Stones and Minerals

Types of pyrope and features of its impact on people

Types of pyrope and features of its impact on people

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  1. What it is?
  2. Varieties
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to identify a fake?
  7. How to care for a stone?

Since ancient times, people were aware of the valuable and even magical properties of stones. They were used for treatment, in everyday life, for rituals and ceremonies. Today this most ancient knowledge in most cases has scientific substantiations. To wear jewelry with natural stones is not only prestigious, but also useful. Of course, only an individually suitable stone can bring maximum benefit. We understand the features of one of them - pyrope.

What it is?

Pyrope is a gemstone belonging to the group of garnets. Frozen dragon's blood, firestone, carbuncle, Czech garnet, Bohemian or Californian ruby ​​- this is how various minerals called this mineral because of its deep red color. A pyrope resembles small pomegranate seeds, and when sunlight strikes it, it looks like an ember encased in glass. This fiery stone is obliged by its mysterious color to chromium and iron, which are included in its composition (if these impurities are not present, then the pyrope will be colorless).

This stone is easily processed, after grinding it appears glassy shine. Pyrop is often confused with almandine, since both of them are dark red garnets.

The difference in chemical composition, gloss, density and size are the main differences between pyrope and almandine. Bohemian ruby ​​is small, transparent, with a glass shine, dark color. When heated, Czech pyrope retains its color. For this feature it was called the immortal stone.


The color of pyrope is one of the main qualities affecting its value:

  • blood red and scarlet tones are absolute favorites;
  • due to impurities pyrope has a different color - cherry, black-brown, fiery-red, violet, lilac, red-violet, pink (then the stone is called rhodolite), crimson, blue, blue;
  • sometimes chameleon stones with alexandrite effect - blue, blue-violet or blue in the afternoon, and at electric lighting - violet-red; green - during the day and red with artificial light;
  • pyrope without impurities is colorless;
  • the stones pink shade considered the most expensive.

Place of Birth

Pyrope is a common mineral, but not all deposits offer gems of jewelery value. The USA, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Nigeria, Zambia, Tanzania supply the minerals necessary for making jewelry.

The most famous field in Europe is in the Czech Republic (in Northern Bohemia). At this time, the mining of the famous Czech pyrope is no longer so active, but its products are still valued (therefore, not only beer and Bohemian crystal can be brought from the Czech Republic). There are museums in Prague and Trebnice where you can see and buy products made from Czech garnets.

Fascinating exhibits are a huge pyrope the size of a pigeon's egg and a luxurious set of decorations, which the elderly Goethe presented to his eighteen-year-old beloved Ulrike von Levetev to express her feelings.

North Bohemia
Museum in Prague
Goethe and Ulrika

Russia also boasts places where you can find this mineral - Khakassia, Yakutia, Kamchatka, Crimea. In Karelia there is the oldest Kitelsky pomegranate deposit. But on the industrial scale pyrope in Russia is not mined.

Interesting fact: pyrope is an indispensable companion of diamonds. This feature was noticed by geologist Larisa Popugaeva.Diamonds may not be found in the kimberlite pipe, and pyropes will definitely be present.



Since ancient times, the fiery mineral has been used to treat diseases of the heart and blood. According to the lithotherapists pyrope:

  • activates blood circulation and blood clotting;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • helps to increase the permeability of capillary vessels;
  • helps digestion;
  • promotes faster recovery after surgery or long-term illness;
  • facilitates childbirth and helps pregnant women recover faster in the postpartum period; to do this, one month before the birth, the mineral should be worn on the stomach;
  • helps to reduce the temperature;
  • is an anti-inflammatory agent: wounds heal faster if pyrope is applied to an abrasion, a burn or a bruise;
  • relieves fear, depression and melancholy;
  • has a beneficial effect on memory;
  • it helps with heart diseases, for this it is worn on the body, massage is carried out with it.

Pink pyropes treat some mental illnesses due to their beneficial effects on the nervous system and their soothing effects. Healthy people can only wear a stone for preventive purposes. It is believed that pyrope can tell about the state of health of the owner: a brilliant and bright stone indicates that the owner is fine, dull and dull - it's time to undergo a health diagnosis.


Outwardly, pyrope is like fire and blood, and this has always been of magical significance for mediums, sorcerers, and magicians.

  • Czech pomegranate has powerful energy, therefore it suits people who are powerful, active and strong in spirit. On calm and restrained people, he acts depressingly.
  • Pirop protects travelers from problems on the road.
  • Bohemian garnet is a strong family amulet. If the stone is placed in a secluded place at home, it will protect all households. Also, the stone will protect family relationships, save from divorce, bring family well-being.
  • Czech pomegranate promotes learning and ventures in business. Therefore, it can be given to a child, schoolchild, student or a novice businessman.
  • People of dangerous professions (military) will be “guarded” by pyrope, as it will protect against enemies and help a speedy recovery in the event of injury.
  • If you are single, then the stone will help you find your soul mate. To do this, women need to wear a ring with pyrope on their left hand, and men on the right. The stone will save lovers from quarrels and partings (rings with a stone will help in this), will bring them happiness. This is a true love talisman.
  • Mineral will bring a positive attitude, relieve negative thoughts.
  • The ring with the Czech garnet is a symbol of true friendship. He will deliver from false friends, betrayal and deception.

