Stones and Minerals

All about stone cacholong

All about stone cacholong

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  1. A bit of history
  2. Specifications
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Healing and magical properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to distinguish from fakes?
  7. How to care?
  8. Beautiful examples

Cacholong stone (a type of opal) has unique healing and magical properties. Jewelers use it to create a variety of jewelry. Proper use of the gem allows you to solve a lot of problems, get energy protection and bring good luck to life.

A bit of history

The name of the mineral itself is of Kalmyk origin. Translated as “river stone”, where “kakhe” is a river, “holong” is a stone. It has nothing to do with the Kakha River in the Irkutsk Region. It is also called semi-feld or Kalmyk agate.

Humanity has been using cacholong for thousands of years. The ancient Romans created from him sculptures, dishes. It was used as a facing material for the palace walls, and also went on women's jewelry.

His attitude was to a semi-precious stone in India. It was believed that this was the frozen milk of the sacred cow. Mineral used in temples as an attribute of protecting people from all sorts of misfortunes. The ancient Egyptians brought gifts from the cacholong to the fertility deity with the expectation of a good harvest.

In Russia, the first mention of this mineral is found in the sources of the XVIII century. It was used to decorate the squares, buildings and halls in the palaces.

To date, cacholong has been used in the production of:

  • jewelry;
  • design items;
  • pharmaceuticals.


In its composition, cacholong is a cross between chalcedony and opal. Depending on the composition of a particular mineral, it is referred to the group of opal or chalcedonic.

In opal cacholong pores are noticeable, it has a pale white shade. When it hits the light scatters. Chalcedony stone opaque, milky shade.

In each of the options there are black stripes that make up an interesting pattern.

Among the cacholongs there are also gems of the following shades:

  • pink;
  • greenish;
  • yellowish;
  • grayish;
  • snow white.

    There is a lot of calcium in the gem. Some minerals turn into powder when exposed to water. For others with a smoother surface and even chipped, moisture resistance is much higher.

    Place of Birth

    Most of the cacholong is mined in the countries of Central Asia. Countries possessing largest gem deposits:

    • Kazakhstan;
    • Armenia;
    • Mongolia;
    • India;
    • Iceland.

    In Russia, cacholong is mined in Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. Connoisseurs of stone for several decades know the manifestation of the River, located in the southern Urals. From time to time, this mineral is also mined in small amounts.

    Healing and magical properties

    Cacholong is used to treat various diseases depending on its color. The snow-white mineral helps to get rid of:

    • overweight;
    • eye diseases;
    • infertility and other problems in the reproductive system;
    • nervous diseases.

      To improve the work of the intestine and stomach, use a milky stone. To do this, it is immersed in water, kept for some time, and then use the liquid as an infusion. To stabilize the reproductive system, women are advised to wear a ring with cacholong on their left hand (men on the right).

      If you put a gem at the head of the patient on the bed, it will help to quickly strengthen the immune system after certain diseases.

      People who play sports or work a lot physically should carry a white mineral with them. Due to this, the body will be protected from toxins, metabolism will accelerate, and the heart will work in a stable mode.

      To combat nervous disorders, you can look at the greenish cacholong for several minutes every day.

      Healers advise pregnant women to put this stone on the stomach, and those who have breathing problems - on the throat. If you simultaneously use cacholong, lapis lazuli, rhodonite and malachite, you can quickly cure colds. Children with them rather get rid of colic in the stomach.

      Cacholong has a magical meaning for humans. It is used for meditation. If you wear a gem with you all the time, you can build relationships with people, including beneficial ones. Lonely women mineral helps to find love, and those who have a family, to remain faithful in a pair.

      In case of protracted family troubles, it is recommended to acquire a bracelet with cacholong, so that the accumulated problems will soon be resolved. The energy of the stone helps to ensure that quarrels and conflicts subside, and good relations between the spouses are restored. This stone does not allow aggression to develop, removes disturbing moods, helps to get away from bad thoughts and listen to your own intuition.

