Stones and Minerals

All about morion stone

All about morion stone

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  1. What it is?
  2. Where is mined?
  3. Properties
  4. Using
  5. Who is suitable?

The existence of Morion, also called black crystal and representing quartz rock, has long been known. The components of this unique stone are iron and titanium - these components provide it with all brown and black shades.

What it is?

Morion stone It belongs to the varieties of dark quartz and has a very dark, almost black color. That is why it is often called black crystal or black quartz. As a result of careful processing, the craftsmen manage to achieve maximum external similarity of morion with obsidian. These minerals differ from each other in their physical properties.

In the work of Pliny, this stone is referred to as “Momoron”, and in the Indian chronicles it is called “Pramnion”. Since ancient times, its properties have been studied not only by scientists, but also by magicians, doctors and philosophers.

The famous bowl of the Buddha is made of morion.

However, not only this famous mineral - it was used in rituals and attempts to create a philosopher's stone. Some alchemists believed that Morion was such, but they did not know how to activate it.

Buddha's cup

Earlier, black crystal was not used by jewelers, but the situation changed dramatically in just one day. The stone as a result of high temperature exposure changed its appearance and became similar to topaz. Later, they began to make rings, earrings, bracelets and other products from it.

Morion is a heterogeneous mineral consisting of several layers:

  • the core is milk quartz;
  • a layer in the form of a shell of rock crystal;
  • smoky quartz;
  • black quartz itself, which is the final layer.

In Russia, the morion gained fame after it was discovered in the Urals, and in China the gem was still in the XII century used in the manufacture of glasses and glasses for drugs. Now the mineral after the annealing procedure is widely used in jewelry.

As a result of exposure to high temperature, morion acquires a red-yellow hue or becomes golden, turning into citrine.

Where is mined?

This semi-precious stone is mined in medium volumes - quite a lot of deposits of morion are found, but valuable samples are not found so often. Mineral is most commonly found in greisens, hydrothermal veins and granite pegmatites. Currently, Morion deposits are being developed in the following countries:

  • USA;
  • Mexico;
  • Russia;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Ukraine;
  • Canada;
  • Brazil;
  • Egypt;
  • Scotland;
  • Switzerland;
  • Madagascar.

The weight of the extracted single crystals is in some cases measured in tons. For example, a mineral was found in Kazakhstan, the weight of which was 70 tons, and a sample found in Ukraine weighed 10 tons.


The basic physicochemical properties of morion are in many respects identical to those of the currently known varieties of quartz.

The following mineral data can be distinguished:

  • chemical formula - SiO2;
  • color - black or dark brown;
  • transparency - exclusively in small scales;
  • Mohs hardness 7;
  • cleavage - imperfect;
  • density varies from 2,651 to 2,68 g / cm3.

Deserve special attention The healing properties of black quartz. They are used by lithotherapists who claim that all precious and semiprecious minerals can affect the human body and even the soul.In modern realities, the most relevant has become the use of morion in getting rid of various dependencies.

It is believed that the stone allows you to get rid of gambling, addiction to alcohol and smoking.

In addition, there are the following properties of dark crystal:

  • normalization of blood circulation and blood purification;
  • effective elimination of cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system;
  • positive effects on joints;
  • restoration of the body after stroke;
  • removal of toxins and slags;
  • fight insomnia.

There are data on the use of stone by some healers to combat oncological diseases.

In this case, attention is focused on the fact that Morion should be used for medicinal purposes with utmost caution. Warnings are due to its increased energy potential that can harm the patient.

The use of black quartz in magical rituals is largely due to its color. Stone often became an integral part of seances. It is believed that due to its magical properties, he is able to communicate with the souls of the dead.

The magic power of the stone is regarded as excessive, so for beginner magicians, their more experienced mentors recommend choosing other minerals.

At the same time, there are also obvious advantages of dark quartz, which is able to “absorb” the negative emotions of others, protecting the owner. Clean it by rinsing in running water.


The color range of morions is no different - Black-brown, dark brown and black crystals are mined. However, jewelers have found ways to drastically change the appearance of minerals.

For example, when heated to 300-320 degrees, the stone becomes yellow and even completely transparent. In the first case, it is easy to confuse it with topaz or citrine. By raising the temperature to 400 degrees, a complete discoloration of the stone is achieved, which turns into a copy of rock crystal.

