Stones and Minerals

Corundum: what it is, varieties, properties and scope

Corundum: what it is, varieties, properties and scope

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  1. History of origin
  2. What it is?
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Properties
  5. Varieties
  6. Where does it apply?
  7. Who is suitable?
  8. Care rules
  9. How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Corundum is a precious mineral, the most famous derivatives of which are sapphire and ruby. These stones are considered not just valuable gems, but jewels of the highest category. In mineralogy there is a group of corundum, similar in structure, properties of the chemical and physical series. For a long period of time, experts isolated varieties of corundum as separate types of natural stones.

After chemical science and geological studies reached a certain level, data were obtained that made it possible to combine minerals into one group. All minerals differed only in appearance, but in their composition they were one. Thus, a group of stones under the general name "corundum" was selected.

History of origin

The history of corundum goes back many centuries. The incredible demand for this mineral arose immediately after its formation was discovered. Not all precious subspecies of corundum are common and well known., but, probably, each person will be able to answer the question of what a ruby ​​or sapphire looks like.

But the question of the characteristics of corundum in many will cause difficulties, despite the fact that both known stones are formed from one mineral. Corundum has a rich color range and many varieties. Its cost is high, and popularity among connoisseurs is huge.

At first, only people belonging to the religious elite could acquire and wear it: priests or priests. Corundum started its distribution all over the world from the territory of India, from there it fell into European countries. The demand for corundum was formed very quickly, the stones became popular and in demand.

From the clergy, the stone moved to diplomacy, where he acquired a symbolic meaning. Gifts with corundums of blue or red hue in areas of higher diplomacy were considered manifestations of the deepest respect.

In Russia, the mineral was discovered in the middle of the last century. The domestic name of corundum is yacht. The scarlet yacht is the name of a ruby, and the azure is sapphire. The stone was very much appreciated by the Russian nobility in all historical times.

What it is?

Corundum is called differently in different countries, and Among the most spectacular titles you will find the following:

  • east diamond;
  • violet;
  • padparaja;
  • eastern emerald;
  • almandine sapphire;
  • oriental amethyst.

    There is such a thing as “pure stone” - this means that corundum has excellent natural properties and is highly valued in the gemstone market. This is explained by the fact that it is very difficult to find such stones, because in nature there are very few of them.

    Distinctive characteristics and description of the pure mineral:

    • absolute transparency;
    • the stone has no color due to the lack of pigment;
    • shine bright type, vitreous;
    • incredible similarity with diamond.

    In most corundum deposits, pigmented minerals are found which contain various inclusions of rocks, for example, of the colloid type. As for the colors, the palette of shades is impressive: blue and cyan, red and scarlet, green, mauve.

    People have long attached a special meaning to red corundum, since such stones are a symbol of power and strength.

    Place of Birth

    Today, the deposits of sapphire corundum, there are almost 20 times more than ruby.The largest crystal mining is in Asia. The territory of development is a quadrilateral, which includes Thailand, Myanmar, India and Sri Lanka. The world's most valuable premium rubies come from Sri Lanka and Myanmar deposits, and luxury sapphires come to the jewelry market from India.

    In addition, corundum is mined in Tanzania and Australia. It is there that find sapphires of rare shades - black green Not less large deposits are located in the United States and in Canada.

    As for the European continent, they find corundum in Turkey, Greece, Norway. Domestic deposits are located in the Urals, in Primorye and near Krasnoyarsk. One of the most recent places for the extraction of corundum, discovered not so long ago, is in Kazakhstan.


    By chemical composition, the group of corundums refers to crystalline aluminum oxides. Stone is formed only where the rock contains a large amount of alumina, while silica should be in short supply. More than half of the mineral crystal composition is aluminum. Chemical Formula Al203.

    The hardness and density of a pure stone is very high, it has a shade of slightly gray color, at the same time the mineralization of the mineral is excellent and the stone is completely transparent. Corundum hardness index is at the 2nd place after Mohs diamonds. Density - not less than 3.94 g / cm3.

    Stones without pigment - a rarity, they are characterized by incredible beauty and have a luster, like glass.

