
Pair of wedding rings

Pair of wedding rings

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  1. Features
  2. Kinds
  3. Models
  4. Materials
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  6. Fashion trends [Y]
  7. Tips for choosing

The choice of a wedding ring is one of the most crucial moments when preparing for a wedding. After all, then it will have to be worn for many years, and I want it to be of high quality and practical. Today, the choice of wedding decorations is so wide that it is sometimes difficult to decide the first time. Girls are looking for unusual models, and often opt for such an accessory as paired wedding rings.


Pair wedding rings - the products executed in one style. It can be the same material, design or finish. Most often, the rings differ only in size.

However, there are also those who, at first glance, are quite unlike each other. Such rings are especially interesting - the designer's concept is to emphasize how different a man and woman can be.

Pair rings and have some share of symbolism - it is believed that the marriage relationship will be stronger. For many newlyweds, these are not just decorations, but an indicator of love and mutual loyalty. Such rings immediately tell others how much their spouses value and respect each other.

Despite the fact that the pair of accessories is no longer a novelty, they continue to make a big impression on the guests and participants of the wedding. This is the easiest method to emphasize how important love and trust are in marriage.

Wedding pair rings can be divided into two types - wedding and engagement



These are exactly those familiar all the rings that a couple exchanges at the wedding. Subsequently, the jewelry must be worn constantly, because it is a symbol of true love. But there are many couples who want to go through a wedding ceremony and get married, blessed and approved by the Church. Here a completely different type of rings is used - wedding.

Wedding rings do not recognize coexistence with other jewelery, so you will have to wear it exclusively on your ring finger. Such rings are very simple and discreet, they lack large stones and rich decor. Wedding models can be purchased both in the jewelry salon and in the church. True, it is worth remembering that church rings do not have an extensive range.

Engagement party

Engagement is the first indicator that a couple’s relationship is more than serious. The engagement ring is presented to girls with whom they want to forever tie their lives. There are also very convenient sets already with two rings at once - the engagement and the wedding. The most common option is a small piece of gold, trimmed with a large stone. Carry such a ring on the ring finger on top of the wedding.


There are many models of wedding rings - from the modest classic to great design solutions. What ring to choose, each couple decides on their own, it all depends on taste and jewelry preferences.


Despite the wide choice of modern and unusual wedding rings, the classics still remains the most popular among the newlyweds. These are, as a rule, products with a smooth surface, not burdened with abundant decor. Often choose the most simple rings without stones or diamond facets. Perfectly proven pair of identical rings, whose difference is only in size.

Jewelry stores are ready to offer their customers a variety of forms of products. It can be wide ringlets, narrow, models of medium width. The choice of decoration depends on the thickness and length of the finger, as well as on the personal decision of the couple.

Many are now buying "twin rings" in a different color. For example, the bride does not like yellow gold very much, and the groom does not want to wear a silver ring. The compromise is simple - to choose different colors.

Rings, at first glance, made in different style, very beautiful. Any good jeweler will be able to undertake such work and prepare accessories for the wedding.

It happens that the couple can not come to a common solution and choose completely different types of rings. The bride often gets a delicate ring with diamonds, and the groom chooses a simple ring or a massive seal. However, even such couples want a certain common element that unites the rings. There is a way out of this situation - engraving or inlay will help here. Put on the classic model beautiful words, the name of your spouse or a great quote about love, and the rings will take on a completely different look.


For modern wedding rings are, first of all, luxury models, richly decorated with precious stones. Such rings are often wide, and the stones can be located either in the center or serve as a cut.

Very popular and double rings, consisting of two types of metal, most often white and yellow gold. There are some very bold options, for example, trimming a small black ringlets. Such decisions are usually made by volitional ladies who do not believe in the signs and symbolism of the rings - after all, no one associates black color with the wedding.

Interestingly look rings with moving inserts. Such elements can be moved and twisted, which in itself is very original. It is believed that these rings show a good alternative to well-established life and marriage routine. They symbolize the dynamics, movement, inner development and growth of both spouses.

One of the most unusual decisions is a ring with a fingerprint of the beloved. These models have an exceptional uniqueness, one just cannot be the same.

