Stones and Minerals

All about rose quartz

All about rose quartz

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  1. History of
  2. Features
  3. Where is mined?
  4. Properties
  5. How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?
  6. Using
  7. Who is suitable?
  8. Care

Quartz is the most common mineral with many varieties, one of which is rose quartz. It is difficult to establish a specific date for its finding.

History of

It is known that its use began in antiquity: initially as an instrument of labor, then for the manufacture of dishes and various handicrafts, and even later - for the creation of jewelry. The first beads were discovered around 7000 BC in the Middle East, where Ancient Mesopotamia was located (now the territory of Iraq and the north-eastern part of Syria).

In ancient Rome and Egypt, pink stone powder was used for cosmetic purposes, it was poured into cream and various lapping, which allowed women of those times to keep their skin in excellent condition, preventing wrinkles in advance. The origin of the stone is associated with interesting legends and stories. According to one of them, rose quartz is the juice of mother earth, which has assumed the shape of a frozen stone, which gives a person a feeling of unity with all its inhabitants.

There is an Indian beautiful and sad legend about the love of a young man and a girl who was not blessed by their parents due to their belonging to different castes. By order of the elders, each of them was destined to marry unloved, but equal in status candidates.

The couple’s witnesses were roses, and seeing their warm and sincere feelings, the flowers became more and more beautiful. In order not to be separated and stay together forever, the lovers sacrificed their lives. After the tragedy, the flowers froze and turned into pink quartz, thus expressing grief and a desire to perpetuate the memory of strong and pure love.

In the East, the mineral is called the “stone of the heart” and they believe that the possession of it nourishes the heart with warmth and love.


The mineral has the German name Quarz, which means “solid”. It is known about its volcanic origin. In nature, it looks like a crystal with 6 faces, a pointed top, inside which there are cracks. Each stone is unique and different in its own way.

By chemical composition, rose quartz is silica. The variety of the raw quartz palette is influenced by such nuances as temperature, pressure level during its formation, the content of manganese, iron and titanium impurities in its composition. To a greater extent it is precisely because of their number that the saturation of the hue depends, which is bright pink or light, there are stones with purple and red shades.

And also the color is affected by the presence of a stone in the sun - the longer it is under its rays, the paler it looks.

Native stones of various pink tones, shaped like berries or fruits, can be detected, and therefore subspecies of pink quartz are distinguished, having appropriate names and descriptions.

  • Watermelon - Appearance, indeed, resembles a watermelon. It is a pink crystal, covered with a green shell on top.
  • Cherry - has a rich crimson hue, which does not transmit light at all. Visually similar to juicy cherries.
  • Strawberry - the outlines are similar to strawberries; there are small specks in the consistency, similar to berry grains, which can be white or dark.
  • Strawberry - often mistaken for a strawberry subspecies, it is really difficult to distinguish between them.This mineral is of a richer shade, inside there are interlacings in the form of small filaments, and the density of speckles and grains is somewhat higher.
  • Red - less often than other subspecies found in nature, and therefore valued much higher.
  • Tourmaline - a stone of pink color, inside it there are needles - black crystals containing boron.

Very beautiful pink star quartz - it contains natural inclusions of small particles of titanium and rutile. If such a stone is polished, then a multi-star appears inside it, and the sun's rays are reflected.


Where is mined?

The geography of finding the mineral is very extensive, but its reserves are already small, so mining is not carried out separately, but at the same time with rock crystal and mica. There are deposits of rose quartz in Austria, India, Kazakhstan, Poland, the USA, France, Switzerland, and Japan.

The best specimens are found in Brazil and Madagascar.. Brazilian quartz has a pure bright color, in appearance it is transparent. In Madagascar, cloudy specimens having a milky hue prevail. In Russia, deposits are located in the Altai Territory, the Murmansk Region, Transbaikalia and Karelia.

Domestic minerals have a heterogeneous, unstable color.



The features of rose quartz are very interesting and rich. It is believed that its owners, it gives a state of harmony, increases the level of internal energy and stress resistance.


The mineral is capable of absorbing electromagnetic waves. It protects against the harmful radiation that a person can encounter in everyday life. It is a good antidepressant, helps to cope with anxiety and negative thoughts, reduces the level of aggressiveness and irritability. Promotes rapid tissue regeneration for burns, frostbite, eczema, allergic manifestations.

Helps to remove swelling, bruising, get rid of acne and warts. Specialists engaged in traditional medicine, recommend putting small stones (two enough) on the affected areas of the skin.

You can use the stones for facial massage to prevent wrinkles. It should be carried out by the smooth side of the gem, making light stroking movements along the massage lines. For a long time, rose quartz has been worshiped by women, its qualities have a beneficial effect on the easy onset and the course of pregnancy, and have eased pain during childbirth.

At spa salons, rose quartz is used in weight-correction programs and body rejuvenating procedures.

