Stones and Minerals

Chalcedony: deposits, properties, types and applications

Chalcedony: deposits, properties, types and applications

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  1. What it is?
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Properties
  4. Varieties
  5. Application
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?
  8. How to wear a gem and care for it?

Translucent mineral, a type of quartz, is well known since ancient times. Today chalcedony is one of the most sought after ornamental stones. For a variety of colors and shades it is very fond of jewelers. He appreciates alternative medicine and astrology. Let's try to figure out why this mineral is so popular.

What it is?

Thanks to the ancient Greeks, humanity learned a lot. So the discovery of chalcedony is also their merit. During one of the trips to the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara, near the city of Chalcedon (the territory of modern Istanbul), a nugget of extraordinarily beautiful color palette was discovered. At the place of discovery they called a stone.

For the Greeks, it became the will of the gods, because they were recognized as the best masters in the processing of precious and semi-precious stones, but their mining places were not. It was such natural wealth that often caused wars. And then such a gift - deposits of chalcedony, from which you can cut jewelry and more significant figures.

It was this mineral that initiated a new jewelry art form called glyptic. Until now, ancient Greek gems, cameos with cabochons depicting animals and birds, reliefs and bas-reliefs describing people's lives, and prints are known to the whole world.

Even in the revelations of John the Theologian there is a description of chalcedony, which decorated the walls of the Heavenly Jerusalem. But with the fall of the Ancient World, glyptic was long forgotten. Only in the era of classicism, as a result of archaeological excavations, magnificent gems were revived.

Chalcedony again attracted the attention of masters and the powerful of the world: according to eyewitness accounts, Napoleon and Byron had rings with this stone, and A. S. Pushkin had two of them. Later, many creative people acquired such gifts thanks to a friend, poet and collector of minerals Maximilian Voloshin.

Chalcedony is a type of quartz. It is porous, consists of the finest fibers that can be seen under an electron microscope. In nature, there are about a hundred varieties of completely different colors and shades, but they are secondary, that is, the mineral absorbs them from the environment, colored uniformly or interspersed with color transitions.

With penetration of the goetite mineral, chalcedony becomes yellow, hematite becomes red. Pyrite, manganese oxides or organic compounds give a bluish-gray or black color. And in each deposit the color will be different.

Precisely for the fact that each stone looks especially, it is loved by jewelers and craftsmen. And lithotherapists have long noted the amazing healing properties of the mineral, which are of great importance to human health.

Place of Birth

Chalcedony is not uncommon, therefore, is distributed quite widely. Being a kind of quartz, the mineral is formed from volcanic rocks, crystallizing under the influence of water and high pressure or under the influence of high temperatures (700-1000 degrees). In nature, different subspecies can coexist so closely that in one stone there can be both sarder and carnelian. There may be variations in the territory of one mine, but most often one type of chalcedony is mined in the deposit.

Germany is the oldest developed field. Minerals are also mined. in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Uruguay, USA, Italy, Sri Lanka, Poland, Czech Republic, Australia, Canada, Scotland, Ukraine. There are deposits in Russia in Transcaucasia, Primorsky Krai, in Chukotka and Kolyma, in the Urals and in the Crimea, Eastern Siberia and the Moscow region.

In this case, the deposits are both deposits in the depth of the earth, and surface sediments. Color and shade may change after solidification of volcanic rocks.


It is important for a person who buys a stone to know what qualities a mineral can have an impact on the health and psycho-emotional state. But they depend on the physicochemical properties of the mineral. Therefore, let us say a few words about it.


Having the chemical formula SiO2, chalcedony is a dioxide (dioxide) of silicon, it can have inclusions of iron and other oxides. With a small amount of impurities, it has a transparent or translucent color of yellow-white tones. The hundreds of varieties of chalcedony have similar physical and chemical properties, which unites them:

  • it is a fairly solid mineral (on the Mohs scale is estimated at 6.5-7 points);
  • according to density it belongs to the middle group (2.58-2.64 g / cm³);
  • transparency is cloudy or translucent;
  • on gloss - wax or opaque;
  • when splitting, it shows itself to be more fragile than quartz;
  • on a break - uneven;
  • properties largely depend on impurities.


