
Emerald Ring

Emerald Ring

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  1. Features of emeralds
  2. Who is suitable?
  3. Varieties
  4. What to look for when choosing?
  5. How to wear?
  6. Cost of
  7. How to care?
  8. Brand products
  9. Interesting design solutions

Emeralds are one of the most interesting and noble minerals found in nature. It is not surprising that people from ancient times make these stones the central elements of many ornaments. For example, an emerald ring at all times was an indicator of luxury, wealth, power, power and beauty.

Features of emeralds

Emeralds, or as they were called in Russia - emeralds, are a kind of beryl. Given the fact that beryl itself is colorless, a rich amount of chromium impurity gives it a rich green color. The bigger it is, the stone has a more saturated green color. The center of emerald mining is Colombia. But they are also mined in Africa, Pakistan, India, Russia.

When evaluating this stone, the most important indicator is not transparency, like other minerals, but color. It is very difficult to find in nature a brightly colored stone of this type. And even if he has some blotches, but has a rich coloring, the price will not become less. And with the help of special technologies, the cracks that every such stone has today are easily plastered.

Another feature of emerald is its faceting. Under such a stone, a special type of it was created, which received the same name. Its appearance is a square or rectangle that has smooth corners. This allows not only to better demonstrate the stone itself, but also protects it from damage.

It is worth mentioning that throughout its history, people often endowed this mineral with various magical properties. For example, it is believed that this stone protects good and pure thoughts. The person who wears such a ring on the index finger will be healthy, lucky and happy, and all troubles will bypass it.

Many people with supernatural abilities love this stone because it helps them to communicate with higher powers. Emerald also has healing properties. In ancient times, it was used for pain in the joints and head, as well as for diseases of the gallbladder. Many believe that an emerald can purify water if it is thrown into a vessel with it.

Who is suitable?

If we talk about who is suitable for such stones, it is best to focus on the signs of the zodiac or the elements. Representatives of the elements of the earth or the signs of Leo, Aries or Sagittarius such a stone will bring pacification of their ardent temper and give a certain prudence. Emerald also slightly reduces the tendency to vanity.

Water signs - Pisces, Scorpio or Raku, such a mineral will bring an aggravation of intuition, and can also endow you with the ability to see the future.

For representatives of the earth element, namely the Virgin, Capricorn and Taurus, emerald will be a defense against exchanging money in various matters. Also, its presence increases the dedication of the mentioned signs of the zodiac.

And the representatives of the air element - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, the presence of such a gem significantly increases the ability to work.


Now let's talk a little about the varieties of rings with emerald about which precious metals are used to make them. Currently, gold, silver and platinum are most commonly used. However, sometimes used and varieties of these metals.


If we talk about the silver ring, this version of the frame will look noble and impressive. This metal is considered quite soft and is suitable for this mineral in terms of what will save it from turbidity. The silver ring will be an excellent amplifier of the emerald energy field.

From platinum

Platinum rim will also be an excellent solution for emerald. Here the brightness of the metal and the green of the mineral will be combined. But platinum is harder, and therefore it is not as common as a setting for such minerals.


Purest classics. The combination of this kind of sunshine, as well as the amazing greenery of the emerald, is truly fascinating. By the way, a ring of yellow gold of this type will look great at all, emphasizing the owner’s aristocracy and the sophistication of his tastes and views.

White gold

Recently, the demand for white gold rings with natural emerald has increased. Beautiful and no less classic than yellow will be the combination of such a green stone with red gold.

With a big stone

Also, very popular rings with large emeralds. These are all minerals that weigh more than 2 carats. And emeralds weighing more than five carats are more valuable than even diamonds, you can imagine how much they will cost. In general, finding a ring with a large stone of this type is quite difficult.

With small stones

At the same time, you can see the rings with the so-called emerald path. The essence here lies in several stones of approximately the same size, arranged one after another. They form a track. Earrings with emerald will work well for this jewelry. They will perfectly complement it.

What to look for when choosing?

When choosing a female ring, you should stick to several aspects. The most important question about the authenticity of emerald. It is best to buy such stones in reliable stores that belong to famous brands. Naturally, when buying, it is imperative to require a certificate for a stone or decoration.

If the acquisition is not carried out in such a store, it is better not to buy rings with sparkling or bright green stones. With a high probability, it will be just some kind of semiprecious stone of the corresponding color, or a perfectly cut glass or artificial emerald. According to jewelers, a real emerald reminds a delightful velvet. And the presence of certain defects such as cracks, will indicate that it is real.

Another factor to rely on will be the cost. Ring with this mineral can not be cheap.