    Most often in corundum there are natural inclusions of chromium, iron, manganese and titanium. These impurities and give the final color of mineral crystals, creating a wealth of shades. Iron oxides give a shade of yellowness, and the presence of gland in its pure form creates brown tone. Iron in conjunction with manganese gives corundum pink coloring.

    Due to the impregnation of titanium, the mineral becomes sapphire, and in the presence of chromium, ruby ​​corundum is obtained.. To make the pigment more juicy and saturated, lightly colored crystals are subjected to x-ray treatment, and they become brighter. Heating the mineral, on the other hand, reduces the color intensity. For example, a stone of purple hue may become slightly pinkish.

    Corundum has magical and healing properties. Due to the regular wearing of the stone, you can become an emotionally stable and self-confident person. It perfectly affects memory and increases the ability to memorize, mobilizes the activity of the mind. Therefore, it is recommended to use it during training, as well as in the process of research or inventive work.

    The stone is also suitable for creative people looking for inspiration.

    The effect of the stone varies depending on the type of jewelry in which it is located.

    • Rings and rings. Such decorations have a positive effect on talents hidden deep in a person, on the spiritual development of a person. If you constantly wear a ring with corundum on your hand, then abilities that you didn’t even suspect might suddenly awaken. For the effect to be the most serious and strong, knowledgeable people advise wearing a ring only on the middle finger.
    • Earrings. Perfectly affect the objective assessment of what is happening, you will be able to more effectively evaluate the actions and actions. If you think about the meaning of life, wear corundum in earrings, it will help you to understand not only this issue, but also yourself, and also lead you to inner harmony.
    • Pendant and suspension. Suitable for those who need peace, balance. If you are unstable in terms of emotions, restless, constantly anxious, annoyed, aggressively tuned - this is a decoration for you. It will help to become more focused, calm, not to suffer from drops of emotions.

    Not to mention the properties of a therapeutic nature, as corundum in healing is considered one of the most effective minerals. From color depends on what effect the stone will have on the body and how it can help.

    With the purpose of treatment it is recommended to wear jewelry with corundum or to have this stone with you in the bag. Such actions will help solve a number of health problems: to restore immunity and normal functioning of internal organs. Ruby perfectly affects the metabolism, it helps to cope with diseases of the blood vessels, heart, circulatory system.

    Blue minerals improve the work of the organs of vision yellow Beneficial effect on external health: skin, hair, nails, give the skin elasticity and freshness. If you want to improve the functioning of the digestive system or lose weight, then you should also use yellow-colored stones. Red stones normalize blood pressure. Violet the color of the mineral will help with diseases of the nervous system, neurosis, anxiety, neuralgia and vascular problems. In cases of stroke, brain injury, it is recommended to wear a stone of this particular hue.

    Those who want to improve the overall tone of the body, you must wear jewelry, which combined a variety of shades of stones.


    The most valuable types of mineral - sapphire and ruby, they have the highest category among the jewels. Despite the similar composition and properties, the stones differ among themselves.

    Ruby has the following characteristics:

    • has red color of different shades;
    • the palette ranges from succulent cherries and dark mahogany to faint, subtle pink tones;
    • saturated colors are valued higher (scarlet, cherry, burgundy, dark red);
    • stones of I category at their price often exceed the cost of diamond;
    • high degree of transparency.

      Corundum ruby ​​has several subspecies that have different characteristics.

      • Stellate. Rare crystal, looks quite exotic due to the optical visual effect. If you look at the slice, you can see the outlines in the shape of a star.
      • Ceylon Very beautiful stone of bright purple hue, lilac.
      • Siamese. The variety of shades varies from brown and red to purple, while the minerals look impressive and beautiful.

      The following features are characteristic of sapphire:

      • unique transparency;
      • the highest category among jewels;
      • tint palette includes tones from pale blue to bright, catchy cornflower blue;
      • the saturation of the shades is average, but the color itself is quite deep.

          Corundum sapphires have several varieties.

