Stones and Minerals

Uvarov varieties and its properties

Uvarov varieties and its properties

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  1. Kinds
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Properties
  4. Who is suitable?
  5. How to distinguish from fakes?
  6. Care Tips

Uvarovit is a rare bright green subspecies of pomegranate, which was discovered in 1832 at the Saranovsky Ural deposit. The chemist G. Hess, who described the mineral, called it uvarovit in honor of Sergei Uvarov, President of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. The dignity of the mineral was highly appreciated by the Empress Catherine herself (godmother of S. Uvarova). The gem is also called the imperial mineral, the Ural emerald, chromium garnet, trautvinite and hanleitom.


Uvarov has not been subjected to taxonomic analysis, that is, the mineral is not classified, since the color shades of the mineral are strongly dependent on the places of its detection:

  • Thus, the minerals of bright green shades (Ural emeralds) are extracted from the deposits of the Urals;
  • dark gray-green minerals are mined in the Scottish deposits (Glen-Skiag) and are called Glenskyagits;
  • brown-green stones mined in India (Hanle) are called hanleits.

The degree of transparency of the mineral, as well as its color, is diverse. Both pure water and translucent minerals containing various inclusions were found.

Jewelry craft is the only direction in which mineral has found its use. The masters liked it because of the incredible natural beauty of the crystals. The peculiarity of the mineral is that it is not processed for the creation of jewelry, but is used in its original form. Cutting gem crystals is a super complex task.

Nature itself has presented this wonderful mineral to man in a ready-made, exclusive form. Therefore, in the jewelry mineral is present in the form of geological aggregates, which are unique crystal complexes (brushes). In other words, any such decoration is unique and as if breathing in untouched nature.

Cost uvarovitovye jewelry varies greatly. In combination with silver products are sold at affordable prices. But the excellent work in conjunction with gold will cost much more. For example, a relatively modest silver pendant with the Ural emerald is estimated at 14-18 thousand rubles, a similar gold and mineral pendant can cost already 100-110 thousand rubles.

The unique and immediate natural beauty of the mineral causes a constant interest in him from the side of collectors. Some of them have the rarest, the most unique in beauty and structure of stones.

Place of Birth

The mineral must be sought in rocks rich in manganese and iron. There are few deposits in nature that correspond to the conditions for the growth of uvarite crystals.

  • Saranovskie (Southern Urals) uvarovits are traditionally considered the best and cost more. There are sometimes found large, suitable for cutting samples.
  • The grayish skiagites from the deposits of Scotland are practically in no way inferior to them.
  • Small deposits of mineral found in the United States, Canada, South Africa, Turkey, Norway. Uvarov mined in the fields of Italy, India, Finland, Poland. Sometimes the gem is found in the mountain ranges of the Himalayas and the Pyrenees.
Southern Urals


Uvarovit is a primordially Russian, noble-looking stone with a similarity to emerald. This similarity provides chromium contained in the mineral. In a ground form, the mineral turns into a white powder. The Ural emerald has a glossy shine characteristic of glass.A special difference from garnets is that the mineral does not melt under high temperature exposure and does not come in contact with acids.


Chemical and physical

Potassium contained in uvarovite can be attributed to one of the subspecies of pomegranate. The mineral also contains chromium, and the presence of titanium in it gives the mineral reddish hues. The iron content in the mineral gives the stone deep shades of emerald. By chemical composition, uvarite is considered a complex silicate of chromium and calcium.

The mineral shimmers in the sun. It is often used in scientific optical experiments to study the conditions for the refraction of light rays. Individual specimens are so pure that they are like a transparent drop of water. Others, with a more dense structure, are somewhat unclear, which does not affect the beauty of the stone, but gives it a significant amount of exclusivity.

The size of the mineral is small - from two to five millimeters, often small pebbles are soldered into small aggregates. Individual specimens of the mineral reach sizes of 10 mm. The largest crystal with a length of 15 mm is found in Finland. Mineral crystals are usually transparent and give off shine to the glass. The mineral has a hardness (Mohs scale) of 6.5-7.5 and a specific weight of 3.8 g / cm3.

The color spectrum of the gem peculiar spectra of green and dense green shades, sometimes with some yellow component. The main feature of the mineral is that it is extremely rarely found in crystalline form suitable for cutting and polishing. Therefore, the masters use it in a whole, as natural druses and brushes.


In magic, the Ural emerald, according to esotericists, has its own specialization and is important in the field of finance and family relations. Here the "talents" of the mineral are fully revealed.

