Keratin straightening

All about keratin hair straightening

All about keratin hair straightening

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  1. What it is?
  2. Features of the procedure
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. Who is suitable?
  5. Tools and Instruments
  6. Execution technology
  7. Hair care
  8. Reviews

Every girl dreams of a well-groomed and lush hairstyle, but in the struggle for beauty, one often has to meet with incompetent specialists and far from therapeutic procedures in beauty salons. New in the field of cosmetology is keratin hair straightening. But there are sometimes more questions about this procedure than answers. In this article we will talk in detail about the pros and cons of keratin straightening and about all the nuances of this procedure.

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What it is?

Posters say that beautiful and shiny curls are not a dream, but a reality accessible to everyone. Experts promise that after the procedure of keratin straightening hair becomes smooth, silky and acquire a healthy glossy shine. Filamentous protein used in keratin enrichment, gives hair flexibility and strength. And the procedure itself is not just straightening, but in the treatment and restoration of hair.

But it is important to understand that formaldehyde is a part of preparations for keratin straightening. In the description of the composition, some manufacturers of hair care products can replace formaldehyde with methylene glycol or formalin. But all the same it means that when the hair is heated, such a composition is transformed into formaldehyde, which will penetrate deep into the hair structure. And despite the fact that direct contact with the skin does not occur, a large amount of harmful impurities, even in a volatile state, can lead to poisoning of the body.

Despite the complex composition of this procedure can be attributed to the treatment. The weakened hair from the hot sun, cold strong wind and hard water needs nourishment. And after a perm, frequent clarification, a hot hair dryer and paraben cosmetics, the hair needs to be fully restored. Keratin-filled hair is restored in the structure and more easily tolerates various external factors and deformations. In addition, thin hair is compacted, external scales are closed, thereby curls less confused, easier to comb and become more docile and elastic.

Keratin penetrates into the structure of each hair and fills the damaged areas, and also envelops each hair individually and covers it with a thin film, like a protective veil, thereby giving the curls a shiny glossy shine.

After the procedure, keratin will gradually be washed out or destroyed with external factors, but with proper care, the visual effect can be maintained for half a year. And after a while, you can repeat the procedure.

Features of the procedure

Keratin straightening can be done with your own hands at home, but the proper effect cannot be achieved. And it is better to entrust the care of your hair to a professional. It is a qualified master who can perform the procedure with maximum effect and without harm to health. Turning to the restoration of hair to qualified craftsmen, you can achieve a stunning visual effect. The result after salon care time lasts longer than after a home procedure. Also, each fragile and damaged area will be filled with keratin nanomolecules, which will fill all cracks and voids in the hair structure.

When choosing a beauty salon, be sure to talk with the administrator and the master who will perform the procedure. Ask to tell in detail about the pros and cons of the procedure for your hair. And also ask to show the hall in which it will be held. The main requirement that must be met by all beauty salons without exception - keratin straightening is carried out in a well-ventilated area with an extra hood, located directly above the chair with the client. If there is no exhaust directly above the chair, choose another beauty salon, since the risk of formaldehyde administration in a volatile state is large enough.

Before the procedure, consult with a specialist, ask to advise exactly the tool that suits your hair. Not necessarily the most expensive drug would be the best option. But the chosen tool must necessarily have high quality, which is confirmed by the necessary documents and certificates.

There is also an age limit for this procedure. It is not recommended to use keratin-containing drugs under the age of 18 years.

Immediately before going to the beauty salon for the procedure, it is not necessary to wash your hair at home. Keratin straightening begins with the washing of the head with a special shampoo, which deeply cleanses each hair of impurities and opens the scales, which will provide a deeper penetration of protein into the structure. And only after that a keratin mask is applied to the dry strands, which is then sealed with a hot iron. After that, the remnants of the funds must be washed off and put the hair on the iron again.

During the procedure, keratin can give off an unpleasant odor, and to protect the airways from volatile substances, the master offers the client a disposable mask. This point should be clarified even before he applies the keratin composition to the hair.

