
Engraving on wedding rings

Engraving on wedding rings

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  1. Is it possible to do?
  2. Types of engraving on wedding rings
  3. Lettering ideas
  4. How much does it cost to do?

Engraving on wedding rings has become very fashionable. This allows you to make even the simplest ringlet unique. Moreover, the newlyweds leave a piece of the soul on their wedding decorations, which makes a symbol of love and loyalty unique.

Is it possible to do?

A wedding ring is not just an accessory. From time immemorial it was endowed with sacral properties. In form, the ring has no beginning or end, just like the love of two people who have decided to cement their union before the law and God.

This is a charm that keeps family well-being. This is a reminder of the oaths that the newlyweds gave on the first day of their life together. Therefore, before sending their wedding rings to the master, the newlyweds wonder whether it is possible to do engraving at all?

If you are guided by ancient beliefs, then put any inscriptions on the product is not recommended. The wedding ring should be as simple as possible so that subsequent family life is smooth.

According to the Slavic traditions, it is impossible to transfer your wedding jewelry to anyone, including the jewelry master. Otherwise, it is better to give the product to the engraver after the marriage ceremony.

It is also worth considering that engraving is not always practical. Wedding rings are worn for many years. During this time, the fingers can lose weight or gain weight, because of which many have to give their wedding jewelry to rework. Then the inscription on the product can become a hindrance in work or deteriorate.

Types of engraving on wedding rings

Engraving on wedding rings can be done both outside and inside. On the outer surface information is left accessible to prying eyes. On the inside - you can put more intimate information, for example, affectionate names. It makes sense to put the phrase in the inner part of the product, if it is divided in half for the male and female rings. In addition, the inscription inside will be less susceptible to adverse factors and will last longer.

There are several ways to engrave. This allows you to choose the optimal solution, depending on the shape, decor, or material.


The most versatile way of writing on products. Only the living hand of the master can fulfill any vagaries of the customers regarding the engraving font. The specialist is able to supplement the inscription with various curls and monograms.

Manual work, as a rule, is much more expensive than mechanical work. To make an engraving on wedding rings, you need to find a highly qualified, talented engraver.

A variation of the manual method of applying images is engraving engraving. She received this name due to a special tool - shtihelya. This method ranks first in the complexity of the application of images. The engraving engraving requires high quality craftsmanship of the jeweler.


This method is widely used in the engraving, as it has its special advantages:

  • does not require the use of other techniques for the decoration of the product (for example, the use of paints or chemicals);
  • The inscription applied for a long time retains its appearance - it is not erased and does not fade;
  • You can apply an ornament, text or numbers of any complexity;
  • the faces of the inscriptions or drawings, obtained by the diamond engraving method, reflect light in their own way, which allows the spouses to have unique shiny rings.

When the drawing is applied with a special diamond tool, microscopic tetrahedral pits form on the metal surface. In a special way, they refract light, which gives the jewel a peculiar brilliance inherent only in the decoration with this method of processing.

Diamond engraving method has its own requirements for decoration. The ring should be perfectly smooth and have a glossy surface.


A widespread method because it allows you to apply inscriptions of any complexity on various types of metals. Equipment for laser engraving is available and easy to use.

The undoubted advantage of this method is that it can display the smallest details. Laser engraving, as a rule, guarantees a stable application of images.

However, do not forget that a wedding ring is the subject that is exposed to adverse factors daily.


To put on a wedding ring a unique image, you can resort to photo engraving. With its help, the effect of a black-and-white image is achieved, because due to the possibility of changing the line depth during the engraving process, the equipment is capable of transmitting half-tones.

This method is not widely used in jewelry. Sometimes it does not make sense to put such small elements in an image on a small jewel.

Lettering ideas

It is difficult for future spouses to find the optimal inscription for the ring. Wedding engraving is a very important step. No text can be erased without damage to the product. But competently and carefully thought-out phrase can always cheer up and save the situation even after the most violent quarrels, recalling romantic feelings at the beginning of a relationship.

Most often for the bride and groom engraved on the rings their names or the date of marriage. Also popular is the idea when paired jewelry is applied in half of any expression. You can use ready-made examples of phrases applied to wedding rings.


Most often, future spouses engrave their initials, names, date of marriage or first date. In connection with the growing popularity of social networks, young people choose their nicknames as inscriptions. The last idea will appeal to those couples who met through the Internet.

Fans of classics can also choose the traditional phrase “I love you” for engraving. Also one of the most common phrases for wedding rings is “Together forever.”

