Stones and Minerals

All about sapphires

All about sapphires

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  1. What it is?
  2. Kinds
  3. Where and how to mine?
  4. Properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?
  7. Compatibility with other minerals
  8. Care rules

When we hear about sapphire, the majority is represented by a large blue stone, the faces of which shimmer with incredible brilliance in the sun. However, sapphire may be yellow, and green, and pink, and colorless. Such rare specimens are found in nature: she took care of diversity, and not the hand of a jeweler. And although the colors of the mineral may vary, the formula of the stone is one, only the impurities in it differ.

The rich blue color is still the hallmark of the mineral, and this bright shade is due to titanium and iron, which are skillfully combined in the molecular structure of sapphire.

What it is?

This jewelry king, as the sapphire is sometimes called, won the title by chance. It is known that he adorned the crown of the Russian Empire, he adorns the crown of the British monarchs. It is not for nothing that royal persons prefer sapphires to many stones: for example, in photos you can often see Princess Kate Middleton with a large gem on her finger (but also in a diamond environment). This ring was once worn by Lady Dee, known for her exquisite taste.

Monomakh's hat
British crown
Lady Diana's Ring

Sapphires are stones worthy of becoming heroes of serials and books, because often famous people who carried them called stones by their names. They were often stolen, but, surprisingly, the jewel, whose value is impressive, was returned by its owner. It is said that the mineral, even after the sale does not cease communication with its former owners.

Sapphire looks so that there are no questions left: it is worthy to be on a par with diamonds. And in the price ratio too. It is believed that in the crown of Cleopatra were also sapphires. The more interesting that their worship has many centuries.

Here are some interesting stories about him come down to our times.

  • In India, this gem is considered a sign of disinterested friendship and good deeds, the blue gem is a guide to eternity. It was not for nothing that sapphire tried to encrust cups and other drinking containers: it was believed that he could clean any water.
  • Ancient people thought that muddy sapphires with defects are damned, because they did not use amulets.
  • Jews consider the mineral to be a symbol of justice - the last step of the stairs leading to heaven is made of this stone.
  • In Egypt and Rome, the theme of justice related to sapphire was also viewed - it was not for nothing that stones were considered symbols of justice. The one who seeks justice must wear jewelry with this stone. It is interesting that the tradition of giving sapphires to lawyers has not quite gone down in history: many representatives of this profession are aware of such an association and are trying to wear sapphires for professional success.

For several centuries, these stones were worn and ministers of worship. They considered sapphire a symbol of peace, hope, good thoughts and the same supreme justice. Such a description gives the stone a positive energy, which many want to feed off.



Another name for sapphire, which mineralogists use more often is corundum. Its composition is alumina, alumina. Interestingly, ruby ​​is also corundum, but still it is used to be allocated to another group. If we are talking about pure corundum, then it will be a colorless mineral. But when impurities of chromium, iron, manganese, titanium are found in it, it becomes clear why the stone is of different shades.It is curious that the stone is in some sense a chameleon: it “can” change colors when heated.

If corundum was pale purple or yellow, the heating discolored it, and if it was dark purple close to cornflower blue, the heating made it pink.

It is proved that X-rays change the color of sapphire, its shade becomes brighter.

Description of the types of sapphire.

  • Navy blue. This is the most common option. In the jewelry industry, blue sapphire without inclusions is especially in demand. They are expensive because they are very rare. The cut also raises the price, thanks to it just the blue stone becomes saturated dark blue. Dark blue stones, according to the esoteric, bring good luck and wealth.
  • Blue. It is considered the most valuable. India has a large deposit of these stones. It is believed that blue sapphire can improve a person’s self-esteem, it should be worn by those who are important to push their ideas forward. They believe that this stone helps a person in clairvoyance.
  • Cabochon. This emerald, which is also corundum, is considered a close relative of blue sapphire. Unfortunately, often these stones are forged.

