Stones and Minerals

Moonstone: features, types and uses

Moonstone: features, types and uses

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  1. Story
  2. Where is mined?
  3. Kinds
  4. Properties
  5. Moonstone Meditation Process
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. How to distinguish from fakes?
  8. Where is it used?
  9. Care rules

Moonstone is a very beautiful natural mineral belonging to the potassium feldspar group. Its name was due to the gentle atrial play of silver and blue hues, which are similar to the radiance of the moon. It has another name, adular, which is associated with the place of its first discovery on Mount Adula, in Switzerland.

Unprocessed gems found under natural conditions look less attractive, and their reflections in the light are weaker. Refined and processed by grinding, they look much more luxurious, more vividly show their brilliance, attract and fascinate the eyes.

This type of feldspar can be found in alpine type quartz and ore veins. Today it occurs infrequently, therefore it is very much appreciated.


In ancient times, people believed that the real moonstone reflected the sickle of the waning moon.

The history of the mineral is associated with numerous stories and legends.

  • According to the Indian version for the first time this stone was discovered by a poor man who, not having his own corner, was forced to wander around the country. Once in heavy rain, he took refuge in a cave and found a beautiful gem, which he took with him. Thanks to his appearance, the poor became lucky, and he was able to gain wealth and honor.
  • In China, the legend is widespread that this stone is a gift of the moon. Once, a merchant came to Buddha for advice, who had only recently been on the verge of ruin and suddenly got rich. He told the story that his sick son during a walk by the lake found a stone from which the light came, and brought him home. With the advent of finds in the family, miracles began to occur: the disease receded from the son, trading affairs went uphill - sales increased. However, the man was concerned, is it possible to own this stone, what does it matter for a man, and maybe it is somehow connected with the devil? Having carefully examined the miracle stone,

The Buddha said that there is no reason to worry, since it is the gift of the moon and is perfectly safe. But he can be owned only by one whose soul and heart are pure. The stone must be carefully stored, thereby expressing gratitude to the moon for help. But the loss or refusal to use the stone, the Moon considers it ingratitude and punishes, taking his gifts back.

    • In Greece, they believe that this crystal is a gift from the mythical country of Hyperboreain which good and abundance reign. He has people to revelations and gives extrasensory abilities. The mineral attracts attention due to its unique aesthetic, magical and healing properties.

    Where is mined?

      Under natural conditions, adular can be found in the form of stones up to 10 centimeters in size, having a lamellar structure.

      There are deposits of Adula in Australia, Brazil, Burma, Madagascar, Mongolia, Tanzania, New Zealand, Norway. In India, there are variations of it with the effect of asterism (star-shaped color overflow). The highest quality crystals are found on the island of Sri Lanka, but the reserves are already running low, so their cost is quite high. In the USA (state of Virginia), specimens similar in quality to Sri Lankan stones are found in river pebbles.

      The mineral was discovered in Russia in the Urals (Mokrusha mountain), in Siberia (the Inaglinsky massif), in Chukotka (the Karamken deposit), in the Pribaikalsky region (the Naryn-Kunta deposit).

      Sri Lanka
      Mount Mokrusha


      Moonstone is of several varieties.

      • Adular. It stands out in a separate form, although often its name is used as a whole to denote a mineral. It is the most valuable of all types. It has a transparent structure, in bright light it has a shine of dull white or pale blue color, different from the glow of other types of mineral. Only he is characterized by a fascinating three-dimensional depth of the crystal.

      There are stones with the effect of a cat's eye, when an optical illusion manifests itself in the reflection of light rays, and an image resembling a cat's eye appears in the stone.

      • Albite. It has a white or grayish shade with a glass shine, some specimens may have a golden glow. In its pure form is rare, usually found with other calcium minerals.
      • Amazonite In everyday life is called green moonstone. It has a bright green or bluish-green shade. In nature, it is most often found interspersed with white albite. Homogeneous appearance is very rare, therefore it is more appreciated.
      • Belomorite. Translucent mineral with a pearly luster and iridescent glow, casting a blue-green-yellow shade. It got its name from its location off the coast of the White Sea.
      • Labrador. The dark variety of feldspar, there are crystals and completely black. The playings are very beautiful: they can be golden, green, blue or blue. It was first discovered in Canada on the eponymous peninsula, and therefore received such a name.
      • Oligoclase. Translucent gem, having completely different shades, is more common in the pink range with the inclusion of gold impurities. Perfectly refracts light rays.
      • Sanidin. Clear crystal resembling glass. It happens more often in white, yellow or red. Less often there are samples of a blue shade with a three-dimensional overflow, therefore their value is very high.


      Adular attracts with its unique charm and has unique characteristics. Its value for man is quite large and diverse. It gives peace and peace of mind, helps to restore health and find happiness in your personal life.

