Stones and Minerals

Magnetite: Properties and Use of a Mineral

Magnetite: Properties and Use of a Mineral

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  1. Features and composition
  2. Origin and deposits
  3. Properties
  4. Application
  5. Interesting Facts
  6. How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Magnetite became known in ancient times. For example, in China, BC learned about him, there are also mentions recorded in the IV century. In those old times, magnetite was used as a compass, and new worlds were recognized.

In his writings about the magnetic stone, the well-known philosopher Plato writes, noting that magnetite can not only attract metal products, but also give its energy.

Features and composition

According to legend, magnetite acquired its name due to the name of the Greek shepherd, which sounded like Magnes. His shoes, as well as the bottom of the staff, were made of iron and always pulled stones towards him. Another legend has it that the mineral was named from the Turkish city of Magnesia. There was a mountain close to Magnesia, and lightning often hit it.

Magnetite changed its name several times. So, before the Middle Ages, it was referred to as a magnet, then as a magnetic iron. The modern name "magnetite" was used only in 1845.

Magnetite belongs to the class of oxides. Its main chemical composition includes iron oxide. At the same time, the presence of impurities in the minerals: manganese, aluminum, zinc, and others. The chemical formula of magnetite is FeOxFe2O3. Theoretically, it contains pure iron FeO and Fe2O3 at 31.03% and 68.97%, respectively. As a rule, these compounds are relatively pure in composition.

With red heat to the Curie point of 580 degrees Celsius, the magnetism of the mineral disappears completely, but is restored when cooled. In nature, magnetic iron ore is found in the form of crystals, confluent masses, granular formations.

Other representatives of the magnetite series are also distinguished: magnesioferrite, franklinit, jacobsit, disturb, ulvoshpinel.


    The following types of magnetic iron ore are known.

    • Titanomagnetite. This is titanium magnetite, with a TiO2 content (a few percent).
    • Culsonite This variety may be called vanadium magnetite because it contains vanadium.
    • Cr is a magnetite. This is a chromium magnetite containing Cr2O3.
    • Mg-magnetite. Mineral containing magnesium.
    • Al-Magnetite. A mineral in whose formula aluminum is present.
    • Maghemite. The name is formed from the first syllables of the names "magnetite" and "hematite". This species is found only occasionally.

    Origin and deposits

    The mineral formations of magnetite are iron ores containing iron and having the ability to attract it. Magnetite is formed from igneous rocks such as granite, diorite, and others.

    In the rock, it is in the form of a homogeneous mass or in the form of inclusions. In small quantities, magnetite is found in most rocks with a coarse-grained structure, in coexistence with such minerals as biotite, sphene, apatite. In exogenous conditions (in the interaction of the earth's shell with the hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere) the appearance of magnetite is rather the exception.

    There is an assumption that nowadays the finding of magnetite grains in marine silt sediment was not only the result of their entry from the coastal zone, but also a consequence of new formations in place due to iron hydroxides under the reducing effect of decomposing organic matter.

    In the zones of collision of the lithospheric plates, the formation of large reservoir and lenticular deposits of hematite-magnetic ores among the ancient sedimentary strata also occurred. At the time of mechanical action on the rock, magnetite, released from satellite minerals, crumbles into the smallest fraction. When this occurs, the concentration of placers in the river and sea sand.

    On the territory of our country magmatic deposits of magnetite can be found in the Chelyabinsk region (Kusinsky field). It produces titanomagnetite with a high percentage of vanadium. This deposit is enriched with pure ore. The Kopansky deposit of titanomagnetite is being developed in the south of the Urals., with the content of titanium impregnations. Iron containing quartz minerals are found on the Kola Peninsula in Olenegorsk and in the West of Karelia in Kostomuksha. Swedish quartzite storerooms were also famous.

    One of the rich deposits of magnetite is located in Krivoy Rog (Ukraine). In the thickness of quartzites are layered deposits and formations, having the shape of pillars and lenticular in diameter. A similar field is located southeast of Kursk and is known as the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly.

    In Kazakhstan, magnetite is mined in the Kustanai region. It is worth noting that this is a very large deposit, the volumes of which exceed the reserves of magnetic ores in the Urals. In Canada, magnetite is found in the Sudbury county. In addition, there are deposits of pegmatite containing magnetite inclusions in Norway and the USA.


    Magnetite transparency is not typical.

    The color range of the stone is close to the black and gray tones and shades: black, dark gray, dark brown. Some specimens closer to the edge have a bluish tide.

    Most of the mined magnetites have a metallic luster. In addition, there are matte and resin versions.

