Stones and Minerals

Nephrite: properties, colors, types and uses

Nephrite: properties, colors, types and uses

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  1. What it is?
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Value for man
  4. Properties
  5. Varieties
  6. Application
  7. Who is suitable?
  8. How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?
  9. How to care?

Since ancient times, precious and semiprecious stones were highly valued - in the era of the absence of plastic and other bright and durable materials, these minerals diluted the grayness and monotony of being. One of the most famous stones has always been jade, which still enjoys a certain popularity.

What it is?

The description of jade should begin with the fact that in its raw form this gem looks relatively inconspicuous - a modern person could mistakenly take it for a piece of green bottle glass of a strange shape. At the same time, such a mineral is much stronger than glass (in this respect, it surpasses even granite), but it is curious that the processing of stone is relatively simple. The resulting products show impressive durability, not to mention the fact that in a polished form, a piece of jade acquires a very delicate green modulations interspersed with other shades - this makes it precious.

Another proof of the reliability of jade products is that archeologists even today find various amulets and figurines from it, dating back thousands of years BC.

Because of its reliability, the mineral could have practical value, for example, in the same Ancient Egypt, household items were sometimes made of it, although they, of course, were expensive. In addition to the jewelry itself, jade crumbs were also used to cover clothes. Sometimes especially large crystals were used even in the construction of buildings.

Chemically, nephrite is a complex compound whose atoms include calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, hydrogen, and oxygen. The resulting rock is characterized by high viscosity at the level of steel and similar strength to it.

Nephritis in public opinion is often associated with shades of green and this is indeed the most common color, but the color range of the mineral is much broader. In fact, the stone may even be white or black, although light greenish notes are still almost always present.

What's curious the most valuable is considered to be a pale green variety with a characteristic fatty luster and significant transparency. In this case, the thickness of the stone may not transmit light at all until a large piece is cut into thinner plates. Among other things, jade is also distinguished by its high heat capacity, so it can be productively used as a heating pad.

Place of Birth

In order for nephrite to form (and some other minerals similar to it), it is necessary for the red-hot magma to penetrate sedimentary sediments - this is the method of occurrence that geologists recognized as the most common. Alternatively, the same magma should penetrate the deposits of serpentinite.

Jade deposits are inextricably linked with deposits of shale and marble. As a rule, this mineral is mined either in placers at the bottom of reservoirs with flowing water, or in jade quarries. Industrial mining of gemstone is possible on any of the continents. In Russia, the fame gained current Ospinskoe field, as well as the already exhausted Ulan-Khodinskoye. In addition, there are sources of valuable mineral and in Tuva, and in the Northern Urals, and in neighboring Kazakhstan.

If you consider other states, a lot of high-quality jade mined in New Zealand - there the stones are good not only from a practical, but also from an aesthetic point of view. Large deposits are located and in North America - In the states of Alaska, Montana, California and Washington, as well as in Canada. Another major jade miner is China.

Value for man

In different cultures and at different times, jade could have a different meaning, but in many regions it was perceived and perceived as a symbol of power. Many nations associate soft green tones with life, respectively, such power is kind, it protects its people from harm.

In China, this stone is literally a national symbol, it is still very common as a popular material for the manufacture of gift souvenirs. The Chinese believe that jade is able to change human behavior, because often handing products with printed symbols of a particular good. Thus, a peach applied to a jade product symbolizes longevity, fish means wealth, a bat is a wish for good luck, etc.

In general, in the East, jade was associated with harmony, tranquility, deliverance from worldly vanity. This is not surprising, because Psychologists have long proved that the green tones in the design of something have a pronounced calming effect. In Europe, deep jade greens were associated with another: a specific color here was associated with magic, because the stone was claimed by fortune-tellers and other mystifiers.

New Zealand aboriginal people Maori widely used jade products in their religious rituals. Representatives of this nation still consider this stone to be one of the main symbols of their native country, and since 1997 the local government even transferred all the local deposits of this stone to the management of the native islanders.


Since ancient times, this mineral has been attributed to various healing and even magical properties, which made the stone even more expensive. The modern name of the breed comes from the Greek word "kidney", in particular, because the mineral was actively used to treat diseases of this organ and the bladder. The beneficial properties of jade for the body are also in the positive psychological effects - jade product eliminates any anxiety, insomnia and nightmares.

The therapeutic effect is marked for the digestive system.

The real beneficial effect of jade is that he, unlike many other stones, is never cold - this breed perfectly keeps warm. Before being used as a hot-water bottle, it is additionally heated, but then it retains the desired temperature for a long time and allows the abdominal cavity to warm up, which with many symptoms actually has a beneficial effect.

