Stones and Minerals

Heliodor: features and properties of the stone

Heliodor: features and properties of the stone

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  1. Description meaning
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Magical properties
  4. Who is suitable?
  5. Application
  6. Mineral care

Each mineral has unique properties that should be considered when selecting a stone for yourself. The original and attractive in this regard is the heliodor. The features and properties of the stone made it quite popular. At the same time it is important to be able to choose the right mineral so that it fits the owner according to all characteristics.

Description meaning

Goldberyl, or as it is now called, Heliodorus, is a truly solar mineral, one of the varieties of beryl. The Greeks called it "the gift of the sun", because its original color, rich and radiant, resembles rays frozen in time.

This stone has high strength. According to this indicator, it is comparable with the hardest minerals - emerald and aquamarine, therefore, the diamond cutting method is used for its processing. To verify the authenticity, first of all take into account the strength. To determine the required index stone spend on glass. From such an action should remain marks in the form of scratches.

In nature, crystals are usually of impressive size. During processing, they are crushed, since excessively large stones can cause harm to the body due to their radioactivity. In this regard, experts recommend eliminating prolonged contact of the mineral with exposed skin.

The stone itself has a yellow color. Its depth may vary depending on the ratio of components. Also, the mineral may have blotches, filaments of green color, if the composition has an increased amount of iron. Also on the appearance of the stone affects the amount of the main component - dangerous uranium. The larger it is, the more transparent the tint will be at heat treatment.

The most attractive looks mineral with a lemon or golden hue. At the same time it should be transparent and have a deep color.

Muddy stones are used for the production of jewelry rarely, their cost is low, but they are not in demand.

Place of Birth

Heliodor was first discovered more than 100 years ago in the territory of Namibia. Even then, his external qualities were highly appreciated by jewelers and began to use stone for the production of jewelry, such as bracelets, earrings, rings. He was popular with people of all ages.

Now the field of mining of crystals is expanding. Today Heliodor is supplied:

  • Brazil;
  • USA;
  • the island states of Madagascar, Sri Lanka;
  • Russia.

The deposits discovered on the territory of Siberia and Transbaikalia are unique, as there are mined specimens, which amaze with originality of their appearance.

Magical properties

Mages often use this mineral when performing rites and rituals, since it is believed that it has a positive effect on the human aura, is able to strengthen and strengthen it, and has a beneficial effect on spiritual development. Stone is no less popular among ordinary people. Since ancient times, they believe that:

  • has a positive effect on the psychological sphere;
  • able to eliminate the effects of overvoltage;
  • helps to gain self-confidence;
  • get complete relaxation;
  • bring inspiration.

In view of these features, young women who want to attract attention, strengthen relationships, or preserve a family prefer to wear jewelry inlaid with heliodorum. Also popular is the mineral among students seeking to excel in a particular science.

The wearing of golden beryl has a beneficial effect on workaholics who are in constant tension. It helps to relieve stress, recuperate and normalize the psychological state. It is useful to have such a talisman at home, as it helps to remove the load of emotions after a hard day.

Also, magicians recommend talking to a stone if you need to resolve a difficult situation or find a solution to a problem.

Who is suitable?

You can pick up jewelry with heliodor on different criteria:

  • name;
  • type of character;
  • existing diseases;
  • zodiac sign

It is believed that a special contact is established in the mineral with girls Oksana, Yulia and Rimma, as well as guys Vladimir, Stepan and Gleb. For them the heliodor can become a successful talisman, a talisman that brings good luck and protects against external negative influence.

The mineral is ideally suited to active people who have contact with a large number of people. Actually wearing such a stone for people of the following professions:

  • teachers;
  • psychologists;
  • lawyers and prosecutors;
  • people of creative professions;
  • service staff.

At the same time, in shy people, heliodor can enhance hidden qualities, affect openness to communication, and eliminate self-doubt.

It is recommended to carry this mineral with you to the following people.

