Stones and Minerals

How to distinguish natural stone from artificial?

How to distinguish natural stone from artificial?

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  1. Features
  2. What stones are imitated more often and how to check?

Today the market of precious products is replete with artificial jewelry - their number is much higher than natural products. For this reason, the issue of distinguishing natural gems from artificial products has now become topical. First, you need to deal with such concepts as imitation and synthesized precious product.


A stone similar to a natural mineral, but created in a laboratory, is called a synthesized jewelry stone. In its physical and chemical parameters, it completely coincides with natural stone. A product that repeats only external data, but not structural properties, is called imitation.

Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to artificially grow a stone in a laboratory in a short time. Ideal conditions are created for the growth of minerals, in which specialists improve the characteristic properties of the product. For this reason, synthetic samples correspond to natural materials of high quality.

For a long time, synthetic jewels were made by using multicolored glass as a starting material. In the XIX century, special institutions appeared in which high-quality rubies and sapphires were created, which are difficult to distinguish from real ones. Such centers appeared in Russia.

What stones are imitated more often and how to check?


Superiority in imitation takes turquoise. Genuine turquoise is almost impossible to find in nature. Craftsmen make jewelry from turquoise powder, glue small particles of crystal. More than half of the turquoise gems are not natural.

Turquoise is a semi-precious mineral, a symbol of happiness and good luck. Forging turquoise began in ancient Egypt, replacing it with tinted glass.

Since then, both jewelers and lovers of this stone have been trying to recognize the genuine mineral.

There is an easy way to distinguish a script from a fake: a stone immersed in clean water for some time will absorb moisture and change color.


In the group of leaders in the manufacture of synthetic gems is a ruby. When choosing a ruby, buyers need to remember that the natural product of the same name looks dull, not particularly clean, the crystal is expensive. If the buyer is offered to purchase a stone at an affordable price and high quality, then most likely it will be a synthesized stone or imitation.

The basic rule for determining the authenticity of a ruby ​​is the conformity of price and quality.


This stone also occupies one of the leading places in synthetic gems. Specialists for the manufacture of synthetic minerals use:

  • low-quality natural crystals;
  • glass and plastic;
  • combined crystals with glass.

To determine the quality of the stone, you need to pay attention to the place of bonding. If there are bubbles, then it is fake. But the appraiser will help to reliably recognize the authenticity of the gem.


This stone belongs to costly precious nuggets of the highest class. The tint of emeralds are different - it depends on its deposit. The most valuable are the Colombian variants, having a bright green with blue color.

The first synthetic emerald was raised by Germans in the 19th century. Artificial emeralds - a skillful fake. You can distinguish a fake by faces: in the light, they are well translucent, and you can see the parallel arrangement of the faces.


If we talk about sapphire, then this crystal of the same name is slightly inferior in its properties to diamond. Sapphire is endowed with an unusual blue or purple color with strong brilliance. There is a myth that This sapphire has magical and healing properties, brings happiness to the owner, protects from damage and slander.

In appearance at home to recognize the genuine stone from a fake is impossible - it is only by a professional appraiser. Under a magnifying glass specialist will check the refraction of light and, by lowering the mineral in a special liquid, will determine the authenticity of the product. If the sapphire is real, it, unlike the fake, will sink.


A real pearl is a precious gem with a heterogeneous structure, uneven color, characteristic strength, density, and cost.

Natural pearls are a mineral with a rough surface and a sandy texture.

If a pearl bead to hold on the tooth surface and hear the creak, then this means that the pearls are real.

Synthetic beads do not creak. You can also throw a bead on the floor - real pearls will jump up and the artificial one may crack and break. The fake differs from the original and to the touch: natural stone differs in coolness, and the artificial version has an ambient temperature.


One of the oldest stones is amber. For hundreds of thousands of years, people have decorated their clothes, their homes, and their jewels from precious gems. Recently in the market of jewelry there are many fakes and high-quality imitations of stone. Recognizing real amber is not difficult - it is imitated by low-quality crystals, plastic. If you bring a match to a fake, the mineral is heated, there is a smell of plastic, not resin.


This stone is a processed natural diamond, an expensive gem that enjoys the greatest popularity among jewelers and buyers.

To distinguish a fake from a genuine diamond, you need to consider it under a lighting device at a right angle. This diamond will glow located behind the edges. The authenticity of the diamond will confirm its hardness. You can cut glass with a diamond - it will surely leave scratches and roughness on the surface of other minerals.

This diamond is not afraid of sandpaper: if you rub a diamond surface with it, then there will be no change.


Many fashionistas have jewelry with huge bright red stones. These are real or artificially grown rubies. A real ruby ​​is a bit cheaper than a diamond. There are several ways to determine the authenticity of the stone:

  • if you place the mineral in glassware, then a reddish light will flow from it;
  • if you put a ruby ​​in a glass of milk, it will turn red;
  • if a real stone lies on the eyelid of an eye, it will retain its temperature.


    The semiprecious stone topaz looks unusually beautiful. It is named after the island called Topazion, located in the Red Sea. Topaz jewelry is the most popular item chosen by women.

    To determine the authenticity of the crystal at home, you need to take a woolen cloth as an aid. If you rub this topaz on wool, it will electrify and attract small objects to it.

    Then there will be no doubt that before you is a real noble gem.

    From the above, we can draw the following conclusion: jewelry acquisitions are checked in several ways. They are summarized below:

    • to the touch - natural stones have a lower temperature;
    • visually - when viewed under a magnifying glass, you can see defective cracks of natural stones;
    • by color - for example, turquoise-fake color fabric, which rubbed stone;
    • by smell - for example, if you bring a lit match to the amber beads, then the smell of tar should be released when burning;
    • by hardness - an example of a diamond cutting glass;
    • on thermophysical properties - an example of electrified amber.

    How to distinguish natural stones from fakes and imitations, see the following video.

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