Stones and Minerals

Blue Topaz: types of stone, properties and areas of use

Blue Topaz: types of stone, properties and areas of use

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  1. Description
  2. Properties
  3. Kinds
  4. Place of Birth
  5. Using
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?
  8. How to care?

Blue Topaz is a type of semi-precious stone that attracts people not only with its stunning appearance, but also with its bizarre properties. Decoration of this stone can give an image of tenderness and at the same time become a talisman. However, before buying products from this stone, you should find out who exactly the topaz of the blue shade is most suitable for, what properties it has and in what varieties it can be presented to customers. All these nuances will be discussed in detail in this article.


Blue Topaz is a natural mineral from the group of island aluminum silicates, which is highly valued by both jewelers and ordinary people for a long time. This stone is considered the patron saint of the water element, so sailors used to use it as a talisman in long voyage. The color of the stone is very bright, especially after cutting, the process of implementation of which is rather laborious. Because of the similar properties with diamond, blue topaz is often called the Ural diamond.

The ancient inhabitants of the Urals, according to information obtained during archaeological excavations, used this mineral in everyday life and even as elements of tools. But later the stone began to be used by people as an ornament and was even one of the hallmarks of luxury.


The properties characteristic of this stone can be divided into three groups. The first of these are its physical characteristics.

  • Among other semi-precious stones, topaz highlights its rich glassy shine. It is also noted that in the areas of the soldered planes of the stone this brilliance can be represented in the form of mother-of-pearl.
  • The density of topaz is quite high, which is why in our country stone is called a heavyweight.
  • In addition to the density, the hardness of the blue topaz is also at a high level. He is able to compete on this indicator except with a diamond. This property made the stone very popular as a raw material for making jewelry.
  • Blue topaz can decompose only under the influence of phosphorus salts.

Many fans of such topaz believe that the stone has a certain magical value. There are several of these characteristics of the mineral.

  • It is believed that topaz owes its color to the sky, a part of which it contains. This unusual property, according to many representatives of Eastern cultures, allows the use of the mineral in order to positively influence the mind during the passage of spiritual practices.
  • Some believe that the stone causes the change of character traits for the better: it brings generosity, prudence, calmness. The stone also helps in disclosing the causes of anger and aggression. Sometimes he is considered an assistant in exposing lies.
  • Sometimes blue topaz is worn as a talisman. It helps to protect its owner from gossip and gossip. In ancient times, it was also used as a guardian in battle.
  • Women have long believed that the mineral helps preserve beauty, youth and preserve the warmth of the family hearth. It was believed that such a mineral contributes to the birth of healthy offspring and strengthen marriage.
  • Important is the ability of blue topaz to calm.It suppresses craving for hot temper and not deliberate actions, contributes to the attainment of psychological balance.
  • Often, the blue mineral becomes part of the rituals conducted to search for people, to remove damage and the evil eye. It is used because of the property to bring harmony.

For people interested in building a career, blue topaz can also help, bringing to life financial well-being and success.

Do not underestimate the therapeutic abilities of topaz, which are noted by supporters of alternative medicine.

  • The stone positively affects the immune system, helping the body to resist various diseases and making it more resistant to even infections.
  • Some believe that blue topaz is able to maintain vision and reduce the risk of losing it.
  • One of the therapeutic rituals to help get rid of insomnia is the placement of topaz under the pillow for the night. The stone calms, brings harmony, neutralizes anxiety, promotes healthy sleep.
  • With this blue mineral you can improve the condition of the urogenital system, reproductive organs, liver, and also the heart. It is enough just to wear jewelry from this stone regularly.
  • Many ladies are convinced that blue topaz makes the processes of regeneration and metabolism more intense. This contributes to the long preservation of youth and attractiveness.
  • Some healers use the blue mineral to relieve pain symptoms by applying it to a sore spot.
  • It is believed that asthma symptoms can also be stopped with the use of this stone.
  • The mineral is able to neutralize the manifestations of chronic diseases.
  • Due to its soothing properties, blue topaz has a positive effect on the nervous system.


Semiprecious blue stone is presented on the jewelry market in various forms, each of which has its own unique features and shades - from pale blue to incredibly rich colors.

