Keratin straightening

Means for keratin hair straightening

Means for keratin hair straightening

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  1. Features
  2. Varieties
  3. Top professional tools
  4. Folk remedies as an analogue of keratin
  5. How to pick up?

Owners of naughty curls often dream to tame them, and radically. But not all methods of straightening hair give a lasting effect. To save the result for several months the most suitable option is the use of keratin-based products. Manufacturers today offer all sorts of formulations for smoothing wavy curls.


With the help of special shampoos, masks, balms, oils and much more, you can achieve a significant improvement in the quality and appearance of hair. Among this variety, each curly beauty will find the very miracle tool that is suitable for her hair.

Products created to smooth the structure of curly strands, is professional and designed for self-application at home. This fact must be considered when choosing a composition for straightening its curls.

The hardest thing is to use liquid keratin yourself. It is important to apply quality throughout the entire length of the strands and then smooth it with a hot iron. It is better to entrust this process to an experienced master. Especially if the preference is given to an expensive professional drug.

According to experts, in order to achieve the greatest efficiency, it is desirable to use not one drug, but a whole set of a certain brand. For example, like TM KeraFill. The complex includes special shampoos, working formulations and softening conditioner. Keratin preparations suitable for home use are convenient in texture, volume and other criteria.


Means for keratin hair alignment are expensive products. And the regenerating procedure itself is long and laborious. Therefore, it is most often carried out in the salons of experienced craftsmen. Professional tools not only smooth the hair, but also restore it, returning shine, smoothness and the desired level of moisture. The composition of rectifying complexes for professional use often include amino acids, vitamins, proteins of silk, wheat and so on.

Popular means and with natural oils: olive, almond, coconut and others. Contrary to stereotypes, they do not make the strands heavier and not only contribute to their smoothing, but restore the structure along the entire length. Keratin remedies for the procedure at home are attractive at a more affordable price with high quality and effectiveness. Funds with keratin for home care are different in appearance and composition.


Differs more liquid and light texture in contrast to shampoos, thick masks and balms. The tool is easily applied along the length of the hair and fills all damages and voids in their structure, preventing further section of the tips.

Regular use of serum helps to maintain the smoothness of the hair, making them docile in styling and healthy looking. The softness and density of curls pleases after a single use of the tool.

Thermal spray

Cosmetic product with hair protection from high temperatures for their nutrition, smoothing and moisturizing. Organic substances in its composition as quickly as possible return the mirror shine and silkiness to curls.

Thanks to the spray composition is very easy to apply to the hair in the right dosage. At the same time, there is no weighting that is inherent in straightening balsams and thickly textured agents.It is advisable to apply the spray along the entire length of the wet strands, and then dry it with a hairdryer, pulling them out with a brush or using an iron.


It looks like a mask on the principle of action, but has its own characteristics - it is applied for a shorter time. After washing off the curls, they leave a thin protective film on them that prevents dry hair. Returns their softness and radiance.


Professional potent tool with a creamy structure, saturated with liquid keratin. Excellent support for injured hair on the road to recovery. Suitable for healthy hair that wants to give more smoothness and strength. In this case, the shampoo is used once every 10 days. Due to the liquid consistency of keratin, substances are easier to penetrate into the hair and demonstrate a durable and long lasting result.

In addition to keratin shampoo, lovers of smooth hairstyles appreciate non-sulphate washing compositions. They are very carefully affect the hair, because instead of harmful substances usually contain extracts of oats, coconut extracts and avocado.


Similar to shampoo in its action and consistency. Provides hair a healthy gloss and luxurious shimmer. Comfortable texture allows you to easily apply the composition to the strands, enveloping each hair.


Keratin cream is suitable for smoothing even the most capricious hair. Used in many systems (for example, “Ollin Keratin System”). Delicately levels the hair structure for up to 3 months. Does not contain formaldehyde and other chemically active components, but is saturated with useful substances such as hydrolyzed keratin, D-panthenol and others.

Due to the heat-shielding property it maintains the balance of moisture in the hair from the inside. Restores shine and elasticity of hair, solders the cuticle and split ends.


It is used in the final stage of creating perfectly smooth, flowing curls. Despite the oily structure, it is incredibly light and perfectly coats the hair. It is not recommended to apply on the root area. Apply on dried combed hair, previously washed with keratin shampoo. For better results, treated hair is placed under a PVC cap for half an hour. After each strand is pulled by the iron.

Hair is gradually restored and turns from brittle and dull into elastic and shining. Domestic and foreign companies are engaged in the production of hair straightening oils. To obtain the desired effect, you must follow the instructions indicated on the vial with the tool. Some formulations are applied along the entire length, but there are those that process only the tips. The same can be said about whether to flush the oil from the hair after treatment or not. Manufacturer's recommendations will tell you how to proceed to get the most out of the procedure.

Top professional tools

Cadiveu Professional

Cadiveu Professional is one of the best-selling brands specializing in the production of products for smooth and beautiful hair. Cadiveu offers a professional complex on the basis of liquid keratin - Brasil Cacau. The tool comes in a volume of 0, 5 liters and 0.98 liters. The manufacturer has made sure that it fits hair with any structure. Each set contains three bottles: shampoo for deep cleaning, working composition and mask. For informing customers attached instruction. Which set to purchase, decides each consumer independently. A smaller volume is advantageous in price, a larger one in terms of the number of procedures. Hairstyle looks gorgeous immediately after the procedure. It is permissible to wash the hair on the same day, to style and stab the hair, without worrying about the appearance of creases.