Pyrope has a unique quality. accumulate information so before you buy learn the history of the stone. If he belonged to a good man, then well-being awaits you. From the bad owner you will inherit the negative. Stolen pyrope can even lead to the death of the owner. After buying a new bohemian grenade, it will take time to “get used” to the owner and become a real talisman for him.

Pyrope has powerful energy. To avoid negative consequences, you should not constantly wear it on your body.

Who is suitable?

Jewelers love this mineral, especially bright, transparent, stones without impurities (they are called noble garnets). Silver, platinum and gold perfectly complement pyrope.

  • Bracelet with Bohemian pomegranate will help a woman in the field of love.
  • A ring with a pyrope will suit both a young and mature lady. In order to preserve its beauty longer, a woman needs to wear it on her left hand.
  • Czech pomegranate beads are ideal for women who have problems with respiratory organs, as the mineral helps to treat lung diseases. Even the most ordinary clothes will look luxurious if you wear this jewelry.
  • Earrings with piropami help lady in career affairs.
  • The ring with the Czech stone is ideally suited to the business man, emphasizing his status and financial position. When worn on the right hand a person will never have financial problems.

For people with the names of Ludmila, Maria, Anton pyrope is the perfect stone.

In astrology, pyrope is under the control of Mars and Jupiter, so he helps the signs of the fire element. This stone is not suitable for water signs, because of the properties of mineral water can not fully reveal. Representatives of the remaining signs may occasionally wear pyrope, in this case the stone must be in a frame made of metal - the protector of this element.

  • Leo Pirop help in career. He will reveal the hidden possibilities of a person, will bring self-confidence, energy, will strengthen the leadership qualities. Also, the mineral will help you choose your betrothed (or contracted). This is the perfect stone for Leo.
  • Sagittarius will be able to reveal their talents and gain additional strength and tranquility.
  • Aries Czech pomegranate will help to better understand people, since representatives of this sign are very emotional. It is best for Aries to choose rhodolite, which will enhance their intuition and make their feelings not so violent.
  • Scorpios (the only watermark here) learns himself better, tames his aggression and finds strength for new accomplishments with the help of pyrope.
  • The virgins Czech stone will bring additional energy and emotionality.
  • Libra open and realize their talents, be able to manage other people. And pyrope will help them in this.

How to identify a fake?

Pyrope jewelry looks amazing thanks to:

  • luxurious dark color;
  • glass shine;
  • small size of the stone (no more than 5 mm);
  • transparency;
  • uniform coloring.

Czech pomegranate is the real wealth of the Czech Republic, so tourists are more likely to buy a fake (almost every second stone is fake) or jewelry made from pyropic almandine and ruby.

How not to fall for this trick and choose a real pyrope?

  • Certificate of Authenticity, on which there is a hologram. The jewelry store is required to provide this official document at the request of the customer.
  • The presence of the stigma (G1, G2) and logo. It is best to buy jewelry with Czech pomegranate in Granat Turnov retail stores. That is why pyrope products must be (and are) expensive.
  • Natural pyrope has a small shape and looks like small pomegranate seeds. A large mineral should arouse suspicion.
  • The processed Czech real garnet has 56 facets, and the fake one has 12 facets. This can be seen even with the naked eye.
  • Check using a magnet. The chemical composition of pyrope is metal. In a container with water, you must put a piece of foam, on which is placed the top of a decoration with Czech garnet. We take a magnet. The silver or gold frame will not attract, and the pyrope will react to the magnet with gravity and foam “swimming means” can be controlled.
  • Czech pomegranate is heavy in contrast to fakes (plastic or glass).

How to care for a stone?

In order for Czech garnet jewelery to delight as long as possible, they need to be carefully looked after.

  • The easiest way to clean - warm soap solution, in which pyrope is placed for 30 minutes. Then they take a soft toothbrush and clean the stone from dirt. After that, the stone is washed with cool running water and polished with a dry soft cloth.
  • Salt solution (1 tsp salt per 1 liter of water). An ornament with pyrope is placed in such a composition for 8-10 hours, then washed under running water and wiped dry. From a magical point of view, salt removes negative energy from a stone.
  • Stone lost shine? Wipe it alcohol.
  • Sun rays help the Czech grenade to preserve its magical properties that protect the owner. It is enough to hold the charm on the windowsill under the direct rays of the sun for several minutes.
  • Products from pyrope should preferably be stored. separate from other decorations.

Wear jewelry as often as you want and care for them properly. Then the natural pyrope will long delight its owner and bring tangible benefits.

About the features of the stone, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


