Stones and Minerals

Rauchtopaz: description, properties and scope

Rauchtopaz: description, properties and scope

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  1. What it is?
  2. Where is mined?
  3. Kinds
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  6. Who is suitable?
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Rauchtopaz is not related to topaz, despite the fact that there is something consonant in their names. This is a kind of quartz, which in its natural environment can be represented by various shades. In his heart lies a small haze that attracts the attention of jewelers around the world.

What it is?

The name of the described mineral sounds differently, each nation gave it its name. As a rule, it was determined in accordance with its color and the place where the stone was found. The raw mineral has a special charm.

In ancient times, rauchtopaz was called a talyanchik or radium diamond, since some of its species are very similar to the precious mineral. Another name - rauhkvarts, a stone received in the Middle Ages from doctors. In England, one often heard the word "kerngorm" in honor of the mountains in Scotland, where large reserves of mineral were found.

The unique name of the stone was in Ancient Russia, here it was simply called Gopher or Smaznem, taking into account the color of the stone. In France, rauchtopaz was known as the Alencon diamond, because it was mined in the city of Alençon.

If we talk about the physical characteristics of the mineral, then the composition of rauchtopaz refers to island aluminum silicates, the haze inside is silicon dioxide. Radiation is the main cause of the appearance of stones of different color. Scientists did not come to this conclusion right away; first they had to carry out a detailed analysis of the places where the stone was mined. It was found that most rauchtopaz found in granite rock, and she, in turn, has a radioactive background. After conducting research within the laboratory, it became clear that after irradiation, the rock crystal became smoky, that is, turns into the described stone.

When the temperature rises, rutile loses its color, so the mineral turns yellow. If you subject the stone to heat and bring its temperature to 350 degrees, it will change and become citrine.

The strength of the rauchtopaz is 7 points on the Mohs scale, it is this property that allows you to create unique products, giving its lines the necessary smoothness, but observing high accuracy.

It is easy to guess why it is sometimes called the Buddha stone, because the described mineral is revered in Buddhism. It is believed that it helps to achieve a state of complete relaxation when the mind hovers above the body. There is a legend that came to us from India - once there was a bowl cut out of a stone, a rauchtopaz. Everyone who drank water from it was cured of any ailment.

There are other stories that come from different times and countries. For example, in ancient Greece, King Gyges ruled, a famous historical figure. This man came to the throne, but was not born with the right of inheritance, at first he was an ordinary shepherd. Once he saw a passage to the underworld, where he went without hesitation. Climbing into the crevice, Gyges took away the decoration from there, according to legend, it helped him to conquer the throne and then became an indispensable assistant in many public affairs. According to this narrative, there was a large stone with a haze inside the center inside the ring. Some believe that this is precisely rauchtopaz.

Mineral, according to the detailed description in the encyclopedia, is one of the types of quartz, which has a rich color, slightly turbid, but with a clearly visible golden shimmer. In natural environment, the stone is found in the form of crystals.Some specimens found by geologists are more than one meter in diameter, and their weight is several tons. The mineral has a rather fragile structure, it belongs to the jewels of the third order.

Its unique property to change color and dazzle with its beauty was the reason that many famous jewelers used this stone to create their jewelry. He has more similarities not with topaz, but pink quartz, amethyst. Options of a crystal of a smoky color with a golden sheen are considered to be especially expensive.

The most demanded modern name “rauchtopaz” is exclusively commercial in nature. The name of the stone has a simple meaning: “Rauch” in German means “smoke”, and the prefix “topaz” was specifically used to cause an association with a more expensive stone for the buyer.

A surprising feature of the described mineral is that he does not lose color in the sun, even with prolonged exposure. Artificially, the mineral is not created, because it is in nature enough, but there are cheap plastic copies that even a child can distinguish.

The cost of the mineral is available to almost everyone, and the decorations from it look just amazing.

Where is mined?

Smoky quartz is mined in the Alps and Madagascar. There are deposits in Spain and even in Colorado. In our country, rauchtopaz was found in the Ural Mountains.

It is not classified in geology as rare minerals, since mining is carried out almost throughout the world. The main deposits are located close to those areas where rock crystal is produced from the soil.

The main place of accumulation of stone are hydrothermal veins. Crystals can reach incredible dimensions. Technique is used in mining, since one shovel in this case is not an assistant.

The leader in the list of countries where the mineral is mined the most annually is Brazil. There are also large deposits of stone in Scotland and the USA.

Ural Mountains


In the deposits of the breed can be found transparent, brown, gray or dark gray rauchtopaz. Mineral can be painted in a smoky brown color of varying saturation. The stone also differs in the depth of color: from light gray to dark brown. Brown stones come across more often than others, but there are transparent and translucent minerals.

Inexperienced geologists easily confuse a stone with a morion, and it, in turn, is completely opaque, and completely black, on the other hand, there are instances that are completely transparent and at times have a dark shade, but certainly not black.

