Stones and Minerals

All about cornelian

All about cornelian

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  1. Description
  2. Physicochemical properties
  3. Main deposits
  4. Therapeutic and magical value
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to care?
  7. How to distinguish a fake?

Many of us have heard of such an extraordinary mineral as carnelian. It is able to have a healing effect on the body, heal both mental and physical wounds. In this article you will get acquainted with all the available information about this extraordinary stone, with its magical and healing features, as well as its physical composition.


A cornelian, like its ancestor, chalcedony, appears as a result of post-volcanic hydrothermal processes in lava flows. It is believed that the name of this mineral came to our language due to the name of the majestic ancient city of Sarda (or Sardis, according to biblical records), which was the capital of Lydia. It was there that this mineral was discovered in the era of antiquity, judging by ancient records and finds.

At first, carnelian was used exclusively as a material for the manufacture of tools: archaeologists discovered hoes and improvised tools with carnelian crystals, which date back to the 8th century BC.

Only later, after several centuries, this mineral was actively used in the creation of jewelry, amulets and charms. The beauty and healing properties of carnelian soon became known in many other countries. There was a time when tiaras, bracelets and necklaces from carnelian cost much more than jewels from previously known jewels. In the IV century BC, this stone was comparable in value to diamond, pearl and emerald.

Famous historical figures who wore carnelian are Cleopatra (half of her jewelry and room decoration consisted of carnelian) and Tamerlane (elements of carnelian were present in his belt and clothes). Even in the territory of modern Russia, this stone was popular - it was called “kadnos” or “smear”, and was used to cut glasses, decorate icons and crosses.

In nature, there are several varieties of carnelian, which got their own names due to their specific color.

  • Carnelian It looks like a red crystal, inside of which there seem to be real streaks and droplets of blood. The name comes from the Latin language, where the word cornus literally means “cornel berry” (cornel is a well-known red medicinal berry).
  • Classic carnelian. Possesses original peach orange or orange red color. Of all the varieties found most often.
  • Linkuriy. A variety of yellow and lemon carnelian.
  • Sarder. It has crystals of saturated red or dark color, sometimes there are brown and chestnut shades.
  • Sardonyx. A variety of carnelian with characteristic horizontal white line-belts along the entire mineral. The stripes can separate several similar shades in a stone or serve as a border for several contrasting colors. Stripes come in white, brown or black.

Physicochemical properties

According to its structure, carnelian is an ordinary chalcedony, that is, layered quartz of volcanic origin. The chemical formula of such minerals looks very simple - SiO2. Chalcedony itself can vary considerably in color: black, white (light), blue, and even blue minerals are known.

The color of such stones directly depends on those additional substances and minerals that are part of them, however, the formula itself remains practically unchanged.

The most popular color of carnelian is red-orange or orange-yellow color, such a shade was formed due to the content in the mineral of a large amount of Fe2O3. Almost all stones have an exceptionally layered uneven structure, which is remarkably visible, if not in appearance, then in cross section. Monochromatic models are the most valuable chalcedones, they are the least common and are used for the manufacture of luxury jewelry.

And now you should understand the detailed description of the physical and chemical properties of the carnelian.

  • It belongs to the chalcedony family.
  • At least 90% of the mineral composition is silicon dioxide or SiO2.
  • The most frequent inclusions are ferric hydroxides.
  • The found colors and shades: black, green, blue, red, orange, yellow, honey, chestnut, brown, brown.
  • The structure of the raw stone is quite fragile. Average density - no more than 2.6 grams / cm ³.
  • Breaking shell type.
  • Glitter from natural stones are missing, there is a small gloss, if the stone is ground and processed.
  • On the internal structure of matte, almost opaque.
  • The cleavage is absent.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale - from 6 to 7 points.
  • Resistant to acidic compounds.

Main deposits

The most famous carnelian deposits are located in India, Brazil, Uruguay, Egypt, Germany, Mongolia and Ukraine. Many of these minerals, like amber, bring to the shore in waves.

The most popular are Indian carnelies, which are able to change their color from dark to lighter when exposed to sunlight.

