Stones and Minerals

All about Ruby: Value, Types and Properties

All about Ruby: Value, Types and Properties

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  1. History of origin
  2. Description and meaning
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Varieties
  5. Properties
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. Scope of application
  8. How to distinguish from fakes?
  9. Differences from other stones
  10. Care

Rubies are beautiful natural minerals of blood-red color. Iron ions give a rich hue to the gem. The size of the crystals reaches 400 carats, and their physical properties literally make prices “jump up” in the open spaces of the jewelry market. There are many varieties of gemstone, which differ in structure and shades.

History of origin

The first appearance of ruby ​​is documented in Indian texts in the 4th century BC. e. The mineral is designated as ratnaraj - “precious stone” translated from Sanskrit. In historical reports, he was called a talisman, guaranteeing its owner a safe and secure life. Rubin immortalized his juicy blood-red hue, thanks to which he was equivalent to diamonds.

In Burma, the gem was mined on a large scale. People believed that it should be placed under the skin to protect the soul and body. If a ruby ​​became part of the flesh of its owner, then, according to legend, he could protect the owner from the sword and arrows. Often they wrote about jewels in the Bible, where they described the gem as perfection. In Asia, ruby ​​was thought to be a drop of dragon blood. Because of this comparison, it was used as a remedy for the plague and charm from the ailments.

In ancient Russia, sapphire and ruby ​​were often confused, calling both stones yaponts. The stones were distinguished only by color.

The modern definition of ruby ​​was given by the Swedish mineralogist Valerius in the 18th century.

Description and meaning

A true ruby ​​looks like a solid red mineral. The natural substance is cloudy, has an asymmetric form with many small protruding crystals. To the touch the surface of the mineral substance is silky. It contains blotches of milky color.

After processing, the gem acquires a dark red hue, becomes transparent and smooth. Corundum is included in the exclusion group: polished stone has a soft pink shade with purple tints.

Faceted ruby ​​hard and very heavy. Its regular smooth shape has high light transmission ability. The gem has no external or internal defects. In the center of the mineral there are no cracks or voids.

For a man, a ruby ​​remained a symbol of love, beauty and wealth.

It is believed that the stone awakens the craving for life, protects the wearer from lies and supports health.

Place of Birth

Gems are mined in different parts of the world, with the exception of Antarctica. But the highest quality rubies are found in Asia. The main exporters of the "bloody" mineral are Thailand, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Pakistan, the Pamirs, Tajikistan, Myanmar. Smaller but unusual specimens are found in East Africa: Kenya and Tanzania.

The latter delivers gems from Vince. In this area, small crystals are mined, the size of which rarely exceeds 2-2.5 carats. At the same time, despite the low weight, they have high transparency and do not have internal damage. After jewelry processing they have a dazzling brilliance, thanks to which they are highly valued in the market.

In Russia, rubies almost never occur. Rare stones can be found in the Polar Urals. They are mined as collateral material at corundum deposits.

Artificial rubies are most common.Synthetic stones are made from molten corundum with the addition of chemical impurities. In large quantities, such production is recorded in the UK, USA, France, Germany.


People began to mine rubies at the turn of the Bronze Age. They weighed only 35 carats, but already then they had a high quality and a rich bloody color. Due to its natural beauty, red stones adorned the leaders and kings, they were soldered into decorations and revered.

The price of rubies remains high, because almost all the deposits of the precious stone have developed and the gems have become rare prey. Lower cost is observed for refined minerals that jewelers fill with glass. This procedure is not considered falsification and is governed by the International Jewelry Confederation.

The most expensive type of “bloody” mineral is considered to be a ruby ​​called “pigeon blood” - it is a gem of bright red color with a purple tint. The name of a rare mineral was invented by a Swiss gemologist. The scientist noticed the similarity of the first drops of blood, dripping from the beak of a dying bird, with the color of the natural mineral.

There are instances of dark red color, which are mined in Myanmar or Burma.

