Stones and Minerals

Types of brown stones and features of their application

Types of brown stones and features of their application

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  1. Features
  2. Stone types
  3. Application
  4. Who is suitable?
  5. Choice and care

The unique features of brown stones have been known to mankind since ancient times. This noble connotation symbolizes calm and poise. Jewelers appreciate them for the variety of shades and modulations. After all, even the most popular gems such as diamond and topaz can be presented in these shades.


It is very difficult to give a general assessment of all stones of a brown shade. Each of them is unique and carries specific properties and value. The diversity of the color palette is also striking. In nature, you can find stones from light brown to dark brown. Their structure is also different: some are transparent and have a glassy sheen, others are distinguished by many inclusions and beautiful stains.

Brown is considered the color of the earth. From here and its basic properties follow. This is the color of people who confidently "stand on their feet", are distinguished by purposefulness and calmness. Minerals of brown tones give a person strength and confidence, contribute to the achievement of the tasks.

Despite the fact that brown is not very bright and catchy, jewelers are very fond of it. Jewelry with the use of such stones give the product a noble and solid look.

Stone types

The variety of gems of brown shades is truly great. Natural stones amaze with riches of shades. Among them are precious, semi-precious and ornamental specimens. But, despite this separation, each of them is beautiful and unique in its own way.

Each of them has special properties. That is why they are so often used by magicians and healers. They knew and actively used their power.

And here it is absolutely unimportant whether the stone is classified according to the classical systematics to the category of precious or semi-precious stones.

And today, picking up jewelry, many people pay attention to the properties that stones possess. To understand which gem of a brown shade is most suitable for you, you need to read the description of each of them. Below we give the most common examples of minerals of this shade.


Let's start with gems.


Many are used to seeing this stone in its transparent form. But it is also found in a beautiful brown shade. This subspecies is very rare, it is mined only in one place all over the globe - in Australia.

In nature, represented by various shades, which significantly affects the aesthetic perception of the stone. But it always remains transparent. Jewelers appreciate this mineral, putting up a considerable price for products with it.


If you think that a given gem can only be in blue, then you are mistaken. Depending on the impurities that make up it, the color also changes. So, the brown shade gives the stone iron.

The common name for this group of minerals is corundum. In turn, they are divided into sapphires and rubies. And if a ruby ​​has a pronounced red hue, then sapphire may also have brown.


It is beautiful in its variety of shades. There are also brown representatives of this species. Not all opals can bear the proud name of gems. These include only the noble nuggets.

Opal is a rather fragile material, so not every jeweler will venture to do complex manipulations with him.

Most often it is inserted into rings and earrings.


Such an unusual name translated from Greek means “golden”. Mineral, indeed, can have a shade from light yellow to brown.

The peculiarity of the stone is that The most valuable are the specimens with pronounced turbidity. If you look closely, then it is from them that one can observe such an optical effect as “cat's eye”.


Of semi-precious also brown tones.


    It is considered a powerful talisman, for which he is loved by healers and magicians. Translation of the name itself sounds like a "nail". It reflects its color spectrum more than its value and properties. Although according to one of the legends, this gem is nothing more than the nail of the goddess Aphrodite.

    Known and its medicinal properties. So, healers use it for stuttering, depressive states and when stimulating brain activity.


    Refined transparent mineral with a pleasant brown shade. It is a form of quartz. It is believed that the stone is able to clear the space not only from negative energy, but also from electromagnetic radiation. Due to its dark color, it was not particularly popular in antiquity. Since the brown tint was associated with the presence of a "dark essence" in it.


      Mineral is considered a symbol of wisdom and success. It was actively carried by merchants, whom he helped in business and gave good luck. However, not everyone will suit this unique mineral. So, it is better for unmarried girls to refuse jewelry with this semi-precious stone. He can cause trouble and discord with his beloved.


      There are a number of semi-precious stones in brown.


        Stone of volcanic origin. It is believed that he has a powerful energy. Since ancient times was the constant assistant to sorcerers and magicians. It is said that he has magical properties:

        1. helps to soberly assess the situation, keeps from unnecessary purchases and rash actions;
        2. protects the wearer from energy depletion and vampirism;
        3. helps to make important decisions, gives confidence.