Lithotherapy (treatment with stones) has long used chalcedony in the treatment of mental health, as well as internal organs, the circulatory system, eyes, bone tissue. But the properties depend on the type of mineral:

  • agate helps with coughing and toothache;
  • heliotrope is responsible for the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Sarder has a wound-healing effect: restores the skin as a result of mechanical or surgical intervention, fights ulcers, is a means of combating infertility;
  • sapphirine nature has created for hypotensive, as well as for those who need to normalize the work of the heart;
  • carnelian is considered a hemostatic agent, relieves toothache, improves the overall condition of the skin;
  • onyx helps in the liver and kidneys;
  • Chrysoprase makes life easier for weather-sensitive people (it is recommended to drink water, which stood for about 5 hours in the sun, and in which chrysoprase lay at that time).

In antiquity, chalcedony was treated with fever and skin diseases, in the Middle Ages they tried to get rid of dysentery with mineral powder. Today, in the countries of the East, toothpicks from yellow chalcedony whiten teeth and strengthen gums. But most often modern lithotherapists use the minerals of this group for the treatment of nervous disorders. For treatment, stones should be worn in the form of jewelry, attend stone therapy (stone therapy) in beauty salons or ayurvedic clinics.

Stone therapy is a massage with the use of hot stones (and this may already be a contraindication for some diseases). After such a massage, the client experiences relaxation, the outgoing heat penetrates the skin and nourishes the body with oxygen, causing the blood flow to accelerate. It helps to relieve pain.

Ayurvedic stones purify the chakras. And psychotherapists recommend choosing minerals of certain colors for relaxation or concentration, wear them or consider them:

  • red will give vitality;
  • Orange will promote creativity;
  • green - the color of patience, calmness, self-sufficiency;
  • blue minerals soothe the nervous system and strengthen memory;
  • blue tones relieve anger;
  • Violet - the color of magic and magic, mystery and creativity;
  • purple will help strengthen willpower;
  • brown - color stability and poise;
  • the black symbolizes birth and death;
  • white - the color of pure thoughts.

During the procedures, lithotherapists prescribe using stones of certain colors. It helps one to improve a dream, to others - will lighten mood. But experts say that it is impossible to wear such jewelry all the time: the stone must rest, so that the wearer does not have groundless fears and does not raise pressure.

Magical properties

Astrologers, specialists in feng shui and esotericism confidently say that chalcedony is a stone with great energy. It balances the flow of life, distributing them evenly. This stone clears the space of negative energy and fills it with pure power.

For seafarers, this symbol of the land was a talisman for a safe return home. And chalcedony cups helped to neutralize poisons that came with wine. On some days of the funeral of a man, some nations give his wife jewelry with a pink stone: he will help him to endure the loss, to put the sadness out of his heart and find peace.

Women from ancient times used the mineral to attract men, calling it a "stone of love." It is believed that this stone is able to prolong youth and make any woman beautiful. And unprocessed chalcedony has always been considered a talisman of family happiness and mutual love. Laying out pebbles at home, people drove away evil spirits from housing, and putting on amulets, protected themselves and family members from evil words and the evil eye.

For the taster, the best gift was always considered a cup of pink stone - protection against indigestion during the tasting of dishes. But all specialists in non-traditional sciences say that in order to help chalcedony, you need to be a pure soul, have bright thoughts.


In theory, chalcedony is called quartz, which has light, pale shades of gray, blue, lilac. But in reality there are many more varieties. Some of them are very similar, others can be confused with other minerals, because the stones can be white and ocher, reddish and emerald, bluish and honey-colored. Here is a list of the most popular chalcedony varieties.


