Stones and Minerals

Hematite stone overview

Hematite stone overview

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  1. Origin
  2. Properties
  3. Colors
  4. Mineral Types
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to distinguish from fakes?
  7. What stones does it match?
  8. Areas of use
  9. Stone care

Hematite is one of the most common minerals. Its color can be diverse, and the stone itself is widely used to create jewelry and not only.


Hematite can be represented as a non-crystalline substance if it is limonite that has lost moisture due to elevated ambient temperatures. Its hardness is 5-6 on the recognized Mohs scale. The crystal system is represented as a hexagon.

There are natural crystals that are found in thin plates, as well as in bunches of small mica plates and in thin fragments. There are scalyneedral and rhombohedral crystals, as well as groups of tabular. Crystals are often furrowed. Often in the breed you can find dendritic and rosette forms. It can form as pseudomorphs after other minerals.

The name "hematite" in Greek means "blood." Many of its forms have other names. Scientists call hematite a mineral; in the people it is more often possible to meet other names:

  • bloodstone;
  • hematin;
  • black or alaskan diamond.

    The largest hematite deposits in the world have sedimentary origin in the rock. The world's largest production - almost 75 million tons of hematite per year, is in North America. Other important deposits include deposits in Minas Gerais (Brazil), where hematite is found in metamorphosed sediments. Also, the mineral is mined in large quantities in Hierro Bolivar (Venezuela), Labrador and Quebec (Canada).

    Hematite appears in the rock as an auxiliary mineral in the feldspathic magmatic cliffs in the form of granite. In red sandstones, the mineral acts as a material that binds quartz grains.

    Huge deposits of stone are in the United States. Iron ore ranges stretch from east to west:

    • Marquette Ridge to Michigan;
    • the Menominee Ridge in Michigan southwest of Marquette;
    • the Penoki-Gogebik Ridge in Wisconsin;
    • Mesabi Range north of Duluth in Minnesota.

      Here, hematite is presented both in the form of a black mica mirror variety, and of a soft red earthy type.

      It is easy to confuse mineral hematite with an artificial material called “magnetic hematite”. In some forms, both stones have a very similar silvery appearance. Some suggest that magnetic hematite is simply a “magnetized” stone, in fact, even though it contains a lot of iron, the mineral has a weak magnetic field. On the other hand, mineral magnetite is very magnetized and many often mistakenly believe that it is an artificial material.

      Hematite is a product of magnetite transformation, it crystallizes in a rhombohedral system and has the same crystal structure as ilmenite and corundum. The described mineral and ilmenite are formed at temperatures above 950 ° C. It is harder than pure iron, but much more fragile.

      Hematite crystals can appear as a secondary mineral formed as a result of weathering processes in the soil, as well as along with other iron oxides or oxyhydroxides, such as goethite, which is responsible for the red color of many tropical ancient soils.

      Popular use of hematite in jewelry was in Europe during the Victorian era.Then stone jewelry was considered a sign of mourning.


      Hematite has unique physical properties that are used not only in science. In addition, the stone is used in astrology and magic, it is able to positively affect human health with its energy. Great importance in the formation of its color have impurities. Not all of its forms are a precious mineral, some of which can only be considered semi-precious.


      If we talk about the description of the physical properties of hematite, then it is worth starting with the fact that it is infusible and becomes strongly magnetic when heated. Slowly soluble in hydrochloric acid, in a solution of potassium ferrocyanide produces a dark blue precipitate.

      It is an opaque mineral with a specific gravity of 4.9 to 5.3. Glitter close to a dull metallic. When exposed, it does not split, but in some cases demonstrates basal or rhombohedral stratification. The density of the stone - 5095 - 5205 kg / m3, while the iron content in it can be different.

      The stone is slightly, but still attracts to the magnetic field, it is referred to the group of oxides or simple oxides. Deposit formation can occur in any environment without any specific conditions. The type of breed containing it can be:

      • magmatic;
      • sedimentary;
      • metamorphic.

        Not very often patches of hematite can occur in limonite or even quartz.

        Scientists have learned to obtain a mineral from magnetite, which is popular for its unique magnetic properties, which completely disappear when heated to a temperature of 220 degrees.


        The healing properties of the mineral for man are known for a long time. It is equally useful for both men and women. No wonder that when translated from another language, hematite means “blood”. Mineral has a positive effect on body fluids in all respects.

        It is believed that it helps with detoxification and is used for weight loss.

        One of the healing properties of this stone is its use to stabilize blood circulation and combat hyperemia and embolism. A positive effect is also known on the small intestine, where the mineral helps in the absorption of iron, which improves the process of supplying the body with oxygen.

        What is very important to know about this stone is that some people cannot contact him, as this causes the skin to become inflamed, signs of irritation appear. Hematite should not be worn even if there are inflammations, viral or infectious diseases in the body. Well the stone affects the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, although scientists can not confirm this fact.

