Stones and Minerals

Shungit: properties of a stone, its use, benefit and harm

Shungit: properties of a stone, its use, benefit and harm

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  1. What it is?
  2. History of origin
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Benefit and harm
  5. Magical properties
  6. Varieties
  7. How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?
  8. Application
  9. Care rules

Shungite is one of the most sought-after minerals, not only among magicians and astrologers, but also among healers in alternative medicine. It has a number of unique magical and physical properties, is able to favorably influence the general state of human health.

What it is?

The term shungit was originally used in 1879 to describe a mineraloid with a carbon content of more than 98%. Recently, it has also been used to describe shungite rocks, which often leads to confusion.

Stone has two main ways of occurrence:

  • material scattered inside the rock;
  • homogeneous deposits.

Geologists know shungite, as a peculiar form of carbon produced during the metamorphism of crude oil. Karelian stone is therefore called that its active mining is carried out in Karelia.

Shungite looks like solid asphalt (bitumen), but is classified as pyrobitumen, because it does not melt. It also resembles anthracite coal. Heated on butane, it shatters into fragments, there is a faint odor, but it does not burn. Hardness - 3.5-4.0 on the Mohs scale.

Shungite is similar to coal, has the ability to conduct electromagnetic and geothermal energy. This is a transformation stone with a huge list of amazing advantages, due to its nature and composition, it is not like any other mineral on the planet.

The stone is mainly carbon, up to 98% in some cases, but the interesting fact is that this carbon is not mineral graphite. Shungite is considered a metamorphosed slate. The chemical composition is similar to anthracite (metamorphosed coal), but its genesis is different. Slate is a former cluster of marine microorganisms (bacteria, algae), but formed from organic matter, coal is deposited in terrestrial environments.

The color of the mineral is black, does not contain graphite. Carbon is almost structureless (amorphous or nanocrystalline) and forms coal seams. It is believed that this is one of the oldest known manifestations of the formation of oil. At present, there is no crude oil in Karelia, but shungite is believed to have been its rich source many centuries ago.

For some time it has been known that shungite contains fullerenes (carbon nanotubes and spheres), but studies conducted later did not confirm this. He has long gained fame as a natural medicine. True, shungite has antibacterial properties, but it is unlikely that it possesses all the attitudes attributed to it (kills and devours everything that harms people, concentrates and restores all good).

The fact that this stone is old does not give it any magical power. After two billion years - nothing special in geology. Many gneissous rocks are much older than this, unfortunately, they are mostly abandoned and have value only as railway ballast.

In the rock, the veins of shungite are rarely more than 300 mm thick, more often they are even thinner, on average from 50 to 100 mm. All the rest is slate and dolomite, which is mixed with the rock. Over time, wind and water destroy the upper layer of deposits, which is why the stone turns into earth.

According to preliminary estimates by geologists, about 35 million tons of mineral are currently in Karelia, but these volumes are being consumed at high speed, since the stone is widely used not only in jewelry, but also in industry.

History of origin

Schungite has been used in medical practice since the beginning of the 18th century. Peter the Great was the first to believe in the properties of the mineral and began to insist on their use. He used the infused water not only on his own, but also recommended giving to soldiers in the army.In long hikes in the water there was always shungite, which cleaned the liquid, thereby preventing massive infectious epidemics. Today, scientists were able to prove that the stone, indeed, has unique anti-bacterial properties.

Since that time, the mineral has been used as a pigment to create paint, it is marketed under the name “natural black shungite” or “soot”. Already in the 700s it became clear that small stone chips could be used as an insulating material.

To obtain shungizite, it was necessary to heat the stone to 1130 ° C, after which the filler began to belong to low-density building materials.

Peter the Great

Shungite belongs to mineraloids. It is one of the first oil fields to be formed, which dates from the Precambrian era. The land around Lake Onega in the western part of Russia, and specifically the Republic of Karelia, is covered with rocks of the Paleoproterozoic period, which are about two billion years old. These include metamorphosed oil residues, including both shale sources and crude products.

Apparently, once here a large area was covered with salt water lagoons, which were located near a chain of volcanoes. As a result of the normal process of vital activity, the ecosystem consisted of a huge number of single-celled algae. In turn, volcanoes produced the necessary nutrients for them. Appearing sediments consisted of the remains of these microorganisms. Later, these rocks were subjected to elevated temperature and pressure, which turned the oil into shungite.

Place of Birth

The most famous settlement where the large shungite deposit is located, and accordingly, the stone is mined there - Karelia, near the village of Shunga (hence the name of the mineral). Karelian schungite is very old, which makes it one of the earliest known manifestations of slate, albeit in a metamorphosed form. After much research, there is no doubt that the mineral is of biogenic origin. Needless to say that it belongs to very rare minerals, since there are very few other deposits found on the territories of other countries.

In Russia, geologists managed to find shungite on Kamchatka, it is not surprising, since there is always a large activity of volcanoes, and in the Chelyabinsk region in the coal mines. There are small deposits in the Republic of Congo, Austria, India and Kazakhstan.


