Stones and Minerals

Everything you need to know about rainbow quartz

Everything you need to know about rainbow quartz

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  1. Features
  2. Where is mined?
  3. Properties
  4. Who is suitable?
  5. Care

Quartz can be called a whole group of minerals, as it is a rock-forming stone. Amethyst, citrine, crystal, topaz, jasper and many others are derived from it. All of them are most often used as decorations due to their beauty. In nature, there is not a single shade, which would not have quartz stones.

Especially from this long list stand out rainbow quartz and mystical topaz. Each such stone is truly unique. They have bright and unusual colors. In addition to the charming appearance, rainbow and mystic quartz have useful and even magical properties. In this article we will tell you about who these noble stones are most suitable for and what benefits they bring to their master.


Rainbow quartz, in fact, is an ordinary quartz stone, inside of which various cracks appeared in the process of its formation, water droplets or air bubbles fell. Thanks to these defects, the crystal is able to refract light rays, creating a well-known rainbow effect, for which it received its name.

However, the demand for rainbow quartz today is great, but to extract so much natural stone is very problematic. Often, various companies resort to creating rainbow quartz by artificial means. To do this, take the intact crystal (otherwise it may collapse in the process) and is subjected to rapid temperature changes. That is, it heats up and immediately cools, which entails the appearance of the necessary cracks.

In the laboratory also get 2 more popular varieties of quartz, which does not exist in nature. The first one is titanium quartz. To create it, the rainbow crystal is placed in a vacuum chamber, where it is exposed to high pressure and temperatures up to 900 degrees Celsius. The heated stone becomes pliable enough to inject titanium fumes into it, which give it a unique bluish tint.

The second species is mystic quartz, or mystical topaz. It was opened relatively recently, in the early 1990s. The cheapest raw materials are colorless stones. They are irradiated with radiation, and then deposited from gold, silver or titanium.

Thus, this very mystical view is obtained with a variety of iridescent shades and a mirror reflection.

Titanium Quartz
Mystic quartz

Where is mined?

The first samples of quartz were found in the Alps by representatives of ancient civilizations. The word “crystal” familiar today to all of us actually has ancient Greek roots. From this language it translates as "ice." Already in those days, this stone was used as jewelry.

Its deposits can be found all over the world. The main regions of its production today are:

  • Madagascar;
  • North America;
  • India;
  • Japan.

It should be noted that, depending on the place of their formation and external conditions, crystals may have different colors. That is why each stone is unique. But despite this, quartz never goes on sale in its pure “raw” form. Each stone is polished, cut and sprayed. By the way, quartz is used not only for making jewelry. It is an essential element in various electronic and optical devices. People found quartz at all times, inscribing it in the mythology of their people. For example, the already mentioned ancient Greeks considered these crystals as gifts of the goddess Iris, who scattered them all over the Earth.

The Scandinavian peoples believed that quartz crystals are fragments of a bridge connecting the abode of the gods Asgard and Midgard, the world of mortals. The Mayan beliefs were similar to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks. In their opinion, quartz was created by the goddess Ishchel, who commands the rainbow and the moon.

Thanks to its unusual mysterious appearance, quartz has always been used and is still used to perform magical rituals. The largest stones are used to create magic prediction balls.


But the beautiful appearance is not the only thing that quartz can offer. And this was already known to the ancient peoples, who attributed divine and magical properties to the stone. In those days, rainbow quartz was used to treat poisoning. The crystal was ground into powder and ingested.

The healing properties of quartz are still in demand. As is known, the cause of most diseases lies not only in external pathogens. Problems with inner life energy also harm the human body. This happens when there is a shortage, excess or leakage of energy. The rainbow stone normalizes the flow of energy and emotional state, eliminates aggression, depression and painful spasms. It also neutralizes the harmful influence from the outside.

It is worth noting that quartz is more effective when regularly interacting with sunlight and fresh air.

Another extremely important feature of quartz is the acceleration of cell regeneration. It is able to restore the working capacity of many organs necessary for life:

  • liver;
  • stomach;
  • pancreas;
  • intestines.