Among the most exclusive wedding rings there are products with other striking décor. Pictures in the form of animals, musical key, flowers, hearts - all this can be done to order or buy ready-made.

Separately, it should be said about the form of jewelry, which can be not only round. Unusual accessories in the form of stars, infinity signs, crowns are well suited for romantic and creative natures.

This also includes the most delicate openwork rings, a real work of art.

Fans of household chores will be able to choose for themselves exquisite models in the form of a nut, gear or bolt.

There are also lovely rough products, rings with an interesting print in the form of leaves and trees, as well as concave models for the amateur.


Jewelers use three most common and classic metals to produce wedding rings - gold, silver and platinum. Of course, you can find other materials, such as steel or jewelry alloy. But they are chosen very rarely and mostly by those people who really appreciate originality and personal freedom, not only in product design.


Golden rings - unsurpassed classics, which will always be fashionable. Most often choose products from yellow gold, the most popular precious metal. As for quality, jewelers say that 585 is the best option. It is durable, resistant to external stimuli, rarely breaks and bursts. This sample consists of about 60% gold, the rest - impurities and alloys.

White gold is a kind of metal that is increasingly seen on young girls.

Rings made of such gold look very gentle and elegant, especially if they are decorated with precious stones.

But red gold is loved by older women, because this material is a sign of luxury and high social status. There is also rose gold, which looks great in combination with other types of metal. One of the most elegant and beautiful compositions is a double ring made of white and pink gold.


It is difficult to overestimate the popularity of gold in the manufacture of paired wedding rings, however, there are couples who love only silver. Such a metal is a very democratic, inexpensive option, and for this very reason few people prefer to see it at a wedding. But do not forget that in ancient times wedding rings were silver. Such products were considered to be real charms that can protect the newly made family from negatives and troubles.

Nevertheless, silver rings still exist, and the range is quite large. You can pick up both classic and design options. For those couples who do not have a large financial capital, but want to buy beautiful models, jewelers offer gilding. Externally, gold-plated rings will not differ from their natural counterparts, and the price will please.

Those who love mythology can be advised to buy Slavic pair rings - talismans for the next happy life.


Platinum rings are the most expensive option of all. This metal is very rare, it is difficult to process, which explains its cost. Usually it is chosen in two cases - the love of luxury and the inability to wear gold.

The first option is absolutely clear, many girls want their little ring to be the most beautiful and rich, to wear it all their lives. In the second case, platinum has to be purchased by newlyweds who are allergic to gold, but also do not wish to wear silver jewelry.

Platinum rings are considered one of the strongest, they can even be passed from generation to generation. They never cause allergic reactions and are very easy to clean. Beautifully looked ringlets with engraving and carving, as well as decorated with small stones.


Diamond rings are an almost unanimous choice of girls who love precious stones. In paired rings, two variants of this stone will be amazingly combined - white for the bride, and black for the groom. The size can also be different - from a simple diamond "track" to a large-format stone.

The triple combination of pebbles also looks interesting - girls who are somewhere in the middle between classics and singularity often choose this.

Rings with rubies are very fond of impetuous and creative personalities, because red means love and passion. As for the sapphires, they are perfectly combined with white gold and silver. Such a pebble of cool blue color symbolizes peace and stability.

Noble rich emerald is suitable for those who appreciate patience and long-term investments. Lower cost solutions - rings with jasper and Swarovski crystals.


Bronnitsky Jewelry Factory

Manufacturer, deserves the best reviews. Products of this brand were appreciated in the last century, and the presence of good equipment and excellent craftsmen allowed the brand to produce perfect jewelry.

Wonderful wedding rings, combining in themselves the old days and modernity - the “horse” of the manufacturer. Interesting design, unusual shapes and colors, delicate decoration - all this can be seen in the new collections of the Bronnitsky jewelry factory.

Jasper gold

Another brand specializing in the production of high-quality gold and silver jewelry. The trademark began its activity in 1998 and has since firmly strengthened its position. Virtually all jewelry possess 585 gold.The manufacturer is often pleased with collectible novelties, in which you can find both paired classic rings and original design solutions.