Benefit and harm

Schungite has a number of unique positive effects on the human body, which are actively used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. There is a wide variety of treatments using mineral. The use of fluid infused on the stone helps to improve the condition of diabetic patients. Such an alternative method of treatment improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels of the gastrointestinal tract. In general, it is believed that the mineral has a healing effect on the human body.

Among other things the mineral regulates pressure in a favorable direction, helps to cope with chronic fatigue, gives extra strength to the body so that it recovers faster. Shungite is the only known source on the planet that contains natural fullerenes - carbon molecules. Fullerenes act as antihistamines, they promote cell regeneration and growth, help to establish a healthy balance between all systems in the human body. Moreover, they act chief assistants in the fight against cancer processes. Shungite water improves immunity and helps fight colds.

Stone accessories are able to protect against electromagnetic radiation, including those emitted by a TV, computer, microwave ovens, mobile devices, and other sources of EMF.Such radiation can be harmful if a person is exposed to it for a long time.

Mineral is recommended for the following diseases:

  • lack of iron in the blood;
  • arthritis;
  • respiratory problems;
  • violation of the microflora of the stomach;
  • chronic problems in organs such as the kidneys and liver;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas;
  • SARS, DOF, cold;
  • cholecystitis.

Without a doubt, shungite is useful and has healing properties, but there are a number of contraindications to him and therapies conducted with him. Do not recommend the use of shungite water to people who have a predisposition to the formation of blood clots, and those who suffer from chronic inflammatory processes in the body. It is not necessary to use this adjuvant as the only one in the fight against a tumor, since shungit water cannot be a 100% substitute for drugs.

Doctors do not cease to remind that the treatment with unconventional methods in the absence of appropriate knowledge leads to the appearance of chronic diseases and may even be dangerous to human health. Not every water that insists on a stone can be eaten unboiled as it does not remove pathogens. Using both cold and hot compresses can be harmful if you don’t know in which cases a particular method is used.

Of course, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in the presence of acute diseases, and not to delay with self-treatment.

Magical properties

Shungite is widely used in magical rites and not only. Wearing amulets from a mineral advise those who need to learn how to properly concentrate energy. The stone is used to make talismans that protect against dark energy; it helps restore balance between soul and mind. In some European countries, shungite amulets are made to attract luck and succeed in the love sphere of life.

Mineral is able to stimulate:

  • rejuvenation;
  • spiritual growth;
  • transformation;
  • healing;
  • spiritual exaltation;
  • higher consciousness;
  • spiritual grounding;
  • telepathy.

It is believed that shungite has a positive effect on the chakra, which, as you know, is one of the cornerstones of healthy energy within the human body. When his soul is open, he can be fully realized in life in all its manifestations.

The stone helps to protect the owner's energy from the forces that deplete it. Such amulets can often be seen on healers, because they not only have to deal with the negative often, but also give away a part of their energy.

Among the metaphysical properties of the stone:

  • fills the aura;
  • activates the gift of prophecy;
  • turns its energy to the core of mother earth;
  • protects the holder and removes negative energy;
  • removes negative and negative thoughts;
  • helps to clean and balance the chakra;
  • opens a channel to communicate with spirits;
  • eliminates beliefs that do not serve the best interests of the person;
  • a catalyst for positive change and growth;
  • helps to become wiser;
  • gives a sense of understanding being.


Shungite rocks are classified exclusively by carbon content, while shungite-1 has a carbon content in the range of 98-100 weight percent, and a stone with an index of -2, -3, -4 and -5 has a content in the range of 35-80%, 20- 35%, 10-20% and less than 10% respectively. A special type is an elite stone with a carbon content from 90 to 98%. This is a mineralogical rarity, such shungite is located in the main rock formations in the form of irregular deposits or veins several centimeters thick. Such material is extracted only by hand in very difficult conditions.

It has a peculiar metallic luster, color of anthracite, uneven. The described type of material is light and smooth to the touch. Contains 3-4 times more fullerenes than other varieties. The price of elite schungite is considered per gram.The larger the stone, the higher the cost.


By hardness, the mineral is of five categories, only one is recognized today as useful for humans, all the others are used as an ornamental material and in construction.

Healing mineral should have a black, velvety color, no impurities and inclusions in it can not be. This shungite, which has special healing properties, is very soft, therefore, in contact with the fingers should remain dusty imprint. On sale, you can often find a stone in which are viewed golden blotches. This is chalcopyrite, which should not be there, since it dissolves when it interacts with water, and it becomes saturated with harmful substances.


The ornamental shungit, which is also often given for healing, has no useful properties. Coloring can be with them not only pure black, but also with white small patches of quartz. In appearance, such specimens are very reminiscent of marble. Such crafts are suitable for home interiors and magical rites, because they perfectly restore harmony in the room. For infusion of water they are not used.

As for shungite used in the construction industry, it contains the minimum carbon content. It is possible to distinguish such a copy by color, since more often it is not black, but rather gray with small patches. The main use of the mineral is to protect the premises from radiation harmful to humans.


How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Most often, the buyer does not have the opportunity to check the authenticity of the mineral, although it is possible to determine its quality by the external features mentioned above. Most often, sellers cunning and sell shungizite - low-carbon material, which has no useful properties. It should be noted that low cost is the first indicator that a stone does not possess any useful properties.

