Stones and Minerals

Onyx: properties of a stone, its types and use

Onyx: properties of a stone, its types and use

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  1. What it is?
  2. Value for man
  3. Properties
  4. Kinds
  5. Application
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. How to distinguish from fakes?
  8. Care rules

Many people know onyx as a mystical stone, from which according to legends the temple of Solomon was built. Since that time, the history of the stone managed to acquire many legends and superstitions: some believed that the stone is able to prolong life, others were frightened by its unusual coloring, and some even considered it a money stone. In this article we will talk about the properties of onyx, its types and applications of this mineral.

What it is?

Onyx is considered one of the varieties of agate and is a parallel-banded chalcedony. Like many sedimentary rocks, onyx has a simple chemical formula - SiO2 (silicon dioxide).

Depending on the type of onyx, the chemical formula, like the appearance of the mineral itself, can vary considerably. For example, the chemical formula of marble onyx looks like this - CaCO3. A distinctive feature of onyx from other chalcedony is a unique color, which can include strips and circles at the same time 5-7 colors: red, black, white, gray, even green and blue.

The origin of onyx can be easily explained with the help of modern science - this mineral is formed by layering carbonate minerals in hot springs. When this process proceeds too quickly, a new mineral is formed - travertine. In the course of layering, the mineral can be impregnated with other rocks and elements, for example, with oxide iron, from which the stone received a non-standard red color.

The first attempts of onyx mining were made in the 5th century BC in Egypt and Babylon.A little later, the deposits appeared in Greece and Rome, where the mineral is mined to the current day.

Some varieties of quality and expensive stone are mined in India and Brazil.

Value for man

Over the long history of the existence of this stone, many nations began to attribute to it more and more new mystical values.

It is believed that the name of the stone came from the ancient Greek language - there the word "onihion" actually translated as "nail."

The history of the appearance of this stone is rooted in legends and myths. The ancient Greeks believed that this stone is the nail of the goddess of beauty Aphrodite herself. Legends say that once the god of love Eros was amused with his arrows near the sleeping Aphrodite. During one of these games, one of the arrows touched the goddess’s nail and cut off a piece of it, which fell from Olympus to the human world.

This stone was revered not only by the ancient Greeks, other peoples also had many legends about the properties and origin of this extraordinary mineral. Below you can find some of them.

  • If you are familiar with the stories of Cicero and Demosthenes, you have probably heard about this method of training diction and speech organs, such as using polished stones. Ancient Roman orators placed several onyx stones in their mouths and trained for a long time before the performance. It was believed that in this way they trained the muscles of the mouth and tongue, and the diction itself became clear, loud and sonorous.
  • In many European countries of the Middle Ages, onyx was used as storage vessels for perfumes, medicines and herbs. This stone has exceptional chemical neutrality and does not interact with common chemical irritants, unlike metals, which could oxidize, rust and spoil jewelry.
  • Mesopotamia, Babylon and Assyria once used onyx as a semi-precious mineral, from which interior elements, utensils and some household utensils were made.
  • In Indian culture, it was considered a magical sacred stone, which fell to Earth at the very beginning of the creation of the world.Products and jewelry made of onyx here were allowed to be worn only by clergymen and leaders. Also, Indian shamans and healers actively used it in their magical rituals and offerings.
  • Since ancient times, Asian peoples have considered onyx as a stone of great sorrow. For a long time onyx has been used in their culture as a mineral to decorate the tombs of great emperors and noble people. It is believed that the mineral provides the dead with eternal peace and tranquility.
  • The description of onyx was also found among the ancient Aztecs, where it was associated with rich spiritual and mystical energy. Onyx slabs and stones were used to construct entire buildings and temples. Striped onyx consisted of tools for sacrifices and religious rites.
  • In the legends of the great and wise King Solomon tells about a huge temple of pure onyx, in which there were no windows, not even large doors. There was practically no light inside the temple, because of which there was a constant twilight. Over time, this method was used in other temples and churches. Even today, in many modern churches, instead of glass in temples, transparent onyx plates are used. It is believed that onyx gives the place of sacredness and peace, bringing it closer to the divine.
  • In the Arab culture, this stone had its frightening value. This nation identified the stone with the eyes of a dead girl. Since there were significant deposits of onyx in the African territories (which was highly valued among sellers of minerals and jewelry), the Arabs preferred to sell the mined stones as soon as possible and for a long time not to be in their deposits.

Particularly interesting is the mention of this stone in religion - the Christian Bible says that this mineral was once located in Eden itself, and then was encrusted in the ring of the high priest Aaron along with 11 other sacred stones. Islam also attributes miraculous properties to this stone; it’s not for nothing that a fragment of huge onyx was placed at the base of a mosque in the city of Kaaba. In addition, onyx often decorated rich embroidered robes of Jewish clergy.

