Stones and Minerals

Obsidian: features, properties and varieties

Obsidian: features, properties and varieties

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  1. What it is?
  2. Kinds
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to distinguish from crafts?
  7. Subtleties of care

The world of stones fascinates with its mystery and beauty, which nature has endowed them. The variety is so wide that many of them are not as well known as diamond, ruby, garnet or malachite. One of these mysterious stones is a mineral with an unusual name - obsidian.

What it is?

The name of this stone only enhances its mystery. Obsidian is also called the Devil's Claw, Apache's Tear and Bottle Stone. There are different versions of the origin of the name of this stone.

The adherents of the first version suggest that it comes from the word "obsis", which translated from Greek means "spectacle." Perhaps this name originated due to the fact that in ancient times mirrors were made of obsidian.

According to the second version, the stone is named after the Roman Obsia or Obsidia, who first brought this stone to Italy from Africa (Ethiopia).

This mineral was known in ancient times.

It was used by primitive people for making tips, knives and scrapers, as well as animal figures and simplest ornaments.

Obsidian is a mountainous igneous rock and a type of volcanic glass, which is obtained during the rapid cooling of volcanic lava. This stone looks very beautiful and may have a spotted or striped color. It can contain quartz blotches, as well as the inclusion of dark-colored minerals and feldspar.

In the process of solidification of lava air bubbles can get into it, which remain in the mineral even after its complete cooling. It is the bubbles that give the stone such effects as the golden glow (in the sparkling obsidian), the silvery (in the silvery mineral) and the iridescent sheen (in the iridescent stone).

Obsidian is a mixture of various minerals, therefore it is very variable in its morphological and chemical properties. In its composition, obsidian contains a large amount of silicic acid (up to 75%), its other main element is alumina. Its content ranges from 10% to 18%. In general, its composition is similar to obsidian granite.

The stone can have different colors - from black and gray to red-brown, and also have different patterns

. In striped specimens, the bands are located in the direction in which the lava flowed. The mineral has an amorphous (glassy) and dense structure, and by its texture it is foamy or massive.

The wear resistance of stone is low, and it is very fragile. When splitting, obsidian forms chips in the form of a shell of the mollusk (bivalve), the edges of which are very sharp. The surface of the mineral has a glass sparkle and is highly polishable.

Obsidian found quite widespread use. It is used in jewelry for making various jewelry: necklaces, beads and earrings, pendants and bracelets, rings. Apply it as a decorative and ornamental stone.

From the gem obtained a very original cigarette cases, lighters, boxes, bowls.

In industry, the mineral is used as a raw material for dark glass. And for the construction of a heat insulating material produced from it.

This stone has found its application in the medical industry. Surgical scalpels and other medical instruments are made from obsidian.

Obsidian magical accessories are widely used by magicians and soothsayers.


Obsidian belongs to the category of semi-precious decorative and ornamental stones. It is divided into types depending on the color. The oxides of magnesium and iron contained in the stone influence the color of the stone. Usually it is painted black and may have patterned stains. Obsidian has several major varieties.

  • Black obsidian This is the most common species in nature. This color is considered the main color of obsidian. The presence of iron oxide in the stone gives it a deep black color. The combination of obsidian qualities of glass and stone makes it unique: rich black color has a glass shimmer in a translucent compacted texture, like precious stones.
  • Rainbow stone It is found in nature very rarely and therefore extremely valued. The palette of its color shades surprises with its variety. The mineral is a variety of black obsidian and includes several subspecies. In the process of natural lighting with intense sunlight and after a long natural polishing, the stone acquires luminous colored stripes and a bright play of colors: red and green, blue and golden, which are combined in different instances in different ways.
  • Snow obsidian considered one of the most beautiful views of this stone. On a rich velvety black background, the surface of the stone is chaotically scattered dull-white blotches of cristobalite, which have different sizes and look like snowflakes. Therefore, the stone and received such a name.
  • Peanut. The mineral of this species is formed as a result of punctate inclusions of cristobalite. In form, these inclusions are very similar to peanut kernels. Peanut obsidian is found in nature quite often.

