Stones and Minerals

Sapphire: description, properties, who is suitable?

Sapphire: description, properties, who is suitable?

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  1. Sapphire: description
  2. The magical properties of sapphire
  3. Healing Sapphire
  4. Some more magic
  5. Sapphire Application
  6. Stone care
  7. Leaky Sapphire Deposits

The erudite part of humanity is aware of the existence of valuable minerals, such as sapphire and ruby. But few people thought that these crystals come from a semi-precious stone - corundum.

In the world, corundum is called differently: padparadja, violet, oriental diamond, sapphire, almandine sapphire.

The variety of valuable minerals has caused the need to do their research. In our article we will tell you about the healing effects, the magical properties and the scope of application of sapphire.

Sapphire: description

Transparent corundum has no impurities, so there is no color. White sapphire is often used along with diamonds. The described crystal takes the second place in hardness, but does not have such overflow of faces.

In ancient times, they were called Oriental diamonds.

If leucosapphire is spotless, it has a high hardness, contains a gray color scheme, perfectly shines through.

Absolutely dull corundums having a magnificent glass luster are quite rare.

On the Mohs scale - the scale of the hardness of minerals - the hardness of leucosapphire is 9 units. Above this figure, only diamond. The above figure proves that other substances do not have the ability to connect with the described stone. Stone density - 4 g per cubic meter. see - classifies it as a high-strength crystal. The mineral starts to melt at a temperature of +2040 degrees Celsius. Under normal conditions, such a temperature regime simply does not exist.

The magical properties of sapphire

Leukosapphire draws wealth into a home. He can help suspicious people. Mineral is the emblem of justice, condolence and sincere love. Helps in revealing talent.

Leukosapfir since ancient times was the emblem of loyalty. White stone amulets accumulate positive energy and transfer it to another when changing media.

Crystal bestows courage and masculinity, can help keep the wearer from insinuations, cleanse the soul. Mineral increases the craving for knowledge, controls emotions. It gives the owner a reasonable judgment.

He is also called the stone of the nuns.

Sapphire is the intercessor of the prisoners, it can help them withstand imprisonment and free them from the shackles.

Crystal gives strength and courage to the male half of humanity and can help achieve goals. Ladies gives elegance, femininity.

Leykosapphire framed with silver, gold and platinum. It is in perfect harmony with other minerals.

In no case can not use the crystal with cracks and opacities. This will lead to illnesses, loss of property, and poor communication with people.

Healing Sapphire

In ancient times, leucosapphire was ground into powder and recommended for internal use. For example, they cured heart disease, inflammation, dysentery and syphilis. He was also treated for mental disorders.

Redskins treated eczema, epilepsy, diseases of the pelvic organs in women, eye diseases.

    To cure these diseases, sapphire should have been in the form of a ring or pendant.

    Modern lithotherapists largely agree with ancient healers. In modern medicine, the mineral is used for healing:

    • insomnia;
    • endocrine diseases;
    • circulatory system;
    • with asthma attacks;
    • treats stomach pain and urolithiasis;
    • heals the spine and joints.

    Some more magic

    The occult capabilities of the mineral are long known. People choosing leucosapphire as a talisman, they want to receive from him the following gifts.

    • Foresight. White sapphire gives the owner insight and intuition, helps to make more informed and balanced decisions. It is often called the "stone of wisdom."
    • Organization. This refers to the order in thoughts, not in the room. The owner of the gem elementary analyzes the information and finds answers to his questions.
    • Performing tasks White sapphire gives strength to perform tasks. It protects the carrier from negative emotions. It is used when a person starts a conceived project from scratch.
    • Disclosure of energy. Sapphire reveals hidden talents and skills. Reduces the effects of stress.
    • Pioneer. Who starts a business from scratch, seeks to make a mascot leucosapphire, as it helps to accomplish all the thought.

    Sapphire Leo and Zodiac signs

    Transparent sapphire is considered a symbol of love, natural beauty and sensuality. Wearing this mineral enhances the indicated qualities in humans. Almost all astrologers believe that in order to obtain magical power from a stone, it is necessary to choose copies of at least 2-3 carats. Astronomers have confirmed that white sapphire protects and brings good luck to several signs of the zodiac.

    • Aquarius. Under the action of the crystal they become more self-confident.
    • The virgins. Gem softens the integrity of the sign. As a result, the Virgos are made more sociable and successful.
    • Aries. With the help of white sapphire, Aries control irritability.
    • Strelets. Representatives of the sign receive inner harmony, easier to achieve their goals.

    Sapphire Application

    White sapphires are actively used in jewelry. The demand for them remains high, and the amount of high-quality, very well-processed minerals is rapidly decreasing. As a result, the cost of earrings, bracelets, rings in recent years has increased. A gem weighing 1–2 carats costs about $ 300–600. For quality stones ask even more. On average, they cost $ 1000 per carat. Jewelers in their work emphasize the white color of stones and increase the brilliance of the faces.

    Another value in cutting is the hiding of the natural flaws of the nuggets.

    Products made of synthetic sapphire are used in other areas. The use of sapphire for the manufacture of:

    • sodium lamp burners;
    • scalpels for ophthalmology;
    • lens of the eye;
    • strong transparent parts, for example, protective glass windows of space stations;
    • titanium sapphire lasers;
    • equipment elements in micro-, optoelectronics;
    • plates for building layers of materials - sapphire substrates.

    Stone care

    Natural sapphire has a low refractive index compared to diamond. After a while, the dust collected by the stone and pollution overshadow its brilliance, which makes it look like a piece of dirty glass. From this it follows that sapphires urgently require more painstaking cleaning than diamonds.

    Leaky Sapphire Deposits

        There are no deposits of leucosapphires in the world: corundum is mined in all the abundance of color assortment. The sources of white sapphire mining include Sri Lanka, Australia, Thailand, Burma, Madagascar, Cambodia and Tanzania.

        More sapphires are mined in Kazakhstan. There are deposits in Russia: in Primorye, in the Urals, and also in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

        The most popular are the Ceylon white sapphires mined in Sri Lanka.

        On how the process of growing stones, see below.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


