Stones and Minerals

Iolite: description, meaning and properties of a stone

Iolite: description, meaning and properties of a stone

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  1. History of origin
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Properties
  4. Varieties
  5. How to distinguish from fakes?
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. Stone care

Iolite is one of those minerals that conquer the heart at first sight. His deep violet tone immediately evokes thoughts of magic and magic, I want to look at this gem. In addition to external beauty, iolite has a number of unique properties that need detailed consideration.

History of origin

Iolite is part of the cordierite group, and in all the years of its existence it had a great significance for man, and in one way or another influenced the fate of his master. Many myths and legends are associated with this mineral, but it is quite problematic to say exactly what is true and what is not.

The first legend associated with the stone dates back to the times of the ancient Vikings.

As is known, the Vikings constantly floated on the sea, looking for new lands and conquering them. Constant fogs and storms of the northern seas were not easy given to seafarers, and they often strayed along the way and died because they did not know where to sail further.

Ancient manuscripts indicate that the Vikings began to take iolite in their travels. At first it was thought that these stones served as talismans, but then it turned out that navigators used them as a compass, determining the direction due to the refraction of the sun's rays in the stone.

Described and classified iolite in the XIX century, since then it received its correct name. Many scientists call stone and cordierite, which is also true. An interesting fact: at the filming of the box-office film “Titanic”, cordierite was considered as a stone for the famous pendant “Heart of the Ocean”, but later they preferred other minerals. Despite the fact that iolite has long been described, and all its qualities are known, the old names of the stone still remained. For example, iolite can be called "false sapphire", "viking stone" and many other unusual names.

Place of Birth

Cordierite is a stone that is average in price. In Russia, it is not as popular as in other countries, so jewelry, including this gem, is rarely found. That, however, does not deprive them of exquisite and delicate beauty.

Iolite deposits are found on almost all of our planet. These stones are deep in the ground, and they are obtained by compacting various rocks. Good deposits of "Viking stone" is in Poland. There are minerals of light colors, they are almost transparent.

But as for Bavaria, saturated iolites of bright violet colors are mined here.


Small deposits of cordierite are also observed in America, but there gems are quite small, and therefore have no special value, unlike stones found in India. Similarly beautiful specimens are found in Sri Lanka and Madagascar. But the leader in finding the most massive and high-quality stones is Norway. Unfortunately, in Russia, iolite is quite small, but it is still there. Mining it in the Urals, Altai, Kola Peninsula.

Sri Lanka


Any mineral that nature provides has unique characteristics. Before turning to the healing and magical properties of iolite, it is worth considering what this stone represents from a physical point of view.


According to its physical qualities, cordierite is very similar to jade, but its colors are comparable to sapphire. Such confusion was the fact that for a long time iolite was considered another mineral, the same jade, for example. The cordierite structure is complex, crystalline. Low density - 2.7, but the hardness is much higher - about 7.5.

Thanks to such indicators gem perfectly amenable to cutting.

If to consider iolite after faceting, it will be seen that the color of the stone at the sites changes. Somewhere it will be darker color, somewhere almost complete lack of color. That is why cordierite is cut at a certain angle in order to slightly smooth out the above disadvantages.

The mineral has an oily sheen, is transparent, most of the ioliths shine through the rays of the sun. The color is usually blue, but there may be many shades, including violet and light purple.


The magical properties of the Viking stone have been known for a long time, and practically anyone who is wearing can use them. It is worth considering in more detail the unique qualities of the mineral in this field.

  • Perfect for couples due to the fact that it brings harmony, harmony and tranquility to the family. And also iolit helps to find mutual understanding, to establish relations with each other.
  • Will become a real treasure for lovers, because it supports passionate feelings, promotes reconciliation, protects from adultery.
  • It will help insecure people to find a worthy place in the workplace and take control of the situation. It is known that iolite wearers are regularly able to achieve high positions and radically change their lives.
  • Will protect from negative influence, having incorporated negative energy. Especially cordierite will be useful to people with a weak aura, to which the whole negative sticks. Such individuals will not only help the stone to become spiritually stronger, but also give a lot of strength.
  • Will be a source of inspiration for all people who love creativity. The stone will allow them to find themselves, to develop their creative abilities, will help ensure that the person will begin to visit creative thoughts, which he will later be able to translate into reality.


The first and most common medical property of cordierite is the ability to level the psycho-emotional background of its owner. Those people who are constantly exposed to stress, take everything to heart and suffer from various troubles, may well resort to using a Viking stone.

To do this, you just need to take iolite in your hands and carefully examine it for about 10-15 minutes, trying to get the rest of your thoughts out of your head. This time should be enough to leave the nervousness and confusion.