Regular wearing of a talisman contributes to:

  • immunity increase;
  • normalization of the heart;
  • removal of pain in the cervical and thoracic spine;
  • regulation of the urogenital system;
  • beneficial effects on the circulatory system;
  • healthy and sound sleep;
  • lower blood sugar in diabetes;
  • elimination of harmful toxins;
  • getting rid of headaches;
  • reduce fatigue;
  • mental performance.

For therapeutic effects, you can not only wear stone jewelry, but also put it under a pillow while you sleep. Water infused on rose quartz has healing and energetic properties. She can wash and take orally to maintain beauty, youth and longevity.

However, it is important to know that for all its merits, the mineral is strictly contraindicated for people with cancer, as its properties can provoke a rapid increase in the growth of tumors.


The magic of pink quartz gives a feeling of peace, sets up a romantic mood and helps to find and preserve love. The main magical help is to remove the blocks and barriers for the emergence and development of new relationships, filling with existing positive emotions with bright positive emotions.

Mineral can get rid of the psychological traumas of the past, which are reflected and make it difficult to live a full life in the present tense. To do this, you need not only to wear his jewelry, but also to conduct meditation sessions. The energy of the stone displaces negative moments from the subconscious, holding, seemingly in a forgotten stressful situation. Do not be afraid if negative emotions find a way out through tears. It should be understood that their appearance is quite normal.

It is important to communicate only with close and positive people at this time. In the days of meditation, you need to often hold rose quartz in your hands, turn your gaze towards him, wear jewelry. The period of liberation from negative feelings, accompanied by tears, will pass rather quickly, and after it will come ease and tranquility, confidence in a bright future and a feeling of happiness will appear.

To complete such a way of psychological renewal necessary for a person will help rose quartz. The stone gives its owners an opportunity to expand the sphere of communication and activities, make new and useful contacts, eliminate loneliness and despondency.

In the popular direction, Feng Shui Stone embodies the energy of the element of Fire, but softer. His vibrations give joy, love, help in the implementation of ideas and plans. To fully disclose its properties, rose quartz crystal should be placed in the southern part of the house or room. The stone creates an atmosphere of spiritual comfort and warmth, mutual understanding and goodwill in the family. If there is a schoolchild or student in the house, then the location of the crystal in the area of ​​the training table will help to concentrate attention when doing homework.

Gem strengthens not only love relationships, but also family, kinship and friendship ties. To fill the house with the energy of harmony and love, you need to decompose the crystals of this mineral in different places.

In addition, it is good for use as a pendulum, it will indicate areas with positive and negative energy in the home.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

This rose quartz is a natural mineral, so the main difference from artificial stones and glass is its non-ideal shape and structure, with small cracks and opacity. Uneven color also indicates naturalness, it can be bright pink on one side, and lighter on the other. Quartz is very hard, it is impossible to leave a scratch on it even with a thin needle, but when it is held on the glass, a strip remains.

Fiberglass is usually used to imitate a gem. Its color is always uniform and stronger saturated, by weight much lighter than the original.

The most common fake - cherry-quartz, pink glass with small divorces. When selling jewelry, explanations that the basis of jewelry is not natural stone, but glass, are not provided, so many buyers believe that this is a kind of quartz. To understand that this is not the original, it is possible by the presence of air bubbles in the glass.

And also deciding to purchase the product, you need to carefully look at the inclusions of other shades. In natural stone there will never be impurities of yellow, brown, orange colors, which can often be seen in imitations. In real quartz beads, the edges of the holes for the thread are uneven, with kinks, and in glass beads, they are smooth and rounded. Sometimes to give color to the gem put tint, but in this case, you can see the existing microcracks in the light. Natural stones to the touch is always colder than their fakes.

Cherry quartz


Very beautiful and noble pink quartz looks in jewelry. Beads, necklaces, pendants, earrings, rings, brooches, bracelets are made of it. Pendants are often purchased as a talisman. The stone is amazing in a frame of silver, incomparable in the frame of platinum or white gold.When selecting a product, one should take into account the fact that the potential of a stone reveals silver more powerful than all metals.

It is better for women to pick up beads or pendants on pendants so that when they are worn they reach the level of the solar plexus, this will help increase the active work of the stones. It is desirable to attach brooches on the left side of the heart, then the energy of the stone will have a specific effect (normalize the work of the heart and direct it towards finding love).

And also from the gem carve magnificent souvenir figurines that will decorate the home interior and fill it with positive vibrations.

The best option for the best manifestation of the properties of the stone to the owner is to receive it as a gift with good intentions from a loved one or to be inherited. When self-purchasing, you need to be prepared for the fact that the setting of the gem takes about a year, only after it will be visible results.

It is possible to speed up the process for the energetic connection of the wearer and the talisman by conducting a charging ritual. To do this, you need to light four candles of pink or red color, pick up the talisman and imagine that it is filled with kind and light energy. If there is an immediate intention to charge a stone for attracting love, then an appropriate ceremony of recharging for love should be carried out.

