
What are the braids with kanekalonom and how to weave them?

What are the braids with kanekalonom and how to weave them?

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  1. What it is?
  2. Who is suitable?
  3. Varieties
  4. How to braid?
  5. How to care?
  6. When to shoot?
  7. Interesting examples

Modern fashion trends make their adjustments to hair decoration and the creation of hairstyles. The use of such material as Kanekalon refers to this newfangled direction. Due to the varieties of such trend raw materials, weaving has become popular all over the world, so color strands are widely used in home and salon hairstyles.

What it is?

Bright and creative strands woven into intricate little Afro-braids or large French braids remain in the trend for more than one season, so innovation has been used not only in everyday life, but also in designer shows of world fashion houses. In fact, Kanekalon is a high-quality fiber of artificial origin, which in its appearance and tactile sensations is very similar to the natural strand of hair.

The interweaving of such material is practiced not only in braids, today with the help of Kanekalon dreadlocks and other voluminous and fashionable hairstyles are created.

A distinctive advantage of the raw material is the possibility, in the presence of some practical experience, to braid your favorite model of hair from braids at home, which makes the material even more in demand. Multicolored strands do not represent any harm to human health and the environment, but the effect of their use will be simply stunning. Most often, manufacturers paint their products in flashy colors, and you can order or purchase Kanekalon freely available at retail or online store.

The demand for colored strands is caused not only by the ability to stand out with the help of his hair, because the material can also correct the volume and length of natural hair. Very often, Kanekalon is woven into the ends of the braids.

Who is suitable?

A similar way to focus on your hairstyle is used in everyday life, as well as for the scenic image. In order to weave the material, there is no age, racial or sexual restrictions. Therefore, an ordinary girl, a woman or even a child can use the novelties of the hairdressing industry. In addition, Kanekalon will suit owners of any color of skin and hair.

Even in everyday life - at school or at work, and not just on vacation, in the absence of a strict dress code, such hairstyles can be worn by everyone. However, hairdressers and stylists still recommend to follow the recommendations of specialists in the selection of a suitable hairstyle with colored material to take into account all the nuances of appearance, facial contours, forehead height, etc.


Today, in specialized salons you can buy two types of kanekalon. The classification is based on the composition.

  • The first group includes a material that includes the natural components of seaweed with a composition of absolutely harmless dyes. Such products are distinguished by a longer operational period, ease of use, so it will be much easier to weave such strands because of the texture of the material. In addition, to fix the ends of one thick braid or several small ones can be better and more reliable.
  • The second type of products is also not harmful to human health, but there are no natural components in its composition. Such a product has a shorter usage period, it is a little harder to care for the strands (this applies to heat treatment), and a special adhesive will be needed to fix the ends. However, artificial strands are better cleaned from all sorts of pollution with conventional hair care products.

Both variants of kanekalon for braids are in demand, so the choice of a material depends on personal preferences.

Also, the products are different in their texture. Today there are the following strands for interweaving:

  • straight products;
  • twisted strands;
  • products with the effect of corrugation.

If weave braids correctly, then all the material options will look equally beautiful both individually and several different in one hairstyle. The first option is preferred for linear or point hairstyle design.

By color criterion decorative material has a more extensive classification.

  • Kanekalon Fluur - the type of raw material that is distinguished by the ability to glow under the influence of artificial ultraviolet radiation from lighting devices. This option is chosen to attend events and parties in night entertainment venues or outdoor areas.
  • Chameleon - this variety has its own characteristics that relate to color. We are talking about changes in shade when the material comes in contact with sunlight.
  • Ordinary material which is presented in a wide range of colors.

To classify the last subgroup, it is worth highlighting the most trendy shades of strands.

  • At the peak of popularity are acid-pink, purple and other varieties of bright colors, as well as all their shades. Such materials are suitable for both dark hair and fair-haired, representative fair sex, regardless of age.
  • For lovers of delicate images and styles, the manufacturer offers shades close to natural black, ash or straw.

In the course of creating hairstyles, it is possible to weave material from one group or to fix the whole composition from rainbow strands. In addition, one braid or many braids can contain kanekalon with a smooth flow of one shade to another, as well as more contrasting play of color. In this case, it all depends on the skill of the hairdresser.

          By the type of hairstyles created, Kanekalon is divided into several types.

          • Afro-braids, which on the head can be from 20 to 200 pieces. As a rule, this option is applicable for owners of hair, the length of which is more than 6 centimeters. In this case, the effect of the hairstyle will increase in direct proportion to the number of thin braids. After fixing the braids can be worn as you like - by collecting a large pigtail, tail, bundle, or leave it in its original form.
          • Spikelet has many variations, and together with the strands of kanekalon, you can decorate the braid festive and unusual. With bright artificial inserts there are such spikelets: “fish tail”, zigzag spikelet, double, with Kanekolon on the side and around the head.
          • For ombre decoration You can use bright monochrome strands, as well as with the transition of completely different shades from one to another. It is better to entrust this kind of weaving to an experienced master, or to study step-by-step instructions on how to do it.
          • Also braids with kanekalon different colors do on hair of medium length or on short haircuts. In this case, it is obtained with colored inserts to increase the length of hair for the period of wearing braids.
          • With the help of kanekalon can weave french braids. Their number depends on the wishes of the client. Therefore, on the head there may be one colored braid, two or more. They can also be placed in different versions. Usually, straight lines are placed in the standard position, but if there are a lot of braids, the master can lay them in a circle.