        If a person is faced with the problem of blood clotting, then he definitely needs to wear a ring with this stone or earrings. It is a mineral by which wounds and burns heal faster.

        People suffering from low blood pressure should also wear a black diamond. But those who have it increased, it is extremely contraindicated to wear jewelry with a mineral on yourself.

        Of the other irreplaceable healing properties of a stone, it is worth highlighting

        • help with fractures, since the process of bone healing is faster;
        • the stone is able to heal blood vessels, helps with anemia and heart problems;
        • in the composition of the blood, the number of erythrocytes is improved, the blood formation process improves in the bone marrow.


        If you go back to the stone age, it is known for certain that the tribes used hematite as a talisman to protect against witchcraft. In ancient Rome, he was also very popular with legionnaires, because it was believed that the mineral helped in time to learn about the ambush and saved the soldiers from wounds.

        As a talisman for the house is better to use a figurine of hematite. In Russia, they were always placed in bed with a small child. They said that such a talisman protected him not only from evil spirits, but also from children's ailments.There are tributes according to which people succeeded, thanks to an amulet from hematite, to protect themselves from encounters with evil forces.

        In Tibet, they say that the mysterious country of Shambhala is associated precisely with the described mineral. That is why you can find jewelery from hematite in the monasteries. Rumor has it that if a person could grasp the power of a mineral, the stone will give him the opportunity to communicate with the spirits of the dead.

        The stone endows its bearer with the priceless gift of the seer, extraordinary wisdom. If you use it correctly, it will help to comprehend the secrets of the Universe, so often a black diamond is found among the magical attributes of fortunetellers, because it makes the future clear and understandable.

        Hematite refers to the stone of Mars and Pluto, He has great energy and can improve the mood of his master. Mineral helps absorb negative energy and soothes during times of stress or anxiety.

        This is a defender who allows you to keep your mind sober in any situation

        Hematite is also good for working with the root chakra, it helps to convert negative energy into positive vibrations. A mineral can help find an individuality in oneself, thanks to it a person maintains composure even in a difficult situation. His positive energy is aimed at human self-improvement.

        Hematite strengthens self-confidence, meditation with him is more successful, it helps to direct the energy of the spirit to balance physical condition.

        Hematite talisman is extremely necessary for scientists, as its energy contributes to concentration. This stone can also help with math and thinking, it sets the balance between mind and spirit.

        Hematite is known to reduce the effects of negative energy. The planet associated with this stone is Saturn. The element that is associated with hematite is fire, therefore it is recommended first of all to Aries. But this stone is not only Aries, but also Aquarius, as well as Scorpio, whom he protects, warns of danger, improves intuition, increases sexuality, and can additionally charge with energy when necessary.


        Huge deposits of hematite are found in glandular formations. Gray stone is usually found in places where there is standing water or mineral hot springs, for example, in Yellowstone National Park in the United States. The mineral can precipitate from the water and collect in layers at the bottom of the lake. It can also form without water, however, as a rule, as a result of volcanic activity.

        Mineral Color:

        • black;
        • gray
        • silver;
        • brown;
        • red-brown;
        • red;
        • rainbow.

          Any stone in color looks simply amazing. From the name it is clear that some of its forms have a blood-red hue, but in addition, the mineral may be gold or even yellow. These shades are opaque, rather matte, due to the physical properties of the stone.

          The final color of the mineral depends on the quality and quantity of impurities contained in it. Rarely, but still there is blue and green hematite. As a rule, it is a polished water stone with a metallic sheen.

          Mineral Types

          Most scientists distinguish only two forms of the mineral:

          • red glass head;
          • speculative.

          But there are those who talk about a much larger number of its varieties, among which there is iron mica, that is, stones with a scaly structure. There is also a martit - a stone with different inclusions. You can hear in the academic world and the iron rose - a mineral in which the crystals are connected not as usual, but in the form of a wild rose.

          Gray crystals have a metallic luster, they are known as iron ore, thin scaly types are called micaceous hematite.

          Most of the mineral is formed in a soft, fine-grained earthy form called red ocher. Intermediate between these types is renal or pencil ore.Red ocher is used as a pigment to create paint, the purified form is used for polishing sheet glass.

            If the composition of the mineral contains water, it takes the form of tree buds. This is the so-called hydrohematite, which is also considered a form of hematite. The most common hypergenic red iron ore.

            Who is suitable?

            The described mineral is not suitable for all elements, because it has a complex character and powerful energy. Be sure to wear it Aries - they are one of those who are allowed to do it every day. It is especially important to wear hematite jewelry at important meetings or when making decisions.

            A perfect addition to the image and a wonderful amulet will be a ring of silver with an insert of hematite.

