Stones and Minerals

Yellow Topaz: properties and uses

Yellow Topaz: properties and uses

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  1. History of origin
  2. Properties
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Medicinal properties
  5. Mystical properties
  6. Scope of use

Topaz - it is quite popular around the world and demanded in the manufacture of jewelry stone. Let us dwell on its features, therapeutic and magical properties, scope and intricacies of use.

History of origin

The family of topaz includes stones of various colors, but it is believed that the yellow mineral was found one of the first. It had a “sunny” shade - in India such stones are called “tapas”, which means “warm” in translation, so we can safely say that it is the yellow mineral that owes its name to the whole family. However, there is another version, according to which the stone was first found on Topazion Island in the Red Sea, now it bears a different name - Zeberged.

The name of the golden stone was given by Pliny the Elder, a famous scientist of that time who wrote “Natural History”. Translated from the Greek, “topaz” by transcription is close to such concepts as “fire”, “heat” and “flame”. Thus, for several centuries, all the stones of golden yellow and brown shades were called topazes, and only at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries the name stuck to a separate type of natural minerals.


Yellow topaz is a fluorosilicate with an admixture of aluminum. This is a semi-precious stone with a wide range of colors, including lemon, golden, honey, brown and rich yellow tones. In nature, it is found in the form of rather large crystals in the form of columns or a prism, under the action of high temperature it begins to change color to pink, and if the stone is additionally irradiated, the color becomes first wine-yellow, then orange-brown, and finally blue. The main physical characteristics of yellow topaz include:

  • gloss - glass;
  • the degree of transparency is transparent;
  • hardness - 8;
  • perfect cleavage;
  • kink - shell type;
  • density - 3.5-3.6 g / cm3

Under natural conditions, yellow topaz may contain inclusions that are liquid, gas and gas-liquid. Usually they are located in the cracks of the stone and resemble small bubbles externally.

It should be noted that in addition to ultraviolet, topaz sensitive to sulfuric acid and under its action are destroyed.

Place of Birth

Yellow topaz is mined in various parts of our planet, and each field is distinguished by its tint range of stones. So, in Europe, gems are found in Germany, Russia and Ukraine - minerals here are distinguished by rather large sizes and high quality crystals. From Brazil, topazes of brown and golden color are supplied to the gemstones market, and mostly orange stones are found in Sri Lanka.

Up to the middle of the last century, the Ilmensky mineralogical reserve, located in the southern Urals, was considered one of the largest topaz deposits in Russia. Pegmatite veins containing cavities with a large number of topazes were found in the Ilmeny. But this is by no means the only yellow topaz deposit in our country - lemon-colored stones were found near the village of Alabashka, and light brown stones are mined in the Transbaikalia along the river near Urulga.

Ilmensky mineralogical reserve
Alabashka village

Not long ago, a huge amount of stones came to the market from the Volodarsk-Volynsk deposit located in Ukraine, where they mined wine-yellow color of excellent quality and large size. In 1965, yellow topaz weighing 117 kg was discovered. The Ukrainian deposit owns many of the most famous gems that adorn the world-famous expositions in major museums. Unfortunately, at the moment the Ukrainian mines are mothballed, however, according to experts, there is still a fairly large number of topazes in them.

In recent years, quite a lot of gems have been found on the market, found in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

pakistani topaz
topaz from afghanistan

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, topazes of yellow shades are used for medicinal purposes, they have a tonic and healing effect on the body, but Especially the positive effect of the stone is manifested when it is included in the therapy of the following diseases:

  • cough and other colds;
  • heaviness in the stomach and intestines, heartburn;
  • loss of appetite;
  • nervous disorders.

Ancient doctors believed that topazes of yellow shades significantly improve a person’s state of mind, eliminate signs of nervous exhaustion and apathy, and give their owner a state of peace and tranquility.

For a long time, healers recommend wearing a stone to anyone who suffers from insomnia, and also faces nightmares and bouts of fear.

Mystical properties

About the magical properties of topaz mentioned in ancient times - the people of Egypt, Assyria and Babylon used the mineral as a means to protect against insanity, evil eyes, and even taming the storm. Topaz is mentioned in the Bible as one of the 12 biblical stones with which the High Priest's canvas bag was inlaid while he was conducting his divine service.

Yellow topaz endows the most powerful magical properties. It is believed that they are especially useful for the fair sex - the gem helps them to maintain beauty and freshness for many years. Topazes have proven to be excellent amulets that contribute to the attainment of conjugal happiness and the conception of healthy offspring. However, this stone is also useful for men - it establishes difficult family relationships, brings people closer to good people and in every possible way helps to find faithful comrades for life.

The stone of yellow shades removes the negative, therefore it is indispensable when building diplomatic relations, and the owner of the stone not only establishes friendly contacts with people, but also more clearly formulates his own personal goals and objectives. This stone is suitable for representatives of all zodiac signs, but it is especially useful for people born under the constellation Scorpio. Topaz also favors the signs of the Air - under the influence of the mineral, they become calmer and more restrained.

Gemini Topaz allows you to smooth sharp corners when communicating and keep your emotions under control. The representatives of Aquarius, wearing topaz, develop intuitive abilities that lead to improved family relationships.

The life of Taurus, Lviv, Aries and Capricorn stone brings peace, and also contributes to the improvement of the financial situation.

Scope of use

Yellow topazes are used primarily in the jewelry industry, it is classified as a semi-precious stone, but in its beauty is not inferior to the gems of the very first category. Due to the variety of shades, stones are used to create the most interesting jewelry, light-colored topazes are most often framed in white gold or silver, stones of more saturated colors - in pink or red gold. Topazes look stylish in combination with rhinestone and diamonds, jewelers also often create jewelry, the main of which is the tandem of yellow-colored topazes with emeralds and rubies.

Products with topazes are suitable for absolutely any kind of event: a serious meeting, a romantic dinner or a secular evening. In any setting, they create an atmosphere of warmth and joy around them, harmoniously merge into light summer images, and in winter they create a sunny mood around. Earrings, rings, brooches and pendants with yellow topaz can always be a good gift for any occasion.

However, keep in mind - in order for the gem to fully reveal its wonderful properties for you, you should give preference to only natural specimens. It is no secret that many unscrupulous manufacturers often give ordinary quartz as topaz. It is very simple to distinguish these rocks from each other - you just need to hold a stone on the glass: a real topaz will leave its mark on it, but a fake will not.

Fine jewelry from topaz should be stored in the sun, you should treat them as carefully as possible - only then the stone will become truly beautiful and show all its beneficial properties to the full.

You will learn more about topaz from the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