These are not all varieties of sapphire. There is also a pink, very rare stone, which has properties like a magnet to attract into a person’s life what he wishes. But there is a danger: an incorrect formulation of desires leads to unexpected consequences. There is also a black sapphire, which is considered to be the most powerful talisman that can be brought out of deep depression. White sapphire, very reminiscent of a diamond, is called a symbol of pure love, therefore lovers often give it to each other. Green sapphire helps to get rid of vision problems.

Not to mention such a famous sapphire as the millennium. It is also called the millennium sapphire. The stone costs about 180 million dollars, and its length is 28 cm. Sapphire was found about 20 years ago in Madagascar. While he was not processed, he weighed about 90 thousand carats. On the stone craftsmen carved historical figures.

Where and how to mine?

The geography of sapphire deposits is not so wide. And we must understand that not all sapphires have a jewelry quality. The largest natural sapphire deposit is located in Kashmir, India. The stones found there have a special, delicate blue color. Sometimes such a stone is called sleepy, smoky, as if surrounded by warm languishing.

Since sapphire deposits are located in nature very high, the technology of its mining has gone little from the methods used in the 19th century. Workers still use hand tools, crushing in search of a stone is a tremendous effort. Since the work in this field has been going on for a very long time, its reserves have dried up.

It is logical that real Kashmir sapphire grows in price. He is the standard, all other stones are compared with him.

Sapphires mined in Burma do not have the same light, brightness, they are darker. But sapphires from Sri Lanka compared to Kashmir more faded. But Sri Lanka has its own values, which are hunted by those who know a lot about stones: pink-orange (paparaj) sapphires, and even star-shaped stones can be found only here. These deposits are known since the time of Christ. And here the stones continue to be mined by hand.

Siamese sapphires are mined in Thailand. For the extraction of stones, this country is one of the world leaders. Connoisseurs of precious stones probably heard about the "Jungle Jewels" - this is a famous sapphire, whose weight is 958 carats, it is considered the brightest and purest.



I must say that the division of sapphires is also relatively natural stone. There are natural sapphires, and there are synthetic ones. In the middle of the last century, scientists first synthesized sapphire, and since then such a business has taken on a large scale. There are no natural inclusions in artificial stones. But only a specialist can recognize the differences.But a huge number of buyers who purchase artificial sapphire under the guise of natural, are counting on getting its natural properties together with the stone.

But is it possible to synthesize these properties? In full, certainly not.


Physical and chemical characteristics of sapphire:

  • class - oxides;
  • density - 4 g / cm3;
  • hardness - 9 points on the Mohs scale;
  • fragility - refers to non-friable stones;
  • transparency - from transparent to opaque;
  • Colour - blue, blue, yellow, violet, orange.

The first and main place of application of the stone is the jewelry industry. Not only are products of incredible beauty and value that are decorated with sapphires, but ordinary rings, earrings, brooches made of precious stones (but available to the average incomer) can also be decorated with sapphires. Also, the physicochemical properties of the stone allow it to be used in medicine. For example, an artificial lens for the visual analyzer can be made of sapphire. Teeth braces are also sometimes adorned with this gem. Sapphires are also used in articular implants.

Glass can be made into glass of special strength, which is often used in the aviation and rocket production area. Instrumentation also does not do without the use of precious stones - in particular, substrates for microcircuits are made of sapphire. Maybe you did not know that sandpaper is nothing other than sapphire chips, and that the bearings in the watch are also sapphires.

But, as already noted, the natural resources of the stone are limited, synthetic sapphires are increasingly being used in industry. And only in jewelry they can not replace natural stone.


If you have heard such a name as “the stone of the heavens”, then surely it referred specifically to sapphire. In a number of cultures, it is a symbol of justice, accuracy, justice, truth and a good beginning. It was not for nothing that priests wore it, but they also used it to decorate important parts of the church. It was believed that the mineral allows a person to come to God, to feel the divine principle, to merge with him.

