Keratin straightening

Keratin hair straightening

Keratin hair straightening

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  1. Features of the procedure
  2. Execution technology
  3. Rules of care in the first 72 hours
  4. Further daily care
  5. Funds Review
  6. What not to do?
  7. Hairdressing recommendations

Modern techniques allow girls to successfully adjust the hair structure. At the beginning of the 21st century, a number of formaldehyde and vegetable keratin preparations called Keratin Treatment for the treatment of hair appeared in Brazil. Over time, the technology has improved, became safe and spread to the West, and about 10 years ago to Russia. Today, keratin treatment is associated with hair straightening.

Keratin straightening makes hair strong, healthy and shiny. But for the maintenance of the appearance and condition of the hair will have to monitor yourself. In the article we will consider the features of hair care after straightening, dwell on what you should not do, we will give useful recommendations for maintaining the beauty of your hair for several months.

Features of the procedure

Initially, the structure of a healthy hair contains natural keratin - a natural protein, thanks to which hair is healthy, strong and shiny. If this protein is not enough, then it can be replenished thanks to the procedure of keratin straightening and subsequent maintenance of the effect with special shampoos and balms. In the process of keratin straightening, a hairdresser can use ordinary and advanced nanokeratin.

  • The first method is to apply liquid keratin to washed and dried hair, while keratin envelops each of them thoroughly. After that, the strands are carefully straightened with a special iron. After straightening the usual keratin curls look perfectly straight, but not the effect of their recovery.
  • The second method is based on the ability of nanokeratin particles to “implant” into damaged hair due to its tiny size. This is primarily a caring procedure. Nanokeratin makes hair strong and strong, as it fills every crack in the hair shaft. The further procedure of the procedure is similar to the first method.

In addition, there are two main types of keratin hair straightening.

  • Brazilian. For Brazilian straightening or the Brazilian Keratine Treatment, formaldehyde is used, which adversely affects the human body. If you exceed the safe for the human norm, it can provoke inflammatory processes and greatly disrupt the hydrobalance of the skin. However, when properly carried out, Brazilian keratin straightening is safe and serves as a means of protecting against external factors. On the hair will not affect the ultraviolet rays, wind, temperature changes. Hair will look straight and healthy for up to six months. With Brazilian straightening, hair will have a basal volume and elasticity, and the puffing and entanglement will disappear.

But the procedure of the Brazilian keratin straightening is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women to avoid all possible negative risks for the child.

    • American For American keratin straightening, formaldehyde is not used. This method is safer, but will cost more, and also have a short-term effect. With good care, your hair will look perfect for up to 3 months. In addition, when American hair straightening will not be protected from the effects of negative external factors.

    Execution technology

    The average duration of the procedure is 3 hours.In the process of keratin straightening, smoke, specific smell and unpleasant sensations are absent. The final result will not affect whether the hair is dyed or not. However, do not dye your hair less than 2 weeks before straightening with keratin. Keratin straightening has the following steps:

    • before the procedure, the head is thoroughly washed, so that there are no components of styling products on the curls, and it is dried; most often, hair washing is carried out directly in the salon;
    • hair combed with a comb with frequent fine teeth;
    • the most important step is the application of liquid keratin for 40 minutes; to achieve a positive result, it must envelop every hair;
    • after the time the hair is carefully combed, blow-dried;
    • it is necessary to “solder” keratin, each strand is straightened by an iron, which is why keratin is fixed on the hair - this is the longest stage.

    This is the end of the wizard. Further hair care falls on your shoulders: the condition of the hair and the duration of the effect depend on you.

    Rules of care in the first 72 hours

    Proper care in the first days becomes decisive and determines the duration of the salon effect. In addition to sealed keratin, there remains another part of it, which must be absorbed independently. In the first 72 hours, you are faced with the following goal: it is necessary to avoid the breaks of strands that have undergone a complicated procedure, to avoid the return of curly strands. Therefore, in the first three days after keratin straightening a lot is prohibited.