The largest ruby ​​in the world was found in Greenland. Its weight is 440 carats. The stone remains untreated, therefore it is not yet recognized by modern society. After cutting, the jewel mass will be, according to preliminary calculations, 380 carats. The Burmese copy weighing 400 carats is considered the king of rubies.

There are star-shaped rubies, which are distinguished not by a deposit or a rare shade - in the center of the treated gem there is a shining six-pointed star. This phenomenon has received a separate name - "the effect of asterism." Often these minerals remain opaque, but there are minerals with a high light transmission ability. The cost of the latter on the prairies of the jewelry market increases by 2–3 times.

High-quality star-shaped ruins are supplied mainly by Asian countries: Vietnam, Burma, Thailand. Some of the jewels are brought from Sri Lanka. In rare cases, in a star-shaped ruby, you can meet a dual star, which has 12 rays.

Such stones are considered invaluable.

In addition to the star-shaped rock, there are other interesting varieties of the gemstone in the world. One of them - anolyolite - has an intricate structure of green zoisite with ruby ​​inclusions. The last differ in a saturated pink or red shade.

A unique combination of colors creates beautiful patterns, thanks to which the stone is in high demand at auctions and the jewelry market. Anionites are found only in one place on the entire planet - in Tanzania (Africa). The mining of rare jewels is not capable of satisfying all the buyers, therefore in the market one can often find fakes. To avoid such a pattern is possible when reading the documents of the gemstone. If the paper does not indicate the deposit and it is sold at a low price, you should be alert and refuse to purchase it.

Black rubies are a type of spinel. Their value on the market is not as high as that of real igneous minerals. Black spinel can be seen on the crown of the British Empire.

Black ruby
Anion exchanger


Before purchasing a ruby, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its natural characteristics and beneficial properties.


Ruby belongs to the category of igneous rocks. The chemical formula of corundum is Al2O3. The color gamut usually varies from pink to blood red, which is manifested in the mineral structure due to the high content of iron and chromium oxide impurities. On the Mohs scale, the hardness coefficient of a gem is 9 points, which is why the ruby ​​is not much smaller than diamonds. Its density is 4-4.05 g / cm ³. Corundum belongs to class I jewels. After cutting and polishing the stone becomes completely transparent.

In rare cases, rutile inclusions may be present in ruby.

Stone has a number of important physical properties.

  1. Increased hardness coefficient. Ruby belongs to the group of the most dense minerals. This property is typical for almost all magma rocks. The jewel is inferior in density only to diamond crystals. To ensure the strength of the stone, you should drop it from a height on a hard surface. After a collision with a metal or glass on a ruby ​​there will be no damage left.
  2. Color spectrum. These rubies are red. The shades of different species may vary, but they differ from each other only in color saturation. These are mainly red, burgundy, pink and darkened crystals. Some rubies combine several colors, thanks to which beautiful transitions of different shades of red are created.
  3. Clear cut of the mineral. Ruby is formed on the basis of magma. Even uncut mineral is distinguished by clear and even edges on which there are no defects or bends. Due to the high density jewelers can make the right cuts. The jewel is easily cut.
  4. Glitter. It creates a false impression that the jewel is glossy. Thanks to polishing, the reflecting and transmitting abilities of mineral matter are increased.
  5. Glow Natural stones contain only 2% of metal: chrome and aluminum. The first creates the effect of a violet glow, which can be observed when turning the crystals.

Chemically, ruby ​​does not belong to water-soluble and fat-soluble substances. Does not interact with weak and strong acids, does not decompose in alkali solution.


Ruby helps a man become more confident and courageous, gives him energy and protects him from evil eyes. Women jewel makes more attractive, attracts the eyes and shows interest in the opposite sex.

Leo by the sign of the zodiac stone promises dedication, helps in achieving the objectives. Sagittarius ruby ​​allows you to retain power, gives determination and courage. The “bloody” mineral makes such people more loyal, increases patience, and eliminates vanity. Cancer jewel helps to eliminate modesty, suppresses shyness.

Rubies give them the opportunity to believe in their own strength.

