Stones and Minerals

All about chrysoprase stone

All about chrysoprase stone

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  1. A bit of history
  2. Characteristic
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Healing and magical properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to distinguish from fakes?
  7. How to care?
  8. Beautiful examples

Chrysoprase is a semi-precious stone. In ancient times, people endowed him with magical and healing properties. Today it has not lost its popularity and is widely used as ornamental material.

A bit of history

Chrysoprase - a rare and, perhaps, the most valuable of chalcedony. The mention of a translucent stone the color of the first green "chrysoprazus" is first encountered by Pliny in his historical treatise, published in 77 AD e. The name of the semi-precious stone comes from the Greek words "chrysos" (gold) and "prazon" (leek). In its current sound, the term entered scientific use from 1775 on the initiative of the German scientist IG Leman, who compiled the description of the mineral.

A close relative of chrysoprase is agate, belonging to the banded varieties of chalcedony. In it parallel multi-colored layers diverge in a circle, like waves on water. Chrysoprase differs from agate in the absence of pronounced layering. It is more homogeneous, it is precisely the uniform color, brightness and purity that is valued in it, and in agate it is a fancy drawing.


For jewelry, the mineral was used by ancient Greek, Roman and Egyptian craftsmen. The stone served as excellent raw material for jewelry, amulets, gems with portraits of famous people and drawings of mythological scenes. Ancient healers applied the mineral to sore spots to cure gout and various skin diseases. In the case of mental disorders, the stone was applied to the temples. The ancients believed that if you permanently stop your gaze on chrysoprase, you can avoid nervous breakdowns, heart disease.

Established in antiquity and the idea that the mineral helps cleanse the body, eliminating toxins, stimulating the liver and strengthening the immune system. That is why even nowadays, water infused with this mineral is drunk to improve the body and get rid of infectious diseases. At the time of knights and troubadours, the stone was valued so much that in some European countries "luxury" and "chrysoprase" were used as synonyms. Green mineral was decorated with everything: housing, clothing and military ammunition details, and sets. To this day, countless expertly executed pieces of chrysoprase instructed from brooches and pendants to lornets and snuffboxes have survived.

This "onion" miracle is perfectly combined with precious stones, forming a unique color range. The stone is truly universal. In German Potsdam, the medieval palace of San Souci is decorated with a wonderful mosaic coating of chrysoprase. Many German churches are also rich in products from this mineral.

Not inferior to the cities of Germany and Prague, where the walls and ceilings of chapels and cathedrals are decorated with many mosaics of the XIV century. It is from this time that chrysoprase begins to be widely used in many fields of art. Elegant mosaic compositions are found in the chapels of St. Catherine in Karlštejn. The famous Karlštejn mosaic looks like a magic carpet. In Prague Castle, the St. Wenceslas Chapel also has superb rare mosaic coatings.

The history of the stone is replete with interesting facts, legends and beliefs. In antiquity, chrysoprase was considered a talisman of the victorious warriors.The stone was honored by Alexander the Great and carried the talisman with him, believing that it was a powerful source of energy, endowing and endurance and courage that could predict the future. Greek artists invariably depicted Macedonian in a belt with a buckle decorated with chrysoprase. The inhabitants of ancient Rome believed that the owners of such a talisman were protected by Venus, granting infinite youth and acting as a guide to the heavenly abode of the gods.

The onion mineral was used as a talisman by rich people, supporting profitable deals and helping to avoid material damage. In Prussia, Frederick II wore a unique ring-talisman with chrysoprase and, preferring the mineral to rubies and diamonds, collected a significant collection of stone in Sans Souci.

A ring of gold with an unusual stone was worn by Catherine II. Elizabeth Taylor put on a wonderful parisor with chrysoprase ("Daisy"), believing that she brings her luck.

In Moscow, in the halls of the Armory Chamber are stored many skillfully made inserts of chrysoprase, used in rings, pendants and earrings. The mineral in necklaces and bracelets looks amazingly beautiful. The cut of the mineral is widespread in the form of cabochons. Attitude to chrysoprase in different nations is different.

  • For a long time in the East, it is believed that if the owner of chrysoprase is a liar, then the stone will eventually become dull and lose its valuable qualities. And for a kind person the same stone restores its aesthetic, physical and magical properties.
  • For maximum realization of the magical abilities of the gem in Europe, it is recommended to wear it deliberately so that the talisman is always on the eyes.
  • In India, it is believed that in an evil person, a mineral can transform bad energy into positive energy.


The mineral is a cryptocrystalline water-containing form of silicon dioxide, including some nickel. It is this compound that determines its coloring. The stone may contain impurities of opal and individual inclusions of talc and serpentine. The fragile shoots of dendrites formed by manganese oxides are often contained. Characteristics of the stone:

  • hardness 6.5–7;
  • average specific weight - 2.6 g / cm3;
  • refractive parameters - 1,530–1,543.