In addition to these main types of obsidian, there are also stones with an unusual color. The variety of colors and shades due to the fact that the process of solidification of lava is accompanied by the ingress of various impurities and foreign inclusions. In nature, there are such rare types of mineral:

  • red obsidianmined only in Mexico;
  • fierybeing the most expensive of all kinds;
  • mahogany or leopard obsidian - stone or brown, or reddish with the inclusion of black veins and specks;
  • golden stonewhich is colored gray and has gas bubbles inside, giving the crystal a golden glow.

And there are also blue and green obsidians, stones with spots, inclusions and alternating layers of different shades and sizes.

Place of Birth

Since obsidian is the result of volcanic activity and the eruption of lava, in nature it forms where there are active volcanoes, dormant or extinct. Therefore, its distribution area is quite wide.

Large deposits of this stone are found in countries with high activity of volcanoes such as Mexico, Ecuador, Japan (Hokkaido Island), Turkey, Armenia. The most beautiful and valuable specimens are Californian minerals, as well as stones mined in the Mississippi water area in the states of Nevada and Arizona.

They are less transparent from other deposits.

Mexico has the largest deposits of obsidian, and rare species of it are found here - red and brown-red.

In our country, the mineral is mined in the regions of Kamchatka and Kuriles, the Caucasus and Karelia, in Siberia. In Kamchatka, mining is carried out in the Itkovama reservoir on the Sredinny Range, as well as in the Nachikinskoye field, near Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Minor deposits of obsidian are present in the Transbaikalia and Khabarovsk region.

In addition, the stone is found in other countries and regions: in Peru and Iceland, Hawaii and Indonesia. Large deposits are located in Iran and Georgia.

It is also commercially mined in the Canary Islands, the Aeolian Islands and the Transcarpathian regions.


The volcanic origin of the mineral explains its properties.

Physical and chemical

By its mineral composition it is similar to granite.

The chemical composition of the mineral includes the following elements:

  • SiO2 (silicon oxide) is its base, the content of which varies from 65% to 75%;
  • magnesium oxides (MgO) and iron (Fe3O4);
  • mica - about 5-10%,
  • water contained in very small quantities - up to 1%.

The characteristic of its physical properties includes the following parameters:

  • hardness - about 5-5.5 (on the Mohs scale);
  • density - from 2.5 to 2.6 g per cubic centimeter.

The structure of the stone is massive, amorphous with a uniform texture, and its strength is low. The mineral has no electrical conductivity, is not radioactive, melts at a temperature of from 1200 to 1500 degrees Celsius. May be opaque, translucent or transparent. It has a glossy glass, is polishable and cut.


Obsidian is credited with many properties. It is believed that he has healing abilities. Its healing natural properties have been used in nontraditional and traditional medicine by healers and healers for a long time. In our time, a special direction in medical practice has appeared - lithotherapy, which uses the special properties of stones.

Volcanic mineral is used in different cases.

  • Treatment of colds due to hypothermia.
  • Normalization of the functions of the digestive system, regulation of gastric juice, as well as the treatment of ulcers of the digestive system.
  • Stabilization and elimination of blood pressure surges. Bracelets from this stone can be worn as hypertensive, and hypotensive.
  • Relief of inflammation of rheumatism, gout or spinal diseases.
  • Relieving nervous tension, anxiety and strengthening calm and emotional balance. Obsidian helps to normalize the nervous system and improve sleep.
  • Treatment of inflammatory processes associated with burns, wounds and other injuries. In this case, products made of it are recommended to be worn around the affected areas.

During treatment, both obsidian products and raw stones are used. Silver enhances the healing properties of the mineral, so it is recommended to use jewelry in a silver frame. However, it must be remembered that it is impossible to wear obsidian continuously, since it can have a negative side effect on the kidney function.