Due to its magical properties, stone is often used to create talismans and jewelry-amulets. They have the following qualities:

  • protect the owner from the guidance of damage, alien harmful intent and the negative impact of envy;
  • enlightens the mind, gives its owner peace of mind, improves the psycho-emotional state and increases resistance to stress;
  • contributes to the achievement of success in work, the victory over competitors and the realization of the desired dream into reality;
  • helps to find strong love, supports passion in relationships for a long time;
  • eliminates anxiety, doubt, suppresses insecurity and anxiety;
  • helps to get rid of infertility, creates strong family ties;
  • allows the owner to gain wealth;
  • eliminates negative feelings, improves mood.

Before purchasing, remember that The jewel is not for everyone. The magical properties of the stone help to enhance the innate qualities of a person: both bad and good.

For this reason, people who don’t have malicious intent should wear ruby.


Ruby is not only a jewel for jewelry. Mineral stone is distinguished by healing properties that allow to cope with various diseases. The bloody crystal helps in the following cases:

  • eliminates diseases of the digestive system: alleviates the condition of ulcerative erosive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation of the stomach wall, reduces the risk of internal bleeding;
  • helps to get rid of epilepsy attacks, reduces their threat to the life of the owner;
  • increases the severity of hearing and vision;
  • normalizes the cardiovascular system, improves the elasticity of the arteries and veins;
  • eliminates inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils, helps with colds and acute infections of the respiratory system;
  • has a positive effect on the joints, eliminates arthritis and pain;
  • relieves the condition of spinal cord lesions, hernias, diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • relieves from diseases of the hematopoietic system, reduces high blood pressure;
  • normalizes the functional activity of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • improves the conductivity of nerve impulses, eliminates negative emotions and normalizes hormones;
  • relieves sleep disorders: drowsiness or insomnia;
  • relieves physical and emotional stress in the presence of constant stress.

In case of acute pain syndrome, it is recommended to apply the gem to the affected area. Gem helps stop depression and apathy due to its natural ability to take away negative emotions and boost mood.

Who is suitable?

Rubies are usually worn by people who are able to lead well and have strong perseverance. Gem helps them achieve their goals. At the same time, the mineral is not suitable for conceited, cowardly and weak-minded people.

The “bloody” gem is a great helper for women seeking understanding and love. It helps to take the first step, inspires confidence and eliminates failures. If the owner’s intentions remain sincere and pure, then the jewel will be a powerful talisman for such people. The stone fits the following signs of the zodiac:

  • Leo;
  • Aries;
  • Sagittarius.

Most of the people born under these signs are distinguished by a temperamental quick-tempered character and a strong will of the spirit. Ruby will not suit emotional and vulnerable Pisces and Libra.

When they wear a gem, the mineral suppresses their character.

Scope of application

The gem is an excellent talisman for doctors and people facing danger: police, military, firefighters. Talismans with rubies often warn of an approaching misfortune: the mineral fades or becomes more saturated with bloody color. Rumor has it that rubies protect people from natural disasters, damage or evil eye.

If the house has red crystals, then there will be no fire in the house, they will not rob it, they will not attack the owners of the apartment. With constant wearing of an amulet with a precious stone, a person will always be lucky. Financial industry, career and health will improve.

Talismans surround the owner with positive energy, give him more opportunities, warn of danger. Such an amulet helps people of creative professions, accompanies adventure and increases efficiency. In some cases, the precious mineral will be able to give prophetic dreams.

If a person dreams of a ruby, then prosperity and successful undertakings await him in the near future.

But most often I use ruby ​​to create jewelry. It becomes the central stone in:

  • rings;
  • bracelets;
  • necklaces;
  • earrings;
  • necklace.

Beautifully look rubies in silver. Noble metal improves the properties of the gemstone. It is recommended to purchase sophisticated jewelry with rubies. Massive rings look worse.

In addition to jewelry, watches are made of rubies. In some products insert artificial stones. They are of low quality and quickly destroyed.

In order to not accidentally purchase a fake, you must learn to distinguish between natural minerals.

How to distinguish from fakes?

