
Rings - fashion trends

Rings - fashion trends

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  1. Features
  2. Models
  3. Materials
  4. Stones
  5. Manufacturers
  6. Styles
  7. Fashion trends
  8. For lovers
  9. For weddings in church
  10. How to pick up?
  11. Reviews
  12. How to clean?
  13. Celebrity rings

It is impossible to imagine any women's outfit that does not include jewelry that complements and sometimes completes the image. One of these jewelry are decorative and precious rings.


Rings in modern society are very popular and, perhaps, not to find a single girl who has not worn a ring at least once in her life.

And if the choice of male models is very limited, then the female ones have an incredible number of varieties, allowing not only to amaze others daily, but also to complement absolutely any images, regardless of styles.

Consider the most unusual, most beautiful and most popular models of rings.


There are many types of rings and each has its own characteristics, characteristic only of this model.

For example, an American wedding ring is something extremely simple, but at the same time, very stylish and seamlessly fitting into any outfit. The American is a broad model without any decor, the surface of which is matte and does not have a glossy shine.

Among the wedding rings are quite popular models without inserts, because not all are fans of decorative and precious stones. Many prefer smooth models, which, unlike American ring, have an attractive, polished, glossy surface.

Not so long ago, a new trend brought vintage rings back into fashion, which can become not only a beautiful everyday accessory, but also a worthy decoration of an evening look. If it is not possible to purchase an original antique product, there are copies of jewelery that are sold at lower prices.

Designer models are especially popular. The thing is that in our time, many girls are in pursuit of branded products and are ready to go to great lengths to become the owner of one of them.


For little fashionistas, there are also quite a few variants of rings decorated with various details that girls like so much.

Popular models with hearts made of decorative stone or special plastic. Materials for children's rings are collected on the basis of the age category, so that the kids do not get hurt, if some part breaks, forming a sharp end.

In the manufacture of rings for little girls, manufacturers adhere to a certain color range, which, as a rule, especially attracts them. Pink, lilac and violet shades are used. Slightly less popular are orange, yellow, and red.

Another fairly common decorative element that adorns baby rings, is a butterfly. The amusing bright moth is put in the form of the image, made in the form of a separate figure or a decorative stone.

No less popular floral decorations for children's patterns. Beautifully looks flower, located in the center of the finger, consisting of several petals of different colors and the middle of a neutral shade. For teenage girls, there are more elegant models with roses and monochromatic small flowers.

For girl

In modern society, it is difficult to meet a young girl who does not wear rings. But young people prefer not to use standard models, but seek out new and unusual options.

For example, some models are no longer worn on the usual fingers - index, middle and ring fingers, and put on the thumb or little finger.

Girls wearing rings on their thumb usually try to draw more attention to their persona, making unusual adjustments to their appearance. But it is impossible to deny the obvious - although the rings on the thumb are unusual, but they look very beautiful, especially if they are presented in the form of unusual models.

The model looks as if it is wrapped around a finger, and the product with a thin open-work thread looks incredibly feminine and refined.

The product, worn on the little finger, no matter how bright and unusual they are, will still stand out much less and is not so much striking.

In ancient times, it was believed that the ring on the little finger of a young girl said that she was in search of love and longed for success in her personal life, attracting them in this way.

For women

Adult women are more selective in the choice of rings, because they prefer products that are more sophisticated and elegant. For example, the well-known model with a cat's eye, which looks very nice and will successfully complement any outfit.

Some women, especially those who follow fashion trends, prefer the more popular models. For example, a product in the form of animals, gently hugging a finger or a cheeky model with a snake.

By the way, models of rings with animals, sometimes, consist of sets, including two or three copies, one of which is presented in the form of a head, the other - in the form of legs, and the third - in the form of a magnificent tail.

Simple variants of rings look no less beautiful and elegant, the design of which does not differ by some unusual ideas, but is limited to modest curls, precious stones of different sizes and the width of the product itself. Classic models are decorated with one stone, and the wedding classic has a simply glossy surface without decor.

Among all the wedding models, you can especially distinguish a flat ring with a matte surface - it looks unusual and stylish.

Not all women love to wear rings on their hands, but boasting a stylish accessory or an expensive gift is always nice, so many of them prefer to wear items on a chain made of the same material and the same shade as the ring itself.

