Stones and Minerals

Selenite: characteristics, properties, selection and care

Selenite: characteristics, properties, selection and care

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  1. Description
  2. Physicochemical properties
  3. Main deposits
  4. Therapeutic and magical value
  5. The magical possibilities of the mineral
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. How to care?

Selenite is probably considered the most mysterious mineral, which is a silicate of sodium and potassium. Actually, due to potassium and sodium, it has a white or milky color with an attractive sheen. However, other colors are also found in nature. The color of the stone depends on the volume of inclusions in its structure. The mineral is known for its property to shimmer with different lighting at different angles.


In essence, selenite is a type of gypsum (gypsum crystal), which has a related chemical composition, but is endowed with substantially greater hardness. And the stone looks much more interesting than gypsum. The stone belongs to the class of semi-precious and is practiced in the manufacture of jewelry, amulets and amazing figurines.

It is curious that the occurrence of a mineral is absolutely unusual in comparison with the bulk of gems. If most of the minerals are formed in the depths of the earth, then selenite is a chemical precipitate formed in the seas. As soon as the reservoirs dry up, the salts accumulate and form rocks, one of which is selenite.

Selenite should not be confused with moonstone. Such a misconception involves wordplay. Selenite acquired its name as a sign of high respect for the goddess of the moon, Selena. Nevertheless, the moonstone (it is also called adulair) is a much rarer bluish stone. The structure contains potassium, silicon and aluminum - in the presented gem they are not.

Physicochemical properties

By color, selenite is in most cases white, with nuances of light yellow, less often violet, blue and pink (the colors are associated with certain ligatures). The body of the stone shines through, in other words, it transmits light in part. In addition, due to the peculiar optical properties in the light there are several modulations. Actually, this is the reason for such a feature of the mineral, as the shine characteristic of the cat's eye.

According to the structure, selenite is a hydrated calcium sulphate - in other words, salt, which has a connection with two water molecules. The symbol of the chemical composition and structure is as follows: CaSO4 * 2H2O. A brief overview of what physical characteristics the mineral has is given below:

  • weak, soft - the hardness of the Mohs scale of Mohs is not more than 2 (at most - 10 - has a diamond);
  • density - approximately 2.32 g / cm3;
  • color features (this is the color of fine mineral powder obtained by rubbing a stone on the rough surface of a non-glazed porcelain plate called a sponge cake) —white;
  • crystal lattice structure monoclinic, in other words, the lattice is a cube.

The stone is so soft that it can be polished even by hand - for example, its surface can be treated with sandpaper.

Main deposits

Mineral selenite in nature comes across in the form of veins of several centimeters, however, you can come across quite large pieces. The key deposits for the extraction of selenite are in Canada, Africa, in Russia - the Urals.

In the Urals, the vast majority of deposits are located along the banks of the river Iren. In this place you can find samples from milk to dark brown colors.However, the most magnificent is considered to be a stone of golden-yellow color.

In 1838, a fairly large field was found near the Yasyl log and the village of Opachevka.

The mineral that was hunted at the Opachevskoye deposit was sent to decorate the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. At the end of the finishing works, the field was abandoned until approximately the end of the 19th century. And in 1928, the Ural stone cutter was created.

Currently mined stone in the Perm region on the banks of the river Iren. There he is near the village of Red Yasy. In the same settlement carved products are made and sent to completely different states. Similarly, the extraction of stone is carried out on the island of Sri Lanka.

There are also a number of states where deposits of stone are present:

  • Australia;
  • Germany;
  • Egypt;
  • America (USA);
  • France;
  • Tajikistan.

Despite the fact that the mineral is exceptionally malleable and soft, its fishing is unsafe, because often there are landslides. Even getting into the tunnels and making it is quite risky. The population living in these areas makes it systematically, because for them it is the most simple-minded and affordable method to have raw materials.

Therapeutic and magical value

Like any stone, a lot of various properties are attributed to selenite, including healing properties.

About them was known in ancient Greece. At that time, healers were simply convinced that he was a gift from the gods. It is filled with the health, strength and influence of Apollo himself. For this reason, he was ranked as a curative. In India, the mediums through him healed fears, nightmares and bad visions. Man gained pacification.

Mineral selenite relieves anger and irritability. There is a legend that when the nights are dark, it means a “crying” stone. And tears revered healing.