As a geological aggregate, the mineral consists of the smallest grains of crystalline origin, 0.5–50 µm in size, distinguished only by a microscope. Unlike other, less transparent types of quartz, the mineral is valued not only for patterned patterns, but for color. Chrysoprase is rich in all colors and shades of green.

The predominant coloring of the mineral is green, lemon, apple, blue.

Among the many-faced chalcedon, the “onion” stone is rightly considered the most impressive. High-quality specimens are as if covered with soft-smooth transitions from a bluish, green-giving range to rich emerald shades. Stone makes admire him. There are 3 varieties of chrysopolises.

  • Higher. Saturated green, homogeneous structure. It has a bright intense color. It is considered the highest quality raw material for jewelers. Pieces of stone clearly appear through to a depth of 5 cm. The mineral may include clay particles and iron hydroxides in a dispersed state.
  • The first. Apple greenish, uniform structure. Translucent only up to 2 cm. May include whitish opaque spots. Without picture.
  • Second. Pale shades with spots. The stone is ornamental. Mostly bluish-green or yellow-green color with a heterogeneous structure. The colors of the mineral can be whitish spots, as well as alternating transparent and opaque places. Manganese oxides of the mineral sometimes form dendrites.

Chrysoprase is easy to process and cut, which determines its popularity among jewelers.

The material lends itself well to grinding and polishing, but it is difficult to bring the mineral to the mirror surface. The price range for products with this mineral is large, which determines its accessibility to different sectors of society. Widely used for making cabochons and inserts.

Place of Birth

Chrysoprase deposits are a rare find. It originates in the course of silicification of rocks with associated hydrothermal formations. Contained in magma and sedimentary rocks, sometimes alluvial origin. Often formed in the form of rock veins.

Quality mineral is mined in Kazakhstan, in Romania, near Pristina, in Tanzania, Brazil (Goias State). The oldest deposit, developed since 1740, is in Polish Silesia. Now it is exhausted, but other deposits are discovered and continue to work nearby. The largest of them - Shklyary.

The Australian continent is rich in minerals. The largest deposit of chrysopolises was discovered in 1963 in the eastern part of Queensland. The deposit is unique in that the veins of chrysoprase in it are up to 10 cm thick and often reach tens of meters in length. Significant reserves are open in the western regions of Australia. A wonderful mineral of emerald color is mined in Sierra Nevada (California).

A mineral of the rarest color was found in Zimbabwe: onion, grass, apple-green, which is caused by small patches of chromium-containing components. Called it at the location of reserves matorolit. Significant reserves of jewelry mineral are rare. Of these, there are clusters in Poland, the United States, the Russian Federation in the Urals, in some regions of Kazakhstan and Australia.

Healing and magical properties

According to its talisman and healing properties, the onion mineral occupies the leading places among other minerals and has significant spiritual and psychological importance for humans.

  • Chrysopraz is a talisman for leaders, contributes to the development of talents, dedication, strengthens volitional qualities, and helps to overcome uncertainty.
  • It quenches obsessive anxiety.
  • It helps strengthen the immune system, activates the brain, lowers blood pressure, can alleviate stress and eliminate chronic fatigue, and helps normalize sleep.
  • Increases physical and psychological stability.
  • It prevents the occurrence of spoilage, resists depression, spleen, laziness. It is a mineral of positive and productive creative daring.
  • Increases the body's energy and normalizes the cardiovascular system.
  • Balances the hormonal system, contributes to the effective work of the reproductive organs.
  • Acts like a talisman from the evil eye, fears and nightmares.
  • Promotes protection against setbacks and dark envy.
  • As a healer eliminates woeful states, cures from the consequences of unrequited love.
  • Promotes the emergence and preservation of love and friendship.
  • If the owner of the stone has large sums of money, then chrysoprase protects it from unforeseen loss of money.

Chrysoprase has a beneficial effect on visual impairment. In cases of eye diseases, it is recommended to carry the mineral with you and apply the daily ritual of its contemplation. Resists insomnia.

Before bedtime it is useful to leave a stone near the bed to gain a strong and healthy sleep.

Mineral is used to reduce pain in the throat and ears. It is useful for relieving asthma attacks. With sharp fluctuations in weather, magnetic storms and changes in atmospheric pressure, the gem helps the body overcome conditions caused by natural disasters.

Who is suitable?

Chrysoprase is a talisman for people with an inquisitive inventive mind, for creative people, tirelessly striving for growth and development, ready to improve themselves and the world around them. Suitable mineral for athletes, travelers, for representatives of the professions associated with the risk. It is to people who lead an active lifestyle, the stone brings success in all good endeavors. It is desirable to have it and people working with money, especially with large sums.