    • Any effect of moisture on the hair. You can not wash your hair, go to the pool, sauna, fall into the rain. Some make it easier to visit the pool, they advise you to wear a hat, but moisture may leak under it, and your head may sweat from physical activity. You need to sleep in a well-ventilated room on natural pillowcases (preferably on silk or satin) to prevent the appearance of sweat on the hair.
    • Exposure to temperature. Do not use the iron, curling iron and other perm or rectifier devices, as well as blow-dry. However, there is an exception to this rule, which experts advise to resort to only as a last resort: when a fracture is formed, it is necessary to walk around the damaged area with an iron to straighten it. Remember: the smaller the area exposed to temperature, the longer the effect of keratin straightening will remain on the hair.
    • Hairstyles and styling. In the first three days, refrain from tails, braids and other, even simple hairstyles. It is best to not even remove the strands behind the ears once more, in order to avoid the breaks to which the locks after the procedure are prone.
    • Styling products, masks. For 72 hours, refrain from using any means for hair, even natural.

    Important! The less you touch the elongated curls, the better. Give keratin a firm hold on the hair. Time will fly by quickly, and you will be able to preserve the professional effect of straightening for several months, following the necessary precautions.

    Further daily care

    After the first three days, you can return to your usual way of life, remembering three “no” after keratin straightening:

    • no sodium sulfate;
    • no sodium chloride;
    • no aggressive flossing during styling.

      It is necessary to adhere to the following rules regarding hair care after keratin straightening:

      • interaction with sulphate and sodium chloride leads to the destruction of the keratin layer, therefore it is forbidden to swim in the pool without a cap, and after bathing in salt ponds it is necessary to thoroughly wash the hair, since salt adversely affects the keratin coating;
      • It is not recommended to make salt, honey and oil masks for hair;
      • head should be washed with neat massaging movements;
      • after washing, use balm;
      • most likely, you will have to buy special products, since sulfates are present in almost all ordinary brands of shampoos; in specialized stores of professional cosmetics you will find products for hair after keratin straightening;
      • it is better to buy shampoos containing keratin and wash their hair at least 2 times a week to maintain the optimal amount of keratin in the hair and prolong the life of the procedure;
      • regularly use masks - you can buy a ready-made mask or make it on the basis of gelatin, onion juice, eggs;
      • Before going out, we advise you to apply special sprays to your hair, neutralizing the effects of external factors they are especially relevant after the American keratin straightening;
      • You can do any hairstyle, but avoid too aggressive exposure, which will not benefit the curls, even without keratin intervention, and the hair after the procedure should be given much more attention.

      Funds Review

      Hair care after keratin straightening involves the use of a large number of both store and folk remedies. Both should be considered.

      It is worth paying attention to the following manufacturers of hair products after keratin straightening:

      • Kerastase;
      • Estel;
      • Kapous;
      • Schwarzkopf;
      • Melvita;
      • Matrix;
      • Natura Siberica;
      • Gliss Kur;
      • L'Oreal.

      Recall that the funds should not contain sulphates, washing sealed keratin. Such cosmetics are more expensive, so some girls buy baby shampoos, which according to GOST should not contain sulphates.

      The most famous sulfate-free shampoos include Matrix Biolage, Kapous Professional Caring Line Daily, Estel Otium. Separately in this series is shampoo "Recipes grandmother Agafi", which will appeal to lovers of budget people's solutions.

      To supply hair with folk remedies, you can make special masks. To do this, you will need handy tools that can be found in any kitchen or the nearest store, for example, gelatin, onions or tea. Here are some effective recipes.