Among the healing qualities are:

  • stone contributes to early pregnancy and its normal course;
  • the reproductive system becomes stronger;
  • the mineral is able to heal the barrenness;
  • eliminates headaches;
  • the mineral treats kidney infections and bladder inflammation;
  • powder from this mineral is able to heal the most difficult diseases.

Avicenna wrote about this stone, and in his works one can find that the mineral was healing:

  • epilepsy seizures stop almost instantly;
  • powder cured: crazy, mental abnormalities, irritability, depression, hostility;
  • The stone does not carry a contraindication for children.

And in Tibet, the mineral is often practiced in alternative medicine:

  • for massage;
  • inhalation;
  • lotions.

Additionally, there are quite a few recipes that are used to clean the gallbladder and remove stones from it. At the moment, lithotherapy (treatment with the use of stones) is constantly looking for all the new potentials of the mineral, which will also help the person.

The magical possibilities of the mineral

Since ancient times, it has been revealed that selenite has miraculous capabilities. Nowadays in India, Selenite amulets are used for spiritual cleansing and psychological relief. Indians are convinced that it contributes to enhancing memory and improving oratorical skills.

It is curious that the stone has different effects on the representatives of the stronger sex and the representatives of the weaker sex. Women he makes romantic and soft, and men are the most confident. Mineral can help its owner to get rid of various phobias and makes him very brave.

The stone has always been the talisman of the family hearth, bringing peace, harmony and inner unity to the home. Many are convinced that in families with such a talisman there are almost no quarrels and divorces.If a person experiencing loneliness is given an ornament with this mineral, then one can hope that soon he will meet his other half.

In addition, selenite is endowed with the following miraculous qualities:

  • its owner will be able to discover in himself the gift of foresight;
  • all troubles go away;
  • pacifies irritable person;
  • it helps to evaluate all life misunderstandings without emotions, in cold blood;
  • promotes revealing lies and exposing traitors;
  • softens the souls and hearts of embittered people.

The mineral has a rather powerful effect on creative individuals. It is conducive to inspiration, the formation of intuition and fantasy. Better that the stone had a frame of silver.

The stone guarantees clarity of mind, increasing the understanding of yourself and your environment. He opens the crown chakras and gives access to higher consciousness. The miraculous characteristics of selenite lie in the fact that it is able to open access to previous and future lives. Some people believe that the stone will help to easily achieve previous and even future incarnations, obtaining a complete comprehension of their own true nature.

Selenite is a soothing stone that brings peace and is ideally suited for spiritual work or meditation. The loss of emotional balance eliminates the placement of the mineral at the crown.

The stone can be used to wake up or strengthen telepathic data. Dispersed in the four corners of the dwelling, the mineral contributes to the establishment of an optimal aura and protects against negative external influences.

Small grooves on the surface of the stone run along its entire length. They orient the energy coming from external sources of light along the mineral. The stone is similar to a natural transmitter with a rooted "fiber" that guides and transmits light energy.

The mineral functions as a portal between Nature on the one hand and the Spirit on the other. It connects 2 worlds, contributing to their common work.

Selenite - comes from the ancient oceans and seas. The component of water in the mineral influences the senses for the reason that the world of the senses was consistently associated with the component of water. The stone has a direct relaxing and balancing effect. Other minerals, such as green aventurine and zinc spar, have a similar relaxing effect, however, selenite takes a step forward - awakens spirituality and initiates magical disturbance.

The magic of the mineral works in two ways: it is able to increase the frequency of the physical substance so that it approaches the spiritual world or has the power to limit the harmonic of spiritual light in order to be in harmony with the material world.

Mystics advise caution when handling the mineral because it can change the 4 lower bodies: emotional, mental, etheric and physical. The stone can also affect the 3 supreme spiritual bodies. It is necessary for a person to have a conscious desire in order for an internal transformation to take place, and to be ready to accept changes in his own being.

Selenite is also used in meditation. To do this, you can practice such methods.

  • Sit in a comfortable position and position the stone in the zone of the "third eye". Formulate the desired question or picture that requires an explanation. Stone will see the answer.
  • Place the stone in front of your eyes and look at it without blinking. At the moment when there is a change in color or configuration, a portal opens up to the zone where spiritual mentors and teachers are staying. They are making connections.
  • For a qualitative comprehension of knowledge and acceptance of spiritual energy, the mineral is placed under the pillow at night.
  • During the day, it is advised to keep the mineral in the living room near rock crystal and amethyst.