      Medicinal properties

      About the beneficial effects of stone on the body has been known since ancient times. The famous medieval Persian doctor Avicenna in his writings described the practice of internal use of small doses of ground stone of moonstone powder for the treatment of many diseases.

      The mineral has a healing effect on the body, so it is better to wear jewelery out of it not over clothing, but so that it has direct contact with the skin. Continuous use contributes to:

      • activation of brain activity;
      • removal of swelling and inflammation;
      • relieving epilepsy attacks;
      • normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and urogenital system;
      • improvement of the heart and circulatory system;
      • alleviation of suffering in progressive oncological diseases;
      • easier course of pregnancy and childbirth.

        Adular has a calming effect, reduces irritability, anxiety and fears. For a good and restful sleep, it should be placed under a pillow at night.

        Traditional healers believe that it is possible to treat with a stone at a distance: for this you need to put a cleaned copy on the photo of the patient and ask for relief of his condition.

        Magical properties

        Adulyar esteemed psychics, as it enhances the ability of foresight. Stronger shows its magical properties on Mondays. Connoisseurs of magic claim that the crystal is endowed with the magical powers of the Moon and the Earth and can:

        • balance the energy field of its owner;
        • attract good luck;
        • calm the emotional experience;
        • protect from negative energy impact, including damage and the evil eye;
        • increase the charm and appeal of the owner;
        • to harmonize the state even in very difficult situations.

          The magic of the moonstone is manifested in heart matters. It allows you to understand the sincerity of the feelings of the partner. If they are not reciprocal, then the mineral fades, warning that such relationships will bring disappointment and it is better to stop them. If the glow of the talisman becomes brighter, then this indicates the reciprocity and harmony of the couple. Such a relationship stone will protect in all difficulties and life trials.

          It is believed that the moonstone itself chooses its owner, pure in heart and soul. He fully protects the owner and those people who are close and dear to him. You can always turn to a gem in a difficult moment, and he will definitely hear it. During the period of the full moon, you need to stand on the site, subject to its lighting, squeezing a stone in your left palm, and ask about the most important desire.

          But it is important to remember to be careful. You can not ask the talisman of evil or punishment for other people.. If you turn to him with such a request, the stone deprives a person of his favor: he somehow disappears in an incomprehensible way, or simply loses his magic and does not work.

          In the direction of feng shui, the talisman is also very popular: it personifies the element of Water and is used to activate energy flows in the southwestern part of the house, where the zone of Love and Marriage is located. Placing the gem in this zone will smooth out family quarrels and troubles and will contribute to a warm and soulful atmosphere.

          To restore mental harmony and normalize your emotional state are very effective. meditative practice with mineral. To do this, choose the moment of solitude and tranquility in the house. The best option is to conduct meditation in the dark by the light of the moon, before going to bed. It should sit comfortably and take the moonstone in hand.

          If you have a raw look, it is better to use it, but also a cleaned adular will also work.

          Moonstone Meditation Process

          You should close your eyes and focus fully on the mineral. It is necessary to imagine the silvery rays of light emanating from it. Gradually, the rays become wider, turning into one huge luminous flux directed towards the Moon. And from the moon comes a thin moonlight, giving a feeling of coolness. It penetrates through and gives its energy. You feel a slight tingling in the fingers, and then a calm and gentle wave penetrates the whole body. Tension goes away and joy appears.

          Meditation is desirable to conduct in several repetitions within 10–15 minutes. If after meditation a dream is planned, then the talisman can be put under the pillow. If you still need to do things, then they should be a smooth transition - about a quarter of an hour after practice, stay in a relaxed state (lie down or sit down, and you can dream), and then go on to housework.

          Who is suitable?

          Moonstone is an excellent talisman. It harmonizes the inner state and helps in many aspects of life.

          He gives his owners good luck, improves material condition. It is recommended to have a talisman with you when organizing new business projects and signing financial transactions. In such situations, it is better to wear a bracelet with a mineral or a ring on your right hand.

          The stone is able to develop talents and the gift of oratorical skills. It is suitable for people of creative professions: poets, writers, musicians, artists, actors, journalists, educators. He inspires, creates a favorable atmosphere for creative thoughts and fantasy. To reveal and maintain your talents, you should wear a ring with a gadget.

          For important professional events (performance on stage, a concert, a competition) you can put a talisman at home next to your photo.

          In matters of personal life, the gem also proved itself well, it protects romantic feelings.It can be given to the object of love to enhance emotions. Lonely people mineral will make it easier to start dating and meet true love. They are advised to wear an amulet or a moonstone brooch in the area of ​​the heart.