If we talk about the deposits of these minerals in the CIS countries, the stones are brought in abundance from the Crimea - there they are mined in the territory of the Karadag volcanic massif. There are also carnelian deposits in Eastern Siberia (the best jewelry carnelian in Russia is mined there), in Primorsky Krai, in Chukotka, in Buryatia and Yakutia.

Therapeutic and magical value

Many semi-precious stones have healing and magical properties, however, only a small number of these stones are officially able to help people. Carnelian treat precisely such minerals. Below you can see the healing and mystical properties of this stone.


The healing properties of this stone were known several thousand years ago. In ancient Egypt, this mineral, ground into powder and mixed with wine, was used as a tonic and for the treatment of headache and toothache. Mention of the healing properties of the stone can be found in the works of Avicenna and Biruni.

To understand the meaning of carnelian in modern medicine, it is worth remembering the existence of such a treatment as carnelian therapy. Everything is explained by the fact that the carnelian emits weak radioactive waves, which at the necessary doses and correct application can cure certain diseases. In short, such radiation restores cells, regenerates old tissues, promotes rapid healing of wounds, edema, and improves the condition of the patient as a whole.

There is also an unconfirmed theory that carnelian can stop the development of cancer cells.

Most often, carnelian treatment is used for the following diseases and pathologies:

  • gangrene;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • boils;
  • skin diseases: ulcers, acne, acne;
  • anemia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney problems;
  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • thyroid problems;
  • ODA diseases and disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • cancer;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • sepsis.

At home, carnelian is advised to apply for chronic pain in different parts of the body: trauma, chronic fatigue, overwork. In this case, preheated stones are applied to certain parts of the body. It is believed that stones laid on the eyelids and eyes can relieve fatigue, migraines, and even restore visual function.

Also, the mineral is used in the processes of adjustment of the entire body, especially for impaired patients: women after pregnancy, children, other patients after protracted diseases.

When choosing a cornelian for medicinal purposes, you should pay attention to the stones with a large number of white veins - this indicates the content of a large amount of radium.

    Despite all the favorable properties of carnelian, they should be treated independently only with the permission of a qualified doctor. Such treatment is considered traditional only in a narrow circle of modern clinics, and therefore such specialists will be quite difficult to find.


    Healers and astrologers are convinced that the carnelian reveals its full potential in the field of love. Too strict and squeezed people, he liberates, opening their hearts to the whole world. For the originally romantic natures, he is a kind of amulet that protects against adultery, betrayals and intrigues.

    This mineral is considered the most powerful family is not for nothing that brides are often presented with bracelets and necklaces containing carnelian: he acts as a certain bodyguard who will try with all his might to preserve mutual respect, patience and love in marriage. Figures, crafts and other elements of the interior of the carnelian are advised to be placed in the bedroom of a married couple: it will not allow the passions and desires to subside.

    Sexually, this type of carnelian, like dark red carnelis, helps most: it sharpens desires, heightens the feeling of sexuality and liberates the owner.

    As for the other, not amorous properties of the carnelian, orange chalcedony is able to protect its owner from the destructive effects of natural disasters: hail, rain, thunderstorms, even earthquakes. Stone gives travelers caution on the way, protects from exhaustion, injury and injury. Red or brown corneli are real detectors of ill-wishers and enemies. These stones are especially useful for beginning lawyers: they will give more confidence to the statements, make speech more logical and reasonable.

    Another useful magical property of the carnelian is in its calming and pacifying action. When you carnelian, you have far less chance to flare up, come into conflict or quarrel with family, friends and colleagues. This stone will be especially useful for people who contact people most of the time and are burdened with great responsibility.

    As already mentioned, carnelian helps many people discover their hidden talents and natural abilities. He is not able to give a person any certain qualities, he only guides the person along the way of their realization. There are cases when people who have not been endowed with any talents for many years, suddenly began to sing or draw, having recently bought exactly a cornelian.

    The magical properties of a stone are directly dependent on how it looks.

    If your mineral is dimmed or blackened, you should immediately wash it or just rinse it under running water and then wipe it off. Dirty carnelian may not only not have useful properties, but also be dangerous to humans. It is not surprising that the promised magical properties of the stone are not justified. It may depend on your character (carnelian has a weak influence on initially strong personalities), the purity of the stone. Or maybe you bought a fake mineral sample.

