Stones and Minerals

Labradorite: features and properties

Labradorite: features and properties

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  1. Description
  2. What is different from Labrador?
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. Application
  7. Care and storage

Labradorite is a very unusual stone. The combination of shades of blue and green, which are quite rare for natural minerals, sometimes leads to suspicions about its artificial origin. However, everyone who has ever seen jewelry with labradorite certainly indicates a sense of nobility of natural stone, which seemed to radiate from them.

Labradorite was given more poetic names: moonstone, he is selenite, hyperborean rainbow, peacock stone. You can see it under the name of a fish eye or pearl spar.


Labradorite is a mineral of complex composition, which is somewhat different in various deposits. The main component of labradorite is the mineral Labrador, in turn, consisting of various oxides: silicon, aluminum, calcium, sodium.

Well-defined crystals are rare, more often the aggregate consists of a granular mass or lamellar grains.

Labradorite color variability varies from colorless to gray and black. Zonal combinations of blue or green are more common, red shades are rare. Glitter glass. It is pronounced iridescence in red, blue or green tones. Low tide, often rainbow. Mineral aggregates are usually transparent, although they are also translucent.

The stone has an average value of hardness (5-6 on the Mohs scale), scratches the glass, but can be processed with a file. The break is uneven, shell-shaped. Reacts with hydrochloric acid.

Natural labradorite refers to igneous rocks, that is, is formed by crystallization of magma. The size of the forming crystals depends on the rate of cooling of the magma. Thus, pronounced labradorite crystals can be found in Sicily in the ash and frozen lava of Etna volcano.

The main component of labradorite is the mineral Labrador, its composition is close to the igneous rocks of the gabbro group, which are formed by crystallization of the main magma.

What is different from Labrador?

Often labradorite mislabeled Labrador. In fact, the second name, of course, in a certain situation may be correct, for example, when it comes to the mineral composition of the stone. That is, Labrador is a mineralogical term, and Labradorite is a geological one.

If we talk about stone as such - a piece of rock, then it should still be called labradorite, that's all the differences.

As you can see, the difference in the name is caused by a simple ignorance of geological terminology, so for a non-expert to confuse concepts is, of course, not a crime. It’s another thing if those who position themselves as experts begin to use them freely.

Place of Birth

Currently, labradorite deposits are open on all continents. There are promising deposits in Russia (Buryatia, Yakutia, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk Territories), Australia, Burma, India, Canada, China, Nepal, USA, Ukraine, South Africa.

These are countries in which large-scale development is underway. Explored deposits are present in some countries in East Africa and Southeast Asia.

The undisputed leader in the number of explored and developed deposits for over half a century is India. In Europe, such a leader can be considered Ukraine.

As can be seen, the rock on the earth's surface is quite common. However, the quality of the stone varies from mine to mine. Very highly valued deposits in which the mineral can be mined in large pieces.


The properties of labradorite are largely determined by the composition of its minerals, primarily labrador, which, due to the variety of formation conditions, varies considerably depending on the deposit. Differences due to differences in the content of the main structural elements. Sometimes this difference can reach up to 60%. This causes variations in color, gloss, transparency and other characteristics.

The formation of labradorite magmas is a real geological mystery. The age of these formations of at least a billion years is the second half of the Proterozoic, and since then they have not been formed on Earth.


Consider first the physical properties of labradorite.

  • Colour. The typical color that is considered decisive for labradorite is blue and green. However, this property is also inherent in not all the stones united under this common name. There are dark varieties, up to completely black. These stones have a slightly higher content of olivine. Light stones with gray shades and sometimes with bluish tints are most widely represented.
  • Irization and transparency. All labradorites are characterized by iridescence - the refraction of rays of light falling on a polished or chipped surface, giving a striking effect of flickering with all the colors of the rainbow. It was iridescence that made labradorite so popular as an ornamental stone. The reason for iridescence is the crystallization of the constituent elements of the stone in the form of transparent or translucent plates, which reflect light differently.
  • Structure and strength. Labradorite usually consists of welded plate crystals of Labrador, which makes it rather fragile, so jewelers, as a rule, insert stones into a fairly strong frame.
  • Hardness. Labradorite has an average hardness. It is easily processed with steel tools, it can be given a varied shape.


Labradorite is very popular among the fans of alternative medicine and especially, of course, lithotherapists. The opinion was strengthened that this stone adds strength in the treatment of various ailments, and not only the physical body, but also the so-called mental ones.

So, its use is generally accepted in case of eye diseases: edema, fatigue. Wearing a stone reduces the severity of viral diseases. Some healers with his help trying to normalize high blood pressure. Others recommend for male impotence and infertility.

Very widely used stone and mental disorders. Allows you to normalize sleep, cope with autumn and winter depression.

A separate area of ​​use for labradoritis is joint diseases, including rheumatism and arthritis.

Labradorite is considered an excellent helper in overcoming alcohol and drug addiction, of course, subject to the voluntary procedures.

Intensifying the body's reserves, the stone is used in the rehabilitation after various surgical interventions.

It can also be useful to healthy people due to the increased metabolism. Wearing a stone improves mood and can be prescribed to prevent fatigue, even during the spring of beriberi.

Stone will help business people when it is necessary to concentrate all forces, for example, when defending a project or in important negotiations. Students can use it to focus on preparing and successfully passing exams.


According to the opinion of most esoteric Labradorite - a kind of reflection of the reverse, invisible side of the moon. This is what fills it with hidden powerful energy.