          Ornaments made of stones are popular with women, but adular men are also a great choice for men. He has an important property - the protection of the owner on the road. A man who spends a lot of time behind the wheel can be presented with a keychain with a mineral that will serve him as an excellent talisman. If a man is deprived of women's attention and has not yet met the other half, then it is desirable for him to wear a ring with a gem on his right hand, and then attention from the fair sex will be provided to him. Wearing a ring on the right hand will protect the business man from conflicts and neutralize the negative of competitors.

          Energy mascot suitable diligent, strong and confident people. To infantile and capricious persons, the stone does not reveal its magic.

          In astrology, it is believed that the moonstone is not suitable for all signs of the zodiac: it is contraindicated in Aries and Capricorn, and for Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces it is simply perfect. He gives them peace of mind and good luck in all areas, neutralizes negative character traits. Wearing for other signs is permissible, it will help:

          • Taurus to get rid of a dull mood and raise a sense of self-reliance;
          • Gemini gain endurance and tranquility;
          • Leos become wiser and find the right path;
          • Virgins find family happiness;
          • Scales to make the right decisions and overcome obstacles;
          • Strelets Troops easily solve any problems;
          • Aquarius defend against gossip and envious.

          The moonstone is subject to the management of the moon, so it is suitable for people born at night, especially on Monday.

          How to distinguish from fakes?

          For the application of therapeutic and magical properties it is very important to choose a real adular. Quite often there are fakes of glass and plastic. You can be convinced of the authenticity of the mineral even visually, knowing its features and description. Natural stone, in contrast to the artificial counterpart, has a heterogeneous structure, it has small cracks and bubbles. It is transparent or translucent, and inside there is a cross section of blue or blue color. It may include other shades of color, but there will be a smooth transition between them. When light hits the stone glossy shine.

          Imitation is characterized by brighter uniform colors, lack of gloss. When turning an artificial stone by 10–15 degrees, the light rays do not reflect, and it is much lighter than a natural gem.

          Another characteristic of the natural origin of the gem is the presence of high heat capacity. Synthetic material when compressed in the palm will be noticeably heated. A real stone with such a manipulation will keep cool and will not heat up.

          Where is it used?

          In jewelry, the mineral began to be used from ancient times. The beauty of products depends on its processing. Translucent peeled adulares shimmer with blue tones that look like moonlight. The classic method is cabochon grinding. It allows you to emphasize the gentle shimmering modulations and get beautiful specimens - convex at the top, and even below, which are later used in jewelry.

          The moonstone is made: earrings, pendants, brooches, rings, necklaces, trinkets, bracelets. Silver is most often used for framing, since together with it, the qualities of the mineral are better manifested, and the impression of its enhanced shine is created. In the frame of gold is used much less frequently, but it looks very noble. Adular overflows are very spectacular, it attracts the eyes even with the slightest change of lighting.

          Products made of semi-precious stones look very elegant, therefore, clothing should match them. A radiant drop on a black dress will look very elegant.A noble combination will come out of a classic suit with a pendant on a pendant and flickering stones in earrings.

          Gem jewelery should not be worn at all times, the optimum time is between the new moon and the full moon. On the waning moon, the mineral can negatively affect the state of health of the holder.

          Prices for products made of moonstone vary greatly, this is due to its origin and quality. Large-sized transparent gems with blue, white or cat-eye effect are more expensive.

          In the decor, a softer variety of the mineral, labrador, is used as an ornamental material. Souvenirs are made of it, used in the decoration of interiors and furniture.

          Care rules

          The moonstone is very fragile, the surface can be deformed from the slightest blows, so it needs careful maintenance and storage. Before performing domestic work, it is necessary to remove jewelry, as the mineral is sensitive to detergents and temperature changes. Mechanical cleaning is unacceptable for it, as scratches may appear. It is better to clean the adular bottle with a cotton pad in a weak soap solution, and then rinse well in warm water.

          To maintain the necessary vibrations, the talisman needs to be cleaned and discharged once a month under the weak pressure of cold running water. After that, you need to charge it with moonlight, leaving it at night on the windowsill.

          Be sure to clean the stones that were used for treatment or wearing by other people to remove unhealthy or foreign energy.

          The signal for cleansing and recharging can serve as the feelings of the owner about the changed or weakened energy of the mineral.

          If the gem is stored in the same box with other decorations, it should be wrapped in a soft cloth.

          With frequent use of adulyara and neglecting care, it can lose its luster, but it can also be restored by subjecting the gem to repeated grinding and polishing.

          The owners of this moonstone always feel an invisible connection with it. The elementary rules of care and timely recharging will preserve for a long time the beauty and ciliated brilliance of the mineral, which will always be a faithful helper.

          On the properties of the moonstone, see the following video.

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


