Stones and Minerals

Gray Agate: Description, Properties and Applications

Gray Agate: Description, Properties and Applications

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  1. Origin and features
  2. Magical and healing qualities
  3. Using

Agate is a beautiful semi-precious / semi-precious stone, it can be of the most diverse colors. This article will discuss gray agate, its properties, features and applications.

Origin and features

Agate belongs to the chalcedony group. The main chemical compound in the composition of agate is silica. The layered structure of this stone is due to the duration and cyclical nature of the process of formation, and there is still no generally accepted theory of the origin of agate-bearing rocks. The raw surface of agate is matt, to make it shine the stones are ground and polished. The degree of transparency of the mineral varies from completely opaque to smoky (partially translucent).

The mineral has a fairly high hardness - 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale, and is resistant to acids, only hydrofluoric acid is susceptible. Differs in durability and viscosity. The density of the stone is 2.6 g / cm3.

If the stone turns out to be broken, the line of fracture will be shell-like, uneven.

The layers of chalcedony in each stone form a unique pattern. Depending on what these pictures remind, there are more than one and a half hundred types of agate. The most famous among them are:

  • Bastion - the drawings on the cut cause an association with medieval fortresses (bastions) and / or landscapes of the city;
  • Brazilian - is distinguished by beautiful concentric patterns, most often contrasting (alternating black and white layers, for example);
  • ocellar - the layers in the center of the stone seem to diverge and the cut pattern resembles the eye (by the way, such specimens are often called the “eye of the Creator”);
  • dendrite (moss) - so named because of the streaks of manganese or iron salts, forming a wood pattern;
  • landscape;
  • iridescent - in bright light such a copy begins to glow slightly;
  • star;
  • the black;
  • blue (otherwise called sapphire);
  • and many others.

Gray agate is one of the most common varieties of this stone. As the name implies, the main color is gray (blue-gray), white, brown, and black colors are possible. It is very popular as a raw material for stone carving, especially large stones. Smoky gray agates are highly valued.


Magical and healing qualities

The gray mineral is often used as a talisman, especially by the representatives of the servants of the law - judges, investigators, lawyers. It is believed that wearing this stone is beneficial in conflict situations, helping to resolve misunderstandings and reducing aggression. And also in various sources the property of gray agate is mentioned to open the owner the bad deeds, thoughts and feelings of other people. This mineral is the patron saint of good, honest and fair personalities. If the owner of the stone is not a worthy individual, the mineral will attract misfortune.

They also note the beneficial effects of the stone on indecisive, insecure people, as well as overly emotional and hot-tempered. Wearing an agate talisman brings peace, tranquility and confidence. If you take the therapeutic aspect, it is believed that gray agate helps in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, asthma and the like), facilitates attacks of cough, especially if worn on the chest in the form of a brooch or beads.

Wearing earrings with agate inserts helps get rid of dizziness and headaches (migraines).

Many people recommend wearing a ring with agate on your left hand - especially for people suffering from heart and circulatory system diseases. If you suffer from insomnia, try to wear something of agate jewelry: making pleasant, peaceful dreams also applies to the magical properties of this stone. It is believed that gray agate is the embodiment of the elements of Air and Earth. In different sources there are sometimes conflicting interpretations of what signs of the zodiac agate is suitable for, and for whom - not. Most agree that gray agate is ideal for people born under the sign of Taurus or Gemini. There is no categorical ban on wearing this stone by representatives of any other signs of the zodiac, even if you are Leo, nothing prevents you from choosing an ornament with this beautiful and mysterious mineral.

Just do not forget about the combinations of different minerals with each other - in case you are not going to be limited to one agate accessory. Astrologers advise to pick up in a pair of this gem any stone dedicated to the water or earth element - jasper, opal, lapis lazuli, jade and so on. There is no conflict with agate and air minerals - sapphire, amethyst, topaz, rock crystal. The only warning of astrologers applies to fire stones (ruby, garnet, coral, diamond and pyrope) - they are absolutely incompatible with agate.



The use of gray agate is quite large.

  • First of all, this, of course, is a jeweler. A variety of jewelry and crafts (especially statuettes) of agate, especially its semi-precious varieties, are very beautiful and are always in great demand among art lovers and ordinary people.
  • Due to the physicomechanical properties of the mineral (strength, hardness and viscosity), components for precision instruments, for example, pestles and mortars for chemical laboratories, are made of opaque varieties of the mineral;
  • Gray agate is very popular as a talisman (amulet), on the market you can find a lot of jewelry made from processed semi-precious mineral.
  • Some designers use stone inserts as original interior details.

Even if you do not believe in astrology and the magical properties of minerals, wear gray agate just as decoration - even the jewelry from this mineral looks very original and beautiful, especially on the arms and neck of young girls.

And figurines, paperweight, even simple ashtrays, carved from agate and decorated with carvings, will be the highlight of your home interior.

On the properties and use of agate, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