      When wearing jewelry with cacholong all the best that is in the character of a person, manifests itself in full. For a man, gem gives strength, and for a woman, charm. The strongest of all Kaholong amulets for the fair sex is snow white. People who, by virtue of their profession, are dealing with money, can hedge against deception and ruin with the help of cacholong jewelry.

      In the countries of the East, it is customary to place a gem on the bed of the newlyweds. At this place the stone is a whole month, giving the opportunity to conceive healthy and attractive externally siblings. If the gem is used in a ring or bracelet, it is recommended to periodically remove it from one hand and wear it on the other. Rings are best worn on the middle finger. Men can simply put a piece of the mineral in their pocket and keep it there as a talisman.

      For a stone to work well from the point of view of magic, beads or necklaces made from it, you need to wear a bracelet on your hand for several days after the purchase.

      Who is suitable?

      When wearing jewelry with cacholong, it is desirable to consider the sign of the zodiac, to which belongs to a specific person.

      • Aries has some character flaws in the presence of a mineral, in particular, his temper and irritability, and Scorpio - hidden egoism peculiar to him and sullen mood.
      • But the best way things with gem are combined with the energy of Taurus and Libra. With the help of this stone, people born under such constellations, faster than others, attract good luck and material well-being into their lives.
      • In Pisces, as a result of contacts with a stone, abilities in the field of medicine are intensified. Those born under this sign, who work as a doctor, have the opportunity to more effectively heal and prevent the illnesses of patients.
      • Cancers, thanks to the talisman of cacholong, get rid of eternal anxiety and overcome internal insecurity.

        If we talk about the professional affiliation of those who are recommended to keep the mineral with them, then they are experts in the field of law, medicine, politics, and pedagogy. Gem helps them find a balanced solution in a particular situation.

        If you consider that cacholong has a beneficial effect on eye pressure and visual acuity, it should be worn by those who sit at a computer for a long time, read a lot, do handicrafts and other hard work. For all these people, the stone will help to remain patient, as well as moms and dads who raise hyperactive children, or those who look after sick relatives and naughty old people.

        How to distinguish from fakes?

        Despite the fact that cacholong does not apply to precious stones, it is still forged, replacing the natural mineral with glass or opal of synthetic origin. In order to make sure that a real “river stone” has fallen into your hands, you need to evaluate its brilliance. Unlike glass, which glitters the same way as it does not turn, a real gem as if plays with brilliance during rotation.

        You can recognize a fake by attaching a specific instance to the language. This stone adheres to it, besides, it has an unpleasant taste because of the presence of chalk in its composition. If you risk to lower the natural mineral into the water, it will absorb it and then it will crack.

        The most common is a fake cacholong, having a pure white color without dark veins. In this case, it is advisable to consult with a specialist with the necessary knowledge, as well as with special equipment.

        How to care?

        By production of various products the gem is easily processed. It can be given any shape. But also it is necessary to care for any ornament with such mineral carefully.

        • It should not be in contact with water. Humid air also harms the cacholong product. If you try to wash the surface of the stone, cracks and chips will appear on it.
        • Do not use cosmetics, chemicals and ultrasound for cleaning. All this will negatively affect the appearance of the product.
        • It is better to keep jewelry with such mineral in boxes and caskets in dry places. Any mechanical impact on the stone in the decoration should be avoided.
        • To the stone was clean and beautiful, it is rubbed with a woolen cloth. You can pre-apply a drop of olive oil or other vegetable oil on it. After cleaning, the decoration should be allowed to dry.

        Beautiful examples

        From cacholong create a variety of products for interior decoration, a variety of women's jewelry. Grind special balls for the practice of "special properties". Sometimes this stone is adjacent to products with turquoise, malachite or jasper. Jewelry with cacholong are best suited to the outfits of the classical style, emphasizing the grace and femininity of its owner.

        The white cacholong bracelet with dark veins fascinates with its appearance. Women who value gems will be delighted to replenish the collection with such an interesting thing.

        Earrings with white cacholong look elegant. They can be worn for any occasion.

        Figurines from such a mineral look interesting in the interior, forcing them to admire them for a long time.

        The magical and healing properties of cacholong stone are discussed in the following video:

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


