Stones and Minerals

All about jade stone

All about jade stone

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  1. A bit of history
  2. Types and characteristics
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Healing and magical properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to use?
  7. How to care?
  8. Beautiful examples

Jade is very popular in many countries and cultures around the world. Outwardly, it looks like jade, the difference between them lies in the chemical composition, so jadeite is a separate breed. There are not so many deposits of this mineral in the world - it is considered rare and especially valuable.

A bit of history

Among historians there is no consensus about the origin of the name of this stone, only some versions are expressed. Some argue that the word “jadeite” is a derivative of the Spanish expression piedro de jade, which means “kidney stone”. Most likely, such associations are related to the fact that the stone that was run in the rivers resembles a kidney in its form, and this is another similarity of the mineral with jade, the name of which in Greek means kidney.

In English, this mineral is called axestone - it translates as "ax stone". Such a definition is fully consistent with all the properties of the stone - it is 4 times harder than granite.

It is not surprising that during the archaeological excavations, quite a lot of ancient hammers made of jade were discovered - such tools are not particularly acute, but at the same time it is almost impossible to damage them.

Scientists established that the stone was used by people in the Neolithic era, and the popularity of such tools did not diminish even after mankind acquired metal processing skills. Over time, tools made of jadeite from the category of everyday products were transferred to the category of ceremonial, and they even began to attribute magical properties.

With the development of culture and art, figurines and jewelry were made from jade. For example, in China, similar products were found, whose age is 4-6 millennia - in this country the stone was considered a symbol of state power and the power of the imperial family. From him for a long time making money of the highest dignity.

In other countries, jadeite was also considered one of the most important and expensive stones. So, the Aztecs valued it much more than any other jewels and gems. The legend has reached our times that when Cortez left Mexico, taking all the gold found there, the ruler of Montezuma exulted at the thought that the conquerors did not know about the deposits of jadeite.

This stone was considered by the Mexicans to be truly cult and was used to worship the god of the sun, even today jadeite ornaments are kept in many Mexican temples.

Types and characteristics

According to its structure, jadeite refers to minerals, it is a silicate with impurities of sodium, manganese, potassium, and also magnesium. The stone belongs to the same category of rocks as asbestos, but is much more hard - it is so strong that even a sledgehammer will not be able to split it.

The chemical composition of this mineral is unique - it is known that it contains about 60 chemical elements, and among the main compounds there are:

  • silicon dioxide, 55-60%;
  • aluminum oxide - 15-30%;
  • sodium oxide - 10-16%;
  • iron oxides - 0-6%;
  • magnesium oxide - 0.5-8%;
  • calcium oxide - 0.5-12%.

Depending on the percentage of elements, the hue of the stone varies.

Description of the physical properties of jadeite is as follows:

  • structure - granular:
  • high viscosity;
  • hardness - 6-7;
  • kink - cryptocrystalline;
  • the refractive index is about 1.6;
  • dispersion is not;
  • the optical effect is not;
  • luminescence is not;
  • distinct absorption line;
  • magnetic properties are not;
  • the degree of transparency is variable;
  • shine - greasy, glass.

In nature, found green, pink, purple, purple, blue, as well as other types of minerals.

If it is subjected to prolonged weathering, it becomes reddish or yellow.

There are several main types of mineral.

  • Imperial - it is a jade of a saturated green shade, fine-grained structure. The cost of such jadeite is comparable to the cost of diamonds, and sometimes it is estimated and more expensive. For example, in 1980, one of the gems of this type was sold for $ 2 million.
  • Utilities - a relatively inexpensive type of gems, usually it is heterogeneous in composition, has a blue opaque shade. There are also matte and black glossy stones - usually they are used as an ornamental material.
  • Commercial - This jadeite green with low transparency. They are mainly used in decoration, but some stones have been used in the manufacture of jewelry.
  • Chloromelanitis - It is a mineral of dark green or gray color due to the presence of impurities of aluminum, iron and sodium sulfate.
  • Albit - It differs from all other types of jade in a bright green tint and the presence of internal embossing, veins and small points.