  1. Loving travel. It is believed that the stone helps to choose the right direction and stick to the intended path, working as a compass.
  2. Purposeful. Persons building far-reaching plans aimed at achieving significant results in their careers, with the help of a heliodor, will be able to activate their internal reserves and believe in success.
  3. Wishing to find a soul mate. Mineral helps to move in the right direction in search of love, as well as maintain existing relationships.
  4. Insecure. The effect of low self-esteem on a person’s life can be minimized thanks to golden beryl, as it helps to eliminate insecurity, prevents communication with hypocrites and vile individuals.

Also Heliodor is able to beneficially affect well-being. It is recommended to have with you such a stone for those who have:

  • inhibited metabolism;
  • problems with the liver and spleen;
  • disorders of the pancreas;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • arrhythmia

Despite the fact that the mineral is suitable for active people, people with a lack of physical activity will also be able to experience all the advantages of wearing it.

According to astrologers, heliodor is like the following signs of the zodiac.

  1. Libra. These individuals will help the stone to gain confidence, to solve difficult situations, to gain self-confidence.
  2. Twins. The mineral is able to inspire optimism, add inspiration to new achievements.
  3. Fish. Ornaments inlaid with heliodor help to eliminate depressive states.
  4. Lions. Golden beryl copes with emotional disruptions, is able to normalize the mental state of overexcited individuals.

It is important for these zodiac signs to combine jewelery properly. So, the combination of a gold mineral with silver is important for the elements of Air, but for "fiery" people it is better to combine the mineral with gold elements.


Jewelry with heliodor are in great demand, therefore, proven sellers carefully monitor the quality of the product, as an improperly processed mineral can have a negative impact on human health. Also unreliable jewelers can replace the heliodor with citrine similar in its external properties, but in this case it will not have the necessary qualities.

Fake stones are difficult to distinguish visually, so it is worth conducting a thorough analysis. You can do this by checking the strength, running the mineral on the glass and inspecting the presence of traces. A genuine stone, extracted in the natural environment, will surely leave scratches, which artificial analogs and fakes cannot make.

Jewelers use Heliodor when creating bracelets and pendants. Originally it looks in rings and earrings.. Experts recommend to buy exactly rings and bracelets, as they are removed from the thyroid gland, which is quite susceptible to various kinds of effects. Carrying pendants with a heliodor has an effective effect, but it cannot be done regularly.

For example, for a young girl who wants to attract attention in a large company, a pendant with a sunny stone will fit perfectly.

The following types of jewelry are common among women:

  • rings - here the stone can have a different shape and cut, among which the drop, ball or trapezium is the most popular;
  • bracelets can combine gold beryl in several shades or combinations with other stones;
  • pendants should be picked up with a small mineral and worn only in exceptional cases;
  • Earrings will also help to attract the attention of a large circle of people, but their long wearing is not recommended.

Men are in demand:

  • rings, which usually contain a large stone of the correct form;
  • cufflinks that look discreet, but are able to attract success and the attention of others;
  • tie clips perfectly complement the ensemble in combination with cufflinks.

Heliodor is in harmony with gold and silver, so you can select it based on personal preferences.

Mineral care

To prolong the life of the heliodor jewelery, you should ensure that it is properly cared for. It is extremely simple, while it makes it possible to preserve the external attractiveness and color of the mineral.

  1. It is necessary to exclude falls and other mechanical effects. Despite the high strength of the stone, the integrity of the polishing can be compromised, which makes the shine disappear.
  2. To maintain the beauty of the glossy surface, it is enough to wipe the heliodor with water with the addition of ammonia and soap. It is important to dry the jewelry to prevent moisture accumulation.
  3. Dry cleaning will help maintain the beauty of the mineral. For this, rings and bracelets must be wiped with soda with a small amount of water.
  4. It is important to properly store golden beryl, because the direct rays of the sun have a negative effect on it. The effect of ultraviolet radiation affects the shade and may lead to burnout.

The frequency of care procedures will depend on the intensity of wearing the jewelry. It will be enough to clean the stone once every 3 months and dry clean once every six months.

Jewelry with heliodor are expensive, but by purchasing such an ornament, you can get a strong talisman and charm. Before buying, you should carefully study all the properties and characteristics of the stone, as well as learn the subtleties of care, so that the mineral brings only benefit and long pleased the owner with its attractive appearance.

You can find out more about the Heliodor stone by watching the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