Since sapphires, if we speak in the aspect of esotericism, have the properties to transmit energy through themselves with its subsequent purification, they are often used in meditation. The stone is strong, but at the same time a calm energy. Sapphire is said to be able to pacify passions. It can be recommended to wear to people who are in spiritual confusion, chaos, unable to make an important life decision.

There are cases when sapphires are advised to wear to women, cheating husbands. And these ladies refused from vicious passion, pacified her, returned to the family and found peace of mind.

In family life, this beautiful corundum really brings peace and love, does not allow gossip and envious people to encroach on family happiness.

What magical properties of the stone are described in most detail in the special literature.

  • The symbol of power. It is believed that this stone fairly, wisely and very accurately places the role. And if the sapphire is a decent man, he helps him to reach power and be useful at this height. It is as if he feeds with energy the one who really deserves to rule. But if an unjust, greedy man craves for this power, the stone will reduce the reserve of his spiritual strength.
  • Symbol of truth. If a person has guesses that he is being deceived, he should buy a small jewelry with sapphire - it as if raises the level of intuition, and the answers to the questions come themselves.
  • Strengthens masculinity. Despite the fact that recognized beauties preferred sapphires, this stone cannot be called strictly female. If a man will wear it with due respect (and the energy of stones exists, whether you believe in it or not), he will help him to properly use his masculinity.
  • Strengthens self-confidence, improves mood. This also overlaps with recommendations to wear stones for people who are depressed, who are experiencing a whole series of stresses. If such a period has arrived in your life, jewelry with sapphires, braces or even watches with details made of this stone can return interest to life, adjust to the desired energy flow.
  • Hints about danger. And this amazing property was also noted on the stone - probably, it can be associated with increased intuition, which to a certain extent ensures the wearing of products with sapphires.
  • Protects from envious and negative consequences of envy. The stone is able to clean the energy field around a person. Sometimes the sapphire ring was worn by girls who had just got engaged: in this way they protected themselves from the words and gossip of envious people.
  • Helps to understand yourself. This is indirectly indicated by the association of the stone with wisdom - those who have been carrying it for a long time notice: their views, judgments became deeper, they managed to get rid of superficial assessments, they denounced and denied the property. They noticed that they no longer feel hot, enter into conflicts, make hasty decisions.
  • Contributes to the accumulation of internal energy. If the period of accumulation of forces has come for a person, concentrating on himself, if this is the “before the jerk” stage, sapphire can help. For this reason, a pendant with sapphire is often presented to girls who graduate from school and the entire final class are preparing for admission.

Of course, there will be a huge number of skeptics who will doubt that some stones can influence a person, his life and behavior. But it is possible to argue with them: all living things are somehow capable of acting on the living. Few people deny that atmospheric pressure affects a person’s vascular pressure, that the weather affects both our mood and well-being, and simply physically forces a person to adjust to it. Similarly, stones are a part of nature, possessing physicochemical properties, and therefore, entering into certain relationships with the living creature that this stone wears.

But it is also appropriate to talk about the placebo effect: it can work in two directions. If you firmly believe that the stone gives strength, makes you smarter and fairer, some installations will unwittingly help you come closer to your own ideal.

And the negative direction is that if a person loses a stone, he starts worrying about it unnecessarily. But after all, negative attitudes do work, so keep the balance.


Sapphires are specially grown in the laboratory to use the stone in medicine. For example, it is considered a powerful stimulant of the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. It also helps the stone to cleanse the skin, helps in getting rid of acne. Other healing properties of sapphire:

  • eases urinary tract ailments;
  • helps stabilize diabetes;
  • helps restore hearing;
  • reduces the incidence of headaches;
  • improves eyesight;
  • helps in rehabilitation after vascular diseases (hypertensive crises, strokes);
  • helps to overcome depression;
  • Used successfully in the treatment of insomnia.