Words can be supplemented with engraving with the “infinity” sign in the form of a horizontal figure eight. If it is hard to come up with an inscription on your own, then the engraver will surely find samples of his works.


If the newlyweds wish to have more unusual inscriptions for their wedding rings, then you can pick up a quote from the book. It is great if the future husband and wife met in an unusual place, say, in a cafe or in another city. Then the name of the place where the first meeting took place is perfect for perpetuation with the help of engraving.

You can also choose a suitable quote from the movie or a line from your favorite song. The original solution will be the mobile number on the ringlet. In general, everything connected with acquaintance, first date or just pleasant emotions can be chosen for engraving. Perhaps this will be the name of the place where the couple first kissed. Such an inscription will always cheer up, recalling romantic feelings.

English with translation

Often couples order an inscription in English from engravers. This is not only an original way to capture pleasant words on wedding decorations. It happens that phrases in English sound shorter than their counterparts in Russian.

Thus, the number of letters is reduced, which allows them to be engraved with a more beautiful font. And the cost, respectively, will be less.

The most popular phrase is I love you, which even those who do not know English can easily translate. This is a prime example when a similar phrase is shorter than in Russian. At the same time it sounds beautiful, but the meaning is preserved.

In addition, there is an even shorter version - the symbolic notation for the phrase I ♥ U, which will fit even on the smallest ringlet.

The traditional English phrases about love are My hearts is yours forever (My heart is always yours), Only you (Only you), Crazy for you (I go crazy about you). The option is Together Forever (Together forever) or a phrase with a similar meaning For always and forever.

For wedding rings, you can choose Forever and ever as an engraving, or God joined us.

Variants in Latin

Popular became phrases for wedding decorations in Latin. Thus, it is symbolic to imprint a phrase in an eternal language on wedding rings symbolizing eternal love.

One Latin word can replace a longer Russian phrase, while having at least a deeper meaning:

  • Semel, translated as "Once and for all";
  • Infinitum, in Russian, means "to infinity."
  • Fatum, translated from Latin, is “Destiny”;

The ring can fit a longer expression. The phrase Ad finem saeculorum is popular. In the Russian version, it has almost the same length, and is translated as "Until the end of ages." A very beautiful Latin expression is Semper in animo meo. In our opinion, it will sound like “Forever in my heart”.

It happens that a very short phrase, for example, “Only you”, in Latin sounds like Noc solum observabis ut. It is quite long, which makes the letters on the ring less, and the cost of engraving is more expensive. Nevertheless, the newlyweds in this case give preference to beauty and symbolism.

Beautiful examples in French

There are quite beautiful phrases in French. They are both original and romantic:

  • Je t`aime. At the same time, this is a line from a popular love song performed by Lara Fabian. Means "I love you."
  • Por tous jour. It corresponds to the inscription in Russian "For all ages" and "For all times."
  • Fortiter ac firmiter. In the Russian version, these words mean "Strong and strong."

Interesting phrases from movies and songs

An interesting solution would be an engraving in the form of a quote from a favorite movie or a line from a romantic song. Just to find a suitable phrase from the movie, you need to spend a lot of time. After all, it should be short, but at the same time - capacious.

  • "All that is special in me ... is you." From the movie "Great Expectations."
  • "For the feeling of love there is no price - only life is one ...". Rock opera "Juno and Avos".

It will be a little easier to choose a line from a musical composition about love for engraving. It will be symbolic to perpetuate the line from the song of the first wedding dance. Perhaps the couple have a “own” song that they don’t want to talk about. Then perfect engraving with words from this composition in the inner side of the ring.

If the quotation is rather long, then it can be divided. The first part of the phrase is engraved on the female adornment, and the second - on the male. This idea is perfect for pair rings.

How much does it cost to do?

The cost of engraving jewelry is proportional to the length of the phrase. As a rule, the exact amount depends on the number of letters. The price of a simple inscription on a smooth ring on average will consist of 1,000 rubles. Price may vary on the complexity of the font, material and design of the jewelry. It is much more difficult to engrave the letters on the jewelry with a stone. From this increases the cost of the wizard.

Also depends on the execution technique. For the manual work done with diamond tools or shtihel, the future spouses will have to pay more than for the inscription, caused by a laser.

Beautiful engraving will make jewelry unique.However, not all masters in good faith to their work. In order to avoid an unpleasant surprise before the wedding in the form of spoiled expensive jewelry, it is better to spend a few days looking for a decent engraver.

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