          • Violet. This species is also called oriental amethyst, it has an attractive juicy purple color.
          • Chlorosapphire. The most valuable of the spectrum of sapphire stone, having a greenish tone. This mineral is very similar to emerald, and only a specialist can distinguish them. Another name for chlorosapphire is oriental emerald.
          • Padparaja Differs in bright tones of orange, yellow, pink color of both light and dark spectrum of shades. By transparency, all the stones can be completely different.
          • Leykosapphire. The characteristics of its transparency are irreproachable; it is this variety that is called the oriental diamond.
          • Stellate. A rare species that has similar traits and effects with a ruby ​​of the same name. Stone of incredible purity and transparency, very expensive and highly valued by collectors.
          Purple sapphire
          Star sapphire

          Pure corundum has no pigment, that is, in fact, it is white or with a grayish tint, which is very rare.

          Where does it apply?

          The use of precious corundum applies not only to jewelry. Opaque granular stone used in the abrasive industry. Polishing powders, grinding tools, and abrasives are made from it.

          Due to its high temperature resistance, corundum is successfully used in production of medical products, electronics. In addition, corundum is used in the manufacture of materials with thermal insulation properties. Another area where corundum properties are often used is aviation industry. It is corundum used in the manufacture of high-grade glass substitute for the windows of not only aircraft, but also space rockets.

          Despite all these characteristics, corundum is most often used in the manufacture of jewelry. Products with rubies and sapphires are in great demand.

          Who is suitable?

          It is believed that corundum is a stone of people with energy, activity, dedication and the will to win. The properties of the stone allow you to direct people to the goal, to mobilize their internal resources. According to astrologers, this mineral is suitable for many zodiac signs.

          For example, Aquarius, Cancer and Fish can wear it without restriction. For them, the mineral activates its best properties and allows you to attract positive energy waves that protect against negative. Corundum will especially help those who are engaged in business or creative activities, as well as those whose energy protection is too weak.

          Aries this crystal is almost completely unsuitable and it is better to avoid wearing it at a young age. If you are over 40 years old, then this restriction does not work for you. On the contrary, in maturity, Aries can extract a lot of useful things from stone: personal success, career growth, the awakening of talents.

          Strongly advised to wear corundum Capricorn - out of all 12 signs of the Zodiac, he alone is not compatible with the energy of this mineral. If you do not take into account this discrepancy, then all the properties of the stone will begin to work in the opposite direction, against the person. As for the other signs, they can wear jewelry with such a stone, but in combination with some other gem. For example, Taurus corundum will especially help in combination with turquoise, and Leo This mineral is best worn in combination with amber or brown agate.

          Care rules

          In order for the stones to always have a spectacular appearance, it is necessary to properly care for them:

          • periodically wipe the jewelry with a cloth moistened in a solution of ammonia with water;
          • Mechanical damage to the stone is quite difficult to apply, but it is necessary to periodically check the density of fixing it in the frame;
          • storing jewelry in the light, especially in direct sunlight, is strictly prohibited;
          • overheating jewelry with natural stones is impossible, since their color can change, becoming lighter;
          • Do not use chemicals and abrasives to clean jewelry with corundum - give preference to soapy water solutions.

          How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

          At the end of the 19th century, the first synthetic corundum was produced, and since then artificial minerals have been grown in laboratories, which cannot be called fakes, but they have serious differences from natural gems. There are laboratories for growing crystals in Russia, Germany, and Switzerland. Since natural crystal is very expensive, artificial corundum are in great demand. Outwardly, they are very similar to natural minerals, and are cheaper.

          When buying products with natural stones you need to be extremely careful, as there is a risk to buy a fake and pay 10 or even 100 times more than the product actually costs. There are various ways to determine the origin of a mineral.

          For every natural crystal there is quality certificatewhere the place of its production is indicated. If there is no certificate, and the product fell into your hands, bypassing the trade organization, you can independently check its quality, for example, by heating. Artificial crystals are heated to make their color more juicy, but if you heat such a stone again, it will brighten.

          In artificial corundum, unlike natural, air bubbles may be present. In addition, laboratory corundum has a curvilinear type of zonality, this can be seen by looking at it through a magnifying glass.

          If you are planning to buy natural corundum, Give the product for evaluation, where a specialist will check it with a microscope or polariscope. Such an examination will help you determine the authenticity of the mineral and save you from acquiring a fake.

          The following video will tell you about a simple way to distinguish a fake.

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