The original color can be restored by exposure to radiation. The geological value of the mineral after such manipulations is lost, however, the created products look very impressive. The mineral can change its shade from different angles and become purple or greenish.

Due to the unique properties and appearance of black crystal is widely used by jewelers in the manufacture of jewelry. Crystals with a pronounced layered structure and a quartz center are in particular demand. The stone is also used as an ornamental material for creating inlays, figurines and seals.

Separate attention deserve the rules of operation of products from morionov. This mineral is considered to be quite whimsical in use and therefore it must be worn properly, with the following requirements:

  • the neighborhood with other stones is inadmissible;
  • storage will require a separate pouch, case or box;
  • wearing dark quartz jewelry is not permanent, since in some cases it can have a negative effect after prolonged contact with human skin;
  • for effective and safe cleaning products use soapy solution and a soft pile brush, while the stone is thoroughly washed and dried;
  • to purify the energy of the morion, it must be kept under running water for 15–20 minutes, but the jet pressure must not be very strong so that the water flows around the amulet.

Regardless of the extraction of morions of record weight, it is classified as a rare species of quartz. For this reason, for the production of jewelry Artificial stones are grown commercially. In this situation, the question arises of how to distinguish natural black crystal from a fake.

Experts say that an artificial Morion will not shine through when viewing it into the light.

When making a purchase of jewelry or products with Morion It is strongly recommended to require the seller certificates. In reputable jewelry stores and specialized stores with the provision of such documents, problems do not arise, but fraudsters will have nothing to present.

Who is suitable?

It is considered that Morion is a capricious stone and is not suitable for everyone. If it is worn by a person with an envious and self-serving warehouse of character, then a product with such a mineral will only enhance the negative traits.

It is not recommended to often use jewelry with black crystal and overly emotional people.

If, despite the powerful energy of the stone, you still decide to purchase the jewelry with morion, you should consider its features. For example, it is worth knowing that Men wearing a ring with this crystal are becoming popular with the opposite sex.

There is an opinion that the stone gives its owner eloquence and charm, gives confidence and dedication.

The best option for the fair sex would be earrings, decorated with burnt dark quartz. Morion is able to endow the owner with such valuable qualities as prudence and wisdomtherefore, it will be practically impossible to deceive the owner of such jewelry.

It was known in antiquity about the relationship between the constellation under which a person was born, and what kind of stone will play an important role in his fate. It is for this reason that when choosing a black crystal for yourself or as an original gift, you must take into account how it fits one or another sign of the zodiac.

Morion is capable of influencing all signs, but it is far from always about positive effects.

The energy of this mineral is fully consistent with the features Capricorns and Crayfish. Therefore, for these signs, he will be the perfect talisman.

At the same time for those born under the signs Sagittarius and Lion black quartz is likely to become a source of problems with frequent wearing jewelry with it.

For this reason, it is recommended to wear such products no more than once a month.

The fact is that the representatives of these signs of the zodiac, as a rule, are resilient natures who are not suitable for a dark mineral that can cause melancholy and pessimism.

Scorpions To Morion should be treated with caution, because of him there may be a problem with excessive closure. Other signs need, when making a decision, to take into account the peculiarities of their character and energy.

For those who are morally and physically active, dark quartz can in no way harm, and for insecure people, it’s best to avoid contact with this crystal.

Morion is combined with the signs of the zodiac as follows:

  • with energy Capricorns there is almost complete coincidence, the stone will be able to help in achieving the goals set;
  • Strelets it is better to avoid wearing this type of quartz in rings or pendants in order to avoid aggravating the negative sides of their character;
  • not recommended to contact with mineral Leo and Aries;
  • Libra and Cancer he will help to make decisions, but not all of them will prove to be correct in practice;
  • with proper stone wearing Scorpio and Pisces will be able to get rid of serious mistakes and communication with ill-wishers;
  • Morion can save Gemini from bad habits and protect them from cheating;
  • people born under the constellation Aquarius, will be able to maximize their potential;
  • due to the properties of the stone Virgin will be able to become successful and improve their well-being.

            Considering the compatibility of dark quartz with other minerals, it should be noted that it is self-contained and at «of the company» when creating jewelry does not need. Fans of magic and forecasters often use black morion in combination with rock crystal.It is believed that the latter helps clarify the information obtained by the magical properties of the morion. With an increase in the activity of a mineral, its effect can be attempted by leveling off by pink crystals.

            Interesting information about the stone can be found in the following video.

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            Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