  • Topazes that belong to the Swiss Blue category (Swiss Topaz) are distinguished by a special, bright blue color. Their color is the most intense compared to other varieties. However, in nature, such a stone is quite rare, therefore, for its manufacture, technologies of artificially imparting the desired shade are used.
  • But topazes of the Sky Blue category have a light blue tone by nature and do not undergo any additional transformations. They are considered the most affordable in the jewelry market.
  • One of the most beautiful types of stones is London Topaz. It contains unique shades, comparable to the colors of the deep sea.
Swiss Blue
sky blue
london topaz

Stones are considered very rare, hence their very high price. Many of these stones are made using special irradiation technology. In their beauty, they make a worthy competition to precious gems.

Place of Birth

Topaz blue tones are most actively mined in Brazil. Also its prey is engaged in Germany, Australia, USA, Namibia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine. It was on the territory of Ukraine that the legendary topaz weighing more than two kilograms of transparent color with a blue section inside was found. On the territory of the Russian Federation deposits of semiprecious mineral are in the Chelyabinsk region (Ilmensky State Reserve), as well as in the village of Murzinka located in the Urals.


Blue topaz is most often used to create pendants, earrings-studs, necklaces, rings. The maximum preferred option for placing a stone is to place it in a ring, which should be put on the index finger of the right hand (for right-handers) or left hand (for left-handed). Those who do not wear rings, get bracelets, which include topaz.

Some believe that the function of attracting financial well-being of this semi-precious mineral manifests itself if you wear a brooch with him on the wrong side of clothing.

As for the combination of a semi-precious stone with other minerals of precious or semi-precious type, there are no special restrictions, since topaz does not lose its properties in the presence of a number of other stones.

Who is suitable?

If we consider the compatibility of blue topaz with various signs of the zodiac, It should be taken into account that the signs of water (Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces) are the most successful for this stone.. This mineral is especially good for Scorpions, therefore representatives of the sign are allowed to wear it constantly as a talisman. Since those born in November are prone to irascibility and anxiety, this gem will perfectly balance their condition, give them prudence and additional confidence.

If a girl born under the sign of Scorpio has blue or gray eyes by nature, then the jewelry from blue topaz will perfectly emphasize their color and will give an image of enchantment. For a Scorpio man, a stone will help to maximize its natural energy. Stone Mature Scorpios is able to point the way to self-improvement, or even engage in a hobby such as meditation.

Virgos prefer to choose topaz yellow instead of blue. If you pick up a stone for Gemini, then blue topaz is quite suitable for them with a small number of yellowish inclusions. Fire signs, such as Leo or Aries, should prefer the blue topaz, slightly casting purple. This stone will help these signs to improve family life or even to find a soul mate. Such signs as Taurus or Libra are not recommended to wear such a mineral, nor is it a talisman for Capricorns and Aquarius.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

One of the difficulties in buying jewelry and amulets, which include this semi-precious blue stone, is the determination of the naturalness of the mineral. In order not to become a victim of deception and not to get a fake, remember a number of signs characteristic of natural topaz.

  • The surface of the topaz is well polished, it is slippery with tactile contact.
  • If you hold the same topaz on natural topaz, then there will be no trace, but if quartz is used as a fake, then a scratch is surely formed on it.
  • Place the blue stone under the rays of the sun: if it does not contain artificial components, it will cast yellow and greenish flowers.
  • If a jewel with a stone is too light, then you probably have a fake in front of you, since the natural mineral is very heavy compared to many other stones.

Pay attention to the rate of heating of the mineral. Even in the hands of natural stone will stay cool for a long time.

How to care?

So that the decorations, which include topaz, do not lose their aesthetic appearance and energy value as long as possible, need to properly care for them.

  • This semiprecious stone cannot be kept in direct sunlight for a long time.
  • Try not to expose the stone to contact with chemicals, such as cleaning agents or even cosmetics.
  • Store items in a separate box.
  • Clean topaz with water and soap-based solution and a soft cloth. Dip the mineral in the solution for about a third of an hour, and then gently wipe it.

On the properties of topaz, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