Agate - these are layers of fine fibers, having a whole palette of colors, different degrees of transparency and density. Often in the composition there are other modifications of silicon dioxide: quartz, quartz, moganite, opal. Due to the layering or specific pattern, agate has several types:

  • bastion - from the cracks and layers creates the illusion of a cityscape pattern or the ruins of the bastion;
  • Brazilian - with the thinnest layers in 1,5 micrometers;
  • woody (dendritic) - with a pattern of forest thicket;
  • disk;
  • star;
  • moss - depicting northern moss on a light background;
  • the black, used in the occult sciences.

According to legend, agate, having a blue, blue or purple color, is the eye of a white eagle, prostrated by some kind of black sorcerer. Also, this mineral has the name “Eye of the Creator” - such an eye is able to distinguish between good and bad deeds performed by us.

“Fire agate” is a red-orange opaque layered gem with bright patches of limonite. This agate is also called Mexican, because it is found only in the northern part of Mexico and in the southwestern United States - in the state of Arizona.

Heliotrope, flint and jasper

These are all gem varieties that look very similar to chalcedony. But not all experts consider them as such. Indeed, the difference between agate and jasper will not be determined by everyone. Externally, these minerals are distinguished by the fact that at the edges jasper is completely opaque, only it can slightly shine on the chips. Upon detailed examination under a microscope, partially translucent jasper agates can be found. But agates are quite realistic to look through.

Jasper color can vary from pale yellow to deep gold, with an unusual pattern in the form of curls. But there is another kind of it - bloody jasper or heliotrope. It is saturated red or dark green, with bloody stripes, may have yellow spots.The stone is suitable for men and is used in men's jewelry. In the Middle Ages, church utensils were often made of it.


Usually, this name refers to chalcedony of the porous structure of a milky-white hue, resembling porcelain or milky opal. A rare gem is a mixture of opal and chalcedony. Since the first and second silicas refer to quartz, the interpenetration is facilitated.

Mokhovik (moss agate)

A stunning creation of nature interspersed with dendrites or filamentous inclusions of manganese, nickel or iron. Celadonite (milky opal) can also become an impurity in mokhovik. As a result, vegetable landscapes appear on gray, gray-blue or milky-white chalcedony, in which you can see trees, moss or algae. They are easy to see, because the color can be very different: red and red, black and green, gray and brown, yellow and yellowish-white.

Mhorolith (chromic chalcedony)

The stone is similar to chrysoprase, but in its structure small inclusions of black chromite can be found. In the era of the Ancient World, mtorolit was well known to jewelers, but later became forgotten. It was only in 1950, as a result of mining in Zimbabwe, that the mineral regained importance for jewelers. The modern name is associated with the place of development - the city of Mtoroshang (Mutorashanga).

Onyx chalcedony

This is a striped ornamental gem. It is characterized by alternating bands of chalcedony itself, quartz and other silicas. Hence the bright stripes of white-pink, red-brown, white-brown, red-black. Onyx is a type of agate layered type. Jewelers call onyxes and almost black chalcedony, in which the layers can be seen only under a microscope. The mineral is transparent or translucent. It is best to observe the beauty of onyx in cameos and intaglias.


This is the trade name for chalcedony blue or light blue (in mineralogy, this term has a different meaning). Sapphirin is a rare translucent mineral. It tends to fade at elevated temperatures.

Cornelian (sarder, sardonyx, carnelian)

Mineral in red tones. Sarder and carnelian are specimens with a predominance of brown, orange-brown, reddish-brown tones. Sardonyx - striped red chalcedony. In the cornelian dominant is red, with an admixture of yellow and brown flowers. In the sun, the density of colors is gaining saturation: shades of brown instantly turn into orange. Carnelian is considered the most popular chalcedony, moreover, inexpensive.


