Stones and Minerals

Hydrothermal emerald: what it is, properties and uses

Hydrothermal emerald: what it is, properties and uses

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  1. What it is?
  2. History of creation
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Properties
  5. How is it created?
  6. Spheres of use
  7. Comparison with natural stone

Jewelry departments of trading houses attract with sparkling multicolored stones and an abundance of various decorations. The choice is so great that, unwittingly, a thought comes to mind - are all these natural stones really? Moreover, the price of products is very variable - from luxury products to the most budget. If you ask this question to the seller, then, most likely, you can hear the answer that most of the gems for jewelry today are grown artificially.

Information of this kind can repel a person who does not have information about the process of growing nanocones. This is not a fake, not a glass and not imitation. Today we will talk about nano izumrude.

What it is?

Hydrothermal emerald is also called a nanocrystal, and it is fundamentally different from the natural mineral. Despite the considerable number of deposits where emeralds are mined, laboratories for growing artificial stones are flourishing.

One of the reasons why synthetic production is necessary is the rarity of finding really large emeralds.

The most common minerals are small in size. Laboratory conditions allow you to create stones of any shape, size.

This production is quite profitable, since emerald dust is used for growing, that is, very tiny crystals that cannot be used in standard jewelry. Thus, the production and processing of the mineral becomes almost waste-free. The nano-emerald looks very impressive: the cut is clear, the color is clean, beautiful. After all, it lacks any natural impurities. Unlike natural stone, it is quite flawless in appearance.

It creates high-quality artificial stone for more than a month. Characteristics of hydrothermal emerald:

  • color - rich greens, shades may vary;
  • there are impurities of brown tone and tubular;
  • glass shine;
  • resistant to sunlight and acids.

This method of production allows to obtain, in fact, high-class synthetic minerals that are used in jewelry. They are perfectly transparent and look great in a frame of silver, gold, platinum. This emerald is an absolute analogue of the natural, it is neither a glass fake, nor a rhinestone.

History of creation

Since the size of natural emeralds did not allow them to be actively used in jewelry, scientists have long thought about creating high-quality imitation. Large stones were incredibly expensive due to their rarity as well. Scientists have set themselves the task of creating stones that, according to external characteristics, will not yield to natural specimens.. It took a long time to create a really clean, solid, shiny stone.. For the first time, emerald was synthesized at the end of the 19th century by scientists Otfel and Perret. At the beginning of the 20th century, German laboratories began to actively use this experience and develop it, but the work was carried out under the “secret” stamp until the middle of the 20th century.

The first artificial emeralds were significantly inferior to natural ones in their characteristics, both in external and in other qualities.

Russian scientists under the leadership of A. Lebedev also engaged in similar developments. As for the creation of a Colombian emerald, we owe this discovery to D. Fursenko and V. Thomas.After the production of synthetic emerald was declassified in the 60s, laboratories began to be created around the world. Today, production is very common, the process is technologically improved and allows you to get stones that are almost as good as natural ones.

A. Lebedev

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, the value of natural stones can not be leveled, but mining and mining are quite labor-intensive. To produce a small amount of medium-sized stones, it is necessary to process a huge number of rocks. Therefore, it is obvious that artificially grown emerald costs mankind less, it is easier to create. There are several advantages of nano-emeralds:

  • Direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation are not a problem for a hydrothermal stone, while a natural emerald fades, becomes cloudy, loses shine under its influence;
  • nano-emerald has greater hardness, durability compared to natural, therefore less susceptible to mechanical influence;
  • as the production of stones is much less expensive than mining, respectively, the final price is much lower, while the natural emerald will be less perfect externally.

As for the minuses, only one can be identified here - an artificial stone is not created by nature, it is made by man, respectively, the value of a stone, even without taking production into account, is much lower.

Connoisseurs of natural stones will never prefer a nano-emerald to that which was created without human participation.


First of all, it is necessary to understand that the nano-emerald is not a fake in its qualities and properties. This is an analogue that is identical to the natural one on most signs:

  • chemical type composition;
  • lattice structure of crystals;
  • appearance, purity, brilliance, colors.