  • The gem is able to attract money to its owner so that the latter can get rich in a short time. However, such assistance comes as a reward only to a hard-working person who earns his tireless work. Lazy people are excluded from this list.
  • It helps the nugget and career advancement, as well as individuals seeking employment with a good salary. Promotes mineral and economical spending of money.
  • In the sphere of family relations, the Ural gem plays the role of a talisman and attribute for conducting love rituals. The stone supports the person in search of real love and strengthening of a family, acting as a charm. In the marriage alliance, the mineral will revive fading love feelings, save it from adultery and unexpected partitions.
  • Ural sorcerers and shamans used Uvarov for making miraculous drinks of love and for carrying out special love spells. According to the existing beliefs, wives in the Urals usually sewed uvarovita crystals into the pillow of their husband, performing a kind of love spell.
  • In Europe, according to an old tradition, brides are presented with rings with trautvinite, which, according to popular beliefs, inflames strong and long feelings in the hearts of girls.
  • Uvarotvit - a reliable defender of the house, he is opposed to the penetration into the housing of thieves, protects him from natural disasters and fires. It protects the owner from the appearance of unhealthy craving for alcohol.
  • It enhances intuitive thinking, if you put a ring or a ring with a mineral on your left hand finger. The owner of the ring will begin to more easily and quickly identify fraud, make more rational decisions in confusing situations.


Healers used Uvarov before it was discovered by geologists and used to strengthen male power. Modern lithotherapists confirm its effectiveness.

The studied medicinal qualities of the mineral include:

  • normalization of the blood and the cardiovascular system, the cure of hypertension and anemia;
  • improving the efficiency of metabolic processes and other relevant vital functions of the body;
  • cleansing the body of toxins, toxins and normalization of weight;
  • improvement of the skin;
  • restoration of hearing and vision in the event of cataracts and glaucoma;
  • removal of headaches (apply mineral to the forehead and temples);
  • Ural nugget treats a number of neurological diseases, ensures healthy sleep, relieves from depression, fatigue and chronic anxiety.

Contraindications include renal diseases and inflammation of the biliary tract. Long wearing of the mineral is not recommended because of the possible appearance of gallstones.

Who is suitable?

Uvarovit forms and emphasizes the nobility of the image and therefore suits strong and self-confident people. The green dominant of the stone harmonizes perfectly with the garments of white, dark, gray and golden colors. The mineral corresponds to the classic and elegant style - a strict suit, elegant dress of delicate shades. Disagreeable mineral with jeans, jumpers and other everyday, everyday items of clothing.

Astrologers believe that Ural nugget is ideal for Leoes, improving the quality of life and increasing their level of dedication. This gem should not be used by Pisces, since in this case emotional instabilities are possible.

Stone is recommended to wear:

  • Gemini, Aquarius and Libra - to gain proper perseverance in achieving the goal;
  • Strelets and Aries - to enhance intuitive thinking;
  • Capricorn, Virgo and Sagittarius - as a talisman, to strengthen belief in oneself and achieve spiritual harmony;
  • Scorpios and Cancers uvarovitovye jewelry will bring aesthetic satisfaction.

Pendants and necklaces with uvarovits have the maximum magical effect. Used as talismans, these decorations help to find a way out of difficult situations for desperate and already lowered people.

How to distinguish from fakes?

Uvarovit is not considered an expensive mineral, but it is not a cheap stone. At a cost, it occupies an average niche. This does not exclude the possible appearance on the market of its various fakes. The following signs will help identify the fake:

  • perfectly clean, absolutely transparent, with uniform color, crystals, as a rule, are fake, because the natural conditions of crystal growth cannot be perfect;
  • the hardness of the mineral is higher than that of glass, so the real mineral leaves traces (scratches) on the glass surface;
  • brushes of the Ural emerald usually include stones of no more than 23 millimeters in size, while larger stones are a sign of possible falsification.

By thermal conductivity, you can distinguish a real gem from most fakes. The Ural emerald will remain cool in the hands of a person, the forgeries made of glass or plastic will heat up.

Care Tips

In the care, the Ural gem is unpretentious - durable, wear-resistant, resistant to high temperatures and the effects of aggressive elements. However, respect for him should not be forgotten.

    • Mineral care implies not only hygienic, but also energy sense. It is cleaned with a soft brush using a soap solution. Then the decoration is poured with clean water and dried in air or wiped with a soft cloth.
    • In the energy context, salt and herbal compounds or clean running water are used for cleansing.
    • Keep the stone apart from other jewelry to maintain energy purity.
    • It is recommended to protect the stone from direct sunlight, which reduces the energy potential of the mineral.

    About features of a stone look further.

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    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