        He is a protector of travelers - it can be found in the form of suspension in cars.


          The stone is recommended to be worn by those who want to increase their own self-esteem and gain inner strength. Gem is able to awaken intuition in a person, and even reveal talents. He is chosen by people wishing to strengthen their status, climb new heights in their careers. It also helps reduce fatigue - both emotional and physical.

          On the special properties of jasper, see below.


            Beautiful opaque gem with stripes of different shades. Adherents of esotericism endow it with powerful magical properties. According to them, the stone is able to establish a connection between worlds and act on consciousness. That is why it is not recommended to be worn by people with fine mental organization or an unstable psyche. The consequence may be fatigue and feeling unwell.


            The main use of stones of brown hues is the jewelry industry. This is where gems are able to show themselves in all their glory. Almost all the minerals of this color palette are subjected to heat treatment. Due to such a simple manipulation, they acquire beautiful divorces, play and unique shades.

            In addition to jewelry, many prefer to wear them as charms. Those who sincerely believe in the miraculous properties of stones, certainly carry with them a small product of the corresponding stone. It can be either a piece of jewelry or an ordinary stone.

            The choice of a particular amulet is based precisely on the special properties of the stone, and is selected individually.

            As for other applications, there are not so many of them. Such a stone as zircon is used in the chemical industry and serves as a raw material for the production of zirconium.

            In the construction industry can be found brown andalusite. It finds its application in the manufacture of paving slabs, paving stones and even cement.

            Who is suitable?

            Brown stones are suitable for people who are balanced and mature judgments. These people do not need to prove anything to others. They completely took place as individuals. The noble shade of brown it underlines as well as possible.

            Stone gives a sense of calm and peace of mind. People choosing brown stones can enjoy life. Fuss and the pursuit of unrealizable dreams are unusual for them. They know exactly what they want, and systematically go to their goal.

            Brown stones are suitable for those who are accustomed to work productively. They give strength and confidence in the correctness of the decisions made. But this is not a stone of workaholics and fanatics. Brown gems are suitable for people who soberly and critically assess the situation. They work well, but also know how to relax well. Pay attention to themselves, while not forgetting the needs of loved ones and relatives.

            Choice and care

            When choosing a stone should be based not only on personal preferences. The aesthetic component is very important. The stone should like you and awaken certain feelings at the first glance at it. But it is necessary to understand and take into account the properties of stones. Some of them help to solve health problems, others give success in business, others are able to strengthen your intuition.

            Neglecting these properties is not worth it, even if you don’t really believe in them.

            As for the care of stones of brown shades, all the rules and recommendations for the care of natural stones are applicable here. They are few, so remember them easily.

            1. Do not expose stones to prolonged sun exposure. Many gems can change their shade when exposed to sunlight (for a long time).
            2. Avoid mechanical damage. Not all stones are very hard. They can be spoiled or scratched even with a slight shock. Therefore, try to wear them carefully, and at home, select a separate box for them.
            3. Temperature difference. You already know that stones can change their color and even properties at extremely high temperatures. But in everyday life there are few situations when the jewelry may undergo such a "burn". But still, we should not forget that falling into boiling water, on a tile or into a fire, the product may suffer significantly.

            In addition to the traditional cleaning of stones, many carry out the so-called energy cleaning. After all, stones are able to accumulate energy in themselves - both positive and negative. Basically, there are two ways: water cleaning, fire cleaning.

            In the latter case, all information is erased and the stone begins to act with a new force. This is done like this: a candle is lit, a stone is taken into the hands and swept over the flame 3 times counterclockwise and 3 times clockwise.

            Stones of water origin should be cleaned with water. To do this, place the product in spring water and freeze. Thawing should occur naturally under the influence of sunlight.

                Stones of brown shades are noble and calm. They do not shout about themselves, as their fellow pink or red hues. But it always looks very dignified and elegant. They are most often chosen by mature, self-confident individuals. It is worth noting that the stones of the brown scale are universal and suitable for any style of clothing. Therefore, they are able to become your favorite accessory and impress those around you with their nontriviality and style.

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                Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