    Physicochemical properties

    Mineral hardness is in the range from 5.5 to 6 points on the Mohs scale. Also the stone possesses moderate brittleness, imperfections of the cleavage, a conchoidal or even stepped fracture and a cubic structure.

    During crushing, the mineral goes into the sand, without losing magnetism. Magnetite grains of sand are drawn to different poles.

    The conductive properties of magnetite are quite low, it is a semiconductor. Its density is 5.2 g / cm3. The melting point of magnetic iron ore is 1591 degrees Celsius. In addition, the mineral in a powder state is soluble under the influence of hydrochloric acid, and also exhibits the properties of a weak base, slowly dissolving in water.

    In the presence of sulfide compounds, the mineral is converted to hematite or limonite.


    A distinctive feature, which is indicated in the description of magnetite, is its ability to attract and magnetize iron. This feature is actively used to detect deposits of magnetic stone. Stones exhibit polar magnetism, have a north and south poles.

    It is also worth noting that magnetites can attract not only iron. Not so much, but they still affect nickel, cobalt, manganese, platinum, gold, silver, aluminum. Magnetite has a repellent effect on zinc, lead, sulfur, bismuth.


    Magnetite is known as a magic stone.

    It is used for making amulets and magical paraphernalia, it also protects during the passage of rituals.

    This stone is recommended for the development of extraordinary abilities and as a talisman in creative activities.

    Records that have reached our days indicate that Alexander of Macedon gave out to each of his soldiers a pebble of magnetite, which during a battle was supposed to protect from the forces of evil.

    Also, a magnetic piece of iron helps to act properly in adverse circumstances, and is recommended for people who are constantly losing something. It is used as a talisman from witchcraft, evil eye and dark forces, and it is advised to take it to places of large crowds of people. Most of all the energy forces of magnetite are suitable representatives of the zodiac constellations Aquarius, Gemini, Virgo and Capricorn.


    Apply this mineral quite widely. It was especially popular in industry and medicine.

    In medicine

    The healing properties of magnetite were noticed in ancient times. Since the 17th century, this mineral has been used to treat a multitude of nervous ailments, such as convulsions, paralysis, severe headaches, and depressive states.

    Currently, the field of medical use of magnetite has become even wider. Its use is widespread for massage, in the fight against cellulite formations, in the treatment of various kinds of diseases.

    It is known as a catalyst for wound healing and as an anti-bacterial mineral.

    Also resorted to him in the treatment of eye diseases, bronchitis, polio, to relieve seizures, with Parkinson's disease, radiculitis. It has a positive effect on the treatment of varicose veins.

    In addition, magnetite has anti-aging effect. This effect was confirmed in the laboratory, where studies were conducted on representatives of the animal world. Existing scientific developments allow the use of the formation of magnetite nanoparticles with gold for medicinal purposes - for cancer diagnosis and control.

    Self-use of magnetic products for medicinal purposes is not recommended, since there may be certain contraindications for this.

    Treatment with magnetite should be discussed with the doctor.

    In industry

    Iron, special steels and electrodes are obtained from ore magnetite, and phosphorus and vanadium are obtained during its processing. From ore magnetite concentrate remaining after washing, gold is mined in some areas of our country. Due to its good density, inertness and lack of toxicity, the mineral has found use. as the filling substance of sports weighting.

    In the jewelry industry, magnetite is practically not used, because it does not have sufficient density and hardness.

    In rare cases, stones with a spectacular color can be enclosed in a silver frame. Most often, jewelry such as bracelets, rosaries and talismans are made from magnetite.

    In the perfume often used metallic notes. With the help of chemical compounds in the composition of the perfume they introduce the smell of iron.

    Iron ions, combining with lipid peroxide, lead to their decomposition, which favors the formation of volatile compounds with intense aroma.

    Interesting Facts

    Consider some amazing facts about magnetite.

    • One of the most beautiful women, Queen Cleopatra, wore magnetite jewelry to prolong her youth.
    • Many scientists have concluded that birds are able to see the magnetic field of the Earth. Feathered this ability helps to find a home during long-haul flights.
    • Before the energy conservation law was discovered, people made many attempts to use the properties of a magnetic stone. They were interested in the infinite energy of the magnetic field.
    • Many years ago, traveling magicians of ancient Greece staged performances around the world. Links of large circles hung separately above each other and did not fall. Those present at such a show believed in the existence of supernatural forces that help artists.

    How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

    Magnetite is not a representative of the high price segment, so its fake is not considered to be profitable. Often it is simply confused with hematite, goethite, hausmanite, chromite.

    To check the stone for authenticity, you need to examine it for the presence of a magnetic field, since only magnetite can show magnetic properties.

    Also, any such stone has a cool metallic luster.

    You can find out how to get magentite from screening sand from the video below ..

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