On the slim female fingers look very nice long models of rings, which are located along one or two phalanges of the finger, or along its entire length. The long model may seem inconvenient, but only at first glance, since it is equipped with special mechanisms that allow you to safely bend your finger.

The kisses ring, decorated with two small balls, the bases of which are intertwined with each other, has again gained its former popularity, thus forming a kind of a kiss.

As an unusual decor fit large models. An ageless classic among them is a ring decorated with a large decorative stone, but if there is a desire to find something more unusual, designers advise to pay attention to the product with a clock, with a rotating middle or with a decorative tassel.


Rings are made of completely different materials, depending on which the price category of the finished product will be determined.

The most affordable and perhaps the most common among decorative rings are products from the class of jewelry, which are made from different metal alloys that do not have any special value.

For example, often used brass, bronze. A special alloy based on tin, which is called a puter, is used, as well as different versions of alloys from nickel, iron, copper, aluminum and zinc.

Silver products have a fairly affordable price tag as well, which look quite attractive, but carry with them some difficulties. The fact is that in the absence of proper care, the product quickly loses its original appearance and becomes unusable.

Rings made from titanium and platinum, as well as from different alloys containing particles of these metals are considered to be very durable and wear-resistant. Such models are unpretentious and do not require special care, but if the platinum product is easy to cut off with a finger or stretch, then with a titanium - some difficulties may arise.

The most popular and familiar material for the manufacture of precious rings is gold, which is not limited to one option, so the range is quite wide. In addition to the sample, gold is different in appearance and color, divided into three main types: yellow, white and pink.


Among the decor there are quite a few features that are reflected in the appearance of the product. Diamonds are the most popular among the jewels that decorate rings.

Most often, in the singular, a diamond is used to decorate an engagement ring. The most common in such variants are stones of 0.5 and 1.6 carats. They look rather restrained and neatly decorated with a ladies finger.

For decorating other product options, a path lined from a placer of small diamonds or other precious stones can be used.

By the way, speaking of other stones, special attention should be noted product made of silver with carnelian. This is the name of a special mineral of red-orange hue, which is considered to be a kind of amulet of creative people, bringing them special success in trading their works.

The ring with rock crystal looks very beautiful, which from afar can easily be confused with a diamond, if not for its impressive size and differences in the number of faces that the diamond has more.

Models of rings with a diamond facet do not have a decor in the form of stones, but are decorated in a rather curious way. The surface of the ring has many shallow notches, representing a pattern. Notches are applied using special diamond cutters with a particularly sharp tip, so the technique has a corresponding name.

In addition to the above-mentioned decor options, models with a tiger eye, with lapis lazuli and moissanite are popular. And branded products are most often decorated with swarovski crystal.


Among the manufacturers of rings there are quite a lot of both domestic and foreign brands. But if domestic ones are not so popular, the names of foreign brands are well-known and are in great demand.

Almost every girl does not dream of becoming the owner of an elegant ringlet from Tiffany & Co. The brand presents a variety of classic options with sophisticated decor, giving the product a note of femininity and tenderness.

Absolutely any girl who received a Cartier product as a gift will undoubtedly feel like the heroine of a beautiful fairy tale, which is not surprising since the rings have a truly royal look and a corresponding value.

The decorative items Chanel and Versace are also popular, and Bronnitsky jeweler is the most famous among Russian jewelry houses.


Stylistic features are equally important when choosing a ring, especially when it comes to religious aspects. For example, Muslim rings are often decorated with inscriptions in Arabic and the image of the traditional crescent.

Christian rings, created for deeply religious people, also have traditional images of the cross, and sometimes crucifixes. The most popular models with the words "save and save."

In addition to religious stylistic features, temporary are also distinguished - the rings in the retrostyle look incredibly beautiful. The most popular product of retrostyle jewelry is considered to be a ring decorated with a cameo.

Fashion trends

Everyone knows that fashion trends are quite changeable and inconstant, but some of their trends do not leave the top positions of fashion trends for several seasons. For example, the rings on the whole finger, not the first year surprise fashionistas with their unusual appearance, and designers are striving to create more and more unusual models.

Such a model is called the phalangeal or All Finger Ring, and is characterized by the fact that it is worn, as a rule, on the index or middle finger.

Recently, handicrafts have become increasingly popular, and therefore the demand for exclusive rings, made in a single copy, has definitely grown several times.

