Stones and Minerals

Seraphinite: the value and properties of the stone

Seraphinite: the value and properties of the stone

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  1. Description
  2. History of origin
  3. Varieties
  4. Properties
  5. Application
  6. Who is the stone for?

In the manufacture of jewelry used a variety of gems. At first, the reserves of open deposits fully satisfied the demand. But then it turned out that stones with a green palette, such as emeralds, malachites, tourmalines, are not enough, and they need to be replaced with something. Began research and work on the extraction of such materials. One of these new minerals was the seraphinite.


Serafinite, or clinochlore, is a complex silicate, chlorite, it consists of ions of aluminum, iron and manganese. The stone has a fibrous structure, is easy to process, is soft and brittle. Under the influence of concentrated sulfuric acid, it gradually dissolves.

This is a rare mineral of various shades of green with a beautiful pattern in the form of lighter wedge-shaped stripes. There are also nuggets of greenish-yellow color, in bright light, they give the impression of gold-plated.

In the process of cutting is not always possible to obtain the correct geometric shape. Experts recommend to apply products from this gem very carefully, since noticeable traces that destroy the unique stone pattern can remain from the slightest mechanical impact. For cleaning, use a soft cloth and, if necessary, a neutral detergent in liquid form (for example, baby soap).

Serafinite is mined only in Russia. The only deposit is located in the Irkutsk region near Lake Baikal in Priangare. Thanks to the original unique pattern it can not be faked. In addition, polymer clay crafts are much harder. At present, the value of this stone in jewelry begins to grow.

History of origin

The mineral was first discovered and described in the second half of the 19th century by the famous Russian mineralogist Nikolai Ivanovich Koksharov. The original scientific name of the stone “klinochlor” comes from 2 Greek words: “wedge” and “chloros”, which means “sloping” (or “wedge-shaped”) and “green”. At first, stone-cutters and jewelers did not pay much attention to him. But very much appreciated by collectors for the unusual delicate pattern, different in each sample. Some time passed, and gradually they began to use clinochlorine in jewelry, as well as for the manufacture of various figurines, souvenirs, and jewelry boxes.

It was then that he got his new well-known name: seraphinite. There is a beautiful legend that says that this stone originated from a feather that fell from the wing of a supreme Christian angel: a seraph, an assistant of the Lord. The picture of the mineral really resembles the outlines of angelic wings. According to another legend, the nuggets are frozen tears of an angel, crying for pity for the lost humanity. The patterns on the stones also look like fern leaves and paintings that the frost draws on the glass.


There are several species of seraphinite. They differ from each other in color and, therefore, in the proportions of the elements contained.

  • Kochubeite. Klinohlor, which contains chromium. The deposits are located in the Urals. The stone was named in memory of the Russian scientist and collector Peter Andreevich Kochubey. It has a color not typical for this group of minerals: lilac-green. An interesting phenomenon: the color changes depending on the lighting: in artificial light it is more lilac, and in natural light it is green.Occasionally there are samples in which pink or purple color.
  • Sheridanite The predominant element in this gem is aluminum. The name refers to the locality where this species was first discovered: Sheridan, Wyoming, USA. Characterized by a slightly lighter, somewhat greyish color palette.
  • Leuchtenbergite. Due to the low proportion of iron, this mineral is painted in very light green tones with a yellowish tinge. There are instances of almost white color. The name comes from the surname of the chief of the corps of mining engineers of the Russian Empire in the middle of the XIX century, Duke Maximilian of Leuchtenberg.
  • Kemmererit. In its composition a greater amount of chromium than in the cochubite. Therefore, the color is much darker. Named in honor of the Russian scientist who compiled the first description of the stone: A. B. Kemmerer, a pharmacist and mineralogist.


Like any other natural gems, the seraphinite has useful qualities and can help its owner in various life situations, as well as improve their health.


The healing properties of the stone help to overcome many ailments.

  • Burns, cuts, scratches, abrasions. The mineral contributes to the formation of new cells, restores their structure, thanks to which there are no scars on the skin.
  • Effective with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Improves the condition of the body after surgery.
  • Stabilizes arterial and intracranial pressure, removes headaches and migraine manifestations.
  • With it, cough, runny nose, fever and other symptoms of colds are easier and faster.
  • With depression, depression is enough for 10–15 minutes a day to carefully peer into a drawing on a stone, distracting from vain worries, and calmness, tranquility, balance appear. Copies of lilac tone strengthen the immune system, and also help to better resist stress.
  • Another interesting property: for women, this gem slows down the aging process of the skin, gives it youth, radiance and elasticity. Stone gives men the power to perform complex tasks.
  • The mineral with a yellow tinge helps to cope with tumors, benign and even malignant, if used in the initial stage of the disease.

The stone does not have any harmful effect on health and well-being; jewelry from it can be worn daily.


The magical properties of seraphinite are not well understood. It is considered to be a kindly sublime stone of angels, the silvery shine in the figure of the wings personifies the heavenly light. It has a beneficial effect on the souls of people, guides the path of virtue, awakens the desire to be fair, merciful, open, relieves of evil feelings. During meditation sessions, spherical shapes made from this mineral are used. They drive away evil spirits, the aura is cleared, contact with higher powers occurs.

Products and various figures can be a family amulet that protects against harmful negative influences. If you put them in the house, relationships improve, more affection and love appear, a kind and warm atmosphere is established.

In addition, the influx of finance is increasing, and the money is spent on useful things.


Recently, the use of seraphinite in stone-cutting, and in the skill of jewelry is constantly increasing. Products from it are becoming increasingly popular. From this gem make a variety of jewelry: rings, earrings, pendants, beads, necklaces. The stone looks good in a thin silver frame.

Most often, stones of large and medium sizes are used, as they are better seen on the drawing. Thanks to the gentle unique pattern, each item is obtained exclusive. No less original are the caskets, souvenirs, and figurines from the hands of masters.

Angelic fragile mineral is the best suited for making beads.

Who is the stone for?

Spirituality and purity make the seraphinite most suitable for people whose activities are related to spirituality, education, help to others, charity. First of all, these are priests, philosophers, teachers, doctors, cultural and art workers, as well as all those who bring good things to the world and who are not indifferent to the fate of humanity. In terms of astrology, this stone is suitable for all signs of the zodiac.

Positive light energy creates a positive and easy mood, when everything is good, and life brings only joy. There is a rethinking of values, the person begins to pay more attention to the spiritual components.

He harmonizes the signs of each element:

  • earthly - Virgin, Taurus, Capricornus - become exalted, easy to communicate;
  • aerial - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - on the contrary, descend from heaven, constancy and prudence appear in them;
  • fiery - Lions, Aries, Sagittarius - calm down, stop quarreling and rush from one extreme to the other;
  • water - Fish, Cancers, Scorpions - get a boost of energy and vigor.

It is believed that the impact of the stone on a Virgo and Capricorn couple is especially favorable. It is useful to wear products from clinochlore to creative people, as this truly angelic stone brings inspiration and the strength to bring the project started to the end. His presence gives people beauty, health, helps in difficult moments of life.

For the seraphinite mineral, see the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


