Stones and Minerals

Artificial pearls: what it is, its characteristics and use

Artificial pearls: what it is, its characteristics and use

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  1. What it is?
  2. Features of the manufacture of different types
  3. Pros and cons of imitation
  4. How to distinguish a fake?
  5. Care

Any buyer who at least once wanted to buy a jewelry with pearls, faced with a large range of prices. In reality, the difference is determined by the type of stone itself. The material of this article will acquaint the reader with artificial pearls, tell you what it is, what are its features, pros and cons.

What it is?

Natural pearls today are very rare, which is why their artificial counterpart is increasingly used in jewelry. In fact, this is a replica of natural stone, but unlike it, an artificial pearl is not born inside the shell and does not grow over the years, it does not layered over layer by layer. Artificial stone is created by human hands. This is a fake pearl, which differs even from cultured stone.

Features of the manufacture of different types

Despite the beautiful name, artificial pearls are made from plastic, glass, alabaster, pink coral and hematite. About any mollusk shells here are not ideas and speeches. Cover the resulting beads with special nacre, and in multiple layers. The top layer may consist of real powdered nacre mixed with a binder.

In production shell pearl a core was used as a core, covering it with layers of nacre. Variety majoricaused today is distinguished by the fact that the core, which is covered with many layers of nacre, is alabaster. Musical extracts are used as nacre in production. Externally, these stones are difficult to distinguish from real pearls.

Shell pearl

Ohrid pearl there is nothing more than Macedonian glass beads made by special technology. Pearls Swarovski represent the crystal beads covered with special structure. They are heavier than ordinary grains of artificial mineral, and their appearance rather closely resembles natural pearls. In contrast, they are not so capricious in wearing and care.

Ohrid pearl

Majorica is the most common way to produce a synthetic mineral.

In another way a fake natural stone called orchid. It is made of porcelain, glass and plastic. Top covered with artificial mother of pearl.

In addition, in the production of stones in order to strengthen subjected to chemical treatment with a substance that contains acetylcellulose or nitrocellulose. These minerals are like burmi cultured grain. Venetian Synthetic Pearl create from blown glass, the inside of which is filled with wax. It is difficult to distinguish from the present.

As for the newer spheres of production, they include the so-called shell mineral. During production, its grains are coated with polyamide and a special lacquer, which includes mica and plastic. This mineral is gaining great popularity in jewelry today.

Venetian synthetic

Pros and cons of imitation

Non-natural stone has a lot of advantages. For example, if the imitation is made with high quality, it looks expensive, gives a high status to jewelry. At the same time, pearl jewelry can be put on any celebration. They are suitable for women of different age categories and relevant in different situations.. Imitation can decorate hairpins, its grains with electric lighting can be different effect of light refraction.

Synthetic mineral is used in jewelry of various types: it can be part of beads, rings, earrings, bracelets. At the same time, unlike real pearls, he is not afraid of the sun, and therefore it can be worn at any time of the year, especially in summer. It is resistant to sunlight, and therefore does not lose any luster or beauty.

Artificial stone is obtained faster than natural, besides its production is not so laborious. The essential advantage of imitation can be called acceptable cost. This fact increases the circle of buyers, but at the same time increases the circle of unscrupulous sellers offering to sell low-quality goods.

Imitation is used not only in jewelry: these stones become accents of gold and silver jewelry. Moreover, the size of pearls of synthetic origin can be large. For example, stones with a diameter of more than 1 cm can be found in jewelry. Another virtue of artificial pearls is rich palette of colors.

Concerning imperfections of synthetic stonethen not every similar pearl can have a gloss like a natural one. She does not have such beautiful shimmers and radiance. In addition, artificial pearls gives the absence of a natural (porous) structure.

Imitation is afraid of reagents, as well as contact with cosmetics.

In comparison with the natural mineral in imitation not so long life resource. As a rule, it does not exceed fifty years. In this case, the replica must be protected because of its fragility. Besides quite a few of its shades are completely alien to natural pearls, and some change color in the process of exploitation.

How to distinguish a fake?

Despite the apparent similarity, there are still differences between the real and the artificial stone. For example, when buying it is important to pay attention to the shape of the stone: imitation is almost perfect, which cannot be said about a real mineral. The fake surface is perfect: it is smooth and smooth. Its shape is round, which is not the case of natural pearls, developing in a natural way and not differing in surface smoothness.

Imitation is different in weight: it is always lighter than real pearls. If you look closely at the jewelry, you can see that the pearls differ in size and shape. A fake all the stones of the same size and perfect shape. At the same time, their brilliance is devoid of depth and natural modulations.

If you throw a real grain above the surface of the table, it will bounce, while the imitation will not rebound and roll on the table.

Non-natural pearls are distinguished by the same color of stones, while natural pearls differ in shades of each grain in one ornament. On closer examination, pearls of synthetic origin can be seen chipped at the holes.. At the same time inside the hole you can see the material from which made a specific grain.

Imitation can be determined by tactile sensations. Unlike real mineral, the replica is not so cool. Besides, a fake stone warms too fast if picked up. Just as quickly, it acquires the temperature of the room in which it is located.

When rubbing pearls against each other, artificial minerals do not emit a characteristic squeak inherent in real pearl grains.

The difference is determined by the strength of the stone: the one that was created by human hands, prone to scratches. At the same time, traces and other damages remain on it, but not on natural pearls. Also, imitation ages faster due to dust, high humidity and temperature changes. The history of one real decoration can be calculated for centuries.


Like any natural stone, artificial pearls also need timely care. To make jewelry look decent, it is worth considering a few recommendations.

  • Decoration can be wiped exclusively with a napkin or cloth.
  • Do not immerse it in water, try to clean it by placing it in a solution with a chemical preparation.
  • Strong contamination is recommended to be removed only with a damp cloth.
  • You can not try to clean the jewelry with non-natural pearls, using steam or ultrasound.
  • These products must be stored in special bags or in boxes with velvet upholstery.
  • Contact of synthetic pearls with a solution of alcohol, vinegar, bleach, perfume, deodorants and creams are unacceptable.
  • Wear jewelry without making hair, it is not desirable. Artificial stone does not withstand contact with hair styling products.

You can not swim without removing the jewelry, take a bath with him, shower, do not take off in the sauna, bath and pool.

In the next video, you can watch the process of creating artificial pearls.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