Hair receive necessary moistening and feed, their color is considerably quickened. The pigment of the ink is washed out much slower than on the hair untreated with keratin. When styling hair does not actually need to use a hair dryer.At will and for the benefit of the hair, you can allow them to rest from the hot effects of this device. Proper care after the procedure will ensure the silkiness of the curls for up to six months. This is a long time, which can not fail to impress. After all, keratin leveling is an expensive and lengthy procedure. Often it is expensive and inconvenient to repeat such manipulations.


Brazilian TM comes from Japan. It has been on the market since 2008. Foreign manufacturers carefully approach working with curls of any structure. Based on this, they have developed a wide line of keratin.

"Coffee premium all liss"

Suitable composition for straightening stiff hair of Caucasian type and African structure. Vials with a three-phase complex of 1 liter are offered at a price of approximately 13,850 rubles.

"Plastica capilar"

Basic formulations for hair of different types. In addition to the cleansing shampoo, the kit offers a working composition with different components to choose from: menthol, passion fruit, pitanga, acai and finalizer. The cost varies between 8300 rubles.

"Escova de melaleuca"

Means with keratin for light or gray hair. Similar in composition to the previous person in the list. The cost is more democratic - 11,800 rubles. Saturated with amino acids and well moisturizes hair, saturating them with protein.

There is no formaldehyde in the composition of any HonmaTokyo products. To wash the hair after keratin formulations of this manufacturer does not require the use of sulfate-free shampoos.

"Biyouh liss"

A product with an absolutely organic composition that allows the procedure to be carried out even on the hair of pregnant women. Cost - 13950 rubles for a system that can be used on hair of different structures. Laying and coloring them soon after the procedure is allowed. The result is stored up to six months.


Favorite and recognized by many product, successfully competing in the Russian market with Cadiveu. The Israeli brand is represented by keratin systems for straightening strands and a set of tools for their subsequent care at home. CocoChoco is available for purchase in two professional formulations: “Original” and “Pure”, packaged in 1 l and 250 ml bottles. It is profitable to buy a larger amount for the amount of 6000 rubles, but a 250 ml bottle for 2000 rubles is more available.

The choice of this brand is very affordable price. The promised result lasts almost 4 months with “Original” and a month longer with “Pure” with proper care and washing with a sulphate-free shampoo. In fact, the effect is most noticeable only in the first couple of months after the procedure. It is necessary to abstain from washing the head, styling and fixing hair accessories for 72 hours after the procedure.

Coloring is better to plan a week later.


Well-known Brazilian brand with 20 years of experience in the production of tools for leveling curls. Available in Russia since 2013. The keratin line is represented by professional formulations and those intended for home care. Moroccan Hair Keratin is a complex with shampoo and smoothing agent. The cost varies from 8300-8500 rubles. The manufacturer insists that the health effect will last up to 4 months.

"G-hairKeratin" - all the same components, plus a mask. Innovative development with enhanced formula. The price of the system is 9300-9500 rubles. The claimed effect is up to 5 months. Be sure to use in the hands of a professional.

Folk remedies as an analogue of keratin

If keratin straightening from the master is not available for some reason or it is not possible to carry out a home procedure, you can refer to the popular recipes. Among the most popular means in the people are gelatin, acetic and honey starch masks.


  • in a bowl pour 2 tbsp. spoons of apple cider vinegar;
  • add the same amount of any oil (olive, sunflower or any other);
  • pour 100 ml of warm water and mix the components thoroughly;
  • apply the mixture for 30 minutes with hair covered with a film;
  • Rinse the hair mask off with warm water using a shampoo.

It is recommended to use a mask 1-2 times a week for a month. Then you can evaluate the result, which promises smooth and straight hair, as if after straightening with keratin.

Mask of starch and honey

  • add 2 tbsp to bowl spoons of sour cream;
  • there infuse 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and enter 1 egg yolk;
  • stirring, gradually pour in milk (50 ml);
  • place the bowl in a water bath and stir until the mixture thickens;
  • Apply the mixture to the hair and cover them first with a film, and over the terry towel;
  • hold the mask on the hair for 40 minutes and rinse with warm water and shampoo.

It is recommended to carry out such a procedure once a week.

Gelatin mask

  • in 3 tbsp. spoons of hot water dilute 1 tbsp. l gelatin;
  • add 1 teaspoon of any shampoo (balm / mask) for hair.

This amount of ingredients is enough for hair of medium length. For long curls, the proportions increase.

The optimal amount can be determined individually after the trial procedure.

How to pick up?

The range of products to make the strands smooth and shiny is extensive. Therefore, it is not easy to choose immediately something specific for the implementation of keratin leveling with a therapeutic effect. But only a few existing criteria can help you make the right choice and get the best results.

  • You need to purchase a tool only known manufacturer and exclusively at a specialized point. Since the modern market of products for beauty and health of hair is rich in many brands that produce useless, and sometimes even harmful means for the curls. Do not buy hair systems in online stores with a dubious reputation, even at their best price. On the Internet often sell fakes of famous brands. The use of a surrogate on the hair will entail not just a waste of money, but also deprive the hair of health.
  • Shelf life funds. It is important to ensure that it is not corrected or interrupted. No need to buy funds for straightening through social networks. Check the shelf life of such a product is unrealistic. As well as make sure that the tool is of good quality, and not replaced by a cheap hair mask from an ordinary hypermarket. It is important to understand that high-quality salon tool will not be sold cheaply. You should not buy a system cheaper than 1000 rubles. With 100% probability, it will be a fake.
  • Examine the composition of the funds. It should contain as many useful and valuable components as possible, which, in addition to the smoothing effect, will have a reducing effect.

To take care of hair in our time is simple and pleasant. Allow yourself the luxury of owning a chic hairstyle with striking shine and smoothness.

In the next video you will find instructions for performing keratin hair straightening on the composition of Inoar G-hair Keratin.

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Information provided for reference purposes.Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


