Stones and Minerals

Moss agate: how it looks and suits?

Moss agate: how it looks and suits?

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description and field
  3. Color features
  4. Mineral magic
  5. Medicinal properties
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. How to distinguish the original from a fake?
  8. Storage rules

Agate is one of the stones that are remembered for a long time. Despite the fact that the mineral has no special value in jewelry, any jewelry containing this stone looks delicate, strict and very elegant. Consider what properties this stunning mineral has and where it can be seen today.

History of origin

The official version of the origin of the name of the stone is associated with the place of primary detection. It happened on the Arabian Peninsula in the province of Moho, Yemen Republic. It is also believed that this mineral got its name because of its appearance. Drawing on its surface is very similar to the moss thickets. Both of these statements have the right to exist, as they are authentic.

Acquaintance with this wonderful mineral happened extremely long ago. The Egyptians, the Sumerians, began to use it for the first time. They processed a gem in the shape of a human eye and inserted it into statues.

People believed that in this way they create a powerful amulet against damage and the evil eye.

In Russia, we learned about moss agate much later, only by the 18th century. Archaeologists have found objects of use of stone: snuff boxes, jewelry boxes, dishes. The tombs and tombs of the rulers were decorated with agate. Thus, he brought the traditions of the past to the present day well.

Previously, the stone was considered precious, and not everyone could afford it. It was used in the works by Faberge himself. To date, the cost of it has decreased. Now he is an inexpensive do-it-yourself material. This happened due to mass mining. Moss agate has ceased to be rare and unique.

Carl Faberge

Description and field

Dendrite agate (this is the second name) refers to quartz volcanic rock. It is formed by the merging of several layers of rock with the release of lava. It is characterized by a layered structure, hence the striped pattern on its surface. The basic chemical formula is SiO2. But there are numerous impurities, which are characterized by small patches, due to which a different shade is formed. In the impurities may be silica: quartz, quartzin and chalcedony.

Mohs hardness ranges from 6.5 to 7. It means that this mineral can leave a scratch on the glass. Large specimens among the representatives of such agates are practically not found. When forming, all the pebbles hardly reach ten centimeters.

Also undoubted advantage is the inertness of agate in relation to many chemicals. Acid stability is especially valuable.

After polishing, it acquires a beautiful glass shine. Without processing, it is just a dull and opaque piece of rock. At the same time, chlorite inclusions give it a moss look. Stone deposits are scattered around the world. But at the moment, new deposits are not being developed, due to the large amount of this mineral in the markets of many countries. And also because of the low cost of this resource.

Substantially occupied a niche for the extraction and distribution of such states:

  • Yemen;
  • Russia;
  • India.

Color features

Moss agate can be different shades, depending on the impurities that make up it. Chlorites form an interesting green pattern in the stone. Thanks to iron oxides and their structure, each time there is a unique pattern created by nature.

In Russia, in the Urals, agate is mined with white, blue, green and gray patches, and in India, with black and brown. Also found in this mineral is a very beautiful coral shade, extremely rare for him. At the hearing there is such a thing as "black agate." But it is worth remembering that in nature, a completely black mineral of this kind does not exist. So called stones with small dark splashes.

Nature has really tried, creating such an unusual in appearance of the mineral, she decorated its surface with paintings with fabulous trees and plants. Therefore, the gem so pacifies and helps in the fight against many ailments.

Mineral magic

In all corners of our planet recognize the magical effect of agate. This stone has a very strong positive energy. It has long been used to create amulets and amulets. They were hung in the dwellings of the evil eye and the negative influence from the side. Moss agate is a good helper in farming and agriculture. It is believed that he bestows fertility. It assists in the collection of large crops, can help in the breeding of livestock. And even contributes to the emergence of children in women who really want it.