After the procedure, you should not dye your hair with ammonia paint, but rather do it shortly before keratin straightening. It is worth warning the colorist about the planned trip to the keratin restoration, because after straightening the shade of hair can lighten by 1-2 tones, and this should be taken into account by both brunettes and blondes. Keratin straightening on newly dyed hair will increase the durability of the dye for a longer period, since keratin will seal the coloring pigment in the hair structure. But with a large amount of gray hair, basal dyeing can be performed 2 weeks after the procedure.

A thin film formed on the hair during the procedure will protect them from the negative effects of external and internal factors. And the result will be noticeable immediately after the procedure. Curls will become more silky, soft, smooth and get a glossy shine. Split tips will no longer be dry and brittle. And the resulting effect lasts for several months.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any treatment procedure, keratin straightening has its pros and cons.

Advantages of the procedure in the beauty salon.

  • Owners of curly and naughty strands will be able to permanently forget about the unkempt and curly hairstyle. After keratin straightening, the hair becomes perfectly straight and silky, and this effect will last for several months.
  • Keratin straightening is suitable for all types of hair: oily, dry and normal.
  • It is especially recommended to saturate hair with keratin during the hot period, since it is necessary to protect not only skin, but also hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • After the procedure, the tips of the hair split less and do not get confused, which allows you to easily grow curls of the desired length.
  • Keratin-filled hair is most protected from the dirt, dust, and harmful gases that today's megacities are overfilled with.
  • Even in wet weather, the curls do not "rise" and not shaggy, and do not electrify and easily comb at any time.
  • Dyed hair retains a bright original color longer.
  • Fair-haired girls can safely replace hair coloring with keratin straightening, because after the procedure the strands become lighter by 1-2 tones.
  • If you repeat the procedure, it will take less time and money.
  • Daily hair styling will take less time.
  • With proper care, the effect will continue from several months to six months.

But despite the large number of advantages of this procedure, it is necessary to understand that positive results do not always speak about the effectiveness and safety for health. And therefore it is important to study all the disadvantages of keratin straightening.

  • All the benefits of the procedure on the right can appreciate not all girls. Individual intolerance to drugs or allergies can cause failure. Part of the supplements can lead to burns of the mucous membranes, edema of the respiratory tract, dizziness, nausea, weakness, increased heartbeat and cramps in the limbs. And if for the first time keratin straightening passed without incidents and troubles, the repeated procedure can cause the above problems, since formaldehyde or other harmful substances that make up the composition accumulate in the body gradually. Intolerance or allergic reactions to keratin are less common, but this fact should also be taken into account.
  • The biggest disadvantage is that during the procedure you will breathe harmful substances. And if there is no working powerful hood over the chair - the risk of poisoning is great.
  • High cost. Spend on a quality procedure in the beauty salon will have a lot of money. But you should not save money and look for craftsmen at home or pick lower quality products at an affordable price. Unskilled master without training and the necessary set of tools can only aggravate the condition of the hair.
  • Few girls will be happy for a long time to give up the voluminous hairstyle. If you have lush wavy hair from nature, then most likely such a transformation and reincarnation of seemingly thick hair in straight lines will seem to be “smoothed” greasy and unkempt hairdo.
  • You should not do the procedure for hair loss, rash on the head and the presence of scratches - it is initially necessary to get rid of all the problems associated with the general condition of the hair, and only after that to carry out the procedure. When filled with keratin strands become denser and heavier, making most of the problems can only get worse.
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding, this procedure is contraindicated due to the high proportion of the risk of poisoning with volatile substances.
  • Attempts to make Hollywood curls after keratin straightening will not succeed. Curls will be less elastic and persistent.
  • The thickening of the hair, keratin also makes it heavier. And if the curls are too damaged and brittle, then there is a risk that they can not withstand a lot of weight and will begin to break along the length.
  • Long procedure - owners of long curls will have to spend about 5 hours when they first visit the salon.

Who is suitable?

    But despite the large number of shortcomings and contraindications, owners of dull and brittle hair, as well as girls with unruly and curly strands, can appreciate the visual effect of beautiful and healthy hair. But if the main goal is to make the curls straight for a long time, then it is better to consider other types of care procedures, since the main task of keratin straightening is to restore the damaged hair structure.