Among other things, even today you can get a massage, performed with the help of special jade balls. It is noted that from a cosmetic point of view, the skin condition is definitely improving.

Also jade is still applied in various magical rituals. According to the Chinese idea of ​​the universe, this stone symbolizes the transparency of the Sky and the hardness of the Earth. Among other things, it is also a symbol of Eternity and Wisdom. Confucius, being a philosopher, not a magician, endowed jade products with the ability to unleash the mental abilities of the owner, as well as help preserve prudence and humane approach in all situations.

In the European tradition, jade is more a way to communicate with other worlds. Some authorities in the world of magic and esoterica argue that this the stone is also an excellent resistance to any natural disasters.. If we talk about an individual, then for him it is a good guard against the evil eye, it also effectively protects against enemies and falling into a bad company. Nephritis also allegedly contributes to the establishment of strong and trusting relationships within the family.


The color scheme of jade is very extensive: contrary to popular belief, it does not necessarily have to be green. Classification of species is often made according to the color of the stone, and it can be of various shades, and such color “anomalies” are also perceived differently.

  • White jade version looks quite unusual, from the side of the product from it resemble the melting ice with its characteristic brilliance. At the same time, such a mineral (already rare) pure white does not exist at all - in its structure there are almost always grayish, slightly yellow and greenish shades.

This can be attributed, and a special shade, known as "mutton fat" - in appearance the brilliant polished stone of this class really looks that way, and in the world is one of the most expensive types of jade.

  • Green jade is the most famous, but it still does not make it less popular. In particular, such a stone is required for various purposes of a magical character - in its popular understanding, its tint is inseparably linked with the supernatural. Most Chinese beliefs associated with amulets of jade, also relate to the green varieties of material.
  • Black stone has only a slightly noticeable greenish tint. This species is also rare, with some specific properties attributed to it extremely rarely. The main use of such material is the jewelry industry.

It should be noted that due to extraneous impurities, the color of a jade crystal can be absolutely any - in nature there are even red, blue or pink versions of the stone. At the same time, impurities are rarely uniform, where more often they play the role of well visible foreign particles. Above all, of course, uniform material is valued, especially if it has a bright tone and a high degree of transparency.

The spotted variant, provided that the spots are monochromatic and scattered evenly, can also look good. Stones with situational patches are usually not valued too highly. - an extraneous fragment spoils the overall impression of the crystal. At the same time, specific patterns on the surface of a piece of jade can be successfully beaten by jewelers, who will further emphasize the beauty of the plan of mother nature.


In ancient times, various products were made of jade: in regions where there was no shortage of such material, its strength was highly valued, therefore even tools were made of minerals. Today, globalization has led to an increase in demand for this stone, but its reserves, naturally, have not grown, because now it is usually made of either jewelry or various talismans and amulets. Both product options should be considered in more detail.

In the role of a talisman or talisman, this stone debuted, apparently, before: as we see from history, both in China and in Europe special properties were attributed to him. It is believed that it is a very effective talisman against failure and unhappiness of any kind. Such a product can be especially effective for lonely people if white variety.

With the acquisition of such a thing, you can expect that with love and marriage in the future the situation will be much better.

Children often give a jade pendant, which depicts a lock. This is a kind of symbol of life, a wish for health and longevity. For adults who want to reach career heights without damage to family life, the best fit ring inlaid with white jade.

Jade amulets are also good because they are credited with the ability to enhance the positive effects of other jewelry with esoteric overtones. By itself, the mineral supposedly stimulates the mind, and also provokes the manifestation of courage.This is not the stone, for which large size is crucial, on the contrary, products of modest size help the owner to overtake rivals and quickly go up.

If green and other common shades of jade have a common esoteric meaning, then the blood-red variety of the mineral is attributed to completely different properties. Such a stone, in the first place, is considered a talisman not for a person, but for a dwelling - it protects it from natural disasters.

A separate version of jade is used as a material for various jewelry items, especially for women. Beautiful green color with transparent tints or even by outsiders “muddy” interspersed since ancient times, people like it, because even in ancient times this mineral was used in the production of jewelry. Today, jade inserts are present in rings and bracelets, pendants and beads are made of them, and this is not always the case with the green variety. If we talk about larger jewelry, then you can meet on sale jade figurines, able to decorate any exquisite interior.