This high carbon mineral has one distinctive feature - it breaks easily. This way, no one will give it to the buyer, but by the fingerprints that remain in contact with charcoal, you can immediately understand the nature of the mineral.

Moreover, it is precisely because the stone is soft that it is almost never polished, as a result it has a matte surface. Even if the mineral has been given a pyramid shape, it will not be peaked, since it is impossible to achieve such accuracy.

But, all these checks are conditional, in fact, it is possible to say for sure whether a stone is real, checking it for electrical conductivity. To do this, take a simple battery, a light bulb from the flashlight and several wires. Attached to one another, but through the mineral. Unlike other stones, shungite conducts electricity, so the light comes on.

When insisting water on a real therapeutic shungite, its taste after a few hours changes, bubbles appear on the surface.


This shungite cleans and harmonizes the atmosphere in the premises, violates geopathic zones and reduces the negative effects of electromagnetic radiation, provides a person with energy and endurance. Non-crystalline stone. The most common, most stabilized and studied form of fullerene schungite is a sphere, the surface of which forms hexagons and pentagons.

This is a molecule with the highest possible symmetry - it consists of fragments with pentagons that a person does not encounter anywhere else in inanimate matter. The fullerene molecule is organic, and its crystal is represented by a transitional form between organic and inorganic material. Therefore, shungite is often called "living stone."

Fullerene molecule

Products are made of shungite with a carbon content of about 30%.The remaining 70% consists of silicates, mica, oxides of iron, magnesium, and potassium. In shungite, almost half of the elements of the periodic system are present. Often it is used in the arrangement of aquariums, in the bath, because it takes heat and then gives it away.

Shungite has long been considered a useful mineral, since the 1700s in Russia it has been used as a purifier and disinfectant for water, since it can fulfill the same role as activated carbon. Its electrical conductivity, typical of graphite and other forms of pure carbon, has led scientists to speculate that shungite can counteract the perceived harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from such things as cell phones. This property was confirmed later.

The effect of schungite on the composition and purity of water is extraordinary. It cleans the liquid from almost all organic impurities, including petroleum products and chlorine-containing compounds, nitrates and ammonia, metals. The unique composition of the stone is able to destroy cholera, streptococci and other bacteria, absorbing harmful substances contained in the water. Thus, the liquid is enriched with healthy microelements and has healing properties.

Shungit turns water into biologically active. Filtered through shungite, it contributes to the proper functioning of the body and overall health. The use of such a fluid has a unique result in cosmetology. After the research, it became clear that shungite water smoothes the skin, increases its elasticity and returns youth.

Regular washing with a stone-infused liquid helps to get rid of acne and skin inflammation, flaking and redness. If you use the liquid as a hair rinse, then soon they will get the desired shine and silkiness, loss will decrease, the roots will harden and dandruff will disappear.

Shungite water is excellent for healing, therefore it is suitable for lotions. The wetted gauze is applied to the skin and lasts for 1.5-2 hours. Such compresses contribute to accelerated healing of cuts, corns, bruises and burns. Thus, the fluid is used in alternative medicine in the treatment of arthritis, osteoarthritis and varicose veins. Warm infusion is used for gargling and douching for cervical disease, tonsillitis, fever, gum disease, toothache and periodontitis.

Baths with natural shungite help calm down, relieve tension, fatigue, normalize sleep. Even after the first course, small cracks in the skin, cuts, regular procedures lead to the rapid healing of postoperative scars, peeling, eczema and fungus disappear.

On an industrial scale, the elements of steel-making, water treatment are made from the mineral, the mineral is used as a pigment for paint and filler for plastic and rubber. It can be a good substitute for coke (metallurgical coal) and soot.

Shungite is widely used for making talismans, such as balls, pyramids, cubes, protective plates and harmonizers. The possibility of using shungite against electromagnetic radiation is being considered.

The cause of prolonged irritation, fatigue and anxiety of a person can often be the pathogenic zone where he lives. Scientists believe that to improve the state, it is enough just to put a pyramid of mineral in the room, and it will cease to be a risk zone.

The design should always be oriented along a compass. Placing it directly under the bed is not recommended. Once a month, you can rinse the product under running water to clean it, then dry it on a towel under the direct rays of the sun.

It is used in the art of jewelry, because it looks very attractive:

  • suspensions;
  • beads;
  • bracelets.

The treated stone is included in a frame made of gold, silver or palladium.In addition, the mineral can be found in the design of medical products such as special pillows, blankets, rugs and belts. Today it is often used in the composition of filters for water and even in cosmetology. The magic stone is usually recommended to apply to the left side of the body, since all the negative accumulates here.

Care rules

No special care products from shungite do not require, but it is necessary to protect it from falling and mechanical impact, because it quickly and easily breaks. Wash jewelry and souvenirs with plain or lightly soapy water. It is necessary to try not to subject the mineral to additional heating.

When storing shungite jewelry with other products, it is advisable to keep them in a velvet bag, otherwise they may be picked up.

To learn how to distinguish real shungite from fake, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