Other original models are no less popular, for example, the openwork product made in the form of a crown. Stylish thin rings and an unusual square product look beautiful.

For lovers

Among popular models, special attention should be paid to lovers' rings, which are made not only in the same style, but also have the same theme, and some even complement each other.

For example, models with decor in the form of two halves of a heart, when added together form a single, whole heart. Such options are popular among adolescents who want to surprise and please their soul mate.

Popular pair of rings with the same appearance, which feature different inscriptions. In the manufacture of such handmade products, the customer himself can designate the inscription that will need to be applied to the surface of the ring.

Rings with an element of a kind of puzzle look quite interesting. The male model is decorated with a hole of a certain shape, most often in the shape of a heart, and the female one is decorated with a stone of the appropriate shape and size. If you connect them together, the stone will easily fit into the hole.

For weddings in church

The wedding ritual in the church is becoming more and more popular, but not every couple thinks about the details accompanying it. For example, for the proper conduct of the ceremony, it is necessary to choose appropriate rings specially designed for this.

Products designed for the wedding process do not have any fancy and eye-catching décor, but they are embossed with the appropriate theme and certain church inscriptions that bless the wedding.

How to pick up?

The choice of a ring, first of all, should be made from the personal preferences, paying special attention to the product which has attracted you. But do not forget about the size that must be considered in this.

To determine the size of your finger, you must measure its girth, and compare the data with the table below. Based on the size, and should choose rings, because the wrong size can have consequences.

Too small rings, in case of edema, will have to be cut off from a finger, and too large - may fly off and get lost.

In addition, some external data should be taken into account when choosing: a narrow ring with a vertically extended decor will suit a girl with small fingers, and large rings with asymmetric decor of different shapes will suit the young ladies with full handles.


After analyzing the reviews about all sorts of rings, it becomes clear that everyone has different preferences, like stylistic tastes and financial possibilities. All this undoubtedly affects the choice of rings.

For example, girls with limited financial capabilities prefer to purchase items from costume jewelery on their own, since their cost allows you to purchase an unusual, bright and stylish model for little money.

Most men prefer to pamper their chosen ones with products from standard yellow gold, with décor in the form of small pebbles, since they are supporters of the classic style and everything familiar.

The girls themselves, according to statistics, would prefer to receive as a gift a branded product made of white gold or platinum, decorated with a large diamond.

How to clean?

Rings need not only careful, careful selection, but also appropriate care, which will help preserve their appearance for a longer time, and protect them from strong contamination and damage.

Everyone knows the old "grandmother's" method of cleaning with hydrogen peroxide. You can use the solution yourself or combine it with ammonia, for greater effect. Peroxide will help to carefully clean the product from cloudiness, dirt and plaque, without damaging the metal surface.

Silver products have the properties to darken, but not everyone knows how to quickly and effectively clean them. For darkened items in the jewelry salon there are special liquids on the market that remove dark spots.

And in the case of contamination, it is very simple to clean silver; it is enough to use soapy water or simple liquid soap, wash the product under hot water and wipe it thoroughly.

Toothpaste, citric acid, soda and table salt are also used to clean silver.

Since jewelry items are the most brittle and least wear-resistant, it is easiest to damage their surface during cleaning. That is why in many stores it is recommended to get a special napkin, which should wipe the product every time after using it, avoiding serious dirt.

If there are any, experts recommend using a soap solution that will help remove dirt and avoid damage to the product.

Celebrity rings

  • The eight-carat diamond in platinum-cut is emblazoned on a thin finger of Amal Alamuddin, the wife of a famous Hollywood actor.
  • Beautiful Kim Kardashian became the owner of a stunning fifteen-carat oval diamond ring that the groom presented to her.
  • Princess Diana's ring with large sapphire, a faceted scattering of small diamonds, is now emblazoned on Kate Middleton's elegant finger.
  • Emily Blunt is wearing a neat platinum ring with a small but very noticeable diamond on her finger.
  • Groom Marion Cotillard presented his beloved with a small, but very beautiful ring with a diamond in honor of their engagement.
  • Spouse Blake Lively did not stint, making her an offer and presented the actress a stunning ring with a huge pink oval-shaped diamond.
  • Natalie Portman's vintage ring was designed by her husband, together with a team of jewelers, led by Jamie Wolfe.
  • The little ring, painted on the finger of stunning Victoria Beckham, was presented to her by her husband when he made a marriage proposal.
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