This ability is also useful for healing scars and wounds. It improves male potency and treats diseases of the female reproductive organs. Additionally, quartz improves immunity, helps in the treatment of addictions and in the fight against bad habits.

Popularly known method of dealing with skin diseases with the help of the so-called quartz water. To do this, put a stone in ordinary clean water and let it brew for several hours. As a result, it acquires healing properties. By the way, mystical and titanium quartz do not lose the beneficial properties of the original mineral when they change.

Rainbow crystals also have “magical” qualities designed to improve your life. First of all, they affect the emotional state. With the help of such a stone a person can get rid of unpleasant memories, survive resentment and disappointment, as well as a creative crisis. The positive energy of the stone will help to cope with any routine, avoiding the depressed state. If you want to easily deal with matters that you need, you should always carry rainbow quartz.

In addition, improving your overall emotional state, it will help to improve relationships with family, friends and colleagues.

And do not worry, quartz is absolutely safe for human health. Therefore, it is suitable for children of any age. In the first years, his energy will protect the child, and in adolescence he will help to cope with the unstable emotional background of transitional age. Moreover, the rainbow crystal has a positive effect on pets, improving the mood of the latter and making them more energetic.

To give the stone maximum effect, it should be regularly charged with solar energy.. To do this, it is enough to leave it on a well-lit place on a sunny day, for example, on a windowsill. And if you are lucky to live near a pure stream, take the stone to the shore so that it is washed by flowing water. It is also worth noting that the power of quartz does not conflict with other useful stones. Therefore, they can be used together.

Who is suitable?

For representatives of some signs of the zodiac, this stone can be of great importance. For them, he can be the perfect companion for life. This does not mean that for other signs it is useless, just for people born under certain stars, it will bring additional benefits.

  • Cancer It helps to cope with such a feature as excessive nervousness. Due to this, it is possible to avoid frequently occurring conflicts, as well as to build relationships with loved ones.
  • Twins Quartz helps to understand difficult life situations. Representatives of this sign are extremely indecisive. The stone will give them courage.
  • Virgin - too serious and conservative people. Crystal will help them to relate to life easier and easier to accept all new.
  • Lionson the contrary, too irresponsible and quick-tempered. With a stone, they will be more responsible in making decisions, and their hot fervor will calm down.

Quartz benefits and part of its magical influence to all who seek his help. It is simply necessary for those who:

  • overwork at work;
  • is in a state of prolonged depression;
  • faced creative stagnation;
  • cannot reconcile with a loved one after a quarrel;
  • looking for his destination in this world;
  • dreams and is in search of his happiness;
  • can not open up to new people in their lives;
  • touchy or very suspicious;
  • seeking protection from the evil eye.

And to quartz help in life, you need to believe in his magical abilities. However, even without this, he invisibly helps those who wear it as a simple decoration.


Another advantage of quartz is its unpretentious care. But still it is necessary to follow some rules, so as not to spoil the stone. Often using it as a jewel, you risk smearing the crystal with makeup. After that, it is enough to wash it in clean running water and wipe with a soft cloth. If the pollution turned out to be more serious, you should not resort to radical methods, better give the stone to a professional who knows how to handle it..

It is also recommended to remove jewelry when taking a shower or, for example, washing dishes. Do not allow it to interact with chemicals. Quartz does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and can change its color under their influence. And if the stone was created artificially, you need to treat it even more carefully. The rainbow coating is erased over time, and damage appears on the surface. The same applies to the mystical and titanium varieties of quartz. The fact is that metal spraying is easily erased with improper handling.

Quartz is required to be stored separately from other jewelery and stones to prevent scratches on it. The best capacity for this is a casket with inner walls lined with velvet fabric.

In general, quartz can be called a universal crystal that suits people of any gender, age and occupation. It can be as simple, but elegant decoration, and loyal assistant. The main thing is to know exactly what you expect from him, and believe in his miraculous power.

In the next video you can take a look at rainbow quartz in motion.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate.For health, always consult a specialist.