At present, onyx is considered in most countries to be exclusively a decorative stone, which is actively used by jewelers and designers in drawing up models of jewelry, clothes and accessories from minerals.


Over the centuries-old history, many peoples attributed more than a hundred of healing, magical and healing properties to onyx. Today, this mineral is actively used in lithotherapy sessions, in addition, it is a mandatory attribute of experienced magicians and mystics.


In ancient times, healers and shamans used onyx to treat many physical ailments and diseases. The most commonly used mineral was ground into powder or solid stone, which was applied to a specific part of the body. Onyx was especially popular in wartime - it was believed that water tincture on onyx can disinfect and quickly heal wounds.

Today, onyx is most often worn on problem areas.

  • Light and white onyx is worn around the neck for diseases of the thyroid gland, the respiratory tract or ordinary toothache.
  • Red and fiery stones are worn closer to the heart in the form of brooches or pendants. It is believed that it helps with cardiovascular diseases.
  • In diseases of the circulatory system, it is recommended to wear bracelets or pendants made of onyx in the places where the most significant blood vessels pass.
  • For diseases and eye pathologies, tiaras or earrings with onyx of blue or blue color can be worn.
  • For diseases of the internal organs and skin diseases, experts in lithotherapy recommend massaging onyx with damaged cloths with cloth and gauze.

Leading experts in lithotherapy also claim that marble-type onyx can have a rejuvenating effect on the body. That is why in ancient times it was used in its decoration and ornaments by monarchs - with the help of this mineral, they sought to extend their existence to retain power.

Onyx green, judging by the judgments of experts, strengthen the immune system and relieve chronic fatigue and vitamin deficiency.

Moreover, it is believed that onyxs with a high content of internal bands in the texture of the stone have the greatest therapeutic and magical effects.

Below will be considered all the healing properties of the stone, which they are endowed with experienced lithotherapists.

  • Improving the general state of the articulatory apparatus. Toning the organs of speech, improving diction and pronunciation.
  • The weakening of nervous tension, the establishment of the state of the nervous system. Also noted is the beneficial effect of onyx on protracted depressive disorders.
  • Overall improvement in sleep, reduced risk of insomnia and nightmares. People who have onyx figurines in their bedrooms often have pleasant and simple dreams that do not load their heads.
  • Onyx can also treat impotence and serve as a guardian in the process of conceiving a healthy child. For this, onyxes of red hues are commonly used - it is believed that they have the most powerful male principle.
  • Treatment of pathologies of the heart and circulatory system, reducing the risk of blood clots and the occurrence of strokes.
  • In ancient times, onyx was actively used for the treatment of headaches. For this, rich ladies specially wore tiaras and onyx hoops on their heads.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Minerals were often placed near the cradles of newborn babies. It was believed that the stone prevents the formation of painful gases in the body and eliminates colic.
  • During plague and smallpox epidemics, plates of onyx were placed near the patient's bed. It was believed that the healing energy of the stone slows down the course of the disease, stops inflammation and relieves fever.
  • Today, onyx jewelry is worth giving to people with drug and alcohol addiction. It is believed that the stone pacifies a person, dulling in him the desire to use the next dose.
  • This stone is also able to cope with the problems of the respiratory system. At one time, onyx was worn by people with asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Magical and mystical

In astrology and witchcraft, onyx is considered to be an exceptionally positive and kind stone that can motivate a person to achieve big and small goals. The total energy of the stone removes fatigue from a person, drives away laziness, helps to relieve routine work routine.

Immediately it should be noted that all the properties described below have only natural, well-groomed and purified minerals.

The fact is that each of the varieties of onyx has its own specific abilities, but each type of mineral also has common magical properties.

  • Onyx helps talented people to realize their creative potential, to strengthen social ties with potential employers. Stone contributes to the fact that your workouts and classes on self-development will always bring you exactly pleasure and will never become exclusively work.
  • Onyx is considered a stone of natural leaders and leaders. He gives words greater confidence and reasoning, makes judgments logical and convincing, helps to gain authority among subordinates.
  • Before the difficult and impracticable task onyx will give you firm confidence in the result. It is also a stone for planners who prefer to think everything over and calculate the end of the process based on their expectations.
  • Not in vain, in ancient Rome, onyx was used for the development of an articulatory apparatus.This gave the mineral magical properties that allowed owners to work more effectively on speech, to make it more clear and expressive.
  • Like many other stones, onyx helps bring things started to the end. The structure of all stones lies in their completeness and strength, which is reflected in their extraordinary abilities.
  • In addition to other magical abilities, onyx is used by many magicians and sorcerers as a powerful charm. He is able to save from accidents, removes curses, warns of perfect betrayal or treason.
  • Onyx gives older people and adults wisdom, tolerance and peace of mind. It balances their unstable health, contributes to a good mood and protects against the feeling of loneliness. For young people, this is a stone of endurance, dedication and courage, but it also helps them to stop at the right moment, to reflect on the correctness of their deeds.