            In this case, men are recommended to wear it on the index finger of the left hand, and the fair sex - on the right.

            Black diamond brings success in business, it gives the necessary self-confidence. It becomes much easier for women of the fire element to cope with stress. The statuette made of mineral attracts good luck.

            The stone is suitable for the strong spirit of the Scorpios, who with such an assistant will surely achieve great success and material well-being. You can wear jewelry in the form of beads, and you can just keep the mineral in the bag.

            Scorpio men get good support from the mineral, they manage to find the necessary words during business meetings, women gain confidence in the stone.

            Even hematite helps children cope with unwarranted fears.

            Bring luck mineral and Raku, because it will become the center of concentration of its positive vital energy. With such a talisman, success will come to him not only at work, but also in his personal life.

            It is best to wear a cross from jewelry to Cancers, women can use a brooch.

            It is best of all that the mineral is processed using the cabochon technique, since it is this cut that allows the ornament to be given a special shine.

            Men Cancers will be less in conflict, will gain the confidence they need and will quickly move to the goal with a hematite talisman.

            Virgos who do not like to change anything in their lives are prone to doubt and constraint, will find many useful things in the mineral. They will become more bold, ready for experiments. With the help of hematite, personal life is sure to improve. Mineral well protects children from adverse effects.

            Aquarians who spray their energy too much and sometimes cannot concentrate on something important should have a stone with them.

            Alaskan diamond allows you to focus on the main thing, save from negatives.

            Astrologers advise to have a black diamond statuette in the house, because then the energy of the stone will attract good luck in the financial sphere, make the house a full bowl, and improve the relationship between the household.

            An amulet made of stone to Gemini and Sagittarius will help. The first will always be in the spotlight, while around them the mineral will create a solid protection against bad looks. As for the Streltsov, the stone, first of all, will protect them from themselves.

            How to distinguish from fakes?

            If you know what it is worth paying attention to, then it will not be difficult to determine a real or synthetic stone even for a person without geological education. It is difficult to disagree with the fact that the market is increasingly filled with fakes, which is why it is so important to know what natural hematite looks like.

            If we take into account the chemical composition, then in the blood there is a lot of iron, respectively, even a small decoration should have a decent weight.

            You can check the naturalness of the stone using a rough bright surface. Mineral will need to spend a little on it. When hematite is real, it leaves behind a red strip. If there is no such trace, then a well-executed fake is in front of the buyer.

            The third indicator of authenticity is cost.The price for the finished product may depend on many factors, including with which metal hematite is combined. Mineral is not included in the list of rare, it is mined around the world, but too low price should be alarming. The better the cut, the more expensive the product.

            If you want to buy jewelery with black hematite, you can come across plastic or ceramics. It is enough to put it into the water to check it out - the natural stone is heavy, it will sink, and the fake is not.

            If there is a magnet nearby, some use it for authentication. Krovavik does not have a large magnetism, but it still attracts.

            What stones does it match?

            Any jewelry looks more attractive if its design uses not one mineral, but several, which perfectly complement each other. In combination with other stones, hematite will sparkle with new colors. The best suited to him malachite, because their colors and energy as well as possible combined.

            Often you can find a mineral in combination with limonite or lava stone. They can be worn together without fear that the minerals will oppose each other.

            You should not use artificial materials in parallel with natural stone, for example, rhinestones or beads, since such jewelry looks cheap and does not have the necessary energy for humans.

            Areas of use

            There are several main areas of application of the described mineral. Thanks to its attractive appearance, jewelers around the world have been able to appreciate it. Rings, charms, crafts are very popular.

            Any product from hematite requires careful maintenance, so they should be stored in a box. Very bad mineral reacts to a rough mechanical effect.

            But jewelry is not the only sphere where the mineral has found its use.. Precisely because it contains a large amount of iron, hematite is used in heavy industry, in the manufacture of steel or even iron. In hematite ore to 50, and sometimes 65% of iron.

            The red shade of ocher became popular in the visual arts. The stone is used as a pigment to create paint.

            Despite the fact that hematite exhibits medicinal properties, it is not used in medicine as a medicament. The mineral can be used in combination with other methods to help the body in the fight against the disease.

            Stone care

            The structure of hematite has endowed him with such a quality as fragility. For this reason, it should not be dropped, you will definitely need to save it from mechanical impact. Be sure to protect the black diamond from friction on a rough surface. Do not wear jewelry with him on yourself when playing sports or during cleaning. It is better to remove it in the box, so that the mineral gained strength.

            All hematite jewelry collects negative energy on itself, which is why they sometimes require high-quality cleaning. Simply hold the product under running water, and then put it on a soft towel so that it dries out.

            More details about hematite and its properties are discussed in the next video.

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            Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


