Stones and Minerals

Prasiolite: features and properties

Prasiolite: features and properties

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  1. Description
  2. How to distinguish from green amethyst?
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Properties
  5. Types and colors
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. Stone care

The jewelry market is wide and diverse. The number of natural and artificial gems is so wide that it is very difficult to understand them. Today we consider one of them - praziolit.


This stone belongs to the family of quartz, which also includes golden citrine, mountainous colorless crystal, smoky quartz and amethyst. Prasiolite has a green tint, reminiscent of young onions. The stone is transparent or translucent. Mohs hardness is 7, although it is quite fragile. The shape of the crystals is a hexagonal prism. The fracture has a shell shape. This mineral is much cheaper than tourmaline, peridot and beryl, therefore it is often used to imitate them. Prasiolite is sometimes called green amethyst.

How to distinguish from green amethyst?

Since prasiolite is a rare mineral, it is replaced with amethyst. This is due to the fact that when the purple amethyst is heated to a temperature of more than + 500 ° C, the color changes to green. It was first discovered in Brazil at the mine of Montezuma. Since amethyst is a natural stone, it is quite difficult for a simple inhabitant to distinguish them from each other. Special equipment is required that is available to a professional mineralogist, which includes the following elements:

  • microscope with polarization;
  • refractometer;
  • hydrofluoric acid;
  • Chelsea filter.

Very often, more expensive stones, such as tourmaline, are substituted with prasiolite. In the Chelsea filter, you can immediately find a substitute, a cheaper stone will look green.

Place of Birth

The stone is found in volcanic, metamorphic and igneous rocks. It is quite rare. At the moment, there are mines in countries such as:

  • Brazil;
  • USA;
  • Namibia;
  • Poland;
  • Tanzania;
  • Namibia;
  • Canada.

    All of them were discovered in the middle of the last century; new deposits are still not open. This state of affairs led to the fact that the market was filled with artificial prasioliths. Some scientists are of the opinion that such a stone has never existed at all, and all those represented on the market are a skillful fake. However, such arguments did not receive popularity, because many people wear jewelry with prasiolite. And also this mineral has its own history of detection and methods of extraction.


    It is worth more to dwell on the properties of this mineral. Many attribute to it medical, and also magic properties. Even in the distant past, it was believed that prasiolite protects its owner from theft, loss and health problems.

    Physical and chemical

    The color of the stone is defined as shades of green. It can be light green, emerald green, rich green, lemon, colorless. Most often the stone loses its color under the influence of the sun. The hardness is 7 out of 10, the density is 2, 65 g / cm ³, the mineral is rather fragile. There is no cohesiveness, the fracture is cancerous, the syngony is trigonal.

    The crystals that make up the mineral have a prismatic or hexagonal shape. The main chemical formula is silicon oxide. Color give ions MnO42-. Prasiolite has full transparency, very rarely translucent. The coefficient of light refraction is 1,544–1,533, luminescence is absent.


    Since ancient times, people considered the minerals of the quartz group to be the creators of the astral shell of the whole earth. They were used as "receivers" of signals that the Universe sends.Mages of the past used prasiolite to produce illusions, to look into the other world, to establish contact with long-dead ancestors. The stone opened its full force only to a strong and experienced sorcerer. The one who does not have enough strength and experience can misinterpret the signs, give false answers, which are a reflection of their own consciousness. Fortune tellers recommend constantly carrying a gem. With constant contact with the aura of a person, prasiolite has a positive effect on it. Man's thoughts are cleared, working capacity increases, memory and attention are improved.

    Silver enhances magical properties. Therefore, the most successful option is a silver cross with this stone.

    It is often used as a talisman that helps to establish a connection between a person and a guardian angel, to find his way in the world, and helps to deal with karmic lessons. Various jewelry attracts luck and success to its owner, increase the opportunity to meet your soul mate, to get rich. Also, prasiolite combines perfectly with such a metal as platinum. From replacing silver with platinum magic properties and value does not decrease, and in some cases increase.

    Our ancestors remember several legends associated with this stone. So, many argued that if you steal jewelry with prasiolite, the thief will go crazy. He will hear the voices of non-existent people, start chasing ghosts and, eventually, commit suicide. In the meantime, the jewel will return to the owner on its own. If a person wanted to comprehend oratory, then he just wore a ring with prasiolite for several days. His power helped to gain inspiration, quickly select the right words and have the power of persuasion.