The stone is equally suitable for women and men. Especially it is to face the green-eyed red-haired ladies who prefer the classic style with the dominance of black, white, yellow, beige and brown colors. Mineral gives women wisdom, men - strength and tolerance. Its versatility is due to the heterogeneous and rich color of the nuggets.

Chrysoprase allows a wide combination with other minerals and products from silver and gold. Jewelry with him can be worn with pomegranate. The stone looks great in the ring on the finger. The mineral is also widely used as a rounded inset (cabochon) in a wide variety of jewelry. In the East, chrysoprase rosaries are popular.

The mineral has universal compatibility and works with all signs of the zodiac. Especially well suited to those born under the constellations of Cancer and Capricorn. Astrologers claim that chrysoprase is strongly associated with the air element of Aquarius. Magical vibes of the stone catches almost every sign of the zodiac. There are no contraindications to its use, but it is necessary to consider which of them the mineral is more suitable.

  • Chrysoprase - a powerful amulet for Aries.
  • Slow Taurus, owning a mineral, they become more active, more mobile and more purposeful.
  • Twins will become much calmer. A noticeable mineral affects those prone to hectic and constant anxiety.
  • Cancer It is better to use a stone as an amulet. He dims beforehand if this zodiac sign is in trouble, misfortune.
  • Lions wonderful properties of the stone feel weak.
  • Virgin they become wiser, more thoroughly analyze tense situations, start thinking more rationally.
  • On Libra the mineral is neutral.
  • Scorpions stone makes you more lucky and happy.
  • Strelets should wear a stone, set in silver.
  • Capricorns mood will rise, they will overcome depressive manifestations. Mineral will help jealous and apathetic natures.
  • Aquarius associated with chrysoprase closely. Representatives of this sign will be able to achieve their goals, to fulfill their innermost desires. Especially if Aquarius is honest and merciful.
  • Fish feed on the energy of the stone, gaining new vitality.

Chrysoprase should constantly work, you should not keep it all the time in the box, because it loses a wonderful look, weakening its magical qualities.

How to distinguish from fakes?

Common counterfeits today are Chinese-made synthetics (ketsite). Often as an artificial cheap mineral, painted in the desired color with nickel salts, is sold as chrysoprase. In addition, the natural mineral is easy to confuse with another stone: emerald, cat's eye, jade or jadeite. To avoid deception and mistakes when buying chrysoprase, it is important to possess some knowledge.

  • A real chrysoprase, or rather a product made from it, is not worth less than 2-3 thousand rubles (if we purchase a product without metals: beads, bracelets from solid cabochons).
  • The average volume of natural gem is 2 cm3. Larger products offered for sale are likely fake.
  • In a mineral of natural origin, microbubbles can be considered (using a magnifying glass), primary inclusions, which are traces of natural growth. Synthetics has no such inclusions.
  • Using a magnifying glass, in a fake, you can see traces of dyes.
  • Synthetic ketsite, as a rule, has a more saturated and uniform color.

Artificially colored chrysoprase is called green onyx. It may be lemon green or blue. In Zimbabwe, green chalcedony is mined, the color of which is due to chromium impurities.. It is called green agate or mtorolitom.. Separately, blue chrysoprase is isolated, which contains inclusions of chrysocolla. Recently, the stone has a large number of imitations made from cheaper chalcedony. Imitation dyeing is performed using chromium or nickel salts.

Only a specialist expert can distinguish imitation from natural chrysoprase by using special methods of optical analysis and instruments (Chelsea filter, spectroscope).

How to care?

In the care of jewelry with chrysoprase unpretentious, although careful attitude and love will not be superfluous. To preserve the stone in the desired state, it is necessary to clean it with a soap solution and wipe it with a soft cloth. Exposure to direct sunlight is harmful for the mineral. In the bright sun, the color of the mineral may fade.

To restore the old state of the stone is wrapped in a damp cloth.

It is important to protect it from chemicals, solid objects and overheating. To give chrysoprase more brightness and saturation, it is recommended to freeze it occasionally in a bowl of water.. The process of defrosting should occur naturally, without forcing the process.

Beautiful examples

From chrysoprase created many beautiful products.

  • The piece made by the talented jewelers of Van Cleef & Arpels Daisy for Elizabeth Taylor is striking in its beauty. The actress piously believed that a parurer brings her good luck (photo 1).
  • Male ring. A similar ring was worn by A. of Macedon (photo 2).
  • Gold-plated Daphne Necklace with chrysoprase (photo 3).
  • Talisman for young businessmen (photo 4).
  • Necklace with chrysoprase of rich color (photo 5).

On the property of chrysoprase stone, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