Regardless of the shade, all minerals have a characteristic golden tint. There are in mineralogy and subspecies rauchtopaz called morion. Black morion - the rarest stones. It is this stone of a completely black shade, to which it is obliged to admix aluminum and iron. If it is heated to 450 degrees, the black color will disappear completely and the mineral will look like rock crystal.

Rauchtopaz is considered one of the most solid quartz, which is why not only jewelery, but also figurines are often made from it. In museums you can find specimens weighing up to 200 kilograms.



Since ancient times, the properties of rauchtopaz are known not only to magicians, but also to healers. This is an excellent remedy for mental disorders and all sorts of addictions. Mineral helps to cope with depression, obsession. It is recommended to wear it on yourself as decorations for people suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction. To ease the pain and cope with the disease, you need to put the mineral in your hand and squeeze it tight during the aggravation.

Stone has found its application in magic, where it is an excellent conductor to consciousness. The properties of the stone are best manifested if you hold it in your hand for several minutes. It can relieve bad mood, fatigue and depression.

It is necessary to rinse it after running a session under running water. Its properties are highly dependent on transparency.


Rauchtopaz has properties that are indispensable in magical affairs. With proper and proper use of it, he can inspire a prophetic dream to his master. To get what you want, you should put it at the head of the bed. Rauchtopaz able to protect from the negative impact of evil and the spirits of the one who wears it. He can concentrate and increase the gift, magical power. Moreover, the powerful energy of the mineral allows you to focus your thoughts in the right direction.

But even with so many positive properties, a mineral can be dangerous for its carrier, so be careful with it. If a person is evil, unclean, greedy, then wearing a similar talisman will do more harm than good.

The stone will direct its strength to the destruction of complexes, it will help make the mind more clear. It is often used when you want to find the right solution to bring out one clear thought hidden in the depths of consciousness. For this reason, it is widely used in Buddhism, where it is important to be able to fall into a state of nirvana, to move away from everything mortal. Different nations have different attitudes towards stone. Some consider him an assistant and protector, others shun.

Sorcerers and magicians have long used rauchtopaz in their affairs, because they know about its incredible power. They say that his energy can not only attract evil spirits, but also keep them under control, which is why the mineral is used in black magic. Another use of rauchtopaz is a seance session on the call of the dead, sending damage and even working to subordinate the consciousness of another person to oneself.

It is worth remembering that with improper use of the mineral, the owner may face the fact that his mind will be completely subordinate. If the stone turns against the carrier, it will bring him a lot of trouble, including returning everything that he wanted to send to another. This quartz can make a person lonely, useless to anyone, he will slowly destroy his mind, bring to hysteria. Rauchtopaz has the power to immerse in the world of illusions and removes from reality.

Even alchemists tried to use the mineral in their own interests. They did a great job of deciphering the signals sent by the universe, trying to uncover the secrets of life. Throughout history, you can find treatises, which describe in detail not only the positive, but also the negative qualities of the mineral.

The advantage of rauchtopaz is that there are no fakes on the market. Stone is not so expensive to spend time and effort on it, it is quite a lot in its natural environment.

Talismans from it have the following properties:

  • protect from foreign influence;
  • protect from evil spirits and black magic;
  • increase intuition.

Most psychics believe that the darker the shade of a mineral, the more powerful it is, but not everyone can cope with such power and the constant wearing of such amulets often leads to the destruction of the soul. The negative impact is less pronounced on the side of a light-colored stone. It is not necessary that the charm be made in the form of jewelry, it is enough to have a statue of it at home.


Rauchtopaz can excrete slag and poor energy from the body, suppress irritation and outbursts of anger. To feel the power of the mineral, simply take it in your hand and imagine how all the negative energy comes out of the body and is transmitted to it. It helps to recover from drug addiction due to its properties, relieves the suffering of the patient during the period of breaking.

Since ancient times in Tibet it was known about the magical properties of the described mineral. It is great for meditation and allows you to open a portal into another reality, parallel worlds, where a simple person cannot penetrate. The stone with its fascinating energy envelops the body, makes the soul free from unnecessary accumulation of negative, and the mind - from bad thoughts. The positive qualities of the described mineral are often aimed at cleansing the mind, getting rid of complexes.

At the moment when a person approaches a state of maximum nervous tension, his being is imbued not only with hatred for everything around him, but also with unnecessary fears. In this case, the best assistant will be rauchtopaz, which is able to quickly overcome the depressive state and calm the raging soul.

Doctors have long appreciated the special qualities of rauchtopaz in medicine and tried to use them with benefit. This is the stone that is most often advised to carry with those who have a strong dependence on drugs or alcohol. Favorably energy mineral affects the mental state of a person, which is important in a state of sadness.