In addition, iolite can be put at night next to you, for example, under a pillow or on a bedside table - it is believed that this will help you fall asleep faster.

Very useful iolit will be for women. Every lady dreams that her nails are strong, and her hair - alive and flowing. Iolite is able to give the girl both, but you need to wear it regularly. In addition, the mineral will help those who have low hemoglobin, dizziness, unstable memory. But then again, jewelry with this stone or its clean nugget must be worn daily until the symptoms of diseases disappear.

If your cordierite has a silver frame, it will be good to recharge them with water. At night, the decoration is placed in a glass of clean cool water, and in the morning they drink the liquid before breakfast.

Such a simple technique will help get rid of toxins in the body, ensure the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, set up a metabolism.


Any cordierite has in its composition a dominant element, which determines its coloring, as well as all sorts of inclusions. For example, thanks to hematite, the stone receives red overflows, magnetite contributes to the appearance of small stars inside the mineral, but zircon causes yellow streaks. It is because of these different elements that people came up with the following varieties of cordierite.

  • "Cat's eye". This is a blue stone with a white vertical stripe.
  • Bloody Iolite. The stone of deep red, almost burgundy color, such a variety was obtained thanks to cerazite, which is in the mineral.
  • "Water Sapphire". The delicate, translucent pebble of blue and light violet tones may also have no color at all.
  • "Lynx Sapphire". Unlike its previous "brother", this stone, on the contrary, has a dark blue, deep color.
  • "Ink". This is a rare type of mineral; it gets this name in the case of a weak cut, when its color is almost close to black.
Water sapphire
Lynx Sapphire

How to distinguish from fakes?

To date, iolite is gaining popularity, thanks to which there are cases of its fake. Despite the fact that most people who buy nuggets or jewelery with stones are not experienced jewelers, you have nothing to fear when choosing an iolite.

  • Come for cordierite in cloudy weather. After all, if we recall the legend of the Vikings, the stone will flash on the side where the sun is. Do not hesitate, this is true, and the easiest way to properly determine the stone.
  • Unlike many stones, playing with one shine from different sides, Iolite has many shades. Look at the mineral from a different angle, and if you see that the color has changed, then you can take the goods.
  • Of course, there is a radical way to test the stone. Its hardness is not too great, so it will not crack due to the impact, but chipped and kinked may appear.

Who is suitable?

Iolite is a stone that astrologers have learned quite well. Let us dwell on a few recommendations that experts give.

  • Cordierite is good because it suits absolutely all signs of the zodiac. However, he will render special assistance to Strelets and Libra. Sagittarius will become less quick-tempered and more docile, but Libra will be able to overcome the shyness inherent in nature. And also it is necessary to take into account the coloring of the stone - bluish and light minerals will suit water signs: Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. Dark stones or gems with different patches can choose for themselves the rest of the horoscope.
  • Iolite recommend buying creative people: philosophers, teachers, writers, artists. For them, it will become an inexhaustible source of creativity, because many people call the mineral and in another way - “the stone of the muses.”
  • If we continue the topic of occupations, we can definitely note that iolite will be a necessary purchase for people whose work involves risk. For example, it could be firefighters, police officers, pilots, high-rise workers. Surgeons also belong to this category, whose profession, of course, does not pose a danger to the life of the doctor himself, but requires constant concentration and attention. So people iolit will avoid the dangers associated with their work.
  • Those who search for the truth will be able to find a second wind and find the right thought: scientists, researchers, religious people. For them, iolite will be a worthy talisman that will help get rid of unnecessary confusion in thoughts.

Girls and women can wear cordierite in brooches, rings, pendants, beads, pendants, earrings. The best option - is a massive suspension, located in the decollete. Due to the fact that the stone heats up quickly, the wearer often feels a special energetic connection with him. As for materials for clothing, fine fabrics will suit: satin, silk, chiffon. Men can also use the natural help of Iolite and get seals, cufflinks or pins with this stone.

Various figures with the inclusion of a mineral will become an excellent option - they can be placed at home, at the workplace, in a car.

Stone care

The stone of the Vikings is not too capricious in the care, it can be carried with you not only as a decoration, but also simply in a bag or pocket. But keep in mind that the energy of the stone, suppressed by various objects, can simply weaken, and therefore experts suggest to purchase a separate box for it.

      If the stone is contaminated, you can treat it with soapy water, and then rinse with plain water. And although it is believed that this should be done infrequently, the esoteric have their own opinion on this matter. Many of them believe that if a stone is worn every day, it is necessary to wash off the energy accumulated during this time. Every evening iolit will need to dip into the water at room temperature, let it soak for a couple of minutes, and then rinse. No other means should be used.

      On the properties of the stone, see below.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