In the jewelry market, up to 70% of precious stones are imitations made of glass, various mixtures of mineral components or alloys. To purchase a natural ruby, there are several ways to recognize the original or fake:

  • if you put the gem in a glass of milk, the liquid turns pink;
  • The “bloody” mineral practically does not heat up from body temperature and remains cool;
  • natural crystals may have natural zigzag cracks dull in color;
  • under ultraviolet light, fake items acquire an orange tint;
  • There are no air bubbles in the structure of natural stone.

A real gem in the sun shows a violet glow.

Differences from other stones

Often, ruby ​​or its varieties in jewelry are replaced by more affordable analogues. For such purposes, use such semi-precious stones as tourmaline, garnet.

Ruby is significantly more expensive in the jewelry market, but pomegranate is similar to the “bloody” mineral in color. To distinguish them is quite simple: pomegranate does not have a glossy shine. You should bring the decoration with a fake to the lamp or look through it at the sun. Grenades give a matte glow, which is fundamentally different from purple iridescent ruby. Also, garnet does not have the property of magnetization. To check it is recommended to put the checked ornament on the scales and bring a magnet to it. If the sample increases the pressure on the device and its weight increases, then it is a fake.

Tourmaline come in bright red or pink. When hit or under the influence of ultraviolet light, they acquire a reddish tint. Ruby does not change his color.


The gem is distinguished from cheap glass jewelery by its high durability, lack of gloss and more saturated color. Also, their differences are visible in price: fakes are more accessible. Difficulties arise when comparing a natural mineral with an alloy of glass and ruby. To create such a mixture using chips from igneous rock. Crumbs and dust mixed with sand, glow. To distinguish a fake from a natural stone, it is recommended to attribute the jewel to an estimate to an experienced jeweler.

Anioliths are often confused with green sapphires. Compared to ruby, these gems have a large range of shades: pink, blue, yellow. The chemical structure of both minerals is the same. At the same time, unlike aniolites, sapphire has no red inclusions of ruby ​​chips.

Diamonds are valued in the jewelry market higher than rubies. They have a higher density and are completely transparent.



Many people who have a gem wonder how to properly care for ruby, because if not treated the mineral can fade and any mechanical damage can cause cracks inside the stone and devalue it.

The outer edges are high density, so they cannot be scratched or broken off without additional force. On the Moss scale of mineral hardness, stone is second only to diamonds and moissanite. Ruby does not tarnish and is not damaged even during daily use, therefore it is a good choice for decorating the ring.

At the same time, it should be remembered that the jewel can easily crack under the influence of a blunt object. It is necessary to know the owners of bracelets and rings, on which the stone strongly protrudes beyond the limits of the jewelry.

To avoid damage to the gem, you should remove the jewelry before performing household duties.

The owner of the gemstone needs to learn how to properly clean the ruby. This requires soapy water. During the procedure, follow the step by step instructions.

  1. Place the decoration with a ruby ​​in a container filled with warm water.In the liquid, you must first add soap or dish cleaner.
  2. Leave the product to soak for 20 minutes.
  3. After the necessary time, you should get the jewelry, clean the stone with a soft toothbrush or cloth. After this, it is necessary to clean the frame for the gem. It is recommended to use a brush so that the hairs can clear the hard-to-reach places in the product. Care must be taken when cleaning the ruby, which is fixed in the decoration with the help of teeth: usually they are easy to break or the stone can slip out of the grip.
  4. The basis of the decoration can be wiped with a cloth. It will not scratch or damage the soft precious metal.
  5. After completing the cleaning, rinse the jewelry thoroughly in clean water and dry it with a soft cloth.

Allowed to clean the gemstone with detergent or household chemicals. Beforehand it is worth making sure that its composition does not damage the mineral structure of the crystal. It is recommended to store the mineral in a dry form. It is advisable to purchase for the content of the gem a special jewelry box.

Pre-wrap the mineral in a soft cloth or plastic bag: a ruby ​​can scratch other jewelry with thick stones, such as diamonds. But often the opposite happens: because of the high density, the “bloody” stone easily damages other gems and soft metal products.

You can find out about the magical properties of ruby ​​by watching the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