Widely applicable in meditation, due to its appearance. If during the practice to concentrate on his unique figure, he will help to evenly distribute his vitality, understand the problems and find their worthy solution. It is known that a person has the possibility of self-healing and is able to draw energy from space, but this requires a powerful conductor, which is what moss agate is.

This stone is a reliable protector against envy and evil spells. And also helps to see the fraud. The following properties are also valuable: improving sleep and emotional state, getting rid of nightmares, improving mood.

Medicinal properties

Even in antiquity in Russia, the Magi healed various ailments with the help of this gem:

  • wounds and ulcers of the skin;
  • bites of poisonous insects and snakes;
  • circulatory and respiratory problems

They used to treat not only ready-made stones, but also raw layers of rock. They laid a man's back on the bed and turned to the gods for healing. It is believed that agate has the property to strengthen the spirit of a warrior. They were relieved of such problems:

  • insomnia;
  • fears;
  • hysteria.

And nowadays it is widely used in lithotherapy, feng shui, and other Western techniques. It relieves depression and other disorders of the brain and nervous system. In case of infectious and catarrhal diseases, it reduces fever. Strengthens the immune system, cardiovascular system, lungs. It has anti-inflammatory effect, cleans the lymphatic and excretory systems. It has been proven that fluids based on it relieve fungal diseases of the skin when used externally. There is an assumption that the mineral shrinks lymph node tumors.

Agate is also used as a medicine for many diseases. Accelerates the healing process, aligns a person's aura by getting rid of negative energy. For best action recommend:

  • for heart diseases, wear pendants on the wrist of the left hand and on the solar plexus;
  • for the prevention and treatment of lung diseases wear beads.

Who is suitable?

Look at this mineral. first of all Taurus and Gemini. Although it is believed that this is a controversial statement, and the stone fits all signs of the zodiac without exception. Taurus, he will bring a more relaxed attitude towards people, and Gemini - self-confidence, will help move from thought to action. The maximum effect will be achieved if you wear moss stone brass jewelry.

Astrologers advise Libra to wear a stone in a gold frame. And wear it on special occasions so as not to expend the energy of the stone, since this sign is already sufficiently balanced. And it is preferable for Aquarius, Cancer and Pisces to pay attention to silverware, there will be more benefits. The stone will help them develop their skills in communicating with people and allow them to better interact with the outside world.

The mineral has powerful protective properties and is suitable for both men and women. Beads and necklaces will suit the aged ladies and will help and protect against bronchitis and thyroid problems. Those who seek universal harmony, spiritual insight and knowledge of the world, and also have immune and cardiovascular diseases, should wear beads and bracelets with large elements. The headset of the ring and earrings will stimulate blood circulation, assist in decision-making and enhance mental activity.

All products of moss agate are very romantic, thanks to the pattern on its surface. They will make a woman mysterious and desirable. Men should buy a keychain made of gem, to guarantee safety at work and at the wheel. And cufflinks to attract good luck in deeds, love and life. Moss agate balances the sensual and mental sides of the human person.

Emotional people will be given the ability to think logically. A restrained and cold will give sensuality.

How to distinguish the original from a fake?

It would seem that the cost of moss agate is very affordable. But fakes are still there. Moreover, it is used on a large scale in the construction and decoration of buildings that require a large number of it. Therefore, they invented plastic substitutes with the addition of dyes.

To distinguish natural stone from artificial, it is enough to hold it in your hands. Natural agate will remain cold, and imitation will heat up. There is another way. Just put a stone in the water. This mineral does not tarnish, unlike fake.

Storage rules

In order for the pebble to please you with its appearance as long as possible, you need to properly care for it. It is necessary to protect it from moisture, dust and direct sunlight. It is best to store it in a box, on a soft cloth or in a case. It also takes into account that It does not tolerate temperature changes. Cleaning should be carried out weak soap solution every month.

If you follow all the recommendations for care, moss agate will not lose its original appearance and will protect and protect you for a long time and will remain for descendants.

On the magical and medicinal properties of moss agate, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