Any kind of stone has its own method of influencing a person.

Translucent selenite, pearl or white, is capable of such actions:

  • deepens the telepathic connection between two people;
  • rapidly unblocks stagnant energy;
  • allows you to connect with the supreme vibrational light bodies and fix them on the ground for spiritual activity and healing with energy.

Peach mineral is:

  • the resurrection stone, connected to the underworld, allows you to shed light on the internal processes and accept the hidden essence that is ideal for spiritual growth;
  • strong karmic healer and cleansing agent;
  • reduces the risk of deceit and alienation;
  • offers healing of the soul, forgiveness and acceptance;
  • able to assist in pubertal development, age transitions and menopause.

"Desert Rose" has the following features:

  • allows you to release the imposed long-term programs, mainly associated with resentment and anger, and find the most healthy replacement;
  • sharpens love and activates teamwork;
  • facilitates claustrophobic attacks and anxiety;
  • helps to regain lost determination and strengthen hidden abilities;
  • helps children to respect themselves, especially with low self-esteem;
  • encourages the development of psychic abilities and creativity;
  • able to increase endurance to viral infections, digestive disorders, to come to the aid of prostatitis.

Golden mineral:

  • has powerful physical energy that promotes the healing of the whole organism;
  • smoothly transfers to another dimension for viewing the previous life;
  • allows you to harmonize and straighten your own will with the will of the supreme I - the only plan and the divine plan;
  • guarantees the highest level of control and training of the soul;
  • brings unlimited energy and sunlight;
  • helps in the fight against seasonal emotional frustration, depression and hibernation.

Selenite is a stone of pilgrims and can absorb the power of holy places, gaining even greater power. It also serves as a connecting thread between a man and his guardian angel.

In order to penetrate this connection, it is necessary to put the mineral under the pillow - in a prophetic dream a hint will appear for subsequent actions from the patron over. The main aspect is faith - it can multiply any miraculous force several times, instilling the best sensations in the soul.

Who is suitable?

The National Association of Jewelry Masters at the convention in 1912 compiled a list of minerals that, according to astrologers, have an impact on humans. Astrology states that selenite is not suitable for all signs of the zodiac.

Perfect correspondence with such signs:

  • By the lion;
  • Aquarius;
  • Cancer;
  • Pisces;
  • Scorpio

The stone, according to astrologers, is designed to help every sign that has chosen to engage in art and culture. He supports the ministers of the Church: priests can easily communicate with parishioners, understand them. Absolute compatibility of a mineral with Crayfish. They are under the influence of the moon, prefer nightlife. The influence of the mineral is especially valuable for them.

Buy item from selenite recommend to those who are experiencing financial problems. Selenite will change the worldview of the owner, the material problems will recede into the background. Inaudibly come well-being, well-being. The person will begin to realize that the money raised to the idol is made difficult to access. But when they are not the goal of life, they appear by themselves, imperceptible to man, but by means of astral forces.

Astrologers examined the compatibility of the stone with birth dates, and the connection of the mineral was established with people born during the full moon.

Selenite should not be worn by the Virgins, as it will strengthen their blues and make them reclusive. Remaining to wear items of jewelry from selenite will even be useful. It is recommended to be a mineral to fiery and passionate persons who are distinguished by the speed of reactions and thoughts.It is useful for the disclosure of the positive qualities of Pisces and Gemini. Will direct the spouting energy of the Scorpions in the right direction and tame the fervor of Aquarius. Scales through selenita will arrange a personal life and will find immaculate and mutual love.

How to care?

Selenite belongs to one of the most fragile natural minerals. Leave a scratch on its surface is capable even of pressing with a fingernail, as a result, in the manufacture of jewelry, souvenirs, handicrafts and interior items, a specialized transparent varnish is applied to products made of mineral. This operation must be repeated once every 2–3 years. It is recommended to keep items and jewelry with selenite in a special case upholstered in soft cloth.

Stone must be protected from falls and strong blows. We must not forget that it is sensitive to solar radiation and high humidity. It is recommended to clean items and jewelry from selenite 1–2 times a year using warm soapy water and a soft sponge. At the end of this operation, do not forget to wipe the mineral dry and polish to a gloss. Be afraid of hit on a stone of various chemicals.

About what properties selenite has, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