In addition, they wear only paired jewelry. The effectiveness of its healing properties also increases rock crystal, if worn together.

It is believed that the rosary of obsidian is very useful for men.

Black obsidian is credited with special qualities. Since ancient times, Hindus believe that this type of stone cleans the biofield and the human body, protecting it from negative energy flows coming from outside, and also eliminates negative energy clots inside the body. To achieve this effect, it is applied to the groin or navel.

In addition, obsidian brings the entire human energy and its aura into a harmonious state, if it is applied for some time along the entire length of the average vertical line of the body.

In India, black obsidian amulets are also worn to positively influence the chakra associated with the power of the Earth, to attract it, to fill all organs and systems with it and to regenerate them.

In addition to the healing properties of all these stones, black obsidian is also used to enhance immunity, in the treatment of asthma, diseases of the female and male reproductive systems.

Snow obsidian also has its own characteristics. It has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, is used in the treatment of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, with skin diseases. And also its feature is the ability to fight bacterial infections and prevent the occurrence of herpes.

Rainbow obsidian is widely used for injuries: bruises, fractures, sprains. If you place a stone in the region of the heart on the chest, then it stabilizes the work of the body, and especially it is useful in a state of stress.

The mineral also prevents the occurrence of diseases at the cellular level.


Another property of obsidian that is relevant to humans is its magical power. It is believed that the stone is able to absorb energy and store information. Magic widely uses in its practice magic mirrors, balls and other accessories from obsidian as a way to know the past and predict the future.

According to the magicians, this mineral has the cosmic power of the Sun, Uranus and Saturn. When used for evil purposes, it can harm a person.

Therefore, Indian magicians consider the magic abilities of a stone to be extremely dangerous and require careful handling when performing magical actions.

The use of magic attributes from obsidian is not allowed to everyone. But if you use the power of a stone correctly, it can warn a person against wrong actions, takes away evil and dangerous people for a given person, removes an aggressive state.

The owner of obsidian amulets acquires the ability to think logically, consistently implement the tasks to achieve the ultimate goal.

This charm helps ordinary people to look at themselves with other people's eyes. Creative talented individuals (writers, philosophers) amulets help to show their creative abilities in full.

Among other species, black obsidian stands out for its very high energy. Mages in their rituals use mainly black stone.

He contributes to the knowledge of truth, shows a person his mistakes and shortcomings, and also indicates ways to solve problems. The black mineral is especially useful for people with a high degree of sensitivity, for an all ill soul.

Black stone amulets make it possible to recognize your “inner self” and the black thoughts of the human soul. On the other hand, he instills sympathy and mercy, strengthens vitality.

Obsidian accumulates in itself and positive, and all negative. Therefore, after each time of its use, the amulet should be cleaned.

The rainbow appearance of obsidian has softer energy properties, but its protective abilities remain very strong. Magicians usually recommend wearing it to get rid of the suffering of unrequited or past love.

In magic, the rainbow stone is also used for the knowledge of one's own spiritual world, all the mysterious, as well as the nature of being and things.

Snow mineral is used to get rid of obsolete patterns and long-standing unhealthy habits. It stimulates mental processes and allows you to properly assess actions and the surrounding reality, helps to understand their mistakes, pointing out ways to correct them, gives confidence.

It is believed that the brown obsidian energy is associated with the energy of the Earth, with which the mineral is in close contact. Mages advise to use it to improve the personality, to strengthen the pedigree tree.

According to the magicians, the silver mineral makes it possible to penetrate the human soul, promotes meditation and is the “third eye”. It strengthens the body both in the astral and in the physical plane.

Who is suitable?

Despite its undoubted benefit, not everyone can wear this mineral. This is due to the astrological features of the stone, and it does not fit every zodiac sign. For people born under different zodiac signs, it has a different effect.

Therefore, astrologers advise before acquiring obsidian amulets or jewelry to get acquainted with several recommendations.

