Stones and Minerals

How are pearls formed and where can it be found?

How are pearls formed and where can it be found?

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  1. Process description
  2. Physical properties of the stone
  3. Mining sites
  4. Scope of application

Pearls - solid mineral formation of a round or irregular shape. Appears inside the shell of marine mollusk as a result of the flow of biogenic processes. It is a precious material from which jewelry is made.

The most outstanding pearl specimen ever found in the natural environment is the pearl of Lao Tzu. Its other name is the Pearl of Allah. Its weight is 34 kg, length - 67 cm, width - 30 cm.

The formation of pearls in natural conditions is an extremely complex process, marked by a wide range of physical and chemical reactions occurring in the shell body.

Process description

The formation of pearls is a protective reaction of the mollusk organism. It is activated when a foreign body enters through the open shell flaps. It can be a grain of sand, small pebble, algae or something else. In order to feed, as well as navigate the seabed, the oyster is forced to open the doors of its shell. It is at the moment of discovery, under the action of water pressure and buoyancy, foreign bodies penetrate into the house.

The mollusk's body is extremely tender, equipped with a variety of sensitive receptors. The presence of such features makes him use a protective mechanism that does not allow a foreign body to harm him.

  • The extraneous body settles on one of the parts of the mollusk surface. After which it begins to gradually sink into the fabric. The result is a small depression on the surface of the body. The formation of the so-called pearl bag.
  • Foreign matter can have sharp edges and corners that irritate and even injure the tender body of the mussel. The stimulation factor causes the launch of biological processes that lead to the body's production of specific cells.
  • These cells are sent to the place where the foreign object is located. The special enzyme contained in the cells causes them to envelop the grain of sand with mineral-organic layers. Wrapping occurs gradually, layer by layer. After solidification forms a solid surface. This is how a pearl is born.

The shape of the pearl depends on the configuration of the grain of sand, which fell into the internal environment of the mollusk. If it has a fairly smooth shape, the pearl will be in the form of a regular ball. In other cases, an object of irregular or oblong shape gets inside the shell. The coating of the future pearl with a mineral-organic layer will be made in accordance with the shape of the foreign body. The result may be a pearl with a curved surface.

The degree of symmetry of the pearl shape is influenced by the location of the foreign body. In some cases, it may settle on the inner side of one of the shell valves, which leads to the merging of pearls with the surface of the sash. Such a pearl becomes one with the shell of a mollusk and is not a valuable material.

Depending on the species of the mollusk and its habitat, the quality characteristics of the pearls it grows may differ. Differences can be observed in color, shape, texture of pearls, as well as in the presence or absence of other individual characteristics.

Harvesting pearls grown in nature inside the oyster is an extremely labor-intensive process. Usually the clam shell lies on the surface of the seabed.For its production it is necessary to go down to the bottom, which can be dangerous for an unprepared getter.

In addition, pearls in mussels grow very long. The process of formation of the mineral layer around the foreign body takes place at the cellular level. To achieve a pearl of an acceptable size you may need some years. Modern technologies are used to facilitate the extraction of precious minerals. The technique allows you to dive deeper and stay there longer than usual.

There are farms engaged in the cultivation of oysters. The purpose of their activities may be to obtain a food product or artificial pearls.

Mussel breeding technology implies use of an artificial or natural reservoir. In the second variant, a certain part of the water space is fenced off from the main one. In the case of the breeding of marine mollusks, part of the marine coastal space is used, since it is almost impossible to create similar conditions in isolation from the sea.

The size of each individual pearl depends on the size of the shell of the mollusk that grows it. In addition, the value affects the physical condition of the oyster. If it is healthy and strong, the formation of a mother of pearl stone will proceed faster, with a better result.

Some representatives of mollusks are incapable of a lengthy process of enveloping foreign matter. They do not have enough resources necessary for this, which causes their death. Under farm farming, such cases are unprofitable, as the mussel can die before it can form a full-fledged pearl.

Physical properties of the stone

In the list of the physical properties of pearls can be identified basic:

  • Colour;
  • the form;
  • shell composition.

The most common color combination of pearls is white with a brilliant pearl shimmer. However, there are also colored pearls of pink, blue, purple, brown, orange hue. The color characteristic is the determining factor on which the price of the product depends. The rarest and most expensive pearls are blue and blue. They are grown by mollusc heliotis.

The shape of each individual pearl is a factor directly affecting its value. A more correct form is much more expensive than a wrong one. In addition, there are pearl formations, the shape of which does not allow their use in any way. In this case, they are recognized as defective material and disposed of.

The cheapest and most affordable is pearls produced by freshwater mussels. Its cost is extremely low, and the quality is mediocre.

The main characteristic of a pearl is the composition of its shell. A distinctive feature of this material is a special chemical composition, its main components are calcium carbonate and conchiolin. Thanks to the combination of these elements, pearls are half mineral, half organic formation, which emphasizes its uniqueness.

Mining sites

Mussels growing pearls inside their shells live in warm sea and ocean waters. They can be found near the coast of South America, Australia, Japan, India and others.

The average depth of their permanent stay is 30-35 m, however, representatives of this species of marine life are also found at much greater depth. During its lifetime, an oyster can travel long distances, despite its limited ability to move. In most cases, the clam attaches its house to a solid surface: a stone or a coral reef. In this position, it can be quite a long time.

Pearl mussels are searched for and harvested at an average depth of up to 20 m. In most cases, they are lifted from the bottom by professional divers who are submerged in water without special equipment.. This work is associated with great physical exertion and a high probability of causing harm to health, which is one of the factors determining the value of pearls. The outer surface of the shell of some mollusks has a specific color that merges with the environment. This greatly complicates their search.

Harvesting wild oysters is a factor negatively affecting the ecosystem of the underwater world. Pearl formations of good quality are quite rare. Out of ten oysters, only one can contain a pearl.

Those mollusks that do not have a precious stone perish as a result of opening their shell. This affects the numerical population of the species, which causes them to go into deeper water.

Scope of application

Basically, pearls are used to make various jewelry. From it do:

  • beads;
  • necklace;
  • bracelets;
  • earrings;
  • rings;
  • suspensions;
  • brooches;
  • customized products.

Jewelry, which consist of a certain number of pearls, are considered the most expensive. For example, for the manufacture of beads or necklaces, stones are selected that are similar in size, shape and shade. The production of such a selection is a labor-intensive process, since in nature there are no two absolutely identical pearls.

Products containing 1 or 2 pearls cost a little less, but the material of which the frame is made also influences the final cost. Platinum or gold frames framing a pearl are much higher.

It is believed that pearls have magical properties and can affect the physical or psychological state of a person. However, the real facts confirming such conclusions have not been revealed.

If we talk about the impact of pearl jewelry on a person, then it is worth noting the following: the presence of such a sophisticated and expensive jewelry made from natural material, raised from the seabed, forms a special status of a person and increases self-esteem.

The carrier of such a decoration may feel special, standing out from other people. Based on this, it can be concluded that the pearl craft is able to influence the inner self-awareness of a person. This influence is due to its emotional background, but not the magical properties of the natural mineral-organic compound.

How to distinguish natural pearls from fakes, see the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