    Who is suitable?

    Every mineral that has magical or healing properties is favorable to people with a certain character and mindset.

    Usually, experts prefer to compare the effects of this stone on people, depending on their zodiac sign.

    The elements that favorably affect the properties of the stone are Water and Earth. As for the favor of the planets, the role of patrons here are Mercury and the Sun. It is believed that carnelian is most compatible with the following zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Aries and Gemini. In addition, this mineral is remarkable for creative personalities: it gives them inspiration, reveals talents, instructs them to make new discoveries and accomplishments. Especially noticeable is the result of the action of this mineral together with other stones: rose quartz, lapis lazuli or agate.

    It is necessary to understand the influence of the stone on certain signs of the zodiac.

    • Taurus. The cornelian has a calming and pacifying effect on this sign, helps to take someone else's point of view, prevents anger and aggression. Moreover, carnelian fills Taurus with vital energy, which is so necessary for them. It is believed that the carnelian is best to wear Taurus, who are in search of a pair.
    • Raki Bright-colored carnelian varieties (ivory-colored) sharpen the natural crayfish intuition, develop logical thinking and make it possible to easily emerge from even difficult disputes as a winner. This property is best realized in leaders and managers. As for the carnelian of other colors, especially the darker ones, they should not be worn by Cancers - they can provoke irritability.
    • Twins. Stone gives this sign of motivation in the fulfillment of their daily duties, motivates to develop creative abilities. Carnelian fosters patience, endurance, and teaches you to find joy and pleasure even in daily activities and concerns.
    • Lions Here carnelian performs organizing and love function. It allows you to properly distribute your income and expenses, clearly plan your daily routine to create the most optimal option. In addition, he will help the Lions to find a permanent and reliable partner, which alone can be difficult for Lions to achieve.
    • Virgin. The mineral helps this sign to cope with difficult intellectual tasks, improves intuition in relation to other people. Here, the stone should be worn together with silver or platinum in a frame - such a tandem will allow the owner of the stone to cope with envious and rivals.
    • Libra. Carnelian is simply necessary for this zodiac sign as a supporting mechanism in decision making. Uncertain and impulsive Libra often becomes a difficult choice in life, which carnelian helps to cope with.

    The romantic side of Libra will also not be deprived of the help of the mineral: it acts as a kind of love amulet that draws lonely hearts and drives away those who need inconstant ties.

    • Aries. Here the carnelian lets the energy of the Sun itself through itself, which allows Aries to maintain a wonderful mood, to find inspiration even in everyday things and to ignore failures.
    • Sagittarius. This mineral here acts as a friend who will listen and support in a difficult life situation. Especially it concerns the tolerance of emotional wounds and the experience of a painful separation from a partner, relatives or friends.
    • Capricorns. For self-confident, strict and consistent Capricorns carnelian can only help with confidence in their own abilities. Still, Capricorns, like all other signs, often need guidance and help. Especially this stone helps Capricorns who are engaged in creative activity: it reveals their talents, allows them to relax and forget about their protective barriers.
    • Aquarius. Talented and uncontrollable Aquarius, who rarely follow what is happening around, carnelian gives more consistency and insight. He helps the Aquarius to keep track of their friendly circle and immediately identifies the traitors, envious and foes. The greatest strength here will have carnelian with green and emerald shades.
    • Fish. It cannot be said that for this sign the carnelian performs some miraculous tasks. The most effective for Pisces will be the impact of pearls, the rest of the minerals look great just as jewelry.

    Despite the above, carnelian can manifest itself in absolutely any signs of the zodiac. Only Scorpios are not advised to wear this stone: it can give this sign of excessive activity and cultivation mania that can lead to aggression, dissatisfaction and bitterness.

    If we talk about the common qualities of the carnelian, it motivates people to think about their actions, gives confidence in their actions, rewards creative people with the most valuable gift - inspiration.

    It is believed that this stone attracts men, which is especially useful for women who are in a long and unsuccessful search for a partner.