Many of these statements came to us from ancient treatises and artifacts of past centuries. Today, the power of human faith in the healing properties of stone, of course, is not so great. And it is impossible with the current evidence-based medicine to rely in the treatment of serious ailments on stones, minerals. But as an additional source of strength, regenerative energy, as a personal materialistic embodiment and faith in recovery, you can use sapphire. Sometimes people save, inspire, give him strength things that are not directly considered treatment.

If you want to learn about the properties of a stone from a specialist, you can contact a lithotherapist. He will tell you how to choose the right stone and how to wear it.

Who is suitable?

Sapphire is often offered to wear to people of creative professions.After all, the energy of the stone helps to reveal talent, to realize the ability. It is believed that Sapphire develops creativity: it helps to ensure that a person makes non-standard decisions. Therefore, if you see sapphire jewelry on top managers, famous motivational speakers, big businessmen, perhaps their choice of jewelry is not accidental.

Sometimes products with sapphires are given to people who have experienced a difficult period in life, are lost, have squandered strength, cannot find themselves again. A stone can become a guide to a new life: after a divorce, a woman can become more confident, distract from anxious thoughts. A person who has moved to a new place, where nobody knows where everything has to start from scratch, sapphire can help find the strength to start.

From an astrological point of view, sapphire is most suitable for Aquarius. People of this sign often lack eloquence, confidence in public speaking.

Stone and signs of the zodiac:

  • Aries sapphire helps to become less quick-tempered, to calm extra emotions;
  • Virgo sapphire will help in social communications - sometimes they are too arrogant in communication, because of what others do not always correctly interpret their words, so sapphire helps to be more precise in communication;
  • Gemini who purchase sapphire can expect that the stone will attract people who can become true friends;
  • Fish sapphire add thoughtfulness;
  • Scales that wear sapphire jewelry, note that their insight has increased;
  • Lions, acquiring sapphires, do it in the hope of finding spiritual balance, as well as improve their performance;
  • Crayfish note that the stone has a good effect on the nervous system;
  • Taurus should be more careful with ornaments - if you are lazy, the stone can “take you out to the clear water” without your desires;
  • Sapphire is not very suitable for Capricorn - it can extract vitality.

Sagittarius and Aquarius stone fit to the greatest extent. Moreover, it is Sagittarius men who should pay attention to sapphire - it helps them to master the minds. Whether the value of a stone is so great for a man, everyone will decide for themselves independently. But remember, centuries-old observations are often very accurate and not without common sense.

If we talk only about aesthetic compatibility, then indeed, we can distinguish certain types that sapphire goes. If a woman is slim, miniature, large stones will not fit her. If the lady has a large face, she should not choose round stones: square and triangular is preferable. Elegant, modern, freshly look jewelry tracks, where sapphires alternate with diamonds (it is possible with cubic zirconias). For owners of a beautiful thin neck, ideal stud earrings with sapphires. Finally, pay attention to stellar examples - how actresses, singers, royal persons wear jewelry with sapphires.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Most of the stones you see on sale are synthetics. But this is not a fake! Synthetic sapphire differs from natural origin: the first is done in laboratories by all standards, the second is found in nature. The seller must honestly declare that he sells you: natural stone or synthetic. You have the right to demand a certificate, because the product is expensive. To distinguish one from the other is very difficult.

On sale are often found doublets, and even triplets. So called thin plates of natural stone, but pasted on the base of the material is cheaper. A manufacturer usually closes the edge with a massive frame. To determine such a fake is not so difficult - if you look at the stone under a magnifying glass, everything becomes clear. The increase makes it possible to notice where the glue boundaries pass.

Three ways to determine the fake.

  • On durability only diamond gains sapphire, therefore scratches are not terrible for a stone. If you scratch the surface of a sapphire with a needle, nothing will happen to it.Of course, it is difficult to imagine the circumstances in which this test is possible. But if the seller insists that it is a natural sapphire, he should be ready for it.
  • Sapphire has sharp, fairly sharp edges, so it will leave a scratch on the glass.
  • Under the sun, natural sapphire will leave only white highlights, if the stone is artificial - the reflections will be greenish.