This variety is valued for its color: the admixture of nickel makes the mineral pale green or bluish green; Chrome gives green shades. It may fade in the sun (to return the color, you need to wrap the stone in a damp cloth). Jewelers, who highly appreciate chrysoprase, divided it into three varieties:

  • to higher applies homogeneous and saturated emerald green with transparency at a stone thickness up to 5 cm;
  • to first grade - homogeneous apple-green, translucent no more than 2 cm, possibly the presence of whitish and not translucent areas;
  • to second grade relates pale spotted stone, it is ornamental, may contain transparent and opaque areas of bluish-green or yellow-green hue.

Engidros (water agate)

These are translucent minerals from chalcedony, quartz and lutecin. In the cavity of each such mineral is water, which is several million years old. Engidros is very much appreciated not only by jewelers, but also by experts in yoga and feng shui. Stones can purify water, and much faster than other minerals.


The minerals of the chalcedony group are not precious jewels, but nevertheless they are valued by jewelers - chalcedony is made of beautiful jewelry and crafts. Since the mineral is quite durable, it is very suitable for giving products of any shape.That is why, even during the time of Catherine the Great, there were a large number of sculptures and columns of jasper in the Imperial Palace.

Different subspecies of the mineral have a pronounced feminine and masculine principle, so chalcedony is suitable for both women's beads and men's cufflinks.

Due to the huge color diversity, the mineral is used to create figurines, cups, mosaics, vases, inlaid furniture elements. Some types of chalcedony are suitable for interior decoration, room cladding.

They make excellent countertops and sinks, lampshades for lamps. With this material you can make a very beautiful frame for a mirror or a picture. Mortars for grinding ingredients are very popular among pharmacists.

Who is suitable?

If from the point of view of medicine and magic we lit the question, then from the side of astrology nothing has been said yet. We propose to understand which signs of the zodiac are recommended to wear chalcedony or keep it in sight.

According to astrologers, there are no signs that this mineral is contraindicated. Only for some it will be only an ornament, but for others it will be a true friend and helper.

Gemini, Cancer and Sagittarius fell into the group of “favorites” of chalcedony.

  • Twins This mineral will bring focus and balance, help you set the right goals and achieve them.
  • Cancer It will help you find your chosen one, create a strong and friendly family, protect you from mistakes in family life related to interpersonal relationships.
  • At Sagittarius ideal energy compatibility with chalcedony, which gives confidence in one's own actions, protects oneself from self-flagellation, helps to achieve goals.

This sign is recommended to get a red carnelian, although the rest of the chalcedony will help, including in love.

All other signs, too, can safely wear mineral.

  • Aries Heliotrope is suitable, which will drive away negative emotions and help to manifest the best qualities. Also, Aries and Pisces are suitable for the nature of products made of jasper.
  • Capricorn it is better to acquire dark stones that are beneficial to them. And multi-colored minerals will improve the financial situation.
  • Lions Red gems are needed - they will reveal the hidden potential, pacifying temper when solving issues. Golden chalcedony promoted by Leo in the service.
  • Virgoborn in early autumn, green and yellow minerals are suitable that will contribute to emotional and physical health. Pink and white decorations are also recommended for Virgo and Libra.
  • Still Libra and Taurus blue minerals will do; they will force their owners to think sensibly and not to chop from the shoulder.
  • Aquarius best to get chrysoprase - it will serve as a talisman from danger. But in general any chalcedony will suit Aquarius.
  • Scorpio recommend choosing black minerals.

But chalcedony is not only the patron saint of most zodiac signs, it also “prefers” some names. Without division into varieties, this gem patronizes the following male and female names.

  • Valeria. To save her family nest and develop true love, a lady with that name should use a gem charm. Then harmony will come to her life.
  • Inga. The mineral will help to overcome possible difficulties, protect against negative emotions, become a source of energy and will promote spiritual growth.
  • Irina. A girl who wants to build a personal life, this stone is a must. Yes, and live with him will be happier.
  • Kseniya. With the acquisition of a beautiful stone, whether it be a decoration or an odd job, the longing will gradually leave the woman, the right goal will appear, and life will flourish with new colors.
  • Oksana. Mineral will help deal with sad thoughts and improve mood.
  • Sergei. Cufflinks, ring, pebble in the pocket or crafts on the desktop will help to calm down, not to do stupid things, succumbing to emotions.Chalcedony for this name is a symbol of patience, courage, wisdom.