Kostroma Jewelry Factory

The plant has long gained a lot of fans who appreciate the quality and beauty of its products. Moreover, the models of this brand are not too overpriced, you can buy interesting and budget new items. Among the wide range of paired ringlets there are classic smooth models, decorations with small and large stones, interesting prints and décor, rings of two types of metal.


A good manufacturer, whose principles are elegance and quality - the jewelry house of Walter. Rose gold branded rings are extremely sophisticated, their diversity will amaze even the most avid lovers of jewelry. In addition to such models, the brand produces interesting classic and modern versions of rings. You can also please yourself and exclusive new products with black and white diamonds.

Golden age

The brand is ready to offer its customers beautiful pair rings at reasonable prices. The range is very extensive, will appeal to lovers of the classics, and lovers of originality. In the new collections there are also wedding and engagement rings, models with thread and inlay, products with large diamonds.

Kiev Jewelry Factory

An excellent choice for those who are looking for affordable silver and gold jewelry. The choice provided hundreds of excellent wedding and engagement rings. Among the fresh collections there are unique models with colored precious stones - sapphires, emeralds and rubies.

Fashion trends 2019

The proven classics won the championship in the fashion trends of this season. Minimalism, so beloved by many in clothes, goes to jewelry, which is why so many newlyweds choose classic rings. Very popular products with smooth, smooth edges that are practical to wear and care. Thin discreet rings, refined and concise - the number one choice in almost all jewelry stores. Rings from two metals are also highly valued.

Suddenly returns to fashion for silver. Beautiful embossed or smooth rings also gain a considerable number of pairs. Jewelers are only happy with such innovations, because silver is a soft metal, and working with it is much easier. Unlike gold rings, silver items are relevant in unusual styles and with interesting prints.

Often the newlyweds choose products with inlay, as well as decorated with colored stones.

Unsurpassed rings in the style of "vintage" will be no less fashionable than other models. In recent seasons, this style is reflected not only in jewelry, but also in clothing, and in home interior. Of course, jewelers could not pass him by. Grotesque elements, decor in the form of waves, colors, geometric patterns - this is what the masters are ready to offer as beautiful new products.

From stones it will be fashionable to choose aquamarine, topaz, emerald, amethyst.

Of the most unusual rings, there is an increase in the demand for floral motifs. All sorts of decorations in the form of flowers, leaves, trees are becoming very popular. Interesting and unconventional shape - a square, a nut, a wicker ring. Such models acquire natures for which self-expression and inner freedom are important.

Tips for choosing

Picking up a pair of wedding rings, the first thing that jewelers advise is to do it together. This occupation brings couples very excited, on the eve of the wedding. In addition, you can always discuss each other's preferences, and if necessary, find a compromise. Girls who are fond of symbolism and astrology, it is also useful to look for information which stones or metals are right for you.

Before you buy a ring, you should decide what you still want. Will it be a classic or originality? Remember that the jewelry will have to wear all your life, so it should be as close as possible to you. It is advisable to try on a variety of models and stay in them at least a few minutes. This will help determine the choice and understand whether it is your ring or not.

It is not recommended to choose a jewel in extreme cold or heat. If you just froze well, your fingers may narrow and then it will turn out that the ring is hard to put on. In hot weather there will be the opposite effect - your fingers may swell up, especially after a lot of water you drink. If, however, the weather is beyond the scope, and the ring must be chosen urgently - do not take it close, otherwise such a purchase in a couple of days can be a great upset.

The thickness and length of the fingers - one of the main factors taken into account when buying a ringlet. Girls with thin and long fingers fit small elegant models, decorated with medium stones or loose. On full or short fingers, more massive products with large stones will look good. It is not always worth paying attention to how the ring looks on a mannequin or shop window - it will always look different to you.

Many couples believe that the easiest solution is to order rings on the Internet. However, we must not forget, even if you know your size, it does not guarantee that the new thing will suit you. The little ring can easily turn out to be “small in size” or, on closer examination, look quite different from the one in the picture. Therefore, it is better to still use the classical method - go to the jewelry salon and buy your pair of rings on the spot.

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