Transparent stones of green color are considered the most expensive, much lower are estimated:

  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • lemon;
  • lilac;
  • violet;
  • yellow;
  • red.

It should be noted that jade is often forged; it is rather difficult to distinguish a fake, but it is possible. Such stones as prehnite, chrysoprase, aventurine quartz and some others often give out for the mineral.

Usually, when viewed with a 10-fold magnifying glass, the smallest inclusions are clearly distinguishable: asbestos-like, granular — they all indicate the authenticity of jadeite. If you notice stratification, most likely, the stone is simply glued together from several small pieces.

In addition, the real stone is usually heavier than it seems to be - this is due to its increased density. TYou should also be aware that jade is quite hard and can easily scratch glass and some other types of surfaces.

Place of Birth

The mystery of the origin of this stone was uncovered recently. Geologists have found that precious gem is formed in mountain depths, the main condition for its formation is minus temperature, as well as elevated pressure. Stone formation is a multistep phenomenon.

Today there are several interpretations of the origin of jadeite, but most scientists are inclined to believe that mineralization can be of magmatic metamorphic or hydrothermal-metasomatic origin.

The zones of the bed of the stone remain not fully studied; all the deposits developed today are only secondary deposits. Their number is small - no more than a dozen. The mineral is mined in China, Mexico, Japan, Burma, as well as in America and Indonesia. In Russia, deposits are located in the Far East, in the south of the Krasnodar Territory, in Khakassia, and in some near polar regions.

High quality gems enter the market only from Burma, in a small amount of green jadeite was found in Japan, but it does not leave the limits of this country.

Stones from the USA and Guatemala, as well as Siberian and Khakassian minerals are of no value due to the dull shade and high grain - this makes it difficult to polish the mineral.

Healing and magical properties

Gems are known for their beneficial healing and magical properties, and jadeite is no exception. This stone is attributed to the ability to stabilize energy, normalize the emotional background and regulate blood pressure.

In Tibetan medicine, it is also used as a method of healing infertility, and for women in the position it makes it easy to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Since ancient times, jade has found its application to get rid of renal pathologies - it treats them on its own, and also enhances the healing effect of drugs. Gemstone beads are known to improve the condition in hypertension.

The white stone is known for its ability to increase the immune forces of humans, pink has been recognized in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

It is believed that the rings with this stone have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision, contribute to the treatment of myopia and relieve eye strain. However, it should be borne in mind that to achieve a therapeutic effect is possible only if you carry the mineral with you constantly. According to ancient Chinese medicine, the energy vibrations of jadeite have a powerful effect on every cell of the human body, thereby promoting rejuvenation, increase internal forces, and also normalize all internal organs and tissues.

Ancient physicians widely used jadeite powder. So, mixing it with onion juice, successfully treated asthma and diabetes, and in combination with rice and morning dew used to strengthen the musculoskeletal system - this treatment made the body flexible, strong and resilient. The strangers used the drink in order not to suffer from thirst and hunger.

Jade is widespread in the decoration of saunas and baths. The fact is that when heated, it begins to emit infrared rays, and this has the most beneficial effect on the heart, bronchi and lungs.

The magic value of this stone deserves no less attention, these are just some of its properties.

  • Like jade, jadeite of green tone can protect from troubles and major troubles.
  • The heavenly stone brings harmony and emotional well-being to a person’s life.
  • When wearing unbalanced and hot-tempered people helps to reduce anger and external aggression.
  • For men and women with low self-esteem stone gives confidence in their abilities.
  • In order to conclude a bargain, during negotiations it is recommended to hold in a fist a piece of jade.
  • The talisman is able to protect against envious and detractors, protects against theft and fraudsters.
  • The effect of jadeite on the relations of parents and children is very favorable - the mineral helps to establish trusting relationships, allows to achieve mutual understanding and kindred love.
  • The ancient people firmly believed that the mineral could stop the rain or, conversely, cause it. Nowadays, the mineral has gained the power of a talisman of yield.
  • It is known that jade remains loyal to the owner throughout his life. The mineral with all its strength protects its owner, protects against unpleasantness, upheavals and actions of unkind people, brings family well-being and peace into relationships. There are legends that if a strong aggression is sent to the owner of the stone, then the jade accepts all the negative and splits. If this happens, you need to bury the mineral, not forgetting to say goodbye to him.

