Stones and Minerals

Indigolit: characteristics and properties

Indigolit: characteristics and properties

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  1. Natural deposits
  2. origin of name
  3. Chemical and physical features
  4. Scope of application
  5. How to distinguish the original from a fake?
  6. Effect on the human body
  7. Stone magic
  8. Mineral and zodiac signs
  9. How to wear jewelry?
  10. Care instructions

Indigolite is a rare form of tourmaline mineral. He, like the latter, is part of the rocks. By its color this stone is blue, dark blue, bluish-black. Rare, but still can be found greenish-blue specimens.

Natural deposits

In nature, this mineral can be found in the form of prismatic crystals in the voids of vein rocks. Currently, it can be found in the Pamir mountain system on the territory of Tajikistan, as well as in countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan. In addition, indigolite deposits are located in Finland and some states of America. In Russia, deposits of this stone were discovered at the end of the XIX century. They are mainly concentrated in the valley of the Urulgi river, but there is a small amount in the Irkutsk region.

The leader in terms of the amount of indigolite mined in our time is undoubtedly Brazil. The country supplies 75% of these stones, so this mineral is often called Brazilian sapphire. In the state of Minas Gerais, especially diverse and beautiful indigolites, known throughout the world, are mined.

Minas gerais

origin of name

The name of this mineral is derived from the word "indigo", which means a shade of blue between dark blue and purple. In Russia, indigolit used to be called Baus. This name applied to all precious and semiprecious stones of blue color (kyanite, sapphire).

Often indigolite is called the Ural or Siberian sapphire. He actually looks very much like sapphire, although inferior to him in strength.

Chemical and physical features

Indigolite is a mineral that belongs to silicates. They have a complex structure and chemical composition, so the color of the stone depends on the specific composition of the rock. Blue color due to the high content of iron. Indigolite inherent pleochroism, that is, the mineral with the same light and depending on the angle of view can change its color from dark blue to blue. The stone has a characteristic glass shine and is able to refract light.

Mineral crystals are fragile, have the form of a prism or columns, transparent or opaque structure. Indigolite has a trigonal syngony, a fracture with irregularities and a lack of cleavage. The hardness of the stone is 7-7.5 on the Mohs scale (the scale of the hardness of minerals).

Scope of application

This mineral is most often used in the jewelry industry as an insert into square or rectangular cut jewelery. In order to reveal all the beauty of the stone, they use, like in the work with diamonds, facet faceting. Unprocessed stones are popular with mineral collectors due to their attractive appearance.

Thermoelectric properties of indigolite allow it to be used in radio electronics. Small, inconspicuous, having many third-party inclusions samples are used in optics. They are melted down and added to glass.

Not very high quality minerals are also used for interior decoration (as inlays of door handles or as part of wall panels and paintings).

How to distinguish the original from a fake?

In order to be sure of the authenticity of the stone when buying, you should pay attention to the following properties, which always has the original:

  • natural indigolite is heterogeneous in color shades and color intensity;
  • from the natural mineral there is a long feeling of coolness if you warm it in your hand or rub it;
  • the presence of cracks is also evidence of the authenticity of the stone;
  • gas bubbles are often found in natural minerals.

Effect on the human body

It is believed that this mineral is associated with the chakra of the will of Vishudha. It is used during meditation, as it helps to concentrate on positive emotions. Therefore, indigolit strengthens the nervous system, relieves depression and insomnia (especially if you keep it at night under the pillow). It is useful for strengthening the immune system and the endocrine system. Greenish stones have a beneficial effect on the liver, indigolite blue cures diseases of the central nervous system, and bluish mineral relieves headaches and normalizes vision.

The stone is not suitable for pregnant women. It is contraindicated in people suffering from allergies. If you have started bleeding, you should immediately remove the jewelry that has this mineral.

Stone magic

It is believed that indigolite magically gives its owner a wise look at life and sanity. He is able to neutralize aggression and the manifestation of negative emotions. In addition, pendants and pendants with this mineral make the voice more pleasant and confident. If you wear a stone on your right hand, you can gain luck in any endeavors. But indigolite ornaments on the left hand are worn in order to draw the attention of the opposite sex.

This mineral is also used as a family talisman: it maintains marital fidelity and harmony in family relationships, prevents quarrels and conflicts.

Mineral and zodiac signs

Indigolite is most suitable for representatives of the fire element, that is, Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. He gives all these signs good luck in his conceived, success in business, good health. In addition, this stone protects Aries from envy and gives them courage, and Strelets Troops gives confidence in their strength and stability.. Of the signs that are not related to the element of Fire, indigolit is of great importance for Libra, which helps to make the right decisions.

It should be remembered that this mineral is absolutely contraindicated for people born under the sign of Capricorn.

How to wear jewelry?

It is best to buy indigolit in a frame of silver, which is able to reveal all its positive aspects. But you can wear this stone and in combination with gold. In order to overcome serious family conflicts, jewelry with this mineral should be used by both spouses.

Indigolite goes well with stones such as ruby ​​and alexandrite, as they have similar energy. This stone is rarely used in rings because of the complexity of the cut, so it is better to choose bracelets, earrings and pendants.

Care instructions

Possessing good strength, this mineral withstands mechanical effects. But hot steam and high temperatures are contraindicated in him, because they destroy the structure of the stone. It is recommended to use soft fabrics and a solution of soap of low concentration for cleaning. To store jewelry with indigolite should be in a dark, cool, inaccessible to the sun's place. It is better to wrap them with a soft fabric.

Indigolit is an inexpensive, but very beautiful stone, a fascinating look with various shades of blue. It is a healing and magical mineral that makes people wiser and happier.

Review of indigolite stone, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