Finally, often the price itself makes you wonder. You do not buy a rare raw stone. If you say that before you natural sapphire, and the price is low, it is very likely imitation. Remember: at a price sapphire is comparable to diamond.

The most expensive sapphire is the one whose color can be called cornflower blue, this coloring is really very beautiful, pure. You can admire such a product for a long time. Its price is from 300 to 1000 dollars per carat. The yellow mineral, which is also considered elegant, rare, costs about $ 120 per carat. The final cost of a product that you see on the counter of a jewelry store includes its weight, method of processing, the purity of the stone and its transparency, the deposit and the metal used for cutting.

For those who already have a product with sapphire, but there is doubt about its value, you should consult a jeweler or gemologist for advice.

Compatibility with other minerals

The energy of stones has a different effect on the human biofield. Some are sure: if one stone will protect from the evil eye, and the second will help to become more self-confident, you can safely wear them together, and preferably on one hand. But this is a mistake: many stones do not fit together. One of the most incompatible combinations is sapphire and pearls. Minerals of different elements, in principle, cannot be in good compatibility, wear all incompatible stones separately.

For example, water and air - the elements that lead to adverse vibrations in the human biofield. This, as experts say, weakens human immunity.

What sapphire combines with:

  • agate;
  • amethyst;
  • alabaster;
  • cornelian;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • emerald;
  • turquoise.

Of course, the harmonious combination is considered blue and blue sapphire. Blue sapphire is, in principle, well combined with dark shades of stone. Interestingly, a sapphire ring will not in any case favorably influence a person: its strong properties are revealed only if the owner of the ring wears it on the ring finger of any hand. Such an application of decoration helps to find your personal happiness and preserve the existing one.

As for the rim, the golden rim is most favorable for sapphire. And it can be any shade of precious metal - white gold with blue sapphire looks, on top of that, aesthetically perfect.

Care rules

In order for the stone to serve you for many years, to remain just as beautiful, you need to look after it efficiently. Only this way it is possible to achieve that the ornament could become family. Cleaning the decoration is required at least once a month. Of course, wiping it every day is a waste of time. But once a month, take a few minutes to care for sapphire.

Nothing special is needed: enough warm water and natural soap to create a cleaning soap solution. Immerse the entire decoration in this water, hold it for a few minutes. If you got a heavily contaminated product, you can add ammonia in the water. One hour in such a powerful and useful solution is enough to clear the stone: after the healing bath, wash it under running water. Dry it better with a soft cloth.

Not used for stone cleaning:

  • aggressive agents (with chlorine and acid in the composition);
  • toothbrush and toothpaste (who exactly so cleans silver, with respect to sapphire do not do it).

Yes, the gem is not afraid of scratches, but too aggressive and frequent cleaning slowly takes its attractive aesthetic properties. Keep the stone should be in a case in a dark place.It is not worth keeping a stone for a long time under the open rays of the sun.

Do not forget to protect it from chemical exposure: for example, if you dye your hair at home, remove the ring or earrings, because the chemical dye can be difficult to remove.

Remembering the wise King Solomon, many people want to solve the riddle of his insight and ability to make strategically correct decisions. The wisest ruler had a sapphire seal. And on his throne, too, there was a crown for a rare stone. Alexander the Great and Mary Stuart possessed rings with precious inserts. For Boris Godunov, the stone served as a sacred talisman.

If corundum is intended as a gift, remember that Sapphire wedding is called marriage, which lasts 45 years. But it is not necessary to wait for such a respectable date - the gift will suit both young girls and middle-aged women, and men who are attentive to their appearance and believe in the power of stones. Do not be guided only by the fashion on stones: everyone should have his own preference, his own information, which can link you and the stone.

About the difference between sapphire and emerald, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


