
Ring with Citrine

Ring with Citrine

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  1. Mineral history
  2. Distinctive features
  3. How to combine with metals?
  4. Who is suitable?
  5. Citrine News
  6. Healing and magical properties
  7. How to store and wear jewelry?
  8. How to clean this accessory?
  9. As a result

The popularity of various kinds of jewelry today is high as ever. We are talking not only about jewelry, but also ordinary accessories. For example, on the ring with citrine.

Mineral history

About citrine and its amazing characteristics known since ancient times. Its name is derived from the Latin word "citrus", which literally translates as lemon yellow. Among jewelers this stone got the nickname “golden topaz”.

In the Soviet Union, it was believed that this stone was a distinctive sign of merchants, and until the XVIII century, for some reason, it was called "topaz from Spain". Interestingly, over time, the popularity of this stone not only did not fall, but also increased significantly. Now it is installed in a variety of decorations.

Distinctive features

The mineral in question falls into the category of semiprecious stones created by quartz crystal jewelry masters. Also, it has recently begun to create from amethyst.

Amethyst, which is visually made under the stone in question, is almost impossible to distinguish from natural quartz. It has a certain tendency to shades of orange and brown. And real citrine has bright yellow colors. It will shimmer in the light when turning and from different angles will take on different shades.

Citrines that by certain criteria are similar to topazes and have a yellow-greenish tint or a shade of Madeira have the greatest value. The price of natural minerals is about the same as that of artificial ones. And to distinguish them from the original is almost impossible. They are superior to natural counterparts in aesthetic terms - uniform in color and transparent as a tear. The average price of a mineral for 1 carat is in the range of 11-12 thousand dollars.

Citrine is widely used for the production of jewelry and accessories. One of which is a ring with citrine, which can give the image of women nobility and emphasize the beauty of delicate female hands. This accessory is especially popular with young ladies.

How to combine with metals?

According to jewelers, citrine goes well with other minerals. Especially effectively it is combined with such stones as cubic zirconia and gem. Slightly less impressive - with black and white diamonds. Often you can see a gold ring with topaz and with yellow citrine.

Jewelers include citrine in various kinds of flower arrangements, create exclusive jewelry, and also decorate them with various kinds of patterns. Very interesting and unusual look rings in which there are several citrines, connected in one of some kind of composition, or with one stone, surrounded by a large number of smaller gems.

Who is suitable?

Many girls wear various outfits of pastel soft tones under such decorations. In this case, the play of the mineral will not only complement the image organically, but also emphasize the beauty and attractiveness of the fair sex.

Even in the simplest design, such women's jewelry can perfectly complement the image of almost any type. But depending on the physical characteristics, namely the size and mass of the ring, you can choose the option for both girls and mature women.

Citrine News

The processing of these stones may be different. Because of this, jewelers can create a variety of combinations.Recently, there has been a tendency for jewelers to create rings with raw citrine. Such solutions will look extraordinary and at the same time do not lose their brightness. By the way, even such minerals will look spectacular in the form of rings. Also, they can be combined with any metal - bronze, gold or silver. Such a plan of decoration stand out in particular, and every woman should look at them closely.

Healing and magical properties

  1. According to the magicians and leaders of the occult spheres, citrine contributes to the development of eloquence among the owners. They not only recommend wearing rings, but also pendants with this stone to representatives of various professions, whose activities are in one way or another connected with public speaking — teachers, politicians, and teachers.
  2. Also, citrine will be useful for children who have problems with speech.
  3. The stone in question will also bring good luck to businessmen, as well as to those professions whose work involves risk.
  4. According to doctors, citrine can positively affect the work of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract. Jewelry with this stone is especially necessary to wear if a person is sick with cystitis, gastritis or pyelonephritis.
  5. From a mental point of view, this stone is also useful, as yellow color creates a good mood.

How to store and wear jewelry?

In order for the female ring with citrine to retain its original appearance, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • It is best to remove the decoration when you wash the dishes or do some work around the house. The ring may simply be mechanically damaged;
  • You should be aware that various bleaches and household chemicals can cause discoloration of citrine;
  • it is not necessary to expose the stone to long-term exposure to ultraviolet radiation, otherwise its color may change for the worse;
  • Citrine and jewelry with it should not be subjected to sudden changes in temperature, because the risk of damage to the stone or its destruction increases significantly;
  • In addition, varnishes and even perfumes can also have a negative effect on the stone. Therefore, you should wear jewelry only after you have applied cosmetics and everything related to it.

If we talk about storage, you should follow these recommendations:

  • do not hide the ring in the box immediately after cleaning - wait until it dries;
  • it is better not to keep it with the rest of the jewels, since the risk of damage increases significantly. It is best to wrap the ring in something soft or just put in the bag.

How to clean this accessory?

If we talk about cleaning, then such a ring should be cleaned with water and soap, or by using special detergents that do not have in their composition of aggressive chemicals.

The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  • first fill the container with warm water and add a little soap or detergent to it;
  • we put the ring in the solution for about half an hour;
  • we take the decoration out of the container with water and gently clean it of dirt using a soft rag or a toothbrush;
  • Clean the rest with a soft brush. It is especially important to clean hard-to-reach areas where dirt accumulates especially quickly;
  • Now the accessory should be rinsed with water and dried with a soft cloth. If you just leave it to dry in air, then it may appear stains.

In no case can one expose the mineral in question to steam, since it has already been noted that it reacts extremely negatively to temperature changes.

Citrine rings can also be cleared of dirt using ultrasound. But you should know that such a method can cause a weakening of the ring frame and there is a risk that at some point the stone will simply fall out of it. Also, it is forbidden to use this method if the stone was previously covered with color-enhancing paint. The same applies to the stone, which has filled cracks.Vibrations created by the cleaner can create defects in filling the stone.

As a result

As you can see, a ring with citrine is really a great decoration for both young girls and mature ladies. The considered mineral has the mass of useful magic and medical properties. Also, it will be a great addition to almost any style, which makes it a universal solution even when you still do not know what outfit to wear to the next event.

Citrin rings are very easy to care for, which only adds to their benefits. Generally speaking, this is one of the most interesting decisions in terms of accessories or jewelry that is not on the market today.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