    Carnelian should be worn exactly at the place where you want to have a healing effect. Women usually prefer bracelets, beads and pendants, carnelian hair clips. Men prefer rings, belts, cufflinks. If you wear rings with carnelian on your hand, you should choose only middle fingers, not ring fingers.

    It is not advisable to wear carnelian together with malachite and beryl, these stones overlap all the magical and healing properties of carnelian and endow it with the same abilities as any ordinary street stone does.

    How to care?

    The cornelian, as well as all other chalcedony, does not need any painstaking care.

    The desire to keep the stone in a beautiful appearance directly depends on its magical and healing properties.

    It is necessary to consider the main theses, which should be guided by the desire to purchase and store carnelian jewelry.

    • The best place to store stone or jewelry from it will be cloth bags, where the stone will be protected from the external environment and not subject to physical impact. They are not advised to put carnelian in boxes with other stones - some of the minerals placed together can create an unfavorable emotional field that will affect the owner of the stones. In addition, in such caskets stones very quickly lose their appearance due to the fact that they constantly rub and hit each other.
    • The mineral should always be kept clean and free from dust and dirt. To clean the carnelian, flannel rags or microfiber sponges are used, ordinary cotton wool can be used. As a cleaning agent is best to take the usual soap or natural soap solution.
    • You should not wear jewelry from carnelian and other chalcedony during the chemical treatment of rooms and cleaning the entire apartment. Harmful chemicals affect the texture of the stone, making it cloudy, rough and fragile.
    • It is believed that the carnelian, which draws its energy from Mercury and the Sun, should be charged in direct sunlight for several hours a day. You shouldn't leave it for more time, otherwise your pebble may simply lose its color.
    • Try not to drop the stones on the ground. Carnelian seems dense and strong, however, with the necessary physical impact, this mineral is very fragile.
    • Some experts carnelian is considered too active and emotional stone for constant wear as a decoration. Try to give the stone a rest away from your body and replace it with other minerals.
    • Remember that even in a small pebble of carnelian contains a huge amount of energy.You should not hang dozens of carnelian decorations on yourself - there is a great chance that you will become not just active or smart, but irritable and cynical. In addition to this, the more carnelian decorations you have, the harder it will be to care for them. And even one crude carnelian in a chain or bracelet can lead to a bad mood.

    How to distinguish a fake?

    Modern technology allows extremely high quality fake any minerals and precious stones. Sometimes, to determine an artificial stone, you need to call a specialist in jewelry and mineralogy.

    If we are talking about semi-precious stones such as carnelian, then manufacturers rarely use some cardinal imitation methods, and therefore it will be easy to distinguish such products from real minerals.

    • Carnelian is one of the varieties of chalcedony, which has a characteristic orange and honey shades. To obtain this color, iron nitrate is added to fake minerals - it gives glass copies a cherished copper color. To understand the fake in front of you or natural carnelian, just rub it with an emery stone or polish it. Glass artificial samples will be easily erased, and under the top layer you will find a completely different shade.
    • All chalcedony, including carnelian, even in finished form have a matte surface with a wax coating, thanks to which these stones can be safely held in the hands and not be afraid that they will fall out. At the same time, glass fakes are smooth, glossy and slippery.
    • If we are talking about plastic fake, then it will be even easier to determine. Plastics and polymers, even the strongest, have a weak density - they can easily be scratched, and even chip or strip. But it is extremely difficult to leave a scratch on a natural cornelian, while it will be thin and almost imperceptible.
    • Weight. Regardless of whether you have a raw mineral model or a ready-made carnelian, it will weigh quite a lot. Fake stones, whether wood, plastic or even glass, always weigh a lot less.
    • The melody of sound. Everyone knows that plastic emits a dull and slurred knock when tapping. At the same time, a natural stone, even if treated, will sound loud and loud.
    • Price. A cornelian, although not a precious mineral, is sometimes quite expensive in jewelery - from $ 30 or more. Separate small stones (from 5 to 10 grams) are rarely more expensive than 5-6 dollars.

    To determine whether it is a natural carnelian or another mineral, it is sometimes sufficient to simply consult a specialist. He will determine the type of carnelian, its purity, and also give advice on the care of this stone.

    See how the healing properties of carnelian, see the following video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