    You should not carry out the procedure for short hair (up to 6-8 cm), since the effect of the procedure will be invisible when the root zone is not treated. But on the length of the hair to the shoulders keratin straightening fits perfectly.It protects the hair from damage and eliminates the problems with secant tips for half a year, especially if the hairs split along the entire length, which will allow you to grow a dream hairstyle during this time and get rid of bangs without any problems. In one procedure, short and brittle strands will be well-groomed and shiny.

    This procedure is more popular with girls with a crochet hair and owners of long unruly hair. Owners of curly hairstyles with small curlicues should not pin high hopes on keratin straightening. First, the effect on tough and unruly hair will last less than on thin ones. And perhaps the proper effect after the first session will not be achieved.

    And secondly, during the procedure, the master will not process the root zone, so about 2 cm of hair at the top of the head will remain frizzy and unruly. And such a hairstyle is hardly the desired ideal. And owners of smooth hair at the roots with large and elastic curls at the ends can get the effect of wavy and obedient curls along the entire length.

    Tools and Instruments

    You can get an excellent result after the procedure only if it is carried out correctly, which includes not only the technology of implementation, but also the right materials and tools. Keratin straightening must be performed with the means of good quality.

    All drugs are divided into two groups: natural and chemical. The fixing substance of natural origin is goat keratin, and chemical - formaldehyde. And as manufacturers of cosmetics assert, a low content of harmful substances in the chemical composition does not adversely affect the condition of the hair and the body. Based on this, we can say that natural and chemical preparations differ only in the period of keratin preservation in the hair. The effect after keratin straightening by chemical composition is almost two times greater than when using natural remedies.

    The keratin straightening kit also includes:

    • shampoo with a high degree of purification;
    • disposable peignoir;
    • rubber gloves;
    • two combs with frequent and rare teeth;
    • plastic clips for dividing curls into separate sections;
    • brush for applying the drug;
    • plastic bowl;
    • ceramic iron;
    • hair dryer;
    • sulfate-free shampoo and balsam;
    • respiratory protection mask.

    But not only the means and drugs affect the quality of keratin straightening. The end result also depends on the experience and knowledge of the specialist.

    Execution technology

    In the beauty salon, the whole procedure is divided into three stages: cleansing, feeding and straightening. And the whole process can take from 2 to 5 hours depending on the length of the curls. During its execution, the master must comply with the technique and follow the step by step instructions.

    • First of all, the master will thoroughly wash the curls with a special shampoo with a deep degree of cleaning, and then dry them with a hairdryer - this is necessary to open the outer layer of the hair. Then curls will be most ready for the effects of keratin.
    • After that, each strand is alternately treated with a special keratin solution. It is applied to the entire length, but the master retreats from the root zone by 1-2 cm, so that there is no direct contact of the product with the scalp. The sequence of study zones is as follows: the back of the head, temples and parietal part. Approximately 30 minutes is necessary for the keratin composition to be absorbed into the hair structure.
    • Then, when the hair is dry after the mask, each strand is worked through with a hot ceramic iron, heated to 230 degrees. During heating, keratin coagulates in the structure of each hair, then the scales close. Thus, an upper protective coating is formed. But if the master applied less keratin composition than required, there is a risk of “burning” the curls, and not restoring them.Conversely, if the funds are applied in excess, then after the procedure, the curls will quickly get dirty and become greasy.
    • Each strand is processed by the iron 4-5 times. But if the task is to create a flowing web of curls with a glossy shine of curly strands, then the master can process each individual zone 8-10 times. If necessary, if the manufacturer of the keratin composition has indicated the given moment, the product is washed off the hair with running warm water, and then the curls are thoroughly washed with a sulfate-free shampoo. Then a balm is applied to the wet strands to nourish and moisturize, and after a couple of minutes they are washed with water.
    • The hair dried by a towel is dried up by the hair dryer and once again drawn out by the iron.

    Hair care

    After the procedure, the specialist will advise how to care for your hair in the near future, so that the keratin is fixed and the result is preserved for a long time.

    Key recommendations after the procedure.