Also this stone is suitable for Raisa, Karina, Lyubov, Georgy, Bogdan, Alexander.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Most varieties of chalcedony are not expensive decorations, and there is no point in forging them. But I also do not want to buy glass or plastic instead of natural stone. If you are not sure about your own knowledge, ask for a certificate from a trading organization.

It should indicate that the stone belongs to chalcedony.

In appearance, chalcedony can be distinguished by the following criteria.

  • Plastic is a warm and light material, the gem is heavier.
  • In the glass there are air bubbles and inclusions without staining - this is uncharacteristic of natural gems.
  • In the natural gem symmetry is impossible. Everything can be very close to symmetry, but only an artificial stone would be ideal.
  • Since chalcedony has a porous structure, there are almost always blotches. If you have a perfectly clear and transparent stone, then this is not natural chalcedony.
  • The color palette of the gem is very wide, but still artificial stones are painted more brightly. However, this feature must be checked in conjunction with others.
  • A more complicated version of the forgery is the staining of simple chalcedony with iron nitrate for similarity to the more rare and expensive carnelian. Only on the cleavage can you see that the stone is stained atypically - no more than 2 millimeters from the thickness of the cabochon.
  • When buying beads and bracelets, you should pay attention to the size and shape of gems: natural ones are valued for their naturalness, therefore they will not be perfectly even.
  • Before buying crafts and jewelry would be nice to get acquainted with their peers by visiting the exhibition or viewing catalogs.

Buyers respect natural stones for their originality, durability, aesthetics. If you buy an expensive item and doubt its origin, it is better to contact a specialist for advice.

How to wear a gem and care for it?

Each of us has things that are valuable not only material investments. That is why we try to save as long as possible, and, perhaps, leave it to our descendants. For greater safety of the stone, experts recommend that you follow some rules.

  • Store chalcedony and its products separately, wrapped in a soft cloth or placed in a case to exclude mechanical damage from other stones.
  • During physical exertion, remove rings, bracelets and other jewelery so as not to scratch.
  • Protect from ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, from this minerals fade. To return the color, it is recommended to hold the product in a damp cloth in the dark.
  • Keep away from chemical exposure, including cleaning products.
  • Clean the minerals with a soft cloth in a warm soapy solution, then rinse under running water.
  • Eliminate cleaning with steam and ultrasound.
  • Do not allow sudden changes in temperature.

To the question of how and with what to wear, we managed to find the following answers.

  • Chalcedony amulets should be worn so that no one can see them; ideally, the stone should touch the skin.
  • Jewelers combine this mineral with emerald, golden topaz. And they do not recommend ordering jewelry, where opal, crystal, moonstone, coral, beryl, aquamarine will coexist with chalcedony. Intraspecific combinations are quite acceptable.
  • But astrologers believe that the stones should be selected according to the principle of compatibility of the elements: chalcedony is the stone of the Earth. This element is simply created for Water, incompatible with Air and antagonizes with Fire. But our gem is a very self-sufficient mineral, therefore it is better to wear it separately from other stones.
  • Use your intuition, decide how you feel next to chalcedony, whether you are comfortable, whether it suits your character, color of your eyes, skin, hair or clothes.
  • During the wearing of jewelry there is an interchange of energy, it is important that the stone not only draws it out, but also shares it. How it works is easy to feel: after a hard day, remove the decoration and listen to yourself - if it became much easier for you, it means that only you shared energy.

By purchasing chalcedony, we become owners not only of a beautiful stone, but also of history, of special magical power. Old masters and modern jewelers presented us with an amazing opportunity to find our chalcedony, which will make us beautiful, help us improve our health and protect us from an unkind eye.

For information on where chalcedony is used, its properties and location, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