A very popular legend is that this stone was inherited by modern civilization from residents of the mythical country of Hyperborea, who worshiped the Moon as a deity. It is the moon that sees what they are hiding or trying to hide from the sun. Thus, she knows about a person what he is trying to hide from others, and sometimes from himself.

The most striking labradorite (moonstone) is considered during the full moonIt is at this time that his magical properties are strongest.


Varieties of labrodarit perceive lunar energy differently.

Dark stones are saturated with dark energy. It is better to wear jewelry made of such a stone in a silver frame, this somewhat neutralizes its charge. And it is obligatory for people to be accomplished, fully mature, with well-established views of life. It is recommended not to hurry with such stones, to wear them at the age not younger than 30 years. In this case, Labradorite will help maintain a clear mind, you can even talk about clairvoyance. For younger people with an unsteady point of view who are in search of themselves, a dark variety of moonstone will not allow them to fully realize their natural potential.

In turn, the light types of stone (from transparent to gray) are suitable for creative people. Such a stone balances the chaotic energy, tempers passions.

It is very useful young and active, as if slightly suspending their ardor, protects against rash risk. Such a talisman can be an effective talisman.

Labradorite is not suitable for people prone to revenge, irritation, aggression. In this case, he enters into a kind of dissonance with the internal energy of a person, and his action may be unpredictable. It is believed that the moonstone is able to accumulate, strengthen and reflect back the energy of the one who wears it. Accordingly, all malicious intentions of a person will be strengthened and returned to the owner. Not everyone can withstand such a blow.

It is to enhance the destructive energy of the dark varieties of moonstone from ancient times were included in the attributes of black magic.

For the interior decoration of apartments, yellow-orange varieties (sun stone and lynx eye) are recommended, contributing to the establishment of trusting relationships in the family.

And also at home it's nice to have a couple of statuettes of greenish and brown labradorite. Placed nearby in the bedroom, they will harmonize the relationship. At full moon, it is recommended to expose them to the window, so that the moonlight illuminates them as long as possible.

Who is suitable?

Astrologers also drew attention to the stones for a long time, trying to connect them with the signs of the zodiac and find patterns of the beneficial effects of a stone on a particular person.

A millennial practice has determined that labradorite is having greatest impact on Taurus, Scorpio and Lviv. Moreover, he can absolutely any intentions of the representatives of these signs. These signs should be treated most carefully with labradorite.

For some other signs, labradorite may be not only useless, but also dangerous. For example, Aries may receive an unjustified increase in emotions.

Other signs labradorite, on the contrary, will help to understand yourself. Gemini with it can learn more adequate self-esteem and patience. Harmful Cancers using labradorite get excellent protection and the ability to make informed decisions. Labradorite is also useful for Virgos with their complex character. The stone is able to weaken negative emotions, which will make their lives brighter.

For signs of fire labradorite is most favorable. Sagittarius, he will be a reliable assistant in accomplishing great and certainly good deeds, protecting him from dark forces and evil thoughts. Capricorns with his help will be able to draw attention to the important little things that make life real, which these tough natures, as a rule, really lack. Aquarius in this stone gain reliable charm, able to give them determination in the manifestation of their considerable talents. Not bad, he and Pisces, helping in the choice of life course.

The moonstone has a special effect on women.Since the Moon is considered the heavenly incarnation of the feminine, the representatives of the above signs of the zodiac should be very careful in choosing the talisman, because its influence on women will be significantly greater than on men of the same sign.

It is important to take into account the recommendations of astrologers and lithologists for women. Especially carefully should treat talismans, received as a gift. Only a self-selected stone can fully reveal its properties. And it is also recommended talisman of labradorite, even if it is very beautiful, do not keep everything in sight. Therefore, for example, it is better not to buy earrings from this stone. The most effective are stones hidden in a pocket or hanging on a chain near the body. This is the only way to hope for the power of the stone, which he will reveal only to his owner.

Although the love of light - one of the features of this wonderful stone. Only in natural light, it reveals all its decorative properties. Of course, you should not refuse him as a decoration, but then you should not consider such a variant of his socks and a talisman.


The texture and natural lighting effects made the labradorite very decorative. The occurrence of large arrays allows the extraction of stone in large volumes, and the ease of processing turned into a beautiful finishing material. As such, this rock can be used to decorate interior walls. If this beautiful stone is used in the finishing of exterior structures, completely unaesthetic rusty stains will gradually appear on its surface.

As a magmatic rock, labradorite can be used for the manufacture of paving slabs, it is very resistant to mechanical stress and successfully replaces concrete paving slabs.

Moonstone is widely used in jewelry and as an ornamental stone. The generally accepted canon is the combination of labradorite with silver. For the manufacture of jewelry using stones with the greatest effect of iridescence.

Increasingly, labradorite began to be used for the decoration of apartments. At the same time, it is recommended to stop the choice not on the blue-green varieties of stone, but to choose more sunny shades, otherwise the interior will be cold.

Care and storage

The structure, due to the origin of the stone, made it, despite its hardness, rather fragile. Jewelry from labradorite often suffer significant damage from a banal blow to the floor when falling. But a simple blow, for example, on the edge of a bath at water procedures can irreparably spoil the suspension from this beautiful stone.

Periodically, it is recommended to wipe the stone with a cloth moistened in soapy water, and then gently wipe dry.

The stone is not afraid of light and can be stored even in sunlight. However, the increased air humidity can slightly change the physical properties of the stone's surface. Substances in its composition, can react with water.

Next, watch the video about the magical properties of labradorite.

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Information provided for reference purposes.Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