          How to braid?

          Based on the recommendations of professional hairdressers, the ideal hair length for weaving braids with Kanekalon will be 15 centimeters in length. Also, before creating a hairstyle, you should wash your hair and apply a moisturizing and softening spray or gel.

          If with the help of colored material it is planned to weave dreadlocks, then the hair length can even be 5 centimeters, the master will fix the colored strand on elastic bands or with the help of inconspicuous nodules.

          It is necessary to highlight a number of mandatory rules that should guide the operation of Kanekalones for weaving any kinds of braids:

          • Artificial material should be as high and reliable as possible attached to natural hair;
          • regardless of the number of braids and their thickness, weaving should be very tight;
          • To facilitate the process of creating hairstyles with additional strands, it will be more appropriate to use professional hair styling and care products that will help you to unravel the hairs if necessary.

          In order to understand the process of interweaving the material, you can follow the step-by-step guide, which is applicable not only for the master, but also for independent work. In the case of weaving two French braids, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

          • First, the hair should be divided into a smooth parting or perform it in the form of a zigzag;
          • one part should be fixed so that it does not interfere with the work;
          • the first half is combed and smoothed so that the hair is not electrified;
          • then a colored artificial strand is fixed around the first part of the hair in the form of a knot, it is possible to increase the reliability of fastening of Kanekalon with a hairpin;
          • then the French braid is woven in a standard pattern, but in the course of the work you should lay out the multi-colored material over the natural strand;
          • at the end, the already braided multi-colored braid should be tied with a transparent rubber band, and one of the strands is hidden by winding it around;
          • in order that the hair is not fluffed and remained smooth in the braid, it is best to treat them with clay or paste at the end;
          • according to a similar scheme, the second braid is braided.

              For weaving the French volume braid on the contrary it is worth performing the following actions:

              • at the base of the central strand it is necessary to fasten kanekalon;
              • then weave the braid very tightly, laying the multi-colored inset on top of the natural;
              • in the course of weaving, you should pull out a little hair on the sides, while leaving the middle of the taut;
              • at the end, the hairstyle is fixed with a rubber band, which can be hidden by wrapping it in a natural or colored strand and fixing it with varnish.

              How to care?

              Depending on the type of weaving and the number of braids, the duration of wearing the hairstyle will vary. However, hair that will be braided for more than one week will need to be cared for. As a rule, it is quite simple to care for hair with cancanalone, this process can be carried out at home on your own, without the help of a master from the salon and any special equipment. Washing technology is the following:

              • First you need to moisten a braid or several braids with water;
              • then shampoo should be diluted with a small amount of water in a convenient container, prepare a sponge;
              • using a sponge, the composition is applied to the hair, left on the head for 5-10 minutes;
              • then the hair should be washed under warm running water;
              • blot with a towel.

              Spit does not require additional drying with the help of a hair dryer, there is also no need to use and apply any means for fixing the hairstyle.

              When to shoot?

              The period that you can wear braids with kanekalona does not depend on the length of natural hair. Based on how tightly braids are braided, as well as on their number, with a hairstyle with colored strands you can walk from 2 days to six months. However, if the strands are knocked out or are too loose, the braids will have to be braced ahead of time.

              Color Kanekalon after it has been removed from hair, it is possible to use repeatedly.After removal, it should be washed and dried, and after drying, use again.

              However, after each wash, the material will lose its brightness.

              There are a number of recommendations regarding the period of wearing braids with multi-colored inserts:

              • bulk French braids are made for about 5-7 days;
              • two spikelets with Kanekalon will have a neat appearance no more than 3 days;
              • afrokrosichki keep the longest, so you can walk with them from 3 weeks to 6 months.

              Interesting examples

              The usual weaving with colored strands today can emphasize your original image, but weaving a few braids from the back of the head while using pale pink inserts will allow you to make a truly original hairstyle. In order to gather all the weaving together, you can use a high beam, which should be decorated with the same colored material at the base. This option will be universal, so it is suitable for both dark-haired girls and blondes.

              For bold and extraordinary decisions of using multi-colored Kanekalon, weaving of African brooches with several colors of artificial inserts will be an excellent option. Iridescent thin braids will decorate any youth image, and long braids can be collected in a colored bun or carried by a bright and free waterfall.

                    The color of the used inserts can be chosen for any thematic image. A good combination will be the use of Ombre Kanekalon, with which you can make volumetric and gentle braids in a pink-turquoise version, which is also suitable for summer holidays or a bright party with a dress code in a floral style.

                    How to weave colored braids with cannacalon, see in the video below.

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                    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