Also, the choice should take into account the shape of the fingers and hands:

  • for plump fingers, asymmetric rings are more suitable;
  • for short, it would be better to buy rings with teardrop-shaped or pear-shaped inserts;
  • people with small fingers should not buy jewelry with a large emerald;
  • in the presence of a wide brush, a decoration with an oval shape will look good.

How to wear?

It should be said that emerald is a self-sufficient mineral. He does not need to emphasize his greatness with clothes of a certain tone. Ring with him will be easily combined with elegant clothes. A classic option would be to wear a beautiful ring with emerald under a cocktail or evening dress. Also, this is a great solution for wedding dresses, because this mineral goes well with the appropriate color.

If we talk about which finger to wear the ring, then:

  • on the index finger, it will give the owner perseverance and eloquence;
  • on average, it will be a defense against various dangers and risky enterprises;
  • on the nameless - will help to become more confident in love;
  • on the little finger - will strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Modern rings or rings will be well combined with clothes from light fabrics.But the classic models will be best combined with the same type of clothing tailored.

If we talk about the compatibility of such jewelry with others, then they will be especially well combined with thin chains or smooth bracelets.

If you have a set of jewelry with emeralds - do not wear all at the same time. It is better to break such a set into different combinations - a ring with a bracelet and so on.

But when combined with jewelry is better to be careful. A decade ago, it was considered a sign of bad taste, and today it has become a kind of trend. It is clear that it is impossible to combine everything at once. We need to find some kind of general idea and carefully select all the decorations. It would not be superfluous in this case to ask the stylist for advice.

Cost of

If we talk about the price, then it is affected by several aspects:

  • a rock;
  • its size;
  • cut;
  • quality;
  • manufacturer.

If we talk about the size of the mineral, then as mentioned above, all stones weighing more than 2 carats are considered rare and expensive and their price just takes off to the skies. No less important is the quality, because the color saturation or transparency are important factors. Some disadvantages can be the benefits of emeralds at all, because they will confirm its naturalness.

The same applies to the manufacturer - the more famous the company that cut the emerald is, the higher its price will be. As for the cut, any stone needs it. A beautiful and expensive emerald - even more so. And if it is selected and executed correctly, this will further increase the price of this mineral.

In view of the above, it is from 4-5 thousand rubles for the smallest pebbles to 12-13 thousand dollars for the highest category stone weighing from 8 to 15 carats.

How to care?

  • You should know that when buying a ring with emerald, you will need to take care of it, so that the stone does not darken. And in this context, the first important advice is to be able to wear a ring. It should be worn only on dry clean fingers. Such minerals do not like cosmetics, as well as various cleaning or chemical products. During the performance of physical work or sports, the decoration is better to remove.
  • It can not be stored in a regular box. This is best done in a box with soft upholstery. It would be even better if the professional who will know how to work with stones of this type will do the cleaning. If you want to clean it yourself, then you can purchase a special set in any jewelry store.
  • If you decide to go to a jewelry workshop, then use the services of those professionals who carry out only gentle cleaning of stones. The fact is that for emeralds it is extremely undesirable to use ultrasonic cleaning due to the fact that the mineral itself is not very durable. And ultrasound can cause the destruction of the stone, if it already has chips or microcracks.
  • Gentle cleaning usually refers to oil treatment and epoxy lubrication. If you are offered steam cleaning, it is better to refuse, because with fluctuations in air and temperatures, the decorative protective layer of emerald may simply disappear.
  • If for some reason this is not possible, then you can simply put the decoration in the soap solution overnight, and in the morning wash it with water and wipe it with a soft toothbrush.
  • To give the emerald freshness, you can immerse it in water with a drop of liquid ammonia diluted in it for about 15-20 minutes. After that, the ring should be pulled out, gently wiped with a cloth and let the stone dry slightly.

Brand products

Almost all large jewelry companies of the world and, in particular, Russian ones work with emeralds and offer various rings with them of any type, size and shape. For example, Twinpiks studio makes wonderful men's rings with large emeralds that emphasize the owner’s charisma and his material and professional status.

For those who love the combination of emeralds with other stones, Valtera's jewelry house makes amazing rings with emeralds and diamonds.

Domestic brands are not lagging behind, for example, the Sokolov jewelry house, which often uses emeralds from the Malyshevsky deposit for its products.

Interesting design solutions

If we talk about interesting design solutions, it should be understood that their price will be significantly higher than usual, because these things are often exclusive. Often, emeralds of unusual shape are used in such products, for example, in the form of a drop or a cube. Especially in this stands emerald ring Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska Sultan from the series of the same name, in the center of which is a large drop-shaped emerald surrounded by a large number of diamonds.

Or are frequent models of rings with a square emerald. And they are made for both men and women. At the present time, the flight of imagination of designers is simply unlimited. And each person can find for himself the very decoration that will not only perfectly complement this or that image, but also make the person recognizable everywhere.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


