Stones and Minerals

Prehnit: the value and properties of the stone

Prehnit: the value and properties of the stone

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  1. Description
  2. History of origin
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Healing and magical properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to distinguish from fakes and other stones?
  7. Application

Prenit stone is known not so long ago, however, products made from it are in rather great demand not only among women, but also among men. They are credited with magical and medicinal properties. From this beloved stone, make beautiful, unusual decorations, as well as decorative items that have a special luxury and attractiveness.


Prehenite refers to silicates - these are minerals that contain silicon dioxide (the compound of this substance with oxygen). This stone is quite hard, but differs by plasticity and brittleness. For example, it does not tolerate the neighborhood of open fire and high temperatures - it begins to melt from their effects. You should also avoid hitting the mineral with hydrochloric acid, otherwise the mineral will disintegrate.

The stone has a beautiful pearly luster and seems to glow from the inside, resembling the glitter of the sun. Perhaps partly this explains the positive value attributed to prenit products.

In nature, there are several shades of this mineral, namely:

  • light green;
  • white;
  • yellow green;
  • yellow brown;
  • gray-green.

The cost of prenit is small, so it is not often used in the manufacture of jewelry. The reason is that the stone belongs to the third order of precious rocks. There are three types of mineral. It is translucent, translucent and transparent. The latter is considered the rarest species, and therefore is valued much higher.

History of origin

The stone was first found by the Danish navigator - captain Hendrik von Prenet, who discovered the prite on Cape of Good Hope during one of his travels. The captain, despite his passion for various stones, did not realize that he had made a new discovery in this field.

The mineral was quite popular, which began to decline only by the twentieth century. But in the seventies, when a new deposit of this stone was discovered in Australia, interest in it increased again. Australian Prehnit is distinguished by its purity and high quality, which ensured it a strong position in the jewelry market.

Now products from prehnit again enjoy wide popularity. Thanks to modern technologies, the newest methods of treating a precious stone, giving it some form or another, have appeared, which gives wider possibilities for using the mineral.

Place of Birth

Currently, deposits of stone can be found in the following countries:

  • The United States of America;
  • Australia;
  • China;
  • Scotland;
  • South Africa;
  • Austria;
  • Germany;
  • France.

The most qualitative is considered the Australian mineral. Its reserves on this continent are much richer than in all other deposits.

Healing and magical properties

Mineral Prehnit is considered a healing stone that can help with many diseases. There is a positive effect of jewelry with this stone in the following diseases:

  • anemia;
  • frostbite;
  • gout;
  • renal failure;
  • kidney stones;
  • tumor formations.

Pregnit can also strengthen the human immunity, improve the functioning of the endocrine system of the body. In order for the stone to help, the products with it must be located in close proximity to the problem organs of the person.

It is not recommended to wear jewelry with prenit for a long time - it is enough to put them on for a few hours and then take them off. Such an approach will give the stone the opportunity to “recharge”, and the body to take a break from the impact of the described mineral. It is important to correctly identify the sore spot of a person and place the mineral exactly where it is needed, otherwise it will not have the expected impact and will not help in the treatment of the disease.

In addition to the healing characteristics, magic power is also attributed to prenit. Many magicians recognize it as one of the strongest stones. It is believed that he is able to help make the astral journey, learn hidden secrets, secrets of the past, and this applies not only to real life, but all previous ones.

An amulet with prehnit will help that person who wants to know the future, get information with the help of prophetic dreams. If you carry around your neck a pendant with this stone, you can protect your inner strength, talents from wasting them in vain. In addition, the pendant will help create a harmonious relationship with nature, higher powers and open up new, hidden abilities of the mind.

This stone is often used by women - it helps them to become more self-confident, charming, more attractive. If you wear jewelry with prenit, you can attract the attention of men. For example, earrings contribute to the creation of a strong family and the birth of a child, a bracelet - establishing relationships with family, solving family problems.

If you donate a product with this stone to a child or teenager, the mineral will help him to choose the right life path, to decide on his future profession.

Prith helps to find unity with the outside world, peace of mind. For people who are fond of meditation, who love outdoor recreation, nature, this stone will bring harmony. On a long journey, the mineral will support strength, open up hidden energy reserves and help you more easily move the road.

Experts believe this stone source of positive energy. No negative effect on a certain zodiac sign was noted. A possible reason for this may be in the physical properties of prehnit - its sunshine, coming from inside the stone, has a fascinating effect on a person, attracts attention. This is probably the glow creates a positive attitude, improves mood, relieves depression and stress.

Who is suitable?

There is no exact answer to the question of which zodiac sign Pregn suits. Due to the special properties of such a mineral, representatives of almost all signs can use it. The exception is the Crayfish - under the influence of this stone, they can become even more closed and unsociable.

The stone has a different effect on representatives of different elements.

  • Air. This element includes Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. Prehnit them will help to find the second half.
  • Earth element. Virgo will be protected from disease, Capricorn and Taurus will get rid of enemies.
  • Fire element. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will receive the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood, they will become more shrewd, they will start analyzing certain events in their lives.
  • Water. All representatives of this element under the influence of prenit will be able to get rid of negative emotions, depression, stress, get a positive attitude, a comfortable mental, emotional state.

It does not matter the floor of the owner of the jewelry with prenit - he is able to help both men and women. Only the influence in each case will be different. Often the impact of a mineral is determined by the sign of the zodiac, the symbol of the year of birth, the gender of the person who wears the jewelry, and before choosing an accessory, you need to carefully study all these nuances so that the chosen stone works exactly as the owner needs.

With prenit such difficulties does not arise - it is equally good for representatives of any element. The only thing to consider is the type of decoration. Beads, earrings, bracelet, pendant - each of these products will work in its own way and bring something different to the owner’s life.

How to distinguish from fakes and other stones?

Prite is often confused with stones such as chrysolite or chrysoprase. In addition, the popularity of the mineral and wide demand for it led to the emergence of a large number of fakes. They may look no worse than the original, but they do not have those healing properties inherent in this stone.

To determine the authenticity of the mineral is quite simple. To do this, bring open fire to it - real Prehnit will begin to melt and acquire a white color. The shade of the mass resulting from melting may also have a yellowish color.



Prith is widespread. Products made of it are popular due to the unusual color and internal glow, which is inherent in this stone. Not only jewelry (earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces), but also decor items are made of the mineral. All sorts of vases, statues, prenit figurines have an attractive appearance and the ability to have a beneficial effect not only on the person, but also on the microclimate, the atmosphere in his house.

Most often in the course goes the Australian stone. Its purity and high quality minimizes processing, which means it preserves the original beauty of the mineral and conveys it to the product. The soft glow of prehnit and pleasant green color can reduce eye strain. Just a few minutes to look at this stone to feel how the eyes "rest", the discomfort disappears, some unpleasant sensations caused by long work, for example, at the computer.

Products from prenit can be called universal - they fit well into any style. Depending on the configuration, size, shape of the decoration, it harmoniously looks in a classic style, avant-garde, boho.

In the next video you will find more information about the meaning and properties of prehnit.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