Moreover, in many ways, the hydrothermal stone is ahead of its natural counterpart. They are more durable, there are no defects and cracks in them, which lead to destructive consequences for the stone. Since in jewelry, stones of a deep, dark shade are welcomed, nano-emeralds are predominantly produced in a richly dark gamut of greenery. They are clean and transparent.

With regard to the magical and healing properties of the stone, there is a perception that the artificially grown mineral does not possess them, since it was created by man.

However, experts have a different opinion, and here's why: regardless of the method of production, the stone is based on a mineral that retains all the energy and strength.

What properties a synthetic mineral is endowed with:

  • thanks to purity, it brings success, making its owner more impeccable;
  • able to improve the condition of people with disorders of the nervous system, heart problems;
  • has soothing properties, relieves aggression, irritability, balances mental state;
  • decoration on the neck and chest can improve the condition of asthma sufferers, it can be a pendant, necklace, brooch;
  • clears space of negative type energy; it is enough to hold a stone in each room of the house for at least 12 hours.

Remember, the darker the shade of nano-emerald, the more powerful it is in its effects.

As for the zodiacal effect, the hydrothermal stone, according to astrologers, is able to influence a person in the same way as a natural one. It is recommended to wear a different zodiac signs, and each - for a special reason. Astrological properties of nano-emerald:

  • career growth and cash success Aries;
  • the life force and energy of Taurus;
  • protective properties from the negative effects of the evil energies of other people to Gemini;
  • Aquarius and Pisces will bring success in all areas;
  • Archers and Capricorn will be able to relieve anxiety and get the long-awaited peace;
  • harmony for Cancers, Virgins and Libra;
  • forces to fight Leo;
  • make the character more positive and accommodating Scorpio.

Astrologers strongly recommend wearing jewelry with a nano-emerald to Virgins, Capricorns, Aries and Libra.

How is it created?

The stone grown is a complete analog of emerald, which is not its copy or imitation. Emeralds are grown as a repetition of natural stone, although inferior in value, but outwardly the same perfect.

The technology for creating a nanocamble consists of the following algorithm:

  • cut natural stone;
  • collect the powder remaining after this process;
  • mix aluminum oxide and beryllium, chromium, other components with emerald dust;
  • placed in an autoclave;
  • then there is a process of chemical reactions catalyzed by temperature;
  • the contents of the vessel crystallizes in a special zone.

A little more than a month is spent on the whole process, whereas natural stone has been created by nature for thousands of years.

It is believed that an artificial stone can be grown on its own, if you acquire the necessary vessel and all the components, but this statement has no valid reason.

The technology of growing nano-emeralds is very difficult and requires the work of specialists who control all activities.

Spheres of use

The main direction of application of synthetic emeralds is jewelry. Jewelers create a huge number of various jewelry with stones, straightening them in silver, yellow and white gold. The most valuable are emeralds, decorated in platinum.

Jewelery is well proven in everyday wear, as the stone has the highest strength and resistance to external influences, such as the sun.

But chemicals can harm it, so before you start cleaning or other activities requiring their use, you must remove yourself from all the jewelry. Artificial emerald can be found in the following types of jewelry:

  • rings and rings;
  • earrings;
  • pendants, beads, necklaces, pendants;
  • bracelets.

Comparison with natural stone

    In order to distinguish an artificial stone from a natural stone, one often needs a specialist, since they have much in common in their properties and external characteristics. What differences can be found in nanoscale:

    • inclusions of tubular character;
    • impurity of brown color;
    • perfect shape;
    • no defects;
    • rich shade of green.

    Natural emerald is rarely truly transparent, it has cracks, blotches, bubbles. When buying a product, you must be very careful, since not only natural forge but also nano izumrud is forged. You can buy from fraudsters glass, imitated emeralds. It is easy to distinguish such a stone, since it is very unstable, any impact immediately leaves a mark, a scratch.

    Hydrothermal emerald
    Natural emerald
    Natural emerald

    How the emerald authenticity check is performed, see below.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