In addition to the above described applications, another use of jade is allowed. It has already been mentioned above that this stone perfectly retains heat, at least due to this it is used by various traditional healers in the form Hot water bottle analogue or for specific therapeutic massage.

In addition, the impressive strength of the mineral, due to which it can be used to make almost any household items, has not gone away.

Who is suitable?

Nephritis refers to those stones that are theoretically suitable for the representatives of any sign of the zodiac, although experts on esoterics warn: This mineral is able to drastically change your life, because a person who has chosen this material for a talisman or decoration, should be ready for drastic changes in everyday life.

  • If we are already guided by the signs of the zodiac, the best, according to experts, jade is suitable for Libra - he soothes and balances them. However, not everything is so simple, because the representatives of this zodiac sign need not just a green, but a white version of a stone.
  • For jade jade products are also very useful. - they supposedly should help in the establishment of family life, since they are responsible for love. Another thing is that for the described result you need an even more rare red stone. The mineral of fiery color will give another effect - your professional initiatives will be appreciated by your superiors.
  • For Crayfish and Pisces The most recommended are also unusual jade shades - they give the owner of the talisman strength and energy for new accomplishments.
  • Capricorn - the only sign of the zodiac that is recommended for classic green jade, the most common in nature. Such a stone produces a calming effect on the representatives of this zodiac sign - they become less aggressive and impulsive, due to which the probability of achieving the goals set is significantly increased.
  • Despite the fact that jade is considered to be a universal stone, least of all it is suitable for such signs of the zodiac as Taurus and Sagittarius.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

The modern world is distinguished by a special feature - there are many fakes in it that only imitate the original. On the one hand, this is good, because not rich people can now also wear decent-looking jewelry, on the other hand, fraudsters can fool an inexperienced person by selling him cheap goods at the price of an expensive one. In addition to natural crystal jade, there is at least two options for its fake.

The first in chemical composition is all the same jade, only made from jade dust by pressing - with all other correspondences, this method of production, of course, does not give the expected strength and durability.

The second one is plastic at all, which only looks like the original.


Since natural jade is not so cheap when buying You can verify its authenticity in one of several ways.

  • Natural stone is not less hard than steel and no needle can scratch it. A pressed block, not to mention plastic, will always succumb to this effect. Sometimes a real jade, scratched with a needle, but it is easy to make conclusions about its quality.
  • At the time of the first touch jade will probably seem cool, unless stored in a hot room. Try to warm it in the palm of your hand, and then set it aside. Check in a few minutes how the temperature of the mineral has changed: if it is real, then after 5 minutes it will still be warm.
  • If you buy jade beads, It is possible to check the degree of naturalness of raw materials with the help of sound. Here, of course, the experience would not hurt, but on the whole it is said that when two real jade beads collide, the resulting sound should be melodic.
  • In case your jade item is thin enoughTo pass the light, look at him more closely. In the bright rays of this mineral in the thickness should be visible clearly visible interlaced "fibers".

    Conscientious sellers may not hide the fact that their product is artificial. At the same time, the properties of plastic are known to every modern person, but opinions differ on extruded jewelry made of crumb and dust. On the one hand, it is still the same mineral, because its magical and healing properties should be maintained even despite partial loss of strength.

    On the other hand, it is necessary to understand that a compressed stone would hardly remain holistic, therefore, in mass for a fixing effect. add various foreign ingredients like glue or plastic, due to which many properties, even purely physical, are lost.

    How to care?

    Jade products are famous for their durability and durability, but if the owner wants to keep the thing in its original beautiful form, there should be minimal care for it. Difficulties with this usually does not arise, since the impact-resistant material is difficult to deform (except that you have a product with very tiny details), and scratching it with something sharp is quite difficult.

    However, the precious product is not recommended to be stored anywhere, for such purposes a special hard box, upholstered from the inside with a soft-touch fabric, is best suited. As an alternative storage location, you can use a special fabric bag made of dense material, such as felt.

    In principle, jewelry stores often use just such a package, and if you bought the product from them, then the package for sure was also a container for it.

    Like most stones, jade does not absorb pollution, but sometimes its surface needs to be scrubbed from dust and adhering dirt to restore the original shine and transparency. It is better not to experiment with caustic detergents, but an ordinary soap solution for such needs will fit perfectly, but even at the end of the procedure it is necessary to rinse it thoroughly under clean running water.

    If the contamination is not so serious, the product can not be washed, limiting itself to simply wiping its surface with a damp cloth made of soft material. To give a special shine, you can carefully rub the product with the same cloth, as if polishing it.

    More about jade and its properties will tell the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