According to the description for the practice will need any decoration with a stone, as long as it is genuine. The day before the full moon in the dark time, the product must be placed in a container with water, adding a tablespoon of salt to it, and leave on the windowsill. The next evening (closer to the night, when the full moon appears in the sky), you need to drain the water, and rinse the decoration under running water. This procedure is necessary for the complete purification of the stone from negative energy.

Then the ritual is performed. To do this, you need to light a candle of pink or red color, pick up the decoration and meditate, representing happy moments of love. To enhance the effect you need to read any love plot, blow out the candle and go to sleep, putting your talisman under the pillow. From next day he will work for the owner, giving an inner balance and attracting new relationships.

Who is suitable?

Rose quartz has an effect on a person’s mood and emotions. With constant wear, its owner acquires spiritual harmony, can at the level of intuition and feelings make the right decisions. This is an excellent talisman and advocate for those whose professional activity involves constant communication and interaction with a variety of people (vendors, teachers, doctors, lawyers). It will help its owners to show tact, respect and friendliness, in cases of conflict situations it will neutralize bitterness and reflect the negative energy from the opponent.

Stone patronizes creative individuals involved in art. It is conducive to increasing their potential, gives confidence in the forces and opens up interesting opportunities. People whose life and profession are connected with creativity are advised to place in the home and work environment figures made of rose quartz or pieces of its raw crystal. With its energy, the mineral will inspire the creation of new masterpieces and give impetus to vigorous activity.

Pink quartz provides an opportunity to conquer new peaks and opens up new horizons. As an amulet suitable for tourists, athletes, students, hunters, lovers of extreme sports. In controversial situations, when you need to somehow convince a person and reverse the outcome of events in a favorable direction, you can also ask for help from the crystal.

It helps to eliminate complexes, fears and open the heart to love. And although it is dominated by the female yin energy, it is suitable not only for representatives of the weaker sex, but also for men.They will be helped to become more open in communicating with loved ones, to become more attractive for women, to remove emotional stiffness during the expression of feelings, to neutralize aggression and excessive cynicism. For male use, it will be more rational to purchase quartz in the form of a key fob or a figurine that can be placed in a room or in the workplace.

Women, this beautiful gem will give confidence in their own attractiveness, add to the image of tenderness and charm, help draw love, increase self-esteem. For girls who dream of a speedy marriage, it is advisable to buy a bracelet from this mineral and wear it on their left hand.

In astrology, rose quartz is considered a universal amulet, as it is suitable for all signs of the zodiac. It protects against the evil eye and damage, provides a positive flow. If more specific, then:

  • Aries will cope with stubbornness and it will be easier to make compromises;
  • Taurus will find a way out of any difficult situation;
  • Gemini achieved success in relationships and in business;
  • Cancers will become more balanced and less susceptible to stress;
  • Lions will easily approach any undertakings;
  • Virgins will increase their energy levels and become more successful;
  • Libra will find happiness in love;
  • Scorpios are implementing their ambitious plans;
  • Sagittarius will find prudence and harmony;
  • Capricorns will be able to count on help in any difficult cases;
  • Aquarius will be charged with optimism and will raise the level of their activity;
  • Fish will be more successful in their professional activities and personal life.

Regardless of the sign of the zodiac, the gem protects people born on the first lunar day.


Rose quartz needs the same care as most natural stones. It is advisable to clean the gems or jewelry immediately after their purchase, because, most likely, they were examined, touched, thinking about the purchase, other people, and the stones could have time to absorb their energy.

The first time it is better to use a weak soap solution. It is necessary to drop a small amount of mild detergent into the water at room temperature and put the product in it. After 10-15 minutes, it should be removed and rinsed under running water and left to dry on a towel or napkin, but do not wipe. Must dry yourself! In the subsequent cleanings, the soap solution can already not be used, it will be enough to rinse in running water or a weak saline solution.

Be sure to clean the stones that were used for treatment. If for some reason other people used jewelry, even family members, then in such a situation it is necessary to subject it to cleaning. In some cases, the owner himself may feel the weakened altered energy of the stone, then this should serve as a signal for cleansing and recharging. After the water purification procedure, it is advisable to recharge the rose quartz with moonlight. To do this, it is necessary at night to put the moon on the windowsill on the side where the moon shines.

In order for the product to enjoy longer and not lose its color, you need to make sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.

The gem is very fragile and gentle, therefore, requires careful and careful handling. Accidental dropping or hitting the hard surface may cause chipping. For constant wear, it is better to choose such jewelry, where the beads do not touch each other, then their erasure against each other will be prevented. It is better if they will be separated by nodules or fragments of soft tissue in the decoration. For storage you need to choose a dark and dry place, because the mineral does not like humidity and high temperatures.

The owners of the wonderful gem always feel connected with it, because it gives confidence, gives love and well-being. Proper care and recharge will help preserve the beauty and brilliance of the mineral, which will always be a faithful ally.

On the properties of pink quartz, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