Despite the fact that onyx can be suitable for absolutely any person, most of all he reveals himself in strong and talented hands, focused on leadership, big ambitions or daily danger: these are rescuers, firefighters, military, artists, managers and teachers.

Depending on the variety, this mineral may have certain abilities.

  • Minerals cream, yellow and wheat have a strong positive aura. They are advised to wear to individuals with frequent mood swings, phobias and depressions. For such purposes, figurines or figurines from the solar mineral are best suited, then they will favorably influence not only the state of the host, but also the place of his rest.
  • Onyxes of green and emerald colors are family stones that reinforce a young marriage and give patience and respect in a long marriage that has already taken place. This stone has the function of guarding against quarrels, betrayals and conflicts.

Such a mineral can play the role of some kind of figure or be worn separately by both spouses, then it will be able to stop it at the stage of origin of the conflict.

  • White, colorless or milk onyx it seems to be an absolutely unremarkable mineral, but it carries tremendous power. It is a lifeline for insecure people. It protects weak-tempered people from enemies, protects against accidents, is able to console in difficult times.

In the family circle, the white stone is a symbol of financial well-being, especially they are useful for family members who are at the very beginning of the career ladder.

  • Onyx marble color Suitable for hyperactive personalities. It has a toning and soothing effect on them, brings thoughts in order and soothes tense muscles and nerves. Especially useful this stone will bring for choleric people with their frequent mood swings.
  • Onyxes of dark, pitch and chestnut shades They are the most powerful magic accessories for sorcerers and esoterists. They reveal the prophetic gift, protect from the dark forces, are able to help a person to cope with what fears and doubts.

It is recommended to wear such a stone during periods of sadness or grief; it is believed that at such moments the human aura is exposed to the greatest danger.

In order for a mineral to maximize its abilities, it should be worn either on the index finger or in the solar plexus zone. Onyx looks best with silver, and in energy it is combined with jasper, carnelian, agate and opal.

It is also believed that onyx has too powerful energy for weak-minded people. With them, he will not be able to unleash his real potential and may even harm, creating false ambitions or setting impossible tasks.


Today there are more than 10 varieties of onyx, which differ from each other in density, transparency, structure, color, stripes and chemical composition. Below you will find out what kinds of onyx are.

  • Marble. The most popular type of mineral on the market. It differs from others by the presence of a multitude of horizontal stripes of white, red, orange, and yellow throughout the texture of the stone.
  • White onyx. Colorless or translucent mineral of gray, snow-white or milky color. On the surface or inside the mineral one can notice characteristic marble cracks of orange or rusty color.
  • Pink onyx. It has a unique peach or pink color. According to the structure of the mineral, stripes or circles are actively arranged in the form of color streaks or bloom of more or less saturated shades.
  • Blue or blue onyx. To some extent, a unique type of onyx - it has the original deep texture of a celestial, marine or ultramarine color.
  • Red, brown or bloody mineral. Another name is sardonyx. It is considered a type of carnelian. It has a bright red color with a large number of internal horizontal stripes.
  • Honey onyx. A decorative type of stone of wheat, yellow or golden color with specific divorces throughout the structure.
  • Dark onyx. It is considered the most expensive and rare species. The structure is solid, in the mineral rarely there are stripes or circles with an admixture of other rocks and colors.


At the moment, onyx is actively used in jewelry. Precious products and jewelry from this mineral can be found literally in every jewelry store. For women, these are beads, pendants, hair clips, brooches, tiaras, bracelets, rings and earrings with opal. For men - rings, cufflinks, clasps, straps with inlaid buckles, buttons, watches with onyx, beads.

Also onyx is widely used as a material for the manufacture of interior.

  • For example, eggs and pyramids of onyx are placed near the beds of sick people. It is believed that they have a positive effect on the course of the disease and accelerate recovery.
  • Fish, cats, frogs and other stone figures symbolize wealth and prosperity in the house. It is believed that they attract new ideas and financial stability.
  • Elements of dishes, sets and kitchenware from onyx. It is believed that such items can enhance the taste of food, make it more rich and pleasant.

In ancient times, onyx was used primarily for decorative purposes. In Russia, they were decorated with icons, inlaid cups, crosses, scepters and crowns of monarchs. A little later, onyx began to make facing slabs, masonry and even bricks during the construction of buildings and temples.