    • You should refuse to visit the sauna, swimming pool, walks in the rain and taking baths. With increased humidity, keratin can collapse.
    • It is recommended to wash hair with warm boiled water.
    • Habitual shampoo must be replaced by sulfate-free, the master can advise the appropriate brand after the procedure.
    • You can not tie the hair in a bun, braid, put on hats, use hairpins - any creases and excesses will not have the best effect on the result. In addition, the additional visual volume created by the fleece can destroy the hair structure.
    • After the procedure, you can not use oil, aerosols for hair, mousses, perfumes and deodorants - they can weigh curls, giving extra weight.
    • You should also abandon for a while from a hot hair dryer, it is better to leave the curls to dry naturally.
    • It is necessary to abandon the hair coloring with ammonia paint, in the next two weeks you can only use tinting agents to maintain the desired shade.

    The most stringent requirements for hair care must be observed only the first days after the procedure. If you do not follow all of these recommendations, the results can be very sad. And all the obvious advantages will turn into unpleasant cons.

      In the next couple of months, it is not recommended to contact with salty sea water, and also often wash your hair, otherwise keratin will quickly get out of the hair structure and the result will be less resistant. You can go to the bath and visit the pool with special hats that will protect your hair from high temperatures and hard water chloride.

      Hair care products will need to be replaced with special keratin cosmetics. The minimum set includes shampoo, conditioner-balm and mask. Also, it will not be superfluous to use oil for the tips one month after the procedure so that they do not dry out and not become brittle. But do not put high hopes on keratin straightening as a means of getting rid of dry tips. The problem of untidy hairstyles with brittle tips can be solved only by making a haircut. But when to cut hair - before or after the procedure - you decide.

        With proper care, the result after keratin straightening will be noticeable from a couple of months to six months. Duration is affected by the quality of the composition used, the particular structure of the hair and the correct care. Do not think that during this time will have to go with one hairstyle. A couple of weeks after the procedure, you can curl your hair with a curling iron or wind it up with hair curlers; you can also give it extra volume with a fleece. And besides, it will be possible to change the hair color: lighten, highlight or dye in a rich and deep shade.

        It is important to understand that if you do not like the effect of the procedure and want to restore the previous condition of the hair, for example, the usual wavy curls, it will take several months.It will be possible to accelerate it only by replacing the sulfate-free cosmetics with the usual one.


        Most of the positive feedback comes down to the fact that much less time is needed for daily care after the procedure. It is enough to wash your hair, apply a nourishing balm, comb and dry the curls in the usual way. And now for laying, which previously required half an hour, you need to spend only a few minutes. In addition, there is no need to use different means for fixing the hair.

        Keratin allows you to saturate weakened hair that has suffered after a failed curl, frequent lightening or daily use of a hot curling. And if the structure is destroyed inconclusively, then the result is sure to please, as indicated by positive reviews. Otherwise, craftsmen advise you to shear loose strands in which chemical bonds are irreversibly destroyed. Since keratin will only make the damaged area heavier, why the fragile hair will break along the length, the girls who are faced with this feature of the hair are asked to pay attention.

        Among the large number of positive and negative reviews can be found and contradictory comments. It often happens that after the first procedure, the hair became smooth and silky, but when you return to the salon, the expected result was not achieved. But it is quite obvious that a little time has passed between the sessions and it would be necessary to increase the interval, then the external healing of the hair would be noticeable.

        In negative reviews, it is often said that during the first two months after the procedure, the hair began to fall out intensively. But it does not always speak about the quality of the procedure. Nervous shocks, stress, hormonal disruptions and various diseases suffered during this period can also adversely affect the quality of hair. Therefore, when analyzing their condition after keratin straightening, it is also necessary to take into account the general condition of the body during this period.

        According to the reviews, the salon procedure at home does not bring the expected effect. Without the necessary equipment, an inexperienced master can not only harm the hair, but also endanger the health of the client.

        Judging by the reviews, those girls who chose the salon procedure are satisfied with the effect obtained and later turn to the masters for repeated keratin straightening as necessary.

        How to carry out procedure of a keratin hair straightening, look in the following video.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