Rauchtopaz rings and earrings help to cope with blurred consciousness and uncertainty. Be sure to ask for help from a mineral for those who find it difficult to find their place in the world and their vocation. He will become an assistant and those who suffer from shyness cannot fully open up to people. If you look for a good antidepressant with a minimal amount of side effects, then these are decorations with rauchtopaz.

Moreover, the mineral has a positive effect on immunity, helps in the fight against cancer and viral diseases. Its energy helps the internal organs work better, especially the adrenal glands.

With regular wearing of jewelry with a mineral, it is possible to improve the state of health of people who have any kinds of addiction. According to experts in the field of alternative medicine, stone helps:

  • improve the immune system;
  • increase masculine power;
  • overcome infertility;
  • clean the body of blood clots;
  • reduce puffiness.

Rauchtopaz is a stone that helps in the proper organization of time, it protects against wrong actions in financial matters. Mineral is recommended to be worn during shopping trips and stored on the table when calculating costs or working with documents.

Smoky quartz eliminates negative energy, cleans the atmosphere in the house after a quarrel, relieves from the heavy burden of discontent and accusations against other people.


From rauchtopaz create various jewelry. Not only rings, but also pendants, pendants and even necklaces are very popular. There are inexpensive products, and there are true works of art. It is best to combine rauchtopaz with white metal, for example, silver. In this form, the stone looks more attractive.

The jeweler does a great job before the finished jewelery appears. First, the stone is processed, only after that it is placed in the frame. Such jewelry is often inexpensive, so available to almost everyone. The cost of a carat of a mineral depends on its type and can be from 50 to 200 rubles. If gold is adjacent to rauchtopaz, then the cost of the product increases, in this case, the decoration can cost up to several tens of thousands of rubles.

In faceted form, you can use the mineral as a talisman. His very presence in the room is able to clear out negative radiation.

Mineral jewelry is made not only for women, but also for men. Cufflinks and rings are very popular. As part of jewelry, a stone is always cut, in jewelery it is not. It is the white metal that best emphasizes the attractiveness of the color of the mineral.

In addition to jewelry, art objects are made from rauchtopaz. Mineral is perfectly treatable, but looks more attractive in its original form.

Who is suitable?

Mineral can make a person cheerful, courageous, resistant to problems, tireless in work. The properties of the stone rauchtopaz favorably affect Libra and Scorpions. You can not wear jewelry with him and the pearl of Cancers. All other signs of the zodiac can use smoky quartz, but only for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.

Also rauchtopaz can be recommended to people of creative professions: writers, artists, poets, musicians. The stone will give them the necessary energy to work.

This rare smoky-brown mineral is suitable for Capricorn women, as it will be an excellent talisman for them. It well complements the energy of people engaged in science and studying the spiritual sphere of life. The stone is a very strong mystical talisman, it helps to rethink the established norms and open the way to new knowledge. Rauchtopaz has a quiet energy, protects against weaknesses and impulsive actions.

This mineral has powerful energy, this is the main reason why astrologers advise every sign to be as careful as possible with it. He is best suited only to Capricorn, because with this sign he is not particularly in conflict at the energy level.

It is not recommended to own a talisman from smoky quartz to such zodiac signs as Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, that is, those who belong to the element of Fire. It is believed that they too quickly obey their emotions. It is also forbidden to communicate in any way with rauchtopazes to people who were born under the sign of Cancer. They can be subject to serious magical effects from the mineral, and there is also the possibility that the energy of the rauchtopaz can destroy their body even at the physical level.

The remaining signs may wear a stone, but not only on a permanent basis, it is better to wear jewelry with it occasionally. If you use the properties of the stone correctly, you can attract good luck, achieve the desired result, as well as achieve harmony on the spiritual and physical levels.

The indistinct Maidens and Aquarius become more liberated if they begin to wear jewelry with rauchtopaz. It promotes fruitful work, helps them to clearly form goals and move towards them.

Scorpios should be wary of quartz. The thing is that according to astrologers, they are too susceptible to the energy of the mineral, it destroys them internally. But the stone has its advantages, because it allows you to find the right solution in serious life issues.

If a person born under the sign of Aquarius is very touchy, which is a feature of many representatives of the sign, then rauchtopaz can harm him. Negative emotions such as envy and revenge are born inside.

If we talk specifically about the field of human activity, then better to wear this mineral to people who practice yoga and self-knowledge. For those who suffer from emotionality, rauchtopaz is needed in order not to take everything happening around too close to the heart.


From time to time, any decoration will need to be cleaned, and rauchtopaz products are no exception. Due to its durability, it is not so easy to damage the mineral, but it is better not to take risks so as not to spoil the attractive appearance of the jewelry.

When washing the stone, experts advise using a soft bristled brush. Enough light soap solution and running water to wash away the dirt from the mineral. After the decoration is wiped with a soft cloth or laid on it a stone in the sunlight, so that it can absorb the energy of the sun.

For more information about the stone, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