  • The most beneficial effect of this mineral is born under the sign Capricorn. Amulets help Capricorns to change their own lives for the better by freeing themselves from the negative properties of their nature.
  • Takes care of obsidian and Aquarius. Under the influence of the stone, they are able to detect their intuitive abilities. Stones of a rich blue color are more suitable for this sign.
  • Fishes will make more courageous and decisive in actions and life situations.
  • Aries under the patronage of the stone, they will be able to tame their complex burrows, becoming more balanced, meek and restrained, and also give them insight. Obsidian will promote their career growth and prosperity in the financial sphere. But in order not to provoke stubbornness, lack of restraint and selfishness, it is impossible to wear obsidian amulets daily.
  • Taurus To resort to the help of a gem is possible only if life changes are coming.
  • Twins the mineral will give decisiveness to make a change for the better. He is recommended only a black type of obsidian.
  • Raku This stone will only bring harm and make life difficult. It is not recommended for Cancers to wear it.
  • Black mineral will relieve Lion from the machinations of haters and from diseases caused by slander. In addition, the Lions will not be so hot-tempered.
  • Virgo, as well as Raku, the stone is contraindicated. It will only provoke nervousness and aggressiveness, as well as increase its romance and innate suspicion.
  • Wearing obsidian amulets can and Libra. They are recommended to have a snow stone, although it will not bring them much change.
  • Scorpio under the action of the gem can gain emotional peace and even meet your soul mate. The stone will give him clarity of thought and the ability to adequately accept reality.
  • Sagittarius it experiences only the positive effect of the gem, which activates the mental abilities and foresight of Streltsov. They are recommended mineral red or brown color.

The ability to wear this mineral also depends on the person’s name, as it does not have a beneficial effect on all names.

For example, men who bear the name of Ilya, he will give life energy and strength, help to overcome difficult periods and cause the desire to change life. Obsidian has a positive effect on Natalia and Maxima, Daria and Tatyana. The action of the stone can protect them from rash acts and make the right decision. Patronizes the gem also to men with names - Gregory and Stepan, Egor and Denis, and women with the names of Hope and Antonina.

Obsidian charms and talismans are recommended to be worn by people associated with banking activities, inventors and people of creative professions: artists, writers, poets.

It protects stone and people associated with aviation (pilots, flight attendants), as well as military and travelers, helping them to avoid danger.

How to distinguish from crafts?

Obsidian is inexpensive, but it is not so often, but it is still faked. Most often colored glass or quartz, especially smoky, is given out for natural stone. However, only amulets and amulets from a natural mineral have specific properties. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish natural stone from a fake.

There are several signs and ways to identify a fake.

  • Natural obsidian, unlike a fake, is constantly cold to the touch. Even if you hold it in your hand for some time, it will not warm up.
  • A fake product quickly disappears luster after it is placed in water.
  • Natural stone is distinguished by color: it always stands out for its brightness and saturation. The surface of the stone is shiny.
  • A fake gem is most often exactly colored and has no shades. Natural stone has many specks, specks and stains.

Using these very simple recommendations will help you choose products with natural obsidian.

Subtleties of care

Obsidian of those stones that require careful handling.It should be noted that the mineral reacts negatively to sharp temperature surges and bright sunlight, which can adversely affect its external beauty.

You can not drop a gem and subject it to shock, because it has a very fragile structure.

Obsidian products should be periodically washed with soft wipes. Do not use any chemicals. Jewelry can be treated with slightly warm soapy water. After that, rinse with running water, and wipe thoroughly with a soft cloth. Processing the gem is desirable to do in a month and a half.

Obsidian charms are recommended to be placed weekly for a few minutes (10-15) under running water. Water will clear the stone of all the negative energy accumulated in it. Store products made of this stone should be isolated from other jewelry.

A casket (case) with a soft finish inside is best for storage.

Such care and proper storage will allow obsidian jewelry and other products to serve for many years.

In the video below you can see an overview of this stone.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