Who is suitable?

Jadeite is suitable for many characters zodiac.

  • Lions he gives complacency and calm, pacifies their hot-tempered nature, eliminates emotional stress, moreover, regulates blood pressure.
  • Strelets mineral brings family happiness. It is believed that if people born under this sign buy such a stone in the form of a figurine and put it on the most prominent place, then the jade will protect all family members from the evil eye, and also create a strong, unbreakable bond between them.
  • Aries The gem helps to send a powerful energy in a peaceful way, sets up a positive way, helps harmonize relations with parents and children.
  • Virgo - this is a sign that loves nature, and under the auspices of jadeite, representatives of the sign will be able to feel complete unity with it, and will also successfully grow plants.
  • Libra always feel the positive energy of jade, he directs them to the right path, makes them believe in their own strength, gain faith and confidence in the coming day.
  • Twins, wearing a mineral, will be more patient with others, jadeite will save them from bad influence and will allow you to avoid negative situations.

But not all signs of the zodiac fit this stone. So, Capricorns should refrain from jade - they are only waiting for trouble, the stone affects the mental abilities of a person and reduces concentration.

Representatives of water signs: Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces also do not suit this mineral - it plunges them into depression and leads to depressions.

People of these signs, who are in contact with jade, begin to dwell on their own opinions and cease to reckon with the opinions and feelings of those around them.

How to use?

The properties of jadeite make it possible to use it widely for the manufacture of talismans-amulets, but this is not the only field of application of the mineral. Due to the beauty of the stone, jewelers often use it to create brooches, beads, rings, bracelets, as well as earrings and rings. Fashionable figurines, decorations for the aquarium, vases, jewelry boxes, as well as many other decorative items are cut out of the polished gem. In Oriental medicine, the mineral is used to heal ailments by applying the mineral to active points on the human body.

The ability to absorb metal is often used to filter water - stones make it cleaner and softer.

Jade is a well-known “bathing stone”, which has found wide application for filling furnaces. In the process of evaporation, methacilicic acid and some other beneficial trace elements begin to emerge from it. Through the respiratory system, they penetrate the body and contribute to the improvement of the whole organism.

Most often for steam rooms and saunas use crushed stone, although polished can also be used.

How to care?

In order for the stone to not lose its beauty and transparency over time, it is necessary follow the simple rules of caring for him.

  • Jadeite should not be kept in a place with high humidity, and storage should be avoided in dusty conditions. Do not expose the stone under direct ultraviolet rays.
  • Every six months it is necessary to clean the jade with soap and water, after cleaning the stone must be wiped dry, any chemicals are prohibited.
  • As far as possible, try to protect your stone from mechanical shocks and damage.

Beautiful examples

Many beautiful legends and beliefs are associated with jadeite. Thus, according to the beliefs of the ancient Aztecs, the gods first created children from this stone, and only then embodied them in the womb.

In China, jewelry from this stone could afford only the most senior to know. It is believed that this stone is a relative of all the other precious stones in the world, symbolizing the most important human virtues: wisdom, bravery, mercy, as well as modesty and justice.

The rulers of ancient China wore clothes made of jadeite, they slept on pillows inlaid with this gem, and ate only from jade tableware.

In the East, faithfully believe in the power of this stone. It is no coincidence that the best compliment a woman can give is considered “You are beautiful, like jadeite”. Probably, there is no such Chinese who did not try to save money and purchase one of the jewels with this stone, because for many millennia minerals are a sign of well-being, wealth and high social status of their owners.

There are a lot of examples of elegant and sophisticated jewelery, such items can be worn both everyday and for meetings or dates.

To make sure that jade is a really beautiful and interesting stone for making jewelry and various figurines, consider the following photo collection.

More information about this stone can be found in the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