    There is some pattern between the jewelry and the magical properties it carries, which is as follows:

    • to enhance sensuality in relationships and to observe loyalty, young people give brooches to their beloved;
    • confidence, business acumen, insight give rings;
    • bracelets are worn by those who lack the wisdom to make the right decisions;
    • earrings with prasiolite improve mood, bring the right people into our lives;
    • a necklace will bring youth, will bring success to the opposite sex, will give a special charm and beauty;
    • the pendant will be able to protect you from unrequited love or from envious glances and damage.


    Constant affinity with prasiolite brings a person not only help on the mental plane, but also on the physical. It has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism, in particular, on the nervous, cardiovascular, bone and muscular systems.

    All the beauties of antiquity were washed with water infused with this mineral. They believed that it prolongs youth, reduces the first wrinkles, gives skin a velvety and elasticity.

    If you use such water inside, it will also bring a lot of benefits - it will restore the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, improve the tone of small vessels, heal small wounds and shallow cuts, give a person clarity of mind, calmness and efficiency. If you use this stone for colds, it will significantly ease the symptoms, reduce the temperature, reduce the headache, clear the airways of accumulated mucus.

    Types and colors

    Natural prasiolite has several shades, so it is classified into the following kinds:

    • light green is very similar to young onions - this is the most common version of the mineral;
    • stone of emerald color is very rare, quite often they are forged;
    • saturated green prasiolite is also quite rare in nature; most often this shade is obtained by heat treatment of amethyst;
    • citric;
    • the mineral becomes colorless when exposed to the sun; when the MnO42-anions fill the missing electrons and become chemically neutral.

    Who is suitable?

    It is very important that you have compatibility with the stone.As with his constant contact, you will begin to change, and some may not like it. Most often, it is recommended to choose a mineral according to the sign of the zodiac, namely:

    • representatives of the fire element Sagittarius and Aries under the influence of prasiolite will acquire wisdom, calm their raging emotions, draw new people into their lives;
    • this stone is also suitable for water representatives - Pisces; the mineral will help them to find a special way on earth, save them from the influence of others, the evil eye;
    • Praziolit attracts cash flow to Aquarius’s life, helps to find a soul mate and acquire an indescribable charm.

      Of course, representatives of the rest of the zodiac signs can also wear jewelry with this mineral. Unlike many stones, prasiolite will not have a negative impact on you. The whole range of its magical features will help improve the quality of your life. There are several names that can be especially compatible with the stone - these are Ekaterina, Alina, Nadezhda, Sophia and Tatyana. Prasiolit will help these women to find their soul mate, will give harmony to already existing relationships. Of the male names are often called Peter, Victor.

      Stone care

      Over time, even with a tidy sock, the jewelry becomes dirty and loses its original appearance, therefore, it is necessary to clean the jewelry regularly. Remove rings every day before washing dishes, visiting the bathroom, at the end of the day, be sure to wipe it with a flannel cloth. Earrings must be protected from the effects of hairspray and hot hair dryer. Do not store products from prasiolite in the light, as this will entail a decrease in the intensity of color.

          General cleaning is needed no more than once every six months. Remember that prasiolite has a hardness of 7, which allows it to be washed in a mild soap solution of regular dishwashing. To do this, soak the product for several hours, and then using a soft brush to remove all plaque. After the procedure, decorations are carefully washed under running warm water and rubbed with a piece of flannel.

          Silver jewelery darkens with long-term wear. There are several ways to restore the original look.

          • Use tooth powder or crushed chalk. Apply the mixture evenly on a wet product, leave for 10–15 minutes, then rinse well with water.
          • Dissolve 50 g of soda in 1 liter of water, then put in the solution all the silver jewelery and leave. An hour later, wash off the remnants of soda and dirt.
          • Another universal remedy is a soap solution with the addition of ammonia. You will need 1 tablespoon of dishwashing detergent and 25 ml of ammonia. Dissolve everything in the water and fold your jewelry there. After rinse with water.

          The story of prasiolite is in the following video:

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


