. Different colors are due to the content of copper, manganese and chromium. For example, blue is a sign of iron, and light green or light yellow is chromium. The stone is mostly transparent, most often found in shades of blue and turquoise, but it can also be colorless. The color of some crystals varies depending on the angle of incidence of sunlight from pale blue to dark blue. In addition, the upper part of the mineral is usually of a lighter shade.

According to the table of relative hardness of minerals - Mohs scale, Euclase has a coefficient of 7.5, which corresponds to topaz or quartz. But, as already mentioned, because of its fragility, the stone is poorly amenable to processing. They prefer to keep it uncut.

Therefore, jewelry with this stone is very small. It is characterized by a pronounced glass shine and transparency. The average density is 3.1 g / cm3. The shape of prismatic crystals, elongated. The cleavage, that is, the ability of crystalline grains to split in certain directions is perfect.

Magical properties

It is believed that all stones and minerals created by nature have magical powers. When the owner wears it around him, these forces are released. Evklaz - a stone for mature people. It is in the hands of adult strengths that he reveals his magic. Crystal helps to concentrate on the main goal, to determine where to direct their energy. It clarifies the mind and helps to avoid mistakes.

The talisman from euclase will bring peace and quiet, contributes to the achievement of pacification, will push back the onset of old age and support health.The owner of this stone becomes more insightful, it is easier for him to step back and look at the situation from the outside.

It should be remembered that it is not suitable for young people. His energy can awaken in them selfishness, self-confidence and greed. Practicing magicians use a crystal to restore their spiritual strength, to establish communication with the other world. Besides, mineral helps to find missing people, as well as predict the future.

The ability of Euclase to positively affect human health is associated with its color.

  • Pale green reduces blood pressure and its attendant symptoms - headache, dizziness. Also struggles with the effects of stress, removes from depression.
  • Yellow cheers up. Blue and blue shades have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, contribute to the normalization of appetite.
  • Euclase turquoise (often referred to as "eastern aquamarine" because of its similarity with aquamarine) improves health in such severe mental illnesses as schizophrenia, autism, psychosis. It has a calming effect.

What zodiac signs fit?

Astrologers associate this gem with the planet Neptune. It is believed that the talisman of this crystal has the most beneficial effect on Cancers. It promotes the development of intuition, communication with representatives of other worlds, provides support for higher powers. Euclase is also suitable for another watermark - Pisces. Promotes the development of creative abilities, eliminates the addiction. The positive effect of the talisman will be felt by the Twins: the negative character traits will be smoothed out, the intuition will increase.

Aquarius, he will help to unleash their creative potential and empower them. Scales will help to be more restrained, relieve mood swings, improve relationships both at work and in personal life. Taurus will become more friendly, and Virgin will allow family troubles. Capricorns will be able to achieve the objectives in the professional field. Strongly not recommended as a talisman for Aries. Because the fire element of this sign is contrary to the energy of the stone.

Although some astrologers allow the wearing of a stone for those who work in the field of science or travel.

Product care

Euclase is considered a rarity, therefore both jewelry and raw crystals are expensive. He needs very careful handling. Of course, dropping, scratching, and hitting a stone is strongly not recommended, because it is fragile. This will cause irreparable damage to the product. Do not allow contact with water, otherwise the mineral will lose its properties. To clean the dirt is better to use dry cleaning. It is preferable to store separately from other jewelry, wrapped in a soft fabric.

Look at the euclase closer you can in the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