Who is suitable?

Astrology endowed onyx with a multitude of magical abilities, who differently manifest themselves with different signs of the zodiac.

  • Water signs. Cancers onyx will help to unleash their creative potential, to achieve success in business - onyxes of blue and sea tones will fit here. Scorpios stone will help not succumb to sadness and negative emotions, as well as save this sign from accidents and tragic accidents. Pisces should not wear this stone, it will make them sandwiched and too lethargic.
  • Air signs. Gemini are inborn leaders, but their inherent changeable nature and mood swings can greatly hinder this. Mineral will help this sign to properly prioritize, and also stabilizes the character, giving it integrity and peace of mind. Here stones of motley and unusual shades will do. For Aquarius, onyx will play the role of focus for life purposes. He will help them to focus on their immediate tasks and not be distracted from their accomplishment (for this, green stones will do).Scales onyx will give greater confidence in their decisions, protect them from rash acts (onyxes of heavenly or blue colors are needed here).
  • Fire signs. Leo - the real leaders and strong-willed personalities, most suitable dark or cobalt onyx. Lions have incredibly strong potential and are fully capable of capturing the power of stone. Thanks to him, they will become more resolute, strong-willed and convincing, they will easily be able to gain favor and trust. Aries mineral will help keep yourself in hand even in stressful situations. For Streltsov, onyx will be a wonderful talisman, as these talented people are often in the company of envious people and enemies.
  • Earth signs. Taurus stone can emancipate and help you gain self-confidence (onyxes of white, red and pink color are more suitable here). Virgins will get from onyx something that they lack so much - exclusivity and charisma, which will allow them to climb the career ladder. For Capricorn mineral will be a useful regular assistant in the planning of daily affairs.

How to distinguish from fakes?

The first attempts at onyx forgery were made in the Middle Ages, when the stone was actively used in the creation of jewelry and accessories. Today, the technology of creating artificial minerals has reached the point that it will be difficult for an inexperienced buyer to determine the authenticity of the stone. The instructions below will help you figure out if the stone is real or not.

  • Color structure The color of natural onyx, regardless of the variety, is always harmonious and consistent. There are neither sharp modulations, nor transitions from color to color, there are no opalescence and small internal cracks. Know that a contrasting transition and too bright colors indicate a rough imitation of onyx.
  • Some fakes can only be detected over time. The onyx-colored glass stones eventually lose their color, begin to turn cloudy after a long time under the sun or in the aquatic environment. These phenomena should not be confused with simply contaminated natural stone, which you have not cleaned for a long time.
  • Texture. If the craft you bought is made of filled or colored glass, just look at the internal texture of the mineral through a magnifying glass. In a glass fake, you probably notice a certain amount of oxygen bubbles.
  • Density. Natural mineral has incredible strength and density compared to other minerals. On onyx artificial stones you can easily leave scratches, roughness and even dents. You can scratch the natural stone only using special tools.
  • Poor thermal conductivity. Due to the exceptional density of onyx, it is extremely difficult to heat - that is why it is not terrible to wear it in dry and hot weather, take it to the sauna or to the beach. Glass and plastic imitations can become deformed when heated — they lose their shape when they are significantly affected by temperature.
  • Price. Despite the fact that onyx refers exclusively to semi-precious minerals, jewelry made of natural stone will cost no less than $ 15 (beads, bracelets, pendants, rings). Individual furnishings made of pure onyx will cost up to $ 100 depending on the shape, weight and size. If you are going to buy a rich beautiful necklace with stones for only 5-10 dollars, most likely you are buying an ordinary imitation.
  • Weight. Determine the natural structure of the stone is easy if you have something to compare the weight of jewelry or crafts with onyx. As a rule, natural mineral products are much heavier than polymeric or glass products.

Care rules

Onyx is not a picky mineral in terms of care, however, the following list of rules will help you maintain the appearance and properties of this mineral for a longer period.

  • Always keep the mineral in a special box or pouch.Do not allow the mineral to come into contact with hard surfaces (including other stones). Also try not to drop the stone - it will not collapse, but cracks can form inside. The place to store the mineral is to choose dry and ventilated.
  • To clean onyx, there may be little ordinary water, so experts recommend using special solutions for cleaning chalcedony and wipe the stone with delicate rags and polish.
  • To prevent the stone from becoming so quickly contaminated, you can use special dirt-repellent sprayers. This refers to the jewelry and accessories that you carry with you every day.
  • No soap and aggressive detergents - it will not affect the structure of the stone, but it can destroy the external smooth coating, due to which the mineral will lose its natural luster.

On what properties has onyx, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


