Stones and Minerals

Varistsit: types and properties of stone

Varistsit: types and properties of stone

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  1. Description
  2. History of origin
  3. Kinds
  4. Place of Birth
  5. physical characteristics
  6. Healing and magical properties
  7. Who is suitable?
  8. How to distinguish from fakes?
  9. Application
  10. Care and storage

Variscite holds a special place among the precious stones. In addition to the various shades of green, in which this mineral is most often represented, it has important healing and even magical properties. Before purchasing this stone, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its use for various purposes, astrological compatibility, as well as all the subtleties of care for products from this mineral. All these questions will be discussed in detail in this article.


Stone varistsit is translucent. In nature, it occurs when humidity rises in the caves and oxidative processes are activated. The specific shade of this mineral is determined by the amount of iron and chlorine contained in its composition. The main range of colors - from yellow-green to deep and rich emerald green.

History of origin

The deposit of this mineral was first discovered in Saxony, the place was called Variation. The stone immediately interested jewelers and began to create jewelery and talismans from it. Also, this mineral was used as decorative elements of various interior items.

Over time, the stone also became interested in esotericists who discovered its mystical properties. He also became popular as a means of improving health.


Varistsit is represented by mineralogs in the following varieties, each of which has unique color characteristics.

  • Chlorutarite - a stone with a bright green color. Despite the brightness of the color, it does not look sharp or intrusive.
  • Gentle blue mineral - a fancy gem that changes its tone depending on the characteristics of the lighting.
  • Spherit - round-shaped stone, which is characterized by a gentle azure hue.
  • Yellow-green mineral, formerly known as Bolivarite. It is characterized by a special color - green, casting a yellowish tinge.
  • Purple or red variations - the rarest stones, which represent the greatest value of all the species represented. The discovery of these minerals is considered an unprecedented success.

Place of Birth

Since such a mineral is formed in caves, its mining is not easy without the use of certain techniques. Many caves are largely filled with water and it is not always advisable to travel there for a varicite.

The countries where there are mineral deposits are Australia, Poland, America, Brazil, Germany (region of South Saxony). On the territory of the Russian Federation, the extraction of this stone is not conducted.

The states of Nevada and Utah are famous for large deposits in America, but at the moment the stock of varistsite is very small, so its mining is suspended.

physical characteristics

Such a mineral, as variscite, possesses not very large hardness. It is easy enough to make any jewelry from it, giving it the desired shape. The density of the stone varies from 2.4 to 2.6 g / cm3. The fracture rate of this stone is 50/50. However, depending on the individual structure of the mineral, kinks can be either even or not.

The refractive index for this stone is 1.55-1.59. The mineral can be transparent, translucent, and there are such stones, the transparency in which is observed only at the edges.For variscite characterized by rhombic syngony and perfect cleavage.

Healing and magical properties

Variscite has very strong healing and mystical properties. Esotericists believe that the forces of this stone can move a person into the past and help correct any mistakes made earlier. More realistic predictions of the use of such a stone are getting rid of negative character traits, as well as spiritual development and the search for a quick way to acquire new knowledge.

People practicing meditation note that it is this stone that sets the emotional background in the right way, helping you to relax and get rid of unwanted thoughts. Mineral is also able to help in disclosing the talents of its owner.

Some use the variscite as a talisman against unhappiness. At the same time, it is believed that the mineral opens up additional opportunities leading to success and financial well-being. The stone is able to persuade a person not to make unnecessary purchases and save money.

By developing in people such traits as empathy and kindness, variscit contributes to the improvement of the psychological and spiritual atmosphere both in the family and in the work team. In the house where this stone is located, the number of quarrels and disagreements may decrease.

As a source of healing effects, variscite is used for various purposes.

  • Stone restores the balance of the nervous system. It gives people balance, reducing the number of overly emotional reactions to different situations and their propensity for drama.
  • Also, the stone is able to reduce causeless anxiety, depression and panic attacks.
  • An important function of variscite is sleep stabilization. Helping to get rid of insomnia, this mineral fights against such a disease as chronic fatigue. This is especially useful for people who have hard moral or physical work.
  • Over time, this green stone can save a person from various kinds of fears and even phobias.
  • It is noted that the mineral has a positive effect on libido, restoring the level of potency and saving the fair sex from frigidity.
  • Varistsit useful in order to facilitate the speedy recovery of the child in case of colds. Stone reduces the likelihood of complications.
  • Mineral is good for the respiratory system. It minimizes asthma attacks and also helps to cure ailments associated with the bronchi.
  • The stone has a stabilizing effect on the work of the musculoskeletal system.
  • People prone to mental breakdown and neurosis, it will be superfluous to wear this stone.

However, remember that when dealing with illnesses you should not fully rely solely on the impact of this mineral and neglect the use of medical preparations. Varistsit needed as an additional assistant in the fight against illness.

Who is suitable?

From an astrological point of view, variscite blends quite well with most zodiac signs. It works especially well on Fire signs, such as Aries and Sagittarius.

Representatives of the first sign of the amulet from this mineral will help get rid of egoism, giving the character more responsiveness. This will lead to the fact that the relations of Aries with others will gradually be adjusted. The stone also contributes to the financial well-being of the people of this sign.

The mineral has a similar effect on Streltsov, helping them to maximize their positive aspects and minimize negative ones. The variscite will help the lions to cope with anger and get out of various situations with a minimum expenditure of negative emotions, which, in turn, will actively contribute to spiritual growth.

For most other signs, the variscite will show a neutral effect, but Cancers and Pisces, most of which are initially sympathetic people, can get a negative effect from this stone as a manifestation of spinelessness.

How to distinguish from fakes?

Variscite is a rather rare stone, therefore, turquoise is mainly used as its fake counterparts in the jewelry market. However, the price can be quite high if it is issued for a real stone. To protect yourself from deception, you need to take into account the following nuances.

  • Varistsit has a greater degree of transparency compared with turquoise.
  • Natural stone veins should be pale, while turquoise has brighter veins.
  • You can test a variscite by pushing it slightly with a sharp object. Due to the low hardness indicators, a trace should remain on the natural stone.
  • Unnaturally bright blue shades are not characteristic of natural stone.


The main scope of the extracted variscite - the creation of jewelry. One of the most popular and sought-after jewelery is bracelet. He humbles such negative qualities of character as eccentricity, temper, pride.

Also from the mineral can create beautiful beads or pendants. A variety of forms and design will allow to adapt such products to customers of different ages.

The stone is also used in the manufacture of souvenirs for the home. Caskets, figurines of unusual shape and even stationery are made from variscite. The master of these things stone will give peace and a tendency to an objective assessment of situations.

Care and storage

In order for this green stone to really benefit all the time, you need to follow the regular cleaning of its energy. The need for this is due to the fact that the variscite is able to accumulate negative energy over time. It is necessary to clean the stone every two weeks as follows:

  • rinse it in running water;
  • for a short time, immerse the mineral in a jar with salted water;
  • Rinse it again under running water;
  • leave to dry naturally in the sun.

An ideal place for storing a product made of this stone in the intervals between the toe will be a dry opaque box. You should not store it together with other minerals of natural origin. Otherwise, the energy fields of the stones will interrupt each other.

So that the shade of variscite does not fade, try not to keep it too long in the open sun. Also be careful when using products with an aggressive chemical composition. Remove jewelry, so that they are not damaged by abrasive particles during homework.

In the process of moving jewelry, use caskets or cases upholstered inside with a soft cloth. Also protect jewelery from shocks, as they can lead to the formation of chips, cracks or dents on the surface of stones.

Video on the healing and magical properties of the stone, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