      • Gelatin mask Dilute the gelatin according to the recipe on the package in a water or milk bath to a uniform consistency and apply on hair for 20 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo. To prevent dryness, you can put egg yolk or thick warm cream in the mask.
      • Tea Mask Make strong green tea, add 1 teaspoon of sugar in it and apply on washed hair for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm running water. This mask is well suited for oily hair.
      • Beer mask In one cup (250 ml), add one well-beaten yolk and mix thoroughly until smooth. Distribute the mask evenly from root to tip, leave for 20 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo.
      • Onion mask. There are two types of this mask: onion juice or onion peel.
        1. This mask will prevent hair loss, as it will invigorate the hair follicles. Mix 2 tablespoons of onion juice, 1 yolk and 1 tablespoon of brandy. Beat the mixture until smooth and apply to the hair for 15 minutes, paying particular attention to the roots. Wash off the mask with shampoo.
        2. Mask decoction of onion peel helps to avoid a strong odor. For 30 minutes, boil onion peel over medium heat. The resulting decoction must be rinsed hair after each wash. This mask in its effect will be able to replace honey, which is forbidden when the hair is straightened with keratin.
      • Egg mask. There is a huge number of variations of the egg mask for hair, let's stop on the simplest and universal recipe from egg yolk. Separate the white and the yolk, whisk the yolk and apply to the hair roots. You can add ½ tablespoon of vitamin A or E to the mask. Note that vitamin A is not recommended for more than one and a half months, as it can cause hypervitaminosis.

      High-quality purchased keratin masks include the following:

      • Keratin Restore (Wella SP, Germany);
      • Keratin Masque (Spa Pharma, Israel);
      • Estel Keratin (Estel, Russia);
      • Keratin Perfect Mix Powder (Lador, Korea).

      Any mask will give the best effect if you wrap the hair with a towel and warm it up with a stream of a hair dryer. And also the result will not remain for a long time, if you make a mask one-time Stable effect can be achieved only through regular use of masks: at least 1-2 times a week.

      What not to do?

      In some sections of the article we have already dealt with some prohibitions after keratin straightening of hair, for example, sulfates and chlorides. Let's add and systematize the list. So, after keratin hair straightening, the following is prohibited:

      • the use of deep cleansing hair (sulfate-based);
      • the use of vinegar, lemon juice, honey, salt, oils;
      • too frequent aggressive effects with curling devices;
      • abuse of aggressive aggressive bouffant;
      • hair coloring earlier than two weeks after keratin straightening;
      • swimming in the pool without a cap.

      Important! You should not do several straightening procedures in a row. It will thin your hair, make it dry and brittle.

      Hairdressing recommendations

      Professionals recommend not to contact an inexperienced master with a lack of positive feedback. They advise to pay attention to those reviews that are made after some time after the procedure. There will be visible result in time. Keratin straightening from the outside only seems simple, but has many nuances. A beginner or an uncertified home master must strictly follow the execution protocol and not forget about the consequences of a poorly performed procedure.

      You must choose a good salon, which will buy high-quality keratin with a valid formaldehyde content. Salon keratin must be certified and have official permission to use in the country. A quality procedure will preserve disulfide compounds, prevent the formation of microcracks.

      If you decide to do the procedure at home, stylists are advised to pay attention to the compliance of keratin with recognized standards, as well as the ability of the iron to seal the strands, to keep the temperature stable.

          Stylists recommend using a single line of hair care products, since their compositions complement each other and help to provide comprehensive care at all stages and levels. If you want to get rid of the remnants of procedural keratin in the hair, hairdressers are advised to wash it with salt products or remove it with oil masks. Do not forget about additional hair care, as they become weakened after losing a significant part of the “core” component. Frequently apply nourishing masks, you can drink in addition vitamin-mineral complex.

          According to professionals, negative feedback on keratin hair straightening is mainly related to the failure of clients to comply with basic care requirements. Because of this, the effect is not fixed or passes in a few weeks. If you decide on the procedure, weigh all the pros and cons, choose a suitable quiet time when you do not have to rush or urgently do unplanned professional styling. If necessary, even check with the weather forecast. Do not be afraid to change, to try something new, to keep up with new trends.

          Keratin straightening has been successfully done in Russia for 10 years and is absolutely safe when performed by a master.

          On how to care for hair after the procedure of keratin straightening, see below.

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          